the right way. Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

April 30, 2012, 1:07 a.m.

the right way.

Kurt loves Blaine. He wants him to be his forever, so he decides that their trip to Lima is the perfect occasion to propose. But somehow the universe doesn't agree.

T - Words: 3,644 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2022
944 1 0 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: This was part of Klaine Week 2012; Day 6: Proposal and Marriage

Kurt looks over at Blaine, who was driving their hired car. Blaine had just graduated Law School and in one month his inter ship at one of NY best law firms would start. So Kurt decided that it was the best time for them to visit home, given to the possibility that there wouldn’t be time for a holiday during the inter ship. Kurt stares out of the window at the dark fields and sinking sun.
He doesn’t miss Ohio. Of course he misses his family, but he could call them whenever he likes and there was nothing else here that could made him melancholic. Except for Finn, everyone had moved away as soon as possible. Rachel had moved to New York, too. He had had a fight with Mercedes last year, so he decided it was best to put their friendship to rest. Mike had opened a dancing studio in Chicago and Tina was pregnant. Kurt smiles. Everyone had made something out of their live and nothing could make him more happy. Next to him, Blaine starts to hum along with the tune played on the radio. He drums his fingers against the steering wheel and seems to be in deep thoughts. Everybody found their own way, and so did I, Kurt thinks and looks out of the window again. This week, he was going to make his luck last forever. He is going to ask him.

The second the front door of Kurt’s old house was opened, he finds himself pressed tight against his father. “I’m so happy to see you again, kiddo! How was the drive? How is New York? And Blaine!” Burt Hummel shakes Blaine’s hand. “How was the test? Did everything work out?” From the inside Carole was laughing. “Burt, let the boys in before you examine them!” Burt hugs Kurt once again and steps to the side to let Kurt in. Then he and Blaine walk towards the car to get the suitcases.
“Honey, I’m so happy to have you here again! This big house is so empty with you and Finn gone!” Carol sighs and hugs him. “How is Finn?” “He’ll be over for dinner. Actually he´ll arrive soon! And he’s bringing his new girlfriend with him, a really lovely girl.” Kurt smiles at her and kisses her on the cheek. “I’m going to help Blaine and Dad. Do you need any help with dinner?” “Oh no! You two need to rest, I’ll take care of it!” At this moment Burt and Blaine enter the room again, carrying the suitcases. “I thought you’re going to stay for a few days, not a month!” Burt jokes and puts down one of the big bags. “You always have to be prepared for everything.” Kurt answers and picks up the suitcase to carry it upstairs.
“Your family missed you so much.” Blaine says as he closes the door of Kurt’s old Bedroom. Carole and Burt had changed it into a guest room, but they’ve kept Kurt’s old bed. Kurt was lying on in, staring at the ceiling. He feels a growing need to shower or at least unpack his suitcase, but he was to tired to do anything beside lying there. He lifts up on his elbows and looks up to his boyfriend. “Come here.”

Blaine walks towards him and lets himself down on Kurt’s lap. He smiles at him and caresses his cheek with his hand. “Are you sure that you don’t want to visit your family?” Blaine simply nods and bows down to kiss Kurt softly. “I like to spend my last holiday for a long time with you and with things that are enjoyable. Visiting my parents isn’t a part of that.” Kurt doesn’t answer but kisses him again to show him that he understands. Because he does. He was there for Blaine when his father had screamed at him and he had held him all those nights in New York when the nightmares had returned. Blaine’s hands fall down to his hips, as he deepens the kiss, licking at Kurt’s lips to make them open up for him. Kurt moans in approval, sitting up so he can press Blaine closer to him.
“Boys! Finn is here!” Both man break their contact, staring at each other for a bit, before Blaine finally stands up and straightens his clothes. He holds his hand out for Kurt, to help him stand up and kisses him once more. “Finn was a cock block back in high school and he still is. Nice to know, that some things never change.” Kurt whispers and opens his bedroom door.

Finns new girlfriend was cute. She was small and had long dark red hair, put together in a high pigtail. When she laughs you could see her big white teethes and when she thought about something serious, her whole face crunches together adorably. Her name was Andrea and Kurt had decided that he likes her. She wasn’t like Rachel at all. She seems to be the typical small town girl, who was happy with her life and never thought about the big bright world. Andrea was exactly what Finn needed, given to the fact, that he was going to take over Hummel´s tire and lube one day. They could have children and enjoy their domestic little life in Lima. The dinner was over, but everyone was still seated at the kitchen table, telling each other story’s. Most of the time, Blaine was the one talking, since he always had the drive to be a little attention whore. Kurt smiles at his boyfriend and strokes his thigh during the ‘bee-and-the-dog story’, Blaine loves to tell at every party they attend to.
“And so it turned out to be the bee’s fault and the man didn’t have to pay for the ice-cream!” Blaine finishes and seems to be satisfied with the result of making everyone laugh. Kurt yawns and pats Blaine’s hipbone. “I’m tired, it was a long day.” He smiles at Andrea. “It was really nice to meet you!” Kurt stands up to shake her hand and hugs his brother. “It was nice to see you, too.” “Andi and I are going to visit you two soon! I swear!” Kurt chuckles and hugs him again. “I hope so!”
“So what have you planed for tomorrow?” Blaine asks as he pops down on bed. He had automatically choose the side where he had slept while they where teenagers and Kurt could help but grin at the memory of Blaine’s first night in his bed. Hungover and traumatized from kissing Rachel. A lot has changed since then and Kurt was glad to have such a caring, handsome and lovely boyfriend. He needs to ask him, he needs to spend his whole live with him. Kurt never wants to live a day without Blaine by his side.
But when should he ask him? He had bought the ring months ago but they’ve been busy, they haven’t been on a date for weeks. And Kurt had planned on make it special, because Blaine is special and it should be done the right way.

“I don’t know. We could sleep in and then see what we feel like doing?” He bows down to open his suitcase, cursing himself for not unpacking it earlier. He picks up his Pyjama and turns around only to be faced to Blaine, stripped down to his underwear and grinning up at him. He stands up and walks slowly towards Kurt, eyes dark and blown with lust. “Baby, I’m tired.” Kurt tries to explain, but Blaine already started to open up his button-down shirt, humming softly to himself. He lifts the shirt up and throws it towards the table on the other side of the room. “And my Dad and Carole are still awake! They could hear us!” “Then you need to stay quiet.” Blaine whispers and starts to kiss Kurt deeply. Suddenly, Kurt doesn’t feel that tired anymore.
When Kurt wakes up the next morning the sun is already up. He groans and turns on his belly, ignoring the family burn in his thighs. Blaine is still sleeping, his lips formed to a small o. Last night had been wonderful, even though Kurt had to spend to much afford to keep quiet, to completely enjoy it. But as soon as he’s back in New York there will be enough time to be loud.
Kurt shifts a bit, to lay his head down on Blaine’s chest, making him hum happily in his sleep. He needs to do it today. Maybe he should do it right now. His gaze fells on his suitcase beside their bed. Maybe he should go up and get the ring, wake Blaine up and tell him. He had planed his speech on the day he bought the ring.
“Blaine, I love you. I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you and I never stopped and I never will. I want to be there for just like you’ve been there for me. I want to take the weight of your shoulders and-“

Blaine opens his eyes and looks at Kurt. “Good Morning, beautiful.” He kisses Kurt’s forehead and Kurt immediately regrets that he hasn’t stood up to get the ring. But he needs to do it. Now. “Bl-Blaine, I need to tell you something and I thought about it for a long time. I love you and-“
There was a knock on the door and seconds later, Carol pocks her head through the door. “I’ve heard you talking, do you like to come down for breakfast? Burt is already at the shop, but he said that I should let you sleep. Do you like to have scrambled eggs?” Kurt lets his head fell into the pillow, while Blaine tells Carol that he thinks that “Scrambled eggs sounds fantastic!” Carol closes the door again and Blaine rolls on top of Kurt, nuzzling his face into his neck. “I love you,too!” he stands up to get dressed, leaving Kurt alone in bed, worrying that he may never get the possibility to ask him.
“And what are you guys planing for today?” They where sitting at the kitchen table. Blaine was stuffing himself with his second plate of eggs and Kurt was only picking at his toast. “I dunno. Maybe we could visit mum and go to the mall afterwards.” Kurt says, still staring down at his plate. “Can we go to Breadstix?” Blaine crumbles. “An excellent idea! I have to work tonight and Burt planned to order in. So you two can go out.” Kurt looks up and grins. Breadstix. Of course! He could use the most typical proposals location! They could have dinner and then he will ask him. Maybe it’s better to ask him after the dinner, in front of the restaurant, it’s still Lima after all. Still smiling he takes a bite of his toast. Tonight at Breadstix, he’ll make Blaine his fiance. —-
On their way to the mall, Blaine spotted The Lima Bean and conjured Kurt to have a Coffee with him “Like the old days”.
So now, Kurt was sitting on his favorite Desk, sipping his coffee and starring out of the window. It was still early, so there were only a few elderly people and a woman with her toddler. Blaine’s phone went of. “Hey Coop! Has everything worked out?—Yes?—-okay! Hold on a sec!” Blaine stands up, smiles at Kurt and gestures towards the phone. Kurt nods and continues to stare out of the window.

He wished he could have talked to his mother alone, but he didn’t wanted to leave Blaine alone in the car. Maybe he would feel more confident now, if he had told her what he had in mind. The ring in his pocket presses heavy against his leg, screaming at him, telling him that Blaine could say no. Kurt was sure that he was going to say yes, but what if he doesn’t? Will they break up? Will they continue their relationship? Will Kurt be able to continue the relationship? He needs tonight to come, he needs to ask him.
He looks up at Blaine, standing outside the window, smiling and talking enthusiastically with his big brother. Maybe Kurt should ask him right now. The Lima Bean is the perfect place. They had have countless dates here, even before they were a couple. He palms the ring and thinks about his possibilities. He could go out there and just tell him. Straight to his face. Then Blaine could say yes and they will dine at Breadstix as fiances. Or Blaine could say no. He would break up with him, drive to the airport, fly back to New York and move out of their apartment before Kurt arrives. Kurt sights. He can’t do this. Not here. He needs to be sure.
“Gosh, I missed Breadstix!” Blaine picks another Breadstick from the table and eats it quickly. “Can you please stop eating these? Our dinner is going to be here soon and you will loose your appetite! How old are you? Five?” Blaine grins and takes another Stick. He slowly pushes it through his closes lips, then pulls it out only to lick at the tip, not breaking eye contact with Kurt the whole time. The latter groans and starers at their neighbor table. “Blaine!” he hisses, “There are other people here!” Blaine laughs and continues to eat his Breadstick normally, still starring at Kurt. Their waiter arrives with their plates and even though Blaine had nearly eaten all the Breadsticks at their table, he still begins to eat hungrily. Kurt thinks that he will never truly understand this man.
“So, how is Coopers girlfriend?” Kurt asks shyly, trying not to give away in which direction he plans for the conversation to go. Blaine looks up from his plate and turns his head to the side. “Fine, I guess. Why are you asking?” “You talked to Cooper today, I thought maybe it was something about her..” Blaine quickly shakes his head. “No. It was- It was something else.” “How long are they together now?” “Dunno, maybe 2 years or so? At least half a century for Coopers conditions.” “Do you think they’re gonna get married?” Kurt tries to make it sound like he just tries to make small talk, but Blaine stares at him, openly confused. After a moment of silence he finally decides to answer Kurt. “No. I don’t think that this is going to happen. As kids we often talked about our parents and that my father doesn’t really love my mother. Coop used to say that he never plans on getting married, because it ‘kills the love’”. He continues to eat and Kurt let’s out a sharp breath. Before he could stop himself, the next question blurts out.
“Do you think so, too?” Blaine smiles softly and takes Kurt’s hand into his own. “I used to think so, but then I met you and your family. And there is so much love. It has given me new hope. Like I could see the other side. That it’s not all black or white. Do you now what I mean?” Kurt smiles back at him and nods. So Blaine would marry him. He clears his throat and just wanted to start his proposal when someone slides down on the bench next to him.

“Hey man! Nice to meet you here!” Noah Puckerman grins at him an pats his shoulder. “Long time no see! How are you and your little hobbit?” Puck also smiles at Blaine. “We’re fine Noah.” Please leave, he adds in his head. “Awesome! Listen up, Hummel. Me and this little princess,” he shakes his head towards a tall blond girl standing awkwardly beside him, “are heading for a party! Wanna join us?” Kurt looks up at Blaine and tries to send some inconspicuous signals towards him. Luckily, it seems to work.
“Sorry Noah, but I already planed something! Anyways, it was nice to see you again.” he answers with his oh so dapper schoolboy voice. “Fine! Maybe we’ll see each other another time, right? Enjoy your surprise, Hummel.” He yells, stands up and walks out of the restaurant, the blond girl by his side. “Is it just me, or was that a total mood killer?” Kurt sighs and toys with his empty water glass. They’ve both finished their meals and all the courage Kurt had build up to ask Blaine was suddenly missing. “Head up, Darling! I have a surprise for you!” “I thought you just said that to make him leave. What are we doing now?” “If I tell you, it’s no longer a surprise!” And there was the 5 year old again.
Half an hour later, Kurt was sitting on the passenger seat of their car, blindfolded. They had made a short stop somewhere, but Kurt wasn’t able to tell where they were now. “How long does it take to get there?” he asks for the fourth time, but Blaine still doesn’t answer him. “Are you a serial killer? Have you planned this since we started dating? That you win me over and make me trust you, so that you can drive me to your secret house in the woods and kill me?” Blaine chuckles but stays quiet. They continue driving for a long time until Blaine finally stops the car. “You must stay here! I’ll be back in a second!” Blaine presses a kiss on his temple and leaves the car. Kurt silently panics. What’s going to happen next? Where are they? Is he dressed good enough for what’s going to happen next?
The car door opens again and Blaine continues to drive. The road has changed and it sounds like they’re driving on gravel. Blaine stops the car once again and Kurt can hear his footsteps coming towards his door. He is slowly pulled out of his seat and Blaine holds him close, walks him a few steps forwards. Finally he looses the Blindfold and Kurt blinks, trying to adjust to the new light.

“Blaine, why are we at Dalton?” Blaine doesn’t answers, he just pulls a key out of his pocket and opens the massive front door. “Wait,” Kurt whispers afraid that a security man could find them any second. “How did you get the keys?” Blaine takes his hands and pulls Kurt after him, inside the house. “You know that Cooper went to Dalton,too. Well I was famous here but Coop. He was a legend. Head vocalist of the Warblers, A-Student, school president. Everyone loved him. It had really bothered me to always be in competition with him, but today I appreciate his influence.” They walk along a big corridor and towards a door. Kurt clearly remembers what’s behind this door. His breathing stops.
“Well, he not only get me the key, he also get the janitor to do some…preparation.” He turns around and pushes the door open and there it was.
The staircase. The staircase where they had met. But it looked different. There where candles everywhere. On the steps, the chairs and tables next to it and on the floor. Kurt slowly walks towards the staircase, his hand smoothing over the railing. He turns around. “Blaine, why did you do this? You- oh.” Blaine was on his knees in front of him, looking up with the most hopeful expression Kurt has ever seen on him.

“I- I’m not got at romance.’” Blaine stutters, his heart obviously racing. “That’s what I told you after the happening at the gap store. And it was true. When I first saw you, right here at this staircase, I fell for you. Hard. I didn’t know anything about you, but just one look into your eyes made me feel like I should. When I found out that you were gay, everything seemed to be so perfect, like this was meant to be. But that was also the time the fear began. I was so lucky that you wanted to be my friend, I didn’t wanted you to leave me. So I stayed quiet. I met Jeremiah and thought that he could help me to get over you, but he didn’t. Nothing had changed. I had no other possibility than telling you and everything went so much better then excepted. Here we are know, Kurt. We’ve been together since this day and I loved every single moment of it.
I loved you even though Sebastian tried to force us apart and I loved you through our stupid fight at college. What we have is something magical and I don’t want it to ever stop.” He fumbles in his pocket and pulls out a small box. Kurt hisses, this is it. It’s going to happen. “I bought this half a year ago.” Blaine chuckles and smiles at his boyfriend. “I wanted to ask you back then, between the dirty dishes and untidy floor. But you’re not like that. You always loved musicals and love movies and I may have been bad at Romance, but you have taught me everything I need to know. I wanted to do this the right way. So, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, do you want to be my husband?” Kurt’s mouth pops open as he sinks to his knees in front of Blaine. He pulls the ring box out of his own pocket and opens it. Blaine looks at it, firstly confused, but then he smiles and caresses Kurt’s cheek. “You wanted to ask me, too?” Kurt nods. “I planed it for a long time but I wanted to do it the right way.” “I say yes, obviously.” Blaine whispers. “I do, too.” Kurt answers and leans forward to kiss his boyfriend. No, his fiance. Finally.


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