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With You In My Head

Set in the middle of Shooting Star. Slight AU. Instead of Blaine having been in the choir room, he was in the boy's bathroom. Also Tina was inside the school with everyone.

T - Words: 1,257 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2013
1,520 0 0 4
Categories: AU, Drama, Suspense,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang, Will Schuester,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Blaine hugged his knees to his chest, fear clouding any rational thoughts as he hid in the bathroom stall. Why did he have to go to the bathroom? Why did he leave the Choir Room? The bathroom was such a common place; next to the library, it was one of the most featured settings for a school shooting Blaine had ever seen in movies. Blaine let out a whimper before he could bite it back.

Blaine thought about sending a text to one of the Glee members, but didn't want anything to happen to anyone if their phones were heard. Blaine closed his eyes and rested his head on his knees, trying to steady his breathing. He still couldn't understand why someone would come to McKinley with a gun. Sure, they didn't have the best track record when it came to bullying, but Blaine didn't think it was bad enough to bring a gun.

Blaine thought he heard footsteps in the hallway outside the bathroom and became instantly still as he strained his ears to listen. The footsteps grew louder, drawing nearer and Blaine's throat ran dry as he held his breath. Blaine could feel the heat of his tears pricking behind his eyes and screwed them tightly shut. Then, the worst possible thing happened.

Blaine's cell phone began to go off in his pocket. He felt the vibration start up the same time "Faith" by George Michaels blared, echoing off the bathroom walls. "Fuckfuckfuck," Blaine cursed under his breath, fishing into his pocket with trembling hands, tears flowing from his eyes because why? Why did someone have to call him now? Blaine quickly ignored the call, swallowing thickly because he saw the ID and wanted nothing more than to be able to hear their voice, and knowing that he may never hear them again.

The door to the bathroom creaked open, and Blaine bit his lip to keep himself from sobbing, tasting the metallic tang as he drew blood. The footsteps were slow, almost deliberate as they made their way further into the bathroom and Blaine held his breath, though he was sure his pounding heartbeat was a dead giveaway. "Blaine?" he heard and let out a cry because he knew that voice.

Blaine jumped off the toilet he'd been crouched on top of and unlocked the stall door before throwing it open and running into Mr. Scheu's chest. Mr. Scheu patted Blaine on the back for a moment before pulling back. "Brittany said she saw you come in here. C'mon, let's get you to the Choir Room."

The two made their way down the hallway, ducking down so they couldn't been seen over the classroom windows until they made it to the door. Will knocked three times, and a moment later the door swung open. Mr. Scheu ushered Blaine in first, and Blaine ran inside, ducking and sliding till he was sitting between Sam and Tina. Tina was crying, as was everyone else, and Blaine clutched to her as Sam put a hand on his back. "I was so worried about you, Bling Bling," Tina cried into his shoulder and Blaine kissed her hair.

"I'm okay. Everything's going to be okay." Blaine moved his head so he could get a look around the room, seeing everyone clutching together and Blaine wished it would just end.

"Blaine," Artie whispered from Tina's other side, "I'm recording messages from everyone. You know just in case." He gestured to the phone in his hand and Blaine nodded. Artie pointed it at him, and Blaine cleared his throat, but even so his voice sounded raw and choked.

"Mom, Dad, I love you both so much. You've given me so much and I always forget to thank you. You've been the best parents. Thank you. And Cooper, I know things haven't been perfect- but I love you, too." Blaine broke off; a sob broke through his speech and surprised him. Artie thought he was finished and began to lower the phone, but Blaine wasn't done yet. "And K-Kurt," Blaine forced out. He had to, just in case he never got the chance to call him back. "I want you to know that no one has ever loved more than I love you. Tell Burt I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to 'put a ring on it,' as he likes to say," Blaine said, smiling despite their situation. Blaine's mind raced as the future he may never have flashed before him. "I'm really sorry," he muttered, unable to hold back the tears again and letting his head fall back into Tina's neck. Blaine heard Kitty speak from across the room and figured she was recording her own message, when he heard a distant voice yell out like an angel.

"ALL CLEAR," a chorus of SWAT Team members called, and Blaine let out a sigh of relief. Someone turned on the lights in the Choir Room and everyone looked around before getting to their feet, shakily making their way into each other. Everyone clutched at waists and arms and shoulders, forming a large bundle of Glee kids.

"I love you guys so much," Mr. Scheu said, and Blaine had never felt closer to anyone than in that moment. Going through that together, being scared shitless and wondering if each breath would be your last, made their group hug feel more intimate than sex.

After a while, everyone began to pull away and take out their phones, and Blaine was no exception. He unlocked his phone and saw that he had about a million text messages, a majority of them from the person who'd called his earlier. Blaine quickly dialed out the number and clutched at his cell. It rang once before they picked up. "Blaine, Blaine thank god you're okay. You're okay, right? Please tell me you're okay. Oh my god my dad called and told me what was happening and I thought-" Kurt broke off, his voice cracking and Blaine felt tears forming again at Kurt's terror-stricken voice.

"I'm okay, everyone's okay. I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier."

"No, Blaine, don't be sorry. God, I still can't believe... H-How are you?"

"I don't know," Blaine said, because he honestly didn't. "Relived, but- Kurt I was so scared. I didn't think I would-" Blaine hiccupped, "would be able to hear your voice again."

"B... I love you." And just like that Blaine felt himself collapsing again, his legs unable to hold him up anymore and he slide down the wall until he was sitting back down on the floor.

"I love you, too. So much."

"I'm coming home this weekend," Kurt said. "I miss my dad, and- and I really need to see you." Blaine covered his mouth with his hand, letting out an unnamable noise.

"That sounds perfect." Blaine smiled and laid his head back against the wall. "I miss you," Blaine whispered, barely conscious of speaking it aloud.

"I miss you, too." Blaine phone beeped, and he looked at the screen and saw he was getting a call from his mom.

"My mom's calling," Blaine said regretfully, though he really did want to hear her voice as well.

"Oh, you haven't- I'll let you go then. I'm glad you're okay, Blaine."

"Me, too. I'll call you again later."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Kurt." Blaine ended the call and switched to answer his mom, not even having enough time to fully think about what Kurt's sudden visit meant before his mom was crying into his ear. "Hi, Mommy."


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