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It's Too Late

SPOILER ALERT: Episode 07X6 Blaine's reaction after attempting to tell Kurt about his feelings. Dedicated to my good friend a Beta: Louise

K - Words: 1,641 - Last Updated: Mar 28, 2015
1,282 0 0 0
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Karofsky,
Tags: friendship,

Author's Notes:

Hope yall liked it. as always please Review

Blaine stood there in the choir room staring at Kurt getting ready to leave with Walter for a date, his mind went blank. He couldnt say what he needed to say to Kurt… Not when Kurt looked so happy with Walter.

“Oh sorry were you looking for me?” Kurt said looking at Blaine.
“Urm no I was looking for Rachel” Blaine said, feeling his heart shatter, trying to play it cool.
Sam and Rachel entered the choir room Blaine couldnt focus on what they were saying it all just sounded like white noise; Kurt was happy with Walter. He had a huge lump in his throat, all his energy was going into not crying, he wasn't going to let Kurt see he'd hurt him again. The kiss that had meant so much to him had obviously meant nothing to Kurt… he'd moved on. They were all talking around him but all he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears, he couldnt see as he held back the tears that stung his eyes.
“Blaine, did you want to ask me something?” Rachel asked, as they were heading out the door.
“Uh actually I forgot” said Blaine, managing to form a sentence.
As soon as they'd gone Blaine left the room walking along the corridors… letting the tears fall that he couldnt before. Blaine found himself walking back to his apartment, knocked on the door. Given the circumstances he didnt feel right just letting himself in. Dave answered the door, his eyes a little red, he looked at Blaine questioningly unsure as to why he was here; but in some ways happy to see him.
“Um hi… can I come in?” Blaine said, looking down at his feet.
“Um yeah… you still live here I guess…” said Dave, smiling slightly, taking note of the sadness in Blaine's eyes.
“Thank you…” said Blaine walking in as Dave moved to let him past.
Blaine walked in to the apartment, everything seemed different, it had only been a few hours… but it felt odd being here. He felt like a guest in this place that only a few hours ago he'd called home. He was grateful for Dave being so understanding, letting him stay a while. He knew he must have hurt him, Dave was really into him and he really cared about Dave. He felt terrible he had cheated again on someone he really cared about.
“So how did things go with Kurt?” Dave asked, grabbing himself and Blaine a beer from the fridge.
“Well Im back here with you and not out with him so how do you think?”
“Oh, Im sorry there Blaine.” said Dave handing him the beer.
“Thanks,” he said, taking it gratefully and staring at the bottle briefly. “He was going out on a date with Walter… and he's like 70!”
“Yeah.” said Blaine, taking a large swig of his beer. “Like what is he doing chasing after a 22 year old anyway?”
“Maybe they're in love…”said Dave, sitting next to Blaine on the couch.
“Yeah…maybe” said Blaine, those words piercing his heart “But that's not the vibe I got from Kurt yesterday or earlier in the week….”
“I kinda got the feeling he was into me, wanted to try again… Im mean it was clear that he cheated to sing a duet with me… which is kinda what I did at the start... because I wanted to spend time with him… well I didnt cheat… I just asked.” Blaine said rambling, needing to get all this out “but he got funny when I brought you up… and I kinda fished to see if he did still have feelings and he batted it out so I pushed it aside… and he seemed happy when we reminisced…but then he did say something about how funny it is that people can mean so much to you at one point in your life and you barely think of them at another point. Maybe that was him telling me he was over me… But he wanted to do the duet… he changed it from Artie to me. I just don't know anymore”
“Yeah?” Blaine said, glancing at Dave
“You're rambling…” Dave chuckled, he still found it adorable.
“Sorry… there's just a lot going through my head. I should be more sensitive… you probably don't want to hear my Kurt problems… after all I hurt you…”
“Yeah.. you did… but it's okay, Ive been expecting this anyway… I guess Ive always known that Kurt is youre true love and I knew this going into the relationship, that it wasn't going to last… that it couldn't last. Im lucky to have a few months with you… you're an amazing guy, Blaine.”
“So are you and any guy will be lucky to be with you… and I really dont want to hurt you any further. So Ill stop… main reason Im here is I have nowhere else to go… My parents are outta town and I Just, I really don't want to be alone tonight” Blaine said, his voice cracking.
“What about Sam? You're good friends right?”
“He's out with them… he's with Rachel they're double dating” Blaine said finishing his beer, setting it down on the table “i dont have anywhere else to go… can I please stay the night, Ill sleep here on the couch? Ill make other arrangements tomorrow”
“Yeah… that's fine” Dave said “want another beer?”
Dave brought him one over and sat next to him. Though Blaine had broken his heart he was a really good friend… and Dave didnt want to lose that. He put his arm round Blaine's should trying to comfort him. Blaine smiled gratefully at him.
“I'm really glad I met you that night a scandals…”
“Really? Even with how it's all turned out”
“Well yeah… you're smart, funny, kind really handsome and incredible in bed” Dave laughed “You've helped me grow as a person and I genuinely feel lucky that I got to spend these last few months with you.”
“And I you… I mean despite the fact Ive been in love with someone else… you've been so good for me…I had a few control issues… and you've really helped me there.”
“I'd really like if we could say friends, if that's okay with you?”
“Yeah I'd like that.” Blaine said smiling.
“Good… now as your friend what are you gonna do about Kurt?”
“What do you mean?” Blaine asked, confused as to why he was so interested in this.
“Are you really just going to leave it there? Let him slip away?”
“Its not like I can do anything. He obviously likes Walter and I've lost my chance. It's too late. He doesnt feel the same”
“So you're just going to give up.”
“Well I'm not so much giving up as accept my fate… that Kurt and I were never meant to be.”
“You don't really believe that do you?” Dave asked disbelievingly, how could Blaine give up so easily.
“Well… yeah… he said he didnt want to marry me… threw it all back in my face, I don't know why I let myself fall for him all over again”
“Because you're not ready to let him go…” said Dave, looking at Blaine. “because you still love him…”

“But I don't want to love him anymore… It hurts too much, Dave” said Blaine, tearing up “he really hurt me when he broke it off”

“Oh B… I don't really know what to suggest”

“I think maybe I should just be single for a while” said Blaine “Let myself get over him… move on like he clearly has”

“Okay… well if that's how you feel…"

Blaine nodded, trying to hold it together. This wasn't how he'd wanted him and Kurt to end… He always kinda hoped that they would end up back together at some point. Yeah, Kurt had hurt him deeply but in the back of his mind he kept thinking that they would end up together. He guessed it was time to let go of that dream…

“Yeah Dave… it is. I don't know who I was kidding; he obviously meant what he said. We just don't work.”

“I can't make you do anything “said Dave getting them both another beer each “but I do think giving up on what you had will be a big mistake”

“Right now either way feels like one big mistake… my heart is saying go on run to his house, serenade him. But my head is saying get out now before he breaks your heart again. Either way my heart is gonna get hurt.”

Dave moved wordlessly and put his arm around Blaine holding him close. He still cared for Blaine, and he was a good friend, he was funny, cute and understood football unlike some of the guys he usually dated.

“B… I wish I could help”

“Thanks… but this is something I have to go through…”



“You can stay as long as you need… rents a bit steep for me to live here alone”

“Thanks, Dave mind if I go to bed? I'm just exhausted”

“No problem… I'm only in the next room if you need me”

“Yeah… thank you again Dave.” Blaine smiled at the other man brightly.

Blaine lay back on the couch and slowly fell asleep, hoping it'd all feel better in the morning.



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