Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Blaine hates the word fag but remember -It's just another nickname
Kurt Hummel. Hes a normal seven year old child sat on a table, in second grade with some of his best friends in the whole world. Well, first you have Artie Abrams, he normally wears sweater vests and basically is kind of a nerd but everyone likes him. You also have Brittany Pierce, her nickname is Britt. Not much more you can say about her apart from the fact that her best friend is Santana Lopez, they walk around holding pinkies. Its cute, Kurt thinks to himself as he watches the two blushing furiously, holding each others little fingers under the table. The second boy who sat on the same table was a boy named Finn Hudson, he was kind but he was also freakishly tall so Kurt didnt hang around with him too much, he was intimidated by Finns height half of the time. Next up is Mercedes, Kurt absolutely adores Mercedes. The two are joined at the hip and when they get separated, it never ends well. Have you seen seven year olds fight for what they want? Never pretty. Sat opposite Kurt is Mike, Mike is well... He is quiet, thats for sure. Although Kurt didnt talk to him much, Mike seemed like an awesome guy. Best friends with Finn, Mike and Artie, is Noah. He has a funny haircut, Kurts mind said, making Kurt almost burst into laughter right there in the middle of class. Then there is Quinn and Rachel, you might as well put them into one because they are worse than Kurt and Mercedes for being joined at the hip. They smile at each other, share quick glances and every time you look at them, their hands will be clasped together. No doubt about it. Then all alone, just like Kurt, is Sam, his hair is blonde. Too blonde, Kurt knew better than to believe him when he said he had never dyed his hair. Then last of them all is Tina. She had black hair and wore black clothes and black shoes. Kurt didnt like Tinas awful fashion very much.
All twelve of them, including Kurt, are sat around their table, also known as the ‘Green Table, having a pleasant conversation but also doing the work they are told to. Kurts mind keeps drifting off to what Ms Fray said this morning. She told the class how there will be a new kid sitting on the Green Table. Kurts mind raced with thoughts. What will he look like? What will he be like? But the question that tugged on his mind the most was Will he like boys like I like them? Of course with Kurt only being eight, he doesnt have a clue what his mind is doing. He is pretty sure normal boys dont look at boys and think of them as ‘cute. Do they? He shakes his head, ridding the thoughts and he dives back into a conversation with ‘Cedes. What he doesnt realise is just as he done that, a boy named Blaine walks into the class. His leather jacket is shrugged over his shoulders and his white t-shirt is basically painted on. The jeans he is wearing are nowhere near as tight as Kurts are, quite the opposite in fact. The boys jeans are actually very loose, half way down his backside loose. His feet are tiny, along with the little trainers fixed onto the tiny feet. Kurt turns when he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder. "Im Blaine; I believe there is a seat for me here?" Theres a soft sass to his voice and Kurt just points to the seat beside him. Blaine is just about to take the seat but Dave pulls it out, making Blaine topple onto his butt. Everyone goes wide eyed and stares at Blaine as he pounces on top of Dave, his hands against his throat, pinning him down.
"Get off me, fag," You know? For an eight year old, Dave is the oldest in the class, his vocabulary is pretty bizarre.
"Say it again, I dare you," Blaine spits and tightens the grip on Daves throat before the teacher pulls him up and off of Dave.
"Blaine, sit down," Blaine does as told, placing his feet on the desk like nothing had happened.
"You shouldnt listen you know," Kurt captures Blaines attention and they just stare into each others eyes for a while before Blaine speaks up.
"Dont know what youre talking about," Mumbles Blaine, fixing his gaze onto his fingernails.
"What?" Spits Blaine again, glaring at Kurt with the best glare he had.
"The word, dont listen to it, I get called it all the time, I dont know what it means but ..." Kurt shrugs, also fixing his gaze onto his fingernails. "Its just another nickname," Even though Kurt says that, he knows its not true. He has to cry himself to sleep every night just knowing that what Dave is saying, isnt nice. Kurt still hasnt plucked up the courage to ask his mum what it meant just yet. Maybe when hes eight? That will be better. "Who picks your clothes?" Kurt asks, giving Blaine a shock and getting an offensive look.
"My brother, his names Cooper, just call him Coop though. Everyone else does, he likes it better," Cooper doesnt have that bad of a taste in clothes, Kurt thinks but is soon snapped out of his daze by Blaine saying... Something?
"Pardon?" Kurt asks politely and Blaine breathes deeply, rolls his eyes and continues.
"I asked... Who picks your clothes?" With a smug look on his face Kurt replies.
"Me, I do it all by myself," The bell rings and they walk out of class together, Blaine frowning when he passes Dave.
"Remember, fag, its just another nickname,"
2nd time.
10 year old Blaine and Kurt are sat on the swings; they arent really swinging, more like swaying. "Hows your dad?" Both boys are staring at the floor, finding the tension too much.
"We- um -he doesnt talk much," Kurts mother had passed away two years ago and him and his dad are still devastated.
"Do- you- never mind, Im being silly, come on, I have change and we can go and get ice cream?" Kurts eyes flick up to stare at Blaines genuine smile. He hadnt seen a one of those in a long time. Kurts dad isnt smiling properly and neither are any of his friends, its like one touch and hell break but Blaine knows this isnt the case. Blaine knows that Kurt is strong and he can get through anything.
"Come on then," Kurt agrees, taking Blaines hand and strolling down the path. Blaine lay his head on Kurts shoulder and both boys are smiling happily while buying their ice cream. The conversation is on a down low while both boys took time to enjoy their ice creams.
"You have a bit-" Both boys say at the same time and burst into a fit of giggles. Before they knew it, they are taking their hands up to the other boys face and their wiping the ice cream from the corner of each others mouth. Blaine feels the blush creep up his cheeks, as does Kurt. They exchange a quick glance, smiles on their faces until-
"Yo, fags!" Blaine ducks his head instantly and Kurt reaches for Blaines hand.
"Kurt- Kurt- what do - Kurrrtttt," Blaine whines. Both boys had found out what the word fag meant and were completely and utterly destroyed.
"Awww calling for your boyfriend are you?" Dave snickers and both Kurt and Blaine take deep breaths. Blaines deep breaths however, dont work and he releases the grip of Kurts hand and runs off in tears.
"Look what youve done!" Kurt runs, obviously trying to find Blaine and when he does, Blaine is curled into himself, rocking back and forth.
"Kurt?" Blaine looks up to see Kurt standing there beautiful as ever. What made him so upset is the fact that Blaine thinks, knows, he might actually be gay.
"Im here but Blaine? Remember? Fag, its just another nickname," Kurt knows it isnt, Blaine knows it isnt. They just refuse to believe that fact.
3rd time.
Two thirteen year old boys are sat on Kurts bed, watching Aladdin. "I love this part," Blaine whispers, letting his head fall on Kurts shoulder. Out of habit, Kurt starts running his fingers through Blaines unruly curls. Neither of the boys think anything of it but Burt still raises a suspicious eyebrow.
"You love every part," Kurt laughs and Blaine giggles as Kurt wraps an arm around Blaines shoulders.
"Well, thats true, Im glad you invited me over," Blaine smiles and snuggles further into his best-friends side.
"Im glad you accepted," Kurt cranes his neck and places a kiss on the top of Blaines head, Blaine just smiles and tightens his grip on Kurts waist. The watch the rest of the film in silence, well apart from Kurts dad telling them he is leaving for about 15 minutes.
Blaine is mid yawn when his phone rings, without checking the caller ID he picks up and puts it on speaker.
"Youre a fag," Comes from the other end of the phone and Blaine sends Kurt a helpless look.
"W-Whos this?" Blaines croaky voice comes out.
"Who do you think faggot?" Blaine quickly presses the hang up button and crawls onto Kurts lap, not caring if he was allowed to or not.
"Its not fair, its just so not fair," Blaine is whispering into Kurts chest, gripping the cloth as tight as he could, so tight his knuckles turn white.
"Youre right, its not, they have no right to call you that," Blaine feels like a coward, he knows hes gay, so why deny it?
Blaine yawns and snuggles deep down into Kurt just as his breath evens out.
"Remember Blaine. Fag, its just another nickname,"
4th Time
Two sixteen year olds are sat in hospital. One has severe bruising to his ribs, maybe a damages lung, a black eye, a bust lip, 5 stiches down his side, a fucked ankle, and 2 stiches to his temple whereas the other boy just has tears streaming down his face. "Blaine, please wake up, come on, you cant let Karofsky win, Blaine, please!" Kurts grip just tightens on Blaines lifeless hand. At that very point, Kurts dad, Burt, Kurts new step-mom, Carole and Kurts new step-brother, Finn walk through the door. Its strange that after all these years, they only get together now. Kurts heart is beating out of his chest whereas Blaines is barely beating at all.
"Hell be fine kid, come on, its late, we came back to ask if you are coming home?" Kurt shakes his head and crawls into the hospital beside a bruised Blaine. "Okay, just dont move about too much, I dont think Blaines state will like that very much, good night," The three visitors left and Kurt snaked his arms around Blaines waist very gently.
"When you wake up, we will tell them you know?" Kurt and Blaine still havent told a responsible adult about Karofsky, scared of what he will do if he finds out. "Goodnight," Kurt places a gentle kiss to the back of Blaines head and falls into a deep sleep wondering about when they will share their first kiss.
Even though Kurt is in quite deep, he still wakes when he feels movement beside him and hears a grunt. "Blaine? Blaine!" Kurt shoots up and looks to see Blaine trying to open his eyes.
"K-Kur... t-that y-?"
"Yes, yes its me! Blaine come on, can you open your eyes?" Blaines eyes flick open and bore into Kurt.
"Fag... it- its a horrible word,"
"But - Fag, its just another nickname!"
5th time
Graduation day. Kurts mind is racing. After summer, he and Blaine are ready to leave to New York. Its 8am and Blaine is ready and waiting outside the Hudson-Hummel house with a bouquet of red roses for Kurt. Blaine is ready, he has his speech and is prepared. With one knock, Kurts door flings open and Kurt eyes Blaine suspiciously. "Flowers?"
"Flowers," Blaine nods and places the bouquet in Kurts hands.
"Their beautiful," Just like you Kurts mind adds and he tells himself off. He cant think like that. All those times Blaine was called a fag, it hurt him so much so surely, hes not gay? Carole takes the flowers and places them in a vase as Kurt and Blaine leave, strolling down the path hand in hand. As it is every morning, the word ‘fag is thrown in their direction and to Kurts surprise. Blaine doesnt even flinch.
"Graduation?" Blaine states but it is more of a question.
"Graduation," Kurt sighs and squeezes Blaines abnormally soft hand
As the Glee club are singing ‘Glory Days, names of graduates are being called and eventually Kurts name is called, he comes down in his red robe on his body and his oh so very special mortarboard, accepting his diploma and moving the tassel from the right to the left, Blaine following close behind, doing the same actions. To Kurts surprise Blaine is first to do his speech, as apparently requested. As he went to centre stage, the word Fag was tossed at him but again, he didnt flinch.
"So, lets just start by saying I have had an amazing year, all my friends here have been totally supportive and surprisingly, no one joked about my height, just other stuff. If youve known me for long enough, you know a certain word which... gets to me. Each time this word was said someone was there for me, one person, no one else. Just him. His name is Kurt Hummel. He is amazing and he needs to come to centre stage right now," Blaine turns to see Kurt wide eyed, also teary eyed. However, Kurt still walks to the centre stage, smiling brightly. The two boys face each other with big bright smiles. "Kurt Hummel? I love you," Blaine removes his cap as he kissed Kurt passionately and throwing it up in the air. As did Kurt. Blaine grabs Kurts hand tightly, lacing their fingers together.
"And the word fag? Well, its just another nickname,"