March 9, 2012, 1:13 a.m.
March 9, 2012, 1:13 a.m.
"No! I won't ruin the best thing i have in my life, because you're jealous and upset that you can't have him. You don't even like him you're just a sick pervert who wants him just to say he's yours, to control him and turn him on me like you did with these guys, Blaine loves me and I love him."
12:02: Kurt? Can you meet me somewhere at 12:30?
Kurt looked at the text before recognizing the number.
12:05: Sure, David. what’s up?
He got dressed as he waited for a response, he texted Blaine right before.
Text: can i talk to you?
Kurt didn’t wear anything too fancy, David was always in his warblers uniform anyway.
12:10: I have something to give you, to show you how much we loved having you at Dalton.
Kurt smiled, he was confused. But he and David were pretty good friends from what he remembered.
12:12: Sure, i’ll be there soon.
12:14: Okay, see you there.
Kurt grabbed his keys and headed out the door, Leaving a note for his dad to find.
I’ll be gone for a bit, but i’ll be home before 3:00
Love, Kurt. :)
He started his engine and arrived at the place David had requested to meet him at 12:25. He waited in his car until 12:29 then as he stepped out, he grabbed his keys and his cell phone.
12:30: Okay, i’m here.
12:31: Great, i’ll be there in a second.
Kurt waited as he checked his phone to see if Blaine had texted him back, nothing so far. I hope he’s alright.
It wasn’t long before David showed up with Wes and Trent.
“Hey guys.”
Kurt said with a smile.
“Hey.” They all said at the same time.
“What’s going on?”
Trent frowned, “We have… a surprise for you.”
“So i’ve heard.” Kurt said with a smirk.
“Glad ya decided to show up, Hummel.”
Kurt froze and turned around.
“Didn’t think getting you here would be that easy, what’d Dave tell you?”
David walked over toward the man, Trent followed. Wes stayed behind.
“I think i’m just gonna wait here, I’m feeling sick.”
David sighed. “We all had a deal… Wes, all of us. Let’s go.”
Kurt stood there in shock.
“What’s going on?”
“Shut up, gay face. Follow me.”
Kurt was still shocked, but he followed.
Why am i following him? I’m turning around and i’m going home.
Kurt backed away and started to walk.
“Hold it.”
“Leave me alone, Sebastian.”
“Not leaving so soon, are you?”
Kurt reached for his phone, but he couldn’t find it.
Sebastian held it up in his hand.
“Looking for something? Grab him guys.”
David grabbed his right arm, Trent hesitated but followed David’s lead.
“What’re you doing? Let me go!”
Kurt struggled to break free.
“Break up with Blaine.”
“W- No!”
“Break up with him.”
“Or what?”
“You really want to find out?”
“I’m not doing that, ever. Not for anything.”
Sebastian sighed and fixed his blazer.
Trent and David grabbed his arms.
“I t- I thought you guys were my friends.”
Trent looked down before whispering. “I’m so sorry, Kurt.”
Sebastian took one more look at him before dragging him into the alley, hitting him once and knocking him down.
“S-S-top!” Kurt struggled to breathe.
“Break. Up. With. Bl-“
“No! I won’t ruin the best thing i have in my life, because you’re jealous and upset that you can’t have him. You don’t even like him you’re just a sick pervert who wants him just to say he’s yours, to control him and turn him on me like you did with these guys, Blaine loves me and I love him.”
“Which is… why he cheated on you?”
“He didn’t! He’d never do that.”
“It’s true.” Trent mumbled.
“What?” Kurt managed to choke out.
“He’s a liar, where’d you think he went when he left breadstix for so long.”
Kurt thought for a second. “He… He was sick…”
“yeah, sick of you.” Sebastian chuckled.
“I’m only looking out for you Kurt.” He smiled again.
Kurt tried to turn and run- block out what horrible things they were saying to him. He knew they weren’t true. He knew it. Sebastian grabbed him again and hit him, knocking him out this time.
When he woke up it was 1:15. His phone was on the ground next to him, and they were all gone. His clothes were torn and he was all scraped up and bloodied. He tried to keep the tears in… at least long enough so he could make it to his car. He was sore, he hurt everywhere. When he climbed into his car it hurt to sit. He checked to see if Blaine texted back, and he hadn’t. He rested his head on the steering wheel as he let everything out. About 2 minutes later someone knocked on his car window. It was Wes. Kurt started his car and tried to drive away.
“Kurt! Stop, i’m your friend! Please! Everyone else is gone…”
Kurt stopped his car and rolled down the window, never making eye contact.
“What… happened back there?”
“You would know if you didn’t bail on your friends.” He choked out.
“Kurt, they aren’t my friends… i didn’t realize what they were doing until Seb showed up. Honest.”
Kurt didn’t even bother to wipe away the tears. Wes looked in the window.
“What happened to your arms? Did you cut yourself?”
Kurt started the engine and drove away.
He looked in his rear view mirror to see Wes standing there, just… standing there.
He cried the whole way home and he dried the tears before walking into the house and climbing into bed. He felt dirty, he needed a shower, but it hurt to move.
He finally got a text back from Blaine to which he responded.
Text: Nothing, Nevermind. I found the answer. How’re you?
He threw the phone back onto the bed and dozed off to sleep, waking up an hour or so later and forcing himself to take a shower. He was bruised badly, he knew people would notice, but he would have no choice but to plead the fifth. He watched the blood flow down the drain as he looked at his arms. He didn’t want to believe this, he didn’t want to feel this. He didn’t want… to be alive. he got dressed and logged on to tumblr, he had a few questions so he opened the box to read them. They were all anonymous, but he knew who it was. “Tell them or i will.” He choked back the tears. His life was over.
He was done crying, he was done with everything. Nobody knew, and nobody would. Unless Wes told them, in which Kurt could easily deny.
With that he fell asleep, and for the first time in a long time. Stayed asleep.
Until tomorrow when he knew he’d have to wake up, he knew he’d have to face his friends, he knew what lie’d ahead of him.
The thought made him sick, he hated everything now. He was lost and so confused. Who was he? Did Blaine lie? No, he’d never do that, he loves you. That’s what Kurt had to think in order to fall back asleep.