July 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
July 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
Three times Kurt and Blaine almost kissed (Pre-Original Song)
Kurt practically ran through the corridor, trying to make it to Warblers practice on time. As he turned the corner, he didn't have time to react before running straight into another body, sending papers flying through the air and his unfortunate victim tumbling to the floor. Kurt's hands flew up to his face, trying to mask the redness of his cheeks.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Kurt said, muffled behind his hands. He peeked through his fingers and his mortification grew tenfold when he saw Blaine, still sitting on the floor surrounded by a sea of sheet music.
"Kurt, it's okay," Blaine smiled up at him from the floor before starting to pick up the papers.
Kurt quickly set his bag down and kneeled next to him, scrambling to help. They worked together quickly, setting each sheet onto a neat pile in front of them. They both noticed a stray paper a few feet away, and as both of them reached for it, their heads knocked together. They both jumped back, laughing a bit through the pain.
Kurt brought his hand to his forehead, trying to rub away the soreness. He looked over at Blaine, who was looking at him in concern.
"Are you alright?" Blaine asked, furrowing his eyebrows placing a hand on Kurt's arm.
"M'fine. It may bruise a bit, but that's what cover up is for," Kurt said, trying to lighten the mood. Blaine shifted closer to him, and Kurt could feel his heart speed up.
"Let me see," Blaine pulled Kurt's hand from his head and replaced it with his own. Blaine's thumb ran softly over the soon-to-be lump on his forehead and they were so close that Kurt could feel Blaine's breaths on his cheek. Blaine's hand stilled as their eyes met, but it stayed in its place against the side of Kurt's face.
"I think you'll be okay," Blaine was speaking softly, almost at a whisper. "I'm sorry for hurting you."
"I'm not hurt," Kurt responded just as quietly. He swallowed as Blaine move even closer, his eyes flickering down to Blaine's lips.
"Hey! You two coming or not?"
Kurt exhaled the breath that he had been holding as Blaine moved back and called over his shoulder.
"Be right there, Wes!" Blaine stood up and offered a hand to Kurt, who took it and allowed himself to be helped off of the floor. They gathered up their things in silence and walked to the Warblers practice room. As they took their seats, Kurt couldn't help but return Wes' friendly wave with a scowl.
Dalton may have been a big, fancy school with a steep tuition and high quality blazers, but Kurt quickly found out that the students were just as much teenagers as the boys at McKinley. This included a penchant for acting like children when the opportunity presented itself.
Kurt was half-way through eating lunch when the first shot was fired. A glob of homemade macaroni and cheese suddenly appeared on the side of Jeff's face, and from that point on, the room was in chaos. Kurt somehow managed to slide underneath the table relatively unscathed, but he knew that unless he planned on staying there for a while, he would take a few hits as he ran from the area. He was planning his route when Blaine slid in next to him, a green bean in his hair and mashed potatoes - or maybe alfredo sauce - covering his shoulder.
Kurt laughed when he saw Blaine's state, earning him and eye roll and a crooked smile. He turned his attention back to the situation around their table, trying not to think about how close he and Blaine were to each other. He spotted the doorway and was happy to see that there were only a couple boys near it, the majority of them in a heated battled by the windows. Without thinking too much about it, Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and quickly got out from under the table, yanking Blaine with him.
They laughed as they approached the door and managed to get out without much damage. Kurt turned around to comment on their stealth-like getaway, but all words were knocked out of him as he found himself with an armful of Blaine.
"My hero," Blaine laughed as he spoke, his arms tight around Kurt's waist. Kurt was used to the hugs by now. He had quickly discovered that Blaine was a naturally affectionate person, and he had told himself many times that it didn't mean anything.
"I hardly think that pulling you away from flying food products would qualify as heroic," Kurt said, laughing lightly as he brought his hands to Blaine's chest and pushed gently, the embrace a bit too much for him to handle. He was very surprised to feel Blaine's arms tighten around him.
"I think you may have saved me from more than that," Blaine said, locking his gaze with Kurt's. They stood there like that for a moment, and just as Kurt was starting to think ‘this is it', Blaine started to laugh. Kurt's face started to fall, but he managed to catch it and turn it into a smile.
"What's so funny?" Kurt asked as he succeeded in pulling away, taking a couple steps back.
Blaine reached over and pulled something from Kurt's hair, holding it up in between them.
Of course, Kurt thought, The moment was ruined by a pickle chip.
"Hey, Kurt. Remind me again what we're doing?"
Kurt rolled his eyes and stuck his head out of his closet, glaring at Blaine, who was sprawled out on his bed.
"The seasons are changing, Blaine, you know that," Kurt replied, trying to not get sucked in by how adorable Blaine looked when he pretended to be a starfish. "It's time to change over my clothes, and, if I remember correctly, you offered to help."
"Right," Blaine said, sitting up to sit crossed-legged in the middle of the bed. "Do you mind if I turn on some music?"
"Be my guest," Kurt answered, returning to his closet. He heard Blaine turn on the radio and it made him smile a bit. Blaine always got excited by music, and Kurt never turned down an opportunity to have Blaine sing and dance around him.
The time went by faster after that, with Kurt joining Blaine in song once in a while as he sifted through his wardrobe. He was about to start on his accessories when he was yanked away from his dresser by a very enthusiastic Blaine.
"Come on, Kurt. Dance with me," Blaine said, sticking out his bottom lip and looking at Kurt through his obscenely long lashes. "Please?"
Kurt couldn't help but laugh and the next thing he knew, he and Blaine were bouncing around the room trying to out-dance each other. Kurt was impressed by Blaine's extensive knowledge of disco moves and Blaine nearly fell over laughing as Kurt started to do "the lawnmower" across the room.
They continued dancing for a couple of songs, each of them taking turns trying to outdo the other with their performance skills. It was during one very complex spin that Kurt managed to trip over one of the piles of clothing that were placed on the floor like land mines. Without thinking, he grabbed onto Blaine, trying to stay upright, but instead fell backward onto the bed, with Blaine stumbling down on top of him.
They were both breathing heavily from exertion and Kurt could feel Blaine's knee pressing uncomfortably against his thigh. As he looked up, Kurt saw that Blaine had ‘that look' again, and his stomach started to do somersaults because there was no way this wasn't going to happen. Blaine was looking back down at Kurt with a fond smile, his eyes piercing and dark.
Kurt ran his hand nervously up Blaine's arm until his it rested on the back of his neck. He was met with no resistance as he started to gently pull Blaine down, Blaine's face becoming fuzzy as he got closer and closer.
"Hey, guys! Mom's making dinner and she - " Finn stopped talking just as Kurt and Blaine looked over to the doorway. "What are you guys doing?"
Blaine jumped up quickly, his face beet red. Kurt managed to keep his cool despite the increasing rage he felt at another wasted opportunity.
Maybe next time.
I miss Dalton and Warbler!Klaine so much recently, it was great to read this! It's so cute and fluffy, I love it! Great job :)