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Best Kind of Day

Kurt and Blaine are idiots in love and so precious I'm going to barf omg little angels they have sex and they love each other and i love them i cant even

E - Words: 1,216 - Last Updated: Nov 30, 2012
963 0 0 3
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: aw yiss my little angels love each other after i post this im rolling into a vat of acid i love you guys so much im drunk on these idiot's love
These kinds of days were the best.

Kurt was lying in his bed in his yoga pants and a big t-shirt, with Blaine curled up against his side, half-asleep. They had to house to themselves for a few more hours, before Carole was due home for work and Burt away in D.C.; true to character, they decided to spend the time finishing their homework. While Blaine had finished his homework half an hour ago, Kurt still had a few more chapters of reading to do for English. His boyfriend didn’t mind in the slightest, he’s just glad to spend time with him. Things like this, simple domestic things settled in their hearts with a calmed content: like being home.

“How’s the book?” Blaine murmured against Kurt’s neck while he turned the page.

“Mmmm. I don’t understand what’s going on.” He leaned his head on Blaine’s, eyes fluttering closed while he tried to focus on the tiny print of the page.

“It’s Kafka—you don’t have to.” The taller boy dog-eared the page and set it on his nightstand.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to do homework in bed. The mind wanders too easily.” Kurt toyed with Blaine’s hand, pushing his fingers between Blaine’s.

“What about anatomy?” Blaine giggled and pressed a soft kiss right against Kurt’s neck and squeezed his hand around his boyfriend’s.

“You’re such a dork.” Kurt squeezed back while butterflies rushed through his stomach. Even being together for almost ten months, Blaine still made him feel like he was the sun and the moon in the sky.

“But you love me anyway.” He pressed another kiss into his neck, and another flood of contentment washed over Kurt. “Which is one of the many reasons I love you.” Propped up on his arm, he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend, who immediately cupped his hand around Blaine’s face, holding him there as they shifted, with Blaine hovering over, kissing Kurt slow and deep. For a minute, it was slow and intimate and them: two boys quietly in love. They shifted themselves to sit up, Blaine arched to keep their lips as close as possible, his hands now on Kurt’s waist. Soon enough, he had Kurt pinned up against the headboard and straddled his hips. It only took a soft bite at his lower lip for Kurt to thrust up and begin unbuttoning Blaine’s shirt. The other boy had gotten to work at his, but stopped when Kurt slid his hands on the back of his thighs, causing him to gasp for a moment and pull away from the kiss.

“Oooh. Kurt. I love the way you touch me.” The two of them stayed for a moment, bodies pressed on each other, hands firm, holding each other, foreheads leaning against one another. “How much further would you like this to go?” Blaine asked: it was customary for them to check with each other and make sure the other was comfortable with what they were doing. After their first time, they had decided that they would check with each other before anything too PG-13 happened.

“Hmm. I’d really like to make love to you. How does that sound?” Kurt had a contented smile as he asked, the kind that Blaine couldn’t help but return.

“Yes, please, that sounds amazing.” He pulled his hands up from Kurt’s waist to weave his fingers through his soft chestnut hair. They fell right back into a long, warm kiss, parting only for Kurt to pull his shirt over his head, discarding it on the floor. For a few more moments they remained there, pulsing against each other, holding each other close. But once Kurt brought his hands up to undo Blaine’s pants, the other boy started at his neck again, careful and tender, pulling away only to discard his pants and briefs and help Kurt out of his.

“I love you.” Blaine said as Kurt reached over to his nightstand. He leaned back over, pecking Blaine on the lips before uncapping the lube and reaching around to stretch him out.

“I love you more.” He challenged back, kissing the sentiment into his neck briefly as he pulled Blaine open with one—and soon two—crooked fingers. Blaine almost immediately fell over Kurt, on his knees and head resting on his lover’s shoulder, hands having wandered to the small of his back. He moaned with the sensation of Kurt in and around him and right here and loving him like this. When Kurt pressed a third finger along the rim, Blaine started rocking into him, desperate for the touch and for more. He grabbed the lube to spread over Kurt’s cock, who gasped at the coldness and the firm touch as he rubbed it up and down. Kurt pulled his fingers out slowly and carefully and pulled Blaine closer to line himself up. He thrusted up, barely inside him.

“Kurt. Kurt.” Blaine moaned as he adjusted to the change. There weren’t really any other words to say, just each other’s names as they shifted closer and deeper into each other. When Blaine had settled all the way down, he leaned into Kurt, who quickly met his lips for another kiss. The two of them sat together, letting the moment sink into their skin, how close they were, how much they love each other. Once he was sure of it, Kurt began rolling his hips into Blaine, whose head rested on Kurt’s shoulder and arms wrapped around his waist delicately, fingers pressing into his back. They started slow and steady, each nerve alight like a Christmas tree. But Blaine started moaning again, asking for Kurt, wrapping his arms tighter. They moved together in the quiet, only ever punctured by Blaine’s or Kurt’s moans, which were long and unabashed and just barely about the pleasure but more about what the pleasure meant to both of them.

When Blaine started to climax, Kurt thrusted harder and faster than he thought his muscles could do; Blaine met that same level of energy, wanting to give back everything Kurt was giving him right then. They finished together, not quite as loud as usual, but it had a stronger sense of love and affection than they’d ever had before. Granted, that was what usually happened whenever they made love. They knew there was a distinction between having sex and making love, and they both took different accounts for each. Blaine fell onto Kurt, exhausted, still trying to catch his breath.

“C’mon Blaine, come lie down with me.” Kurt pulled himself out and Blaine shifted over, lying down on the bed and opening his arms, which Kurt shifted into with a warm sigh. Blaine’s mouth was just close enough to press gentle kisses onto Kurt’s nose while he wrapped him up in his arms. Usually, Kurt did the holding or was the big spoon just because Blaine had a tendency to curl into Kurt’s side and scrunch up as close as possible; that just made him appreciate the way they shifted positions sometimes even more. Kurt balled up against Blaine, head resting on his shoulder. For about half an hour, they stayed like that wrapped up in each other, taking their time simply because they could.

Yes, this is the best kind of day.
End Notes: gayngels ~


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