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Nov. 9, 2011, 5:51 a.m.


A short drabble about the auditorium scene in 3.05.

K - Words: 874 - Last Updated: Nov 09, 2011
1,070 0 1 2
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes: Blaine has always tried to make other proud.
"I was so proud to be with you." Kurt says as he looks into Blaine's eyes. In that moment Blaine's heart flutters widely in his chest. His breath hitches and he desperately tries to hold back the tears that are springing to his eyes. Kurt had just told him that he was proud of him. Blaine tries his hardest to hold himself together as he feels himself falling apart.

All his life Blaine has strived to make the people around him proud. When he was little it was simple things like spending a little extra time on art projects in school so his mommy would hang them up on the refrigerator, or staying up late underneath the covers trying to memorize his spelling words so his dad would tell him he had done a good job. When Blaine got older this desire to make people proud seemed to be harder to obtain.

Blaine was an exceptional student and quite the athlete. Succeeding in both upper level courses and in polo and fencing, to any one on the outside he would seem like the model son and that any parents would be very proud to have him as part of their family. But on the inside the Anderson family nothing but shame and hate was directed towards Blaine. Because while Blaine seemed to be perfect on the outside, he was always desperately trying to hide his true self. Blaine was gay. He knew it, and his parents knew it. But it was something that nobody talked about. But the hiding seemed to work well for the Anderson family; until Blaine couldn't hide anymore.

In his eight grade year Blaine laid his eyes on a beautiful boy, his name was Ryan. To Blaine's surprise Ryan was also gay. The two boys bonded quickly and shared a deep friendship. Blaine confided his deepest secrets in Ryan. Blaine told him how his family wasn't proud of him because of his orientation. Ryan held Blaine as he cried after his confession and told Blaine that it didn't matter what his parents thought. The two boys then made a plan to attend the Sadie Hawkins dance together. Blaine was thrilled, but as he left the house that evening his heart thumped nervously in his chest. The night was wonderful, the two boys danced till their hearts were content. At the end of the night Ryan pulled Blaine out of the schools gym and headed to a darkened corner of the parking lot. There Blaine had his first kiss. As their lips parted Blaine heard a shout from across the parking lot. The next thing Blaine remembered was pain then blackness.

He woke up in the hospital his mother and father were standing by his bed. The look of disappointment on their faces hurt Blaine more than the beating he had just endured. His parents told him as soon as he recovered he would be transferred to Dalton, a boarding school in Westerville. They explained that he would have a bank account in his name and that he would be in charge of managing his life. They then walked out of the room. In that moment Blaine realized his dream of making the people around him proud would never come true.

Blaine's transfer to Dalton went as smoothly as possible. And soon Blaine was at the top of his class and he was the star of the schools show choir, the Warblers. Despite his past Blaine never lost that desire to make others proud.

As his years at Dalton progressed Blaine became the favorite of many. Blaine liked being the favorite, because he knew that by being well liked he was in turn possibly making other proud. And while that made Blaine happy there was a part of him always searching for more. And one fateful day that something more came into Blaine's life.

Kurt was breathtaking; from the moment Blaine first laid eyes on him Blaine knew this boy was special. Kurt and Blaine quickly became friends. Blaine was Kurt's courage, and Kurt was Blaine's heart. The two boys shared everything. And every day of his life Blaine strived to make Kurt proud of him. Because Blaine had never loved anyone more, not his parents, not his Warblers friends. Nothing matter but Kurt and if Blaine could make Kurt proud than Blaine would be happy.

So in that moment on the stage with their bodies pulled close together, and Kurt's breath against his face that he knows that everything is going to be ok. The two share a passionate kiss, full of love and want. Kurt pulls back letting out a ragged breath; "You take my breath away. And not just now but tonight on that stage. I was so proud to be with you." Proud, Kurt had just told Blaine that he was proud of him. Blaine looks down trying to hold in the tears that are threatening to spill over. His heart feels like it going to burst, this is the moment he has been waiting his whole life for. He has made the person he most loves proud of him. He looks up and meets Kurt's impossibly blue eyes, and says in a voice thick with tears; "I hope so, I want you to be."


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Oh. My. Warblers. This is so...gosh. This could almost be canon. I mean, the look on his face when Kurt pulled away, it was so full of hurt and his past, but when he looked up at Kurt and spoke, the love and happiness and everything was so much. And this totally expresses that. Wow. Bravo. Words can't even express...