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The Make Up

Kurt and Blaine have just broken up. Following their stories in the few hours after they part. Set from both points of view. (I as the author is not siding with either, but the boys both claim it is all their fault.)

T - Words: 1,276 - Last Updated: Oct 01, 2012
858 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,

Blaine stared at his hands. The room was quiet. Too quiet.

But, he was the only one here, of course it’d be quiet. The hotel room he’d rented was nice, and for a split second, Blaine wished Kurt had come back with him so they could fawn over it together. But then he remembered.

Blaine wasn’t even crying. He was just frozen numb. What he said before….he didn’t mean that. He wished, no he prayed to every single God that neither he, nor Kurt, believed in, that he could take everything back. He’d been stupid, that’s for sure. He just lost the love of his life. And it was entirely Blaine’s fault.

Being without Kurt’s physical presence in Lima was so much better than not having Kurt at all. He would gladly take their nightly Skype sessions, sometimes cut short by homework, Kurt’s internship, and various activities they both did to fill the void the other had left, over having nothing at all. He would deal with a daily good morning text instead of a good morning kiss from Kurt, if it meant they were still together.

Blaine was just stupid. He couldn’t believe he’d told Kurt it was over. Blaine was still, head over heals, heart stopping, breathtakingly in love with this beautiful, amazing man, Kurt Hummel. And he threw it all away because he thought that was what was best for Kurt. Oh, how he was completely wrong.

He looked at his watch. Midnight. Kurt would be in bed by now, he’s sure. He’d probably cried himself to sleep. How could have he been so stupid? Blaine started to cry, burying his face in his hands and whispering Kurt’s name over and over again.



Blaine….Blaine Anderson. Blaine Michael Anderson. His Blaine. His dapper cute, bow tie loving, sweetheart Blaine. That’s all Kurt could think about. That’s all that had been going through Kurt’s head since he showed back up at his apartment. Rachel was gone, she’d gone out with Finn as a goodbye dinner and then she was meeting Brody for a late movie. She’d probably stay the night there.

Blaine was wrong. Kurt didn’t want this time to himself to enjoy New York. He wanted to share it with Blaine. But maybe, he’d come off that way for the past couple of weeks he’s been gone.

Oh god.

He’d been ignoring Blaine. Looking back, Kurt remembered when Blaine was running for student body president. On Skype that night, Blaine had talked about his campaign, but all Kurt wanted to do was talk about New York. And that night he was with Isabelle and the others from Vogue, Kurt had ignored Blaine’s phone call. He didn’t find out until the next day that Blaine had won! Kurt had forgotten to call his boyfriend back. How could he do that to Blaine?

Kurt felt sick.

He ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet bowl three times, before collapsing on the floor in a fit of tears. Let Rachel find him dead on the bathroom floor, his clothes wrinkled and dirty. Kurt didn’t care! He laid his head face down on the side of the bathtub, hysterically bawling his eyes out. It was the hardest he’d ever cried in his entire life. He couldn’t stop. Everything was all Kurt’s fault.


Blaine suddenly sat up, after a few minutes of crying. It was almost 12:30am. And he was going to get Kurt back, if it was the last thing he ever did. Blaine grabbed his phone and wallet off the bedside table, and sprinted out of the room, forgetting to put on shoes and not bothering to turn the lights off, but just slamming the door shut behind him. He tore down the long hallway, trying desperately to find the stairs. It would take too long to wait for the elevator.

Blaine ran down four flights of stairs before he finally reached the street. Even for 12:30, it was still packed and busy. Taking off in the direction of Kurt’s apartment, he ran as fast as he could, three city blocks.


His crying had subsided to short shaky breaths and a couple tears slipping out, as he wore himself out and was almost asleep on the floor, head resting on the bathtub. Kurt still lay crying on the bathroom floor when he heard a loud knock on the front door. He tried to ignore it, but it wouldn’t stop. Someone was literally pounding on the door over and over again. He hoped it was just Rachel, who forgot her key or something.

“I’m coming! Jeez, knock it off!” He screamed as loud as possible, hoisting himself up in a fit of anger. How dare someone interrupt him while he wallowed in self-pity over his breakup with Blaine?

He stomped to the door, flinging it open and scowling at whoever was there. And then he actually saw who was standing there. Blaine Anderson stood at his front door, breathing heavily, eyes blood shot red like his and were still streaming angry tears and his feet were bare.

Blaine stood at the door, still crying, looking at his now ex-boyfriend, who also looked like complete shit. Kurt’s hair was sticking up, like he’d been pulling at it, his eyes were a bloody red, his mouth wet, actually his entire face was soaked and dirty. His clothes were wrinkled.

“Kurt.” He whispered brokenly. He collapsed into Kurt’s arms as Kurt reached out for him, pulling him close and kissing him passionately, their tear stained cheeks rubbing together and mixing their pain. Kurt pulled away first, wiping his nose on his sleeve and staring at Blaine.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, it was all my fault. Please just…just please take me back!” Blaine cried, Kurt could barely understand his words.

“Yes, yes just come here.” Kurt mumbled through tears, roughly pulling Blaine inside, sliding the door closed and hugging him tightly. They clung to each other, eventually slumping down on to the floor, for an hour, until their tears slowed.

“Kurt…” Blaine whispered, once he was able to talk.


“I didn’t…I’m sorry. I thought…I thought it was what you needed. I was being so clingy.” Blaine played with the button on his shirt, not looking up at Kurt.

“It was my fault. I was being a terrible boyfriend. Ignoring your calls…not listening…”

“You weren’t a bad boyfriend.” Blaine cut in, looking deep into Kurt’s eyes. “We’re both just stupid. It was both our faults.” He sniffed.

“I love you, Blaine. I’m sorry for everything.” Kurt whispered, taking Blaine’s hand into his.

“I’m sorry too. I love you Kurt. You’re the love of my life, and I mean that.” Blaine leans in to kiss him softly. They’re both just so exhausted from crying all night, they slump against each other on the floor in silence before Kurt suggests they go lay in his bed. They both trudge over there, laying down and wrapping each other up in a tangle in arms and legs, snuggling as close as possible.

“You ran all the way here…with no shoes on?” Kurt asked finally, smiling tiredly at Blaine’s feet.

“Anything for you, Kurt.” Blaine breathes and leans in to kiss Kurt. “We’re never breaking up again.”

“I agree.” Kurt whispers. “It was the worst moment in my entire life. But right now, it’s one of the best, because I get to spend time with you.”

“I love you, Kurt Hummel.”

“I love you too, Blaine Anderson.”


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