Pocket Watches And Cupcakes Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

June 10, 2012, 2:59 a.m.

Pocket Watches And Cupcakes

It's Kurt and Blaine's first Anniversary.

K - Words: 2,263 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012
798 1 0 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: I was going to post this for Klaine week and then got sidetracked. But I figure better late than never. Enjoy!
Blaine woke that morning with a huge smile on his face. When he glanced to his right and saw the angel sleeping next to him his smile only grew. God he loved this boy. And today he was going to show him just how much. He eased himself out of bed and tiptoed out of the room.

He went down to the kitchen and quickly prepared breakfast. He then grabbed a flower out of the bouquet on the table and put it in a glass. He had to be quick if he wanted to pull off his surprise. His angel usually didn't stay asleep for long without Blaine holding him. He carefully raced back upstairs in time to see his angel roll over onto his stomach and clutch Blaine's pillow.

“Blaine...” His angel moaned out in his sleep.

“Kurt, angel, wake up.” Blaine whispered into his ear.

“Mmmm five more minutes.”

“We'll be late for class.”

“Don't care. Come back to bed Blaine. Hold me.”

Blaine just smiled and set the tray on his nightstand. He could never refuse Kurt anything. He climbed back into bed and Kurt snuggled into him, resting his head on Blaine's chest.

“Love you.” Kurt said sleepily.

“Love you too. You know your five minutes are almost up.”

“Do we have to go to school? I just want to stay here all day.”

“We promised our parents if they let you stay over last night we'd go.”

“I know. Is that breakfast over there?” Kurt asked suddenly more awake.

“It is.”

“You cooked for me? What's the occa... You cooked for me. Blaine...”

“I did. Now eat before it gets anymore cold. I'm going to go hop in the shower. Be out quick as I can.”


“Yes angel?”

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” Blaine said shutting the door quickly.

The morning passed rather quickly for Blaine. He'd had a test in history and French which he was fairly certain he'd aced. Then he had pre-calc which as much as he hated, he always did well in. As well as English which he handed his paper in. Finally it was lunch. It was the one time a day he could see Kurt for more than three seconds.

He arrived in the cafeteria to find Kurt nowhere in sight. He asked around to the other members of New Directions but no one had seen him since this morning. Blaine raced to the choir room only to find it empty. He was racing to the auditorium when Coach Sylvester stopped him.

“Young Burt Reynolds, I take it this running in the halls is because you can't find Porcelain?”


“He's in my office.”

“Is he all right? Everyone in Glee said they hadn't seen him since this morning.”

“He's fine. He's been trying to convince his father and yours to let both of you skip for the rest of the day.”


“Well are you going to just stand there or follow me?”

Blaine shook his head slightly and followed after her, his head bowed. When he arrived at Sue's office he heard his father vehemently denying Kurt's request while Burt, his mother and Cooper tried to change his mind.

“If you think I am going to allow your son to corrupt Blaine any further think again.” Blaine's father said. Kurt caught the wink he gave Burt, but chose to ignore it.

“Roger dear, may I remind you Kurt stayed at the house last night.”


“Roger, all Blaine has this afternoon is gym. And Coach Beiste is willing to give him a pass. Otherwise he's just missing study halls.”

“What about his English paper?”

“I finished it last night before Kurt came over. Mom made it one of the conditions. And I handed it in this morning.”

“Do you have another argument Dad? Cause otherwise just shut the hell up and let them get out of here.” Cooper said with a chuckle. Kurt suspected he too had seen the wink.

“Fine. But I expect Blaine home by curfew.”

“I don't have a curfew.”

“Tonight you do.”


“I want you home by midnight. And if Kurt makes it eleven thirty he can stay again tonight.”

“Deal. Thank you Mister Anderson. I'll have him home by eleven I promise.”

“You're welcome Kurt. Now run along you two, before I change my mind.” Another wink at Burt. Kurt just shook his head and grabbed Blaine's hand.

“Thanks coach Sylvester for the use of your office.” Sue just snorted and waved them out.

“What are you up to Kurt?”

“Did you think I'd forgotten?”

“Of course not. And you know I have more planned for you than just breakfast in bed, right?”

“I do.”

“Good. So where are we going?”

“It's a surprise.”



The drive was a short one and Blaine was even more confused when they arrived. They were at a park not far from McKinley. Kurt hopped out and went into the back of the Navigator before opening Blaine's door for him.

“A picnic? How did you find time to do all that?”

“Carole helped. She had Dad drop it off.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, more.”

Kurt found them the prefect spot and spread the blanket out before pulling Blaine down beside him. He ran his fingers through Blaine's curls and kissed him softly. He then took out the container of strawberries dipped it in the chocolate and fed it to Blaine.

“Mmmmm.” Blaine said leaning up and kissing Kurt once more. Kurt moaned into the kiss.

They stayed in the park for a little while before Kurt was once again dragging Blaine away. Blaine thought for sure they would head for Dalton, but when they drove back to Kurt's he just smiled. Kurt led him to his bedroom and Blaine thought for sure they were going to make out all day. When Kurt went and stood by his bookcase Blaine was thoroughly confused. The confusion must have shown on his face because Kurt let out a small chuckle.

“Do you remember our first real fight?”

“After I kissed Rachel and thought I might be bi?”

“Well yes... I guess I should clarify our first disagreement?”

“When you didn't get the solo...” Blaine stopped at the look on Kurt's face.

“Where are we?”

“Your... when I laughed at your... Kurt, angel, you know I'm sorry about that day don't you? Like really sorry. Beyond sorry, really.”

“I know you are. I just thought maybe you'd like to see my new sexy face.”

“Your new... oh well... definitely... oh definitely...”

“Blaine, honey, you're rambling.”

“I can't help it. Your sexy face is a major turn on and I might just be having an issue right now. And I'm trying not to because you're trying to be sweet and everything.”

“Is it worse than it was that day?”


“I saw it. Before you shifted your hands to you lap. So is it worse than that day?” Kurt came over running his hands up and down Blaine's legs.

“Kurt...” Blaine whined

“Yes, honey. Is there something you want?”

“You. I want you.”

“You already have me.”

“Kurt.. please....”

“Come on up. We have another stop to make.”

“You aren't serious.”

“Yeah I am hon.”

“You're evil.”

“You love me anyway.”

“I do. God do I.”

“Love you too.”

“Care to give me a hint?”

“No. But I will tell you it's not Rachel's basement.”

“Well, thank goodness for that. And I feel bad. My gift is going to pale in comparison to this.”

“Oh this isn't your gift. This is just a walk down memory lane. Though your gift is at the end of it.”

They arrived at their destination and Blaine let out a chuckle. They were at the Lima Bean. They went in and Kurt waved to the old couple sitting by the window. Blaine realized they'd been there during the fight after Rachel's party and they'd been there when he told Kurt he loved him.

“Kurt that couple has been here during every big moment we've had here.”

“I know. And so do they. They want to buy us coffee.”

“Wait, you've talked to them. How long have you been planning today?”

“Since Christmas.”

“Kurt! Christmas! Seriously?!”

“Blaine, honey calm down you're going to blow a gasket. Now go sit down. I'll be right back.”

“Okay. Kurt get me a chocolate cookie?”


“But it's our anniversary, you're supposed to have sweets.”

“I know, my love, but you aren't getting a cookie. I have something else planned. And don't bother pouting I'm immune to it.” Kurt said tweaking Blaine's nose.

“No you're not.” Blaine said sing-song like.

“You're right. But you still aren't getting a cookie. But it's only because I have something planned.”

“Ooo you planned sweets for me. You really do love me.” Blaine said putting his arm around Kurt's waist while they stood in line.

“I thought you were going to go sit down.”

“Fine.” Blaine said heading back to the table with a pout.



“Love you.”

“Love you more.”

Kurt returned to the table with a bag wrapped with a bow. Blaine smiled widely before tearing the bow off and into the bag. Inside he found a chocolate cupcake with K&B 4ever in the frosting. Blaine looked up at Kurt then back at the cupcake before leaning over the table and kissing him. Not caring who said what or glared at them.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now do you want the K and I'll take the B?”

“Sounds perfect. So let's see what can be left other than Dalton.”

“Oh we're not going there. I am not taking you anywhere near Dalton or the Warblers.”

“Kurt, we made peace with Sebastian.”

“I know. And I'm willing to stand by that. But they just stood by while you were hurting. And they did nothing. “

“Angel, it's all right. We can go back. We don't have to see them. I don't want them to ruin what you planned. And if you've been planning this since Christmas, it means you wanted us to go there.”

“You really won't mind. Cause I did have something I wanted to do there. But...” Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand.

“It's the end of the journey isn't it? It's where you were going to give me my present isn't it?”

“Yeah. But I can always give it to you at your house.”

“No. We're going to go to Dalton like you planned. But I love that you wanted to protect me from having to deal with all my feelings about what happened, today of all days.”

“I just... I don't want you upset today. We're supposed to be happy. Both of us. And I won't be happy if you're unhappy.”

“I'll be all right. You'll be with me. So I'll be perfect. Come on let's go.” Blaine said grabbing the bag with the cupcake.

“We can eat the cupcake first you know.”

“I know. But it's going to take us an hour to get there. And I still have to give you my gifts.”

“Wait gifts?”

“Yes. As in more than one. “

“You spoil me.”

“I like spoiling you. I like seeing the smile on your face.” Blaine said kissing him.

They drove to Dalton and Kurt parked in his old spot. He then brought Blaine to the spot they'd gone after their first kiss. It was a secluded spot on the campus. They'd gone there last year to talk without everyone in the Warblers oogling them. This year it was where Kurt planned on giving Blaine his gift. Kurt had grabbed the blanket from their picnic earlier and then led him to the spot. Blaine sat down and Kurt got down on one knee.

“I was going to give you this for Christmas. But then you gave me my gum wrapper ring and I decided to wait. And I figured today would be perfect. It's not an engagement ring. Well...”

“Kurt, angel, you don't have to do this.”

“Blaine, I want to. I'm going to New York in the fall. I want you to know it's just you. You're it for me. I love you and only you. And that's the way it's always going to be. It may have taken you longer, but I had my moment the second you turned around on that staircase. I knew. And I mean it. You are the love of my life. You're my missing puzzle piece. And I can't imagine my life without you in it. I don't even want to consider what it would be like.” Kurt opened the box in his hand and showed Blaine the ring inside.

“Please say you'll wear it.”

“Of course I will. I love you. So much.” Blaine said letting Kurt put the ring on his finger then kiss him passionately.

“Okay it's my turn. Not that I have a speech planned at all. Cause I'm not even sure you're going to take it.”

“Honey, it's from you. Why wouldn't I take it.”

“Open it and you'll see.”

“It's a pock... Blaine I can't accept this. It's a family heirloom isn't it?”

“Cooper bought it for me after I came out. My Grandfather took his back. So Cooper bought me one. But open it and look at it.”

“It doesn't seem... November 9th. Blaine did you stop it?”

“No. It had been acting up all week. I was going to take it to the mall that weekend. But then I turned around and saw you. Then you called me... after... well you know. I couldn't take it to be fixed after that. And I know what you're thinking. How could I have been so stupid to not see it sooner. And I honestly don't....” Kurt leaned over and kissed him.

“My perfect oblivious boy. I love it. I'll cherish it always. I love you.”

“Kurt, I'm sorry it took me so long to....”

“Honey, don't apologize. I wouldn't change a thing from the second I met you to right now. It's been the perfect year for me. And it's all because of you. Now come on. Let's go home.” Kurt said with a kiss, Blaine’s promise of more gifts forgotten.

“I love you. Always.”

“I love you too, always.”

They walked back to the car hand in hand. Just like it had been in the beginning.
End Notes: Drop a review if you feel like it.


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