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I'll Give My All to You

A night to remember

E - Words: 2,614 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
646 0 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes:

(Probably not to everyones taste)

"Are you okay Kurt?" Blaine asked, a concerned look on his face as Kurt shifted uncomfortably.


"No." Kurt snapped, instantly regretting speaking to Blaine quite so harshly. He inhaled sharply. "I... Im sorry... but Im actually in agony.." he whispered. Kurt had relished the chance to dress up in his tightest jeans for a night out at a new club tonight, but now, desperate to pee, he was regretting his unforgiving clothing choice. His jeans were so tight fitting.. which meant that the few drips escaping into his underwear at regular intervals, would soon be revealed for all to see. 


"Oh.." Blaine said, realisation dawning on him as Kurt gave another sharp intake of breath. "Is it bad?"


Kurt sighed, looking worriedly at Blaine before leaning his forehead on Blaines shoulder. "I dont think Im going to make it," he whispered shakily, " Im sorry.." 


A last visit to the restroom was the furthest thing from their minds as theyd run out of the club, realising they only had minutes to catch the last train. Somehow theyd lost track of time and it was only when hed stepped onto the train that Kurt realised he was in trouble.


He was alright at first, his bladder just an unpleasant discomfort, a reminder of how much water hed needed to drink in between dancing in the sweltering bar this evening, but ten minutes into the journey, subtly moving his body when he couldnt stand stationary for too long wasnt quite enough anymore. The train was a little too busy for him to do anything other than squeeze his thighs together tightly, clenching rhythmically, hoping to distract himself. He discreetly tried to shift from one foot to the other as his muscles grew tired, hissing as the train did several large jolts into the next station causing a large spurt to escape into his snug boxer briefs. "Oh," he sighed as the wetness settled in around his cock. "Desperate. God. So desperate." He hoped, retrospectively, that he hadnt said that too loudly. 


Blaine ran a soothing hand over Kurts back as the doors clattered closed, and Kurt allowed himself a shamelessly long squeeze of his cock, hopefully hidden from the few passengers on the now  thankfully emptier train, as he faced Blaine.


"Lets just get off at the next stop," Blaine said quietly as Kurt went back to clamping his thighs together, his ass protruding slightly at the squeeze. 


Kurt nodded against Blaines shoulder. "I may not be able to walk," he shuddered. "It may be too late.." Blaine ran a reassuring hand over the nape of Kurts neck and his cock released a long spurt as he momentarily lost concentration. He clamped his hand back over his cock to try and rectify the situation, deciding to leave it there.


"Dont touch yourself," Blaine said close to Kurts ear. "I let it pass the first time, and I know youre desperate, but no more touching." Kurt reluctantly moved his hand, suddenly feeling a little out of control.


"I cant believe you wont let me hold myself when Im about to.. oh... youre going to let me wet myself on the train.." Kurt said breathily, too desperate to even be annoyed at Blaine. "Oh, Im sorry. Oh.... Sorry Blaine... but please, please, please." Was the train normally this jolty? Or was he only noticing it tonight because his bladder couldnt cope with the sudden movements?


"Nope." Blaine was firm.


"Please... Blaine... oh my god... please," Kurt begged fruitlessly, virtually crouching down... not completely sure what was stopping him from disobeying Blaine in this instant. 


The train screeched and lurched into the next station, and as soon as the doors opened Blaine grabbed his hand so they could make a quick exit. Kurt leapt onto the platform, a huge wet area blooming over the front of his jeans as his foot hit the floor, making him gasp audibly. 


Despite an urgent series of clenching and squeezing, Kurt quickly realised that his body had other plans, so he carried on walking through the station, leaking into his already wet pants with each vibrating step. It was only the vain hope that nobody might notice if he kept walking that stopped him from standing on the spot and just letting go.


To his surprise, they were suddenly standing outside the restroom door. He hadnt realised the direction Blaine had been leading them in, but it was all pretty much too late. Kurt shook his head silently as the last few surges of urine eased out of him as he stood outside of the room that he would have given all his savings to get inside just ten short minutes ago.


"Are you going to punish me?" Kurt asked carefully, his face red and flushed, as they stepped onto the street outside. They had quite a long walk ahead of them, having got off the train a few stops early and there was no way Kurt could get into a cab like this. 


"What do you think, Kurt?" Blaines voice was firm, but not unkind. "Do you think I need to punish you?"


"Yes," he said quietly, ignoring his discomfort as he walked. His stomach flipped as he thought of his usual punishments from Blaine, generally as a result of him telling a little white lie or maybe speaking when he hadnt been given permission. He wondered briefly what Blaine might have in store for something as big as wetting himself in public.


"Well see," Blaine smiled. "Maybe you do need to learn a lesson and once youve correctly worked out what that lesson is, we can work out if you deserve a punishment." Blaine looked straight ahead rather than at Kurt. "And if I find out you did that on purpose, Kurt, just to get punished, there will be consequences... Trust me."


"No." Kurt gasped. "Id never do that on purpose.."


"Okay, quiet now," Blaine said authoritatively. "I want you to think carefully while we walk home, work out what, if anything, you think you might need to be punished for... And just remember that lying is punishable, no excuses. So think carefully."


Oh, of course, this was all Kurts fault. He loved it when Blaine played Dom to his Sub in the bedroom and around the apartment before they got as far as the bedroom. But hed begged and begged for them to extend their role playing to a whole evening out as well as when they got home, and while initially not sure, Blaine had eventually agreed. Kurt wondered if he was going to regret the whole idea.


Blaine didnt speak again until they reached their apartment. "No wet clothes in here, Kurt," Blaine said as he began opening the door with his key. Kurts jeans had been too tight to carry any personal possessions with him, but he wished hed had his own keys with him right now in the faint hope that he might have beaten Blaine up to their apartment and got inside first. And my god hed never wished more than he had on that train, that hed taken a bag with him to carry his own possessions instead of leaving it all to Blaine, just so that he could have had something to hide his hand and his pulsing cock behind before things had got too bad, and who knew - maybe if hed been able to stave things off a bit longer, he might have made it to that restroom on the station, instead of emptying the last of his bladder hopelessly outside the closed restroom door.


"Take off your wet things outside the door, and then you can come in." Kurt started at Blaines words, his eyes widening. These jeans took a long time to wriggle out of at the best of times, never mind when they were wet and stuck to his legs. He glanced up and down the hallway as he toed off his shoes, hoping that no one was going to come along. He could always safe word, and refuse to undress out here, but Blaine had played his part, so it didnt seem very Blaine was doing this at Kurts request.


After double checking the hallway he began the arduous task of removing his jeans, rolling them up with his underwear once everything was removed and, wanting to get inside the apartment as quickly as possible, he debated with himself and left them on the floor outside, unsure what he was expected to do with them.


Kurt couldnt help the annoyed huff that escaped his lips when he found Blaine blocking the way into the apartment. "Hmm." He fingered the bottom of Kurts cotton shirt, holding his head to one side in consideration. "Much as I like this look on you, we did agree that you couldnt come in wearing any wet clothes... And this shirt feels wet across the bottom...."


Kurt rolled his eyes. "Only a tiny bit," he whispered, sighing pointedly as he angrily wrenched his shirt open, a few buttons flying off in the process. He threw the shirt down with his other clothes.


"Firstly, I didnt give you permission to speak." Blaine remained unmoved in the doorway, leaving Kurt feeling extremely exposed out in the hallway. "Secondly please pick up your clothes and bring them in with you. Nobody else is going to do it for you." 


"I," Kurt began, stopping only because he wanted Blaine to let him inside and he knew arguing would probably lead to an immediate punishment, probably a spanking right here on the doorstep with the front door wide open. 


Kurts mind drifted back to one evening just a few weeks ago when hed disobeyed Blaine when Rachel and Santana were over for dinner. While the girls were laughing and chatting in front of the tv when Kurt went to make coffee, Blaine had had to punish him behind the thin walls of the kitchen, just a few feet away from where their guests were sitting. Kurt began to get hard with the thrilling memory of how sore his ass had been as he had carried their tray of drinks over to the coffee table.


"Good boy," Blaine commented as he noticed Kurts erect cock, "get nice and hard for me." Kurt tried to think of other things because he didnt think he would be allowed to come anytime soon.





Kurt was standing as still as he could in the living room, dressed only in his tight red briefs. His lesson, it had been determined, was to tell Blaine when he needed the bathroom in plenty of time, without a single wet spot appearing in his underwear. So far he had been given a can of diet coke to drink and two glasses of water and was waiting for the first twinges to appear in his bladder. Kurt wasnt actually being punished for his embarrassing accident, but was having a lesson in it not happening again.


If he passed the dry underwear test, which he was sure he would (he almost laughed at the simplicity of it), bearing in mind the close proximity of the bathroom (unlike being on a jolting train with no bathroom in sight and being many times more desperate than he was likely to be this time), there was  then going to be a punishment for his insolent behaviour when Blaine had asked him to remove his wet (Blaine honestly couldnt have thought that shirt was wet) shirt.


As it turned out,Kurt had had to move quite swiftly to the bathroom once hed been given permission, having to wait for Blaine to finish the chapter of the book he was reading first. His toes had been curled into the carpet by the time he was allowed to move, all a little more urgent than he had thought it would be. Not quite so funny after all.




"Okay," Blaine said, getting up off the couch, "you can talk freely. Are you alright Kurt?"


Kurt nodded. "Yes. Im fine." He gave a small wry smile, but Blaine didnt comment. He knew his punishment must be coming soon and he couldnt hide the twitch of interest in his cock. "I think Im ready for my punishment now." 


Blaine paused, contemplating, as he looked unashamedly at Kurts semi hard cock. "Youre looking so lovely baby..." He ran his thumb along Kurts jawline with the gentlest of touches, Kurt whimpering quietly. "Before your punishment for being such a naughty boy, earlier.... Can you, will you suck my cock.. Please. Ive been hard since... Kneel, please..."


Kurts dropped down onto his knees, his cock filling rapidly. The hazy sound above him of  Blaine undoing his belt, making his mouth water. Blaine ran his hand affectionately through Kurts hair. "No touching yourself and no coming... Okay baby?" He said softly.


Kurt nodded, looking up at Blaine, surprised to see just how painfully hard he actually was as he dropped his pants and underwear. Perhaps he hadnt been reading as nonchalantly as Kurt had thought.


Sometimes Kurt had to keep his hands behind his back when they did this, but that didnt seem to be a rule for tonight, although Kurt did suspect that maybe Blaine was a little too desperate to worry. Whilst Kurt was allowed to touch, Blaine didnt appear to be up for any teasing, thrusting immediately into the hot cavern of Kurts willing mouth.




Twenty stinging spanks on his raised buttocks as he lay across Blaines lap. It hurt, but he loved it, and Blaine always let him come after. Blaine was too nice to be a proper Dom. "Nineteen" he cried out as Blaines hand came down firmly, and he lifted his ass a little higher to stop his dripping cock from rutting against Blaines leg. He had a hard time pretending he didnt enjoy getting punished.


"Nearly there," Blaine said softly. "Youre doing really well."




Blaine pulled Kurt up carefully so his sore ass (Ill put some nice soothing lotion on that later) was straddled across the smaller mans lap. He wrapped his lubed hand around Kurts aching cock quickly giving him the release he was longing for, kissing him hard after hed come between their bodies.


"I love you, you monkey," Blaine smiled, pulling Kurt in close.


"Monkey?" Kurt squeaked.


"Monkey, adorable sexy idiot.." Blaine kissed him again, getting lost in Kurts soft, responsive mouth. "What a night.. Oh my god."


"Shall I take care of you?" Kurt offered with a demure smile, gliding a long finger over the shiny tip of Blaines cock.


"That sounds lovely," Blaine sighed wistfully, "but you know? Im really exhausted after... Well everything really. Can we just shower and cuddle up in bed."


Kurt was kind of exhausted too when he thought about it.




Showered and relaxed, they shared the same pillow as they faced each other. Dressed only in boxers, their bare legs tangled together beneath the cool cotton sheet. Blaine, having been easily persuaded into a quick hand job in the shower, smiled dopily across at Kurt.






"You didnt do that on purpose this evening did you? I cant believe you did but.... I dont mind if you did.... It was pretty hot actually..." 


"Blaine..." Kurt ran a gentle hand down his flustered boyfriends arm. "I dont know whether to be impressed or horrified that you even think I could have planned that.."


A chaste kiss.


Blaine blushed slightly. "Um... Well I had thought it might have gone slightly wrong.."


He chuckled as Kurt gave him a playful shove on the shoulder.


"Thank you though," Kurt said when they settled back down. "For everything," he added when Blaine raised a questioning eyebrow at him, "for looking after me tonight.. For going along with my stupid idea.. I love you so much.."


"Ill always look after you... But maybe for now.. Could we just keep our role playing to the apartment? And stop pouting at know that always makes me give in to you.."







































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