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Hubba Bubba

Blaine wasn't eager to let Kurt receive his present

T - Words: 1,032 - Last Updated: Dec 14, 2011
1,065 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: So at a loss about the scene being cut but personally, I'm happy I will be able to see it in the DVD because usually, we wouldn't get that. Anyway, hope this satisfies you until it's released.
Blaine was stressed. Sure, it was Christmas; there were presents to buy, finals to complete and lines to learn for the Glee Club’s Christmas special but he was stressed for a different reason entirely.


Kurt’s present to be specific.

At the time it seemed like a good idea but now as he walked down the bustling hallways of McKinley, apologising here and there when he happened to catch himself on someone’s bag or shoulder, he was about to give Kurt the said present, wishing he had packed earmuffs for when Kurt would laugh in his face with a look of “no, really, where is my real present?

With his boyfriend in sight, he smiled brightly; frightened the taller boy would see the pretence through the quiver in his lips. Kurt, none the wiser, mirrored his smile and stood his ground as to wait for Blaine.

“Hey.” Blaine said breathlessly, once he was stood in front of his boyfriend.

“Hi.” Kurt replied; smile never ceasing to decrease as his eyes roamed along Blaine’s attire. “What’s that?” His head cocked to the side as he looked at the red box in Blaine’s hand; a gold bow to accessorize the otherwise dull box.

“Uh,” Blaine laughed skittishly, pushing the box out to Kurt. “This is for you.”

As if surprised by the idea of gift giving, Kurt reacted simply. "Oh." His eyes darting to Blaine's before a larger smile took hold of his face. "Can I open it?"

"You can do whatever you want with it." Blaine chuckled sweetly, pushing the box further to Kurt until he took it after squealing somewhat.

Kurt played with the box like it was a Rubik Cube, constantly glancing back at Blaine for permission to open it, Blaine’s response was to always smile and nod.

Fortunately Blaine’s sanity was saved once Kurt took the plunge and opened it, a frown forming between his eyebrows. Blaine immediately regretted the childish decision for Kurt’s present.

“Thanks to financial reasons I couldn’t get the Elizabeth Taylor jewellery you wanted. Instead I came up with a substitute, I hope you like it. If you don’t, that’s totally fine, I can understand why you wouldn’t. You deserve everything and I give you tr-“


A large exhale and a reassuring smile, Blaine believed it was to reassure his racing heart more than anything else. “Yes?”

“I love it.”

“You do?”

“Of course.”

“But it’s trash, Kurt. Literally.”

Kurt let out a breathless laugh, his fingers glued to the opened box. “No, it’s not. Blaine, this,” He turned the box so Blaine was able to see the disaster he had created, a gum wrapper ring, “this is everything you are; effort, enthusiasm, love and care. It’s the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received because of that reason. I’m stronger than I once was but to give credit where it is due, you helped me become what I am today and that’s why when I’m not with you, it’s like I’m off balance, unsure and at a loss of how to regain what I had before. I’m the gum and you’re the wrapper.”

“Are you trying to say I’m disposable and tasteless?” Blaine cringed, unsure of how anything good could come from Kurt’s metaphor.

“Perhaps,” Kurt swung his shoulders as he pulled out a smirk. “But what I was trying to say before you helpfully interrupted was protect me.”

Blaine couldn’t help the face crushing smile he projected. His eyes crinkled in the corners and a little huff of laughter passed through his stretched lips as he glanced at the floor momentarily before looking back at his boyfriend. “Kuuurtt..”

“You can cash in that kiss you want to give me later.” Kurt teased, Blaine laughed as his head turned to look at the passing of students who had disappeared once he started talking to Kurt. It could only be them in his eyes so easily.

“I’ll remember that.” He nodded. “So you like it?” A peek of light shone in his eyes, desperate for Kurt’s approval.

“No.” A pause, “I love it.”

Another nervous laugh came from Blaine. “I used to make them for my mom when I was a little kid. Not necessarily from gum wrappers but anything I could find. I’m pretty sure she had a Snap, Crackle and Pop necklace for a period of time.” Kurt made a soft hum of amusement.

“Once I grew up, she used to remind me of her little treasures as she would call them. She would say I was the most precious of them all.” Blaine winced as the memory left him with a bittersweet aftertaste. “I haven’t heard her say that in a while.” A generalisation of a while being years, it had been years since he had been treated like someone’s son and not someone’s nuisance and embarrassment.

Kurt could see the fall in Blaine’s spirit, hating the effect his parents’ failure had on his boyfriend. Blaine was not to blame here, it was all them.

Although he wasn’t against making Blaine see just how amazing he was, the winning smile he’d receive from complimenting Blaine made him feel like he was the only one able to access a certain part of Blaine. He wanted to access it now and did so by engulfing Blaine’s strong figure in his arms tightly.

“Thank you for everything, Blaine. Merry Christmas,” he squeeze, loving the constant warmth Blaine radiated from him. Kurt believed it was from his heart instead of dressing for the weather.

“Merry Christmas, Kurt,” Blaine returned the gesture and pulled away after a certain amount of time; although a hand sat attached to Kurt’s bicep now. “You make me snap, crackle and pop.” He broke out the smile that Kurt was sure could blind someone if they were unprepared.

Kurt let out a tired sigh as a joke and allowed the corners of his lips to twitch into a small grin. “Blaine Anderson, a sap dipped in cheese.” Kurt wouldn’t have him any other way.

“What does that make you then?” Blaine released Kurt’s bicep and took a step forward, gesturing for them to start walking to the cafeteria as it was their lunch period.

Kurt took Blaine’s sign and began walking by his boyfriend’s side past the various groups of people huddled at lockers and classroom doors.

End Notes: Reviews are lovely. Thank you!


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