Untitled Mother's Day Fic Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Untitled Mother's Day Fic

Lizzie Hummel-Anderson is confused as to who, exactly, is a mommy, and why all the other kids are making cards for her. Daddies!Klaine drabble.

K - Words: 633 - Last Updated: May 10, 2014
960 1 0 0
Categories: General, Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: family, futurefic,

Author's Notes:

Happy Mothers Day!


"Okay class, settle down." Ms. K addressed her kindergarden class one Friday afternoon. "As you may know, Sunday is Mothers Day."


Lizzie shifted in her seat and glanced around to see smiles on her classmates faces. What was Mothers Day?


The teacher continued. "Sixth graders will be coming into class in a few minutes to help you make a card for your mother. Whats my motto, kids?"


The classroom chorused, "Be respectful."


"Thats right." Ms. K nodded. "Being respectful means listening to people and doing what they tell you. And that means you, Finny."


Finny Hudson glanced up from his seat, where he was currently sticking a piece of gum to the bottom of his desk. "Okay," he said, "But only if a boy helps me, not one of those stupid girls."


"Thats not very nice," Ms. K scolded. "Girls and boys are equal. In fact, thats what Mothers Day is all about. Honoring the women in our lives."


The sixth graders arrived a minute later, and as if a spell had been cast over the room, the only sounds to be heard was ruffling paper and the scritch-scratch of pencils. Even Finny was quiet, for he had been assigned with Matt Puckerman. Lizzie sat doing nothing, dumbfounded. Her sixth-grade partner was off chatting amiably with her friends, so Lizzie was all alone, not knowing what to do. She raised her hand and Ms. K. walked over to her.


"Whats Mothers Day?" she asked.


A confused look overtook the young educators features. "Its a day when you do nice things for your mommy to thank her for being good to you," she explained.


"But, whats a mommy?"


"Oh, you dont have one, do you?" Ms. K. made a sympathetic sound. "You only have a daddy."


"Two," Lizzie said proudly, holding up two fingers.


The teachers features transformed with recognition. "Then you can make a card for them then. Wheres Kayla?" She looked around, spotting the sixth-grader sitting on the floor with some other girls. "Kayla! Come work with Lizzie here. We dont have all day." Kayla walked over to the desk, hanging her head.



After school that day, Daddy and Papa picked up Lizzie from school. "How was your day, sweetie?" Papa asked, adjusting his bowtie and smoothening the sides of his plastered-down hair.


"How come I dont have a mommy?" Lizzie asked bluntly.


Papa and Daddy glanced at each other. "We were going to wait to tell you this until you were older," Daddy said.


"But since you asked.. Daddy and I love each other very much, do

you know that?" Papa asked. Lizzie nodded. "Usually, when people love each other this much, one of them is a man and one is a woman. Were different. If one of us was a woman, they would be your mommy."


The car pulled into the Hummel-Anderson driveway. Daddy tured around in the drivers seat, turning off the car. "I cant believe Im about to do this," he muttered in Papas ear. Lizzie suspected he thought she couldnt hear him. "It takes a man and a woman to make a person. We needed a woman in order to have you, and shes your mommy. Were still your parents, but Quinn is your biological mom."


"What does byohlojicul mean?" Lizzie wondered aloud.


"It means youre blood-related," Papa defined with a smile on his lips at Lizzies mispronunciation.


"Whos my byohlojicul daddy?"


"I am," Daddy said with a smile. 


"Can I meet my mommy?" Lizzie asked as they walked into the house hand-in-hand.


"Sure, if you want to." Papa swung Lizzie in between Daddy and him.


That night, the blue-eyed, blond-haired girl and her daddies video-chatted her mommy, and Lizzie showed her the card she made minutes earlier that was emblazoned with the words, "Happy Mothers Day!" in childish, sloppy handwriting.


The front depicted a cat, a girl, a man with a bowtie, another with a coif, and a woman withReview! <3 blond hair.



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