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Everything's changed

After Kurt and Blaine split up and Blaine has a child with Sebastian there is a very long road ahead for the couple.

K - Words: 2,532 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2014
1,785 0 0 1
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg,

Author's Notes:

Well thats it from me. By yall thank you for reading.



Blaine and Kurt split up nearly two years ago and now Blaine was graduated from high school and living in New York. A month after the split he hooked up with Sebastian and they started dating. He got pregnant just nine weeks after the split. He and Sebastian finished school and welcomed daughter Adalynn Paisley Anderson-Smythe. They got engaged during his pregnancy. She was now six months old and the love of her daddies lives. Today was the high school reunion at The Hummels.

"Hey baby." Sebastian put his arms around Blaines waist.

"Hey you." Blaine turned in his arms and kissed him.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too but someone had to get up with Adalynn."

"How about you go get ready I will get Addy ready?"

"Okay." Blaine kissed him and got ready. When he came back into the living room of his parents house. He saw his daughter tucked up in her car seat and his dad babbling to her.

"Ready to go B?" Sebastian smiled and picked the seat up.

"Yes, see you later mom, dad." They got Adalynn in the car and drove to the Hummels, when they arrived they got her out of the car and Sebastian carried her car seat again and held Blaines hand. Sam greeted them with a smile and hug.

"Wow she is so big now."

"I know she missed her Uncle Sam, youre coming back to New York with us right?"

"Yeah I only came home for Thanksgiving and Christmas but I will be back for Mercedes New Year party."

"Hear that Addy, Uncle Sam is going to be round more!" Blaine smiled to his daughter.

"Come on in, its cold out here and we dont want Addy getting cold, mind if I take her to meet Auntie Cedes."

"No be our guest, if she starts fussing bring her to me she is due a feed in a bit."

"Okay." He took her out and the couple smiled as their daughter went to meet some family. Wes and David greeted the couple and wondered where Addy was. Blaine was sat on the couch with Quinn, Mike and Sebastian when Kurt entered. He smiled to Blaine but wasnt pleased that Sebastian was there. Half an hour later of chatting. Sam came in with a fussing Addy.

"Sorry dude, she wanted daddy." Sam passed her to Blaine. Kurt looked between the two. Sebastian leaned over and kissed her head.

"Baby girl you hungry? Seb babe can you get her bottle please." Sebastian got her bottle and she calmed instantly when Blaine fed her. "Well for those of you that dont know and havent met her yet this is our daughter Adalynn Paisley."

"She is so gorgeous how old is she?" Quinn smiled to them.

"Six months, she is the perfect addition to our family." Sebastian smiled and kissed Blaine. "We also wanted to invite you all to our wedding in New York on January the 15th." Kurt looked shocked and Sebastian smirked. The event continued and the New Directions met Addy including Kurt. At the end Sebastian came up to Kurt.

"Well Hummel, looks like I won Blaine after all, three weeks after your break up he slept with me and started dating me, within another 6 weeks he was pregnant with Adalynn, now he is marrying me next month."

"Congratulations on being the rebound guy, you and I both know Blaine is only with you for Adalynn." Blaine came up behind them with Adalynn.

"Hey papa, Addy wants you." Blaine handed her to him. He put his arm around Blaines waist.

"She is the perfect mix of her daddies. I love you Blaine."

"I love you more." Sebastian kissed him. The reunion went really well. The couple spent their first Christmas with their daughter. They returned to New York and went to Mercedes for New Year. When midnight hit Sebastian kissed Blaine deeply. They parted and smiled.

"14 days we will be getting married!"

"I know I cant wait! Can you put Addy down?"

"Yeah I will take her home and put her to sleep, dont be long with Sam."

"I wont love you babies." Blaine kissed them both. Blaine had a few drinks after Sebastian left and before he knew it he was stood passionately kissing Kurt. "Lets go upstairs." Kurt took his hand and they went upstairs. Blaine woke up naked with Kurt and smiled at the memory. Kurt woke up as well and they had sex again before Blaine went home. He sighed as he put his key in the door. He could hear Addy fussing. He came in and Sebastian was pacing trying to calm Addy.

"Hey baby, shhh daddy is here." He took her from Sebastian and she instantly calmed. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Sam hooked up with some girl and I didnt want to walk home in the dark on my own so I crashed at Mercedes."

"You should have texted me or got a cab."

"No money babe. I am so sorry."

"I am sorry it is more important you are safe." Blaine silenced him with a kiss. The wedding day came around quick and on the day of the wedding Kurt tried getting Blaine to call it off but he decided to go through with it. He smiled to his fiancé and father of his daughter.

"Sebastian do you take Blaine to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Blaine do you take Sebastian to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Sebastian your vows?"

"Blaine Devon Anderson every day I wake up with you in my arms and think how lucky I am. I have an amazing fiancé and beautiful daughter, I dont know where I would be without you. I love you with all my heart. We had our ups and downs but our future is destined to be together."

"Blaine your vows?"

"Sebastian Joseph Smythe, I am so lucky to have met you and I am so lucky to have a beautiful daughter with you. I am madly in love with you and all I want to do is spend my life loving you and our daughter. We are young and we will make mistakes but with you I know we will get through them. I love you Sebastian." Blaine smiled.

"Any objections?"

"I object! Sebastian has been cheating on Blaine." Blaine looked at Sebastian and he paled.

"Baby I am so sorry." He reached for his hands but Blaine pulled his hand away. He wiped away a tear and took his daughter from Sam before walking out. "Baby wait!"

"We are finished." Blaine threw his ring and left. Kurt snuck out and followed Blaine to his hotel.

"Your no good to her like this, get changed and I will get her to sleep then we can have a drink."

"Okay." Blaine handed his daughter to Kurt and he sang her to sleep. Blaine came out and stood at the door watching his ex-singing to his daughter. Kurt put her in her crib. Blaine stripped of completely and came out to Kurt. Kurt was looking at Addy. Blaine came up behind him and pressed his cock up to Kurt. He kissed his neck.

"Youre the only one for me Kurt." Kurt turned around and kissed him deeply. They made love before sleeping in each others arms. The next morning Blaine was bathing his daughter in the hotel bathroom and Sebastian knocked at the door. Kurt put his boxers on and ruffled his hair a little more. He opened the door.

"Where is Blaine? I need to see him."

"He is bathing Addy. Now isnt a good time."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Blaine wanted me here, he wanted to me to make love to him." Sebastian saw the messed up sheets.

"Well now who is the rebound?"

"Now you see the difference is when we made love it was words of love, future promises, he has always loved me more than you and now he is mine again." Kurt shut the door and joined his love bathing Addy.

"She is so much like you." Blaine smiled.

"I always thought my first child would be a child I shared with you."

"So did I but whats to stop us having one now?"

"You want a baby with me?"

"Yeah I am madly in love with you Blaine, I want us to have our own baby we will love and raise with Addy." Blaine took Addy out the bath and got her ready.

"If we do this now, I will need your help with Adalynn."

"I want us to do this." Kurt kissed him. "I want to take my two angels out to breakfast."

"Sounds good." Blaine smiled and Kurt took Addy from him before getting her dressed. Kurt carried her to the diner and the waitress smiled to them as Addy was smiling and babbling to Kurt.

"What a beautiful daughter you both have."

"Thank you." Blaine smiled. Later that day Blaine left Addy with Kurt at his apartment and went to the apartment he shared with Sebastian with Sam and Mike.

"Babe please dont leave me."

"You cheated on me!"

"I am so sorry I love you it was a mistake."

"It is too late, you can always see Addy but I cant be with you."

"Your back with Kurt arent you?"


"Ive lost you then. I will try everything to get you back and get Addys family back.


Blaine smiled as his husband got four year old Addy, their three year old son Connor Oscar Hummel-Anderson and eighteen month old daughter Alitza Lily Hummel-Anderson out the car. Blaine had hold of Alitza (Litz). They were dropping Addy of with Sebastian and his fiancé Karofsky, they smiled to the family.

"Papa!" Addy ran to Sebastian and hugged him.

"Hey baby girl. Hey Blaine, Kurt."

"Hey how are you?"

"Good thank you. How about you?"

"Yeah great thanks." Kurt smiled to them as well. They went back to the house.

"It is still so weird handing my baby over to someone without me."

"I find it weird and she isnt biologically mine."

"Baby whats wrong?"

"Nothing I am fine honey. Are you okay?"

"Mhm, I swear she is doing summersaults in here and kicking at the same time." Blaine rubbed his six month abdomen. Kurt kissed him.

"I love you both but I have to go to work I will see you in a bit."

"Love you too. Connor, Alitza dads going to work!" They both came through and hugged their dad. Kurt sat in the waiting room looking at a picture of the baby scan.

"Kurt Hummel." Kurt got up and went to the room. "I am very sorry to tell you but you tested positive for leukaemia, you are in the early stages so it is treatable."

"How am I meant to tell my husband and kids?"

"You just need to be honest with your husband and tell your kids daddy is poorly. We need to start chemo as soon as possible."

"I will tell him tonight. Chemo can start Friday."

"Okay, good luck." Kurt came home and Addy had since returned, she only went to a lunch with her grandparents and was now home.

"Dad!" Addy and Connor came and hugged him. He walked through and Blaine and Alitza were playing on the floor.

"Hey baby how was work?"

"Hey, it was okay."

"I am in the middle of making dinner but Addy and Connor starting fighting over TV so they arent watching any tonight."

"But daddy!"

"No buts!" Blaine went back into the kitchen and Kurt followed.

"Babe I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Blaine looked worried.

"I wasnt feeling good for a few weeks so I went to the doctors and I tested positive for leukaemia." Kurt broke down crying. Blaine hugged him.

"Baby we will get through this I promise."

"I am so scared Blaine."

"I know you are but you have us." Blaine took his hand and interlocked them where the baby was kicking. "You have to fight for us." Blaine kissed him.

"My chemo starts Friday."

"Okay, we can work this out. Addy is at Sebs this weekend and I can get Coop to pick Connor and Alitza up from day-care if we need them. I want to be there for you, you helped me through our three pregnancies where I threw up every day for nine months."

"Thank you, Im going to lose my hair!" Kurt looked in horror.

"Awe the baby will have more hair then you."

"I want to be around for them all."

"I need you to be around." Blaine kissed him and finished dinner. A lot changed the second Kurt told him and he knew that. Addy was very close to Kurt as she had been around him since she was six months old. She called him dad as well and that meant Kurt had four kids depending on him. The next few months were stressful for Blaine, he ended up giving birth to daughter Aimee-Leigh Faith at 6 and ½ months. He told Kurt it was natural but it was a placenta abruption from him having to do everything including having to pick up the three kids which caused him pain. After the birth he was told to take it easy but that was difficult because he had Kurt and the baby up in the night. Now Kurt was okay and his strength was back he took a lot of pressure of Blaine.


"Yeah Addy?"

"Whats a placenta abruption? Daddy told Uncle Coop he had one with Aimee-Leigh."

"Its hard to explain sweetie, give me a minute okay?" He walked into the room Blaine was sat with Connor and Alitza. "Blaine I need to talk to you."

"Okay." Kurt saw the pain as he got up.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you had a placenta abruption with Aimee-Leigh."

"You were ill I couldnt put pressure on you to deal with the kids, I recovered in hospital."

"No you didnt because you came home the same day and you had the other kids to deal with! You needed me and I wish you told me!"

"Im sorry."




Alitza....3 ½


Kurt had been in remission for two years and the couple were very loved up but like any married couple they had struggles. They made the decision to leave it as four kids after Kurts cancer because they dont want to risk being in a similar situation again.

Sebastian and Karofsky spent Christmas with the family for Addys sake and this year it was in Ohio. Blaine was holding Alitza.

"Baby girl whats wrong?"

"I heard you and dad fighting. Do you still love each other?"

"I love your daddy so much baby. Addy has a different dad and before I met him I was originally with daddy Kurt and we fell in love. But we parted for a bit and I met Sebastian and had Adalynn before getting back with daddy Kurt and settling down. I am madly in love with your dad."


Blaine and Kurt- 33 years old.

Adalynn- 16, Connor- 15, Alitza- 13, Aimee-Leigh- 11 ½. Kurt and Blaine had another surprise pregnancy which was triplets and welcomed sons Caleb Burt, Carlton Michael and daughter Aleeah Jessica- 7

Karofsky and Sebastian were happily married with son Max, 8. Addy went between her dads houses.

"Adalynn Paisley Anderson-Smythe youre going to be late!" Blaine shouted.

"Coming daddy!" She came in her cheerleading uniform. "Dont forget Chad is coming over tonight."

"We know, have a nice day love you."

"Bye daddy! Dad can you drive me?" Kurt smiled.

"Sure thing. Connor, Litz!" They both appeared, Kurt kissed Blaine. "Can you do Aimee-Leigh and the triplets?"

"Yes." Blaine smiled. "Why was it we had triplets when we already had four kids?"


"It was only meant to be one."


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