That is a Keeper! Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

That is a Keeper!

Blaine and Kurt with their son Mason and some cameras too!

K - Words: 301 - Last Updated: Nov 01, 2014
711 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: family, kidfic,

Author's Notes:

More stories will be posted like this so stay tuned!

"Hey Kurt can you come in here?" Blaine yells down the hall. Kurt was currently making dinner while Blaine was watching their 8 month old baby boy, Mason. Kurt hurries down the hall for the sake of Mason. Sure, he trusted Blaine with him. Blaine was amazing with him but there was always the fear that something would happen with Mason. What parent didnt have that fear? 

As he crosses the threshold of the playroom door, a giant flash and click greeted him. "That is a keeper!" Blaine says as he looks at the picture on his camera. After Kurts eyes adjusted again, he looks down and sees his husband and his son lying on the floor, both with cameras in their hands. Mason is gurgling with all the fascination of the buttons and dials on his. Kurt sits on the ground next to Blaime and pulls Masom onto his lap. "Can I see?" Kurt asks Blaine. Blaine pulls up the picture again and Kurt groans.

"That is a terrible picture of me! You caught me totally off guard! Delete it please." Blaine just shakes his head "Nuh huh. This is a keeper. Also this picture of you is not terrible, no picture of you is terrible!" Kirt replied with "Because of that amazing line, even though it is false, you will be getting lucky tonight mister." Blaine looked at him and said "Yes!" And pumps a fist in the air. Kurt laughs at his handsome husband then to Mason and says "Daddy is a dork, Mase. Yes he is." Kurt coos to Mason, who just gurgles in reply. "Yes but Im your dork." Blaine says as he leans in for a kiss. Mid lean, lips fully out, there is a giant flash and click "Now that one is a keeper." Kurt laughs.


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