Nov. 15, 2014, 6 p.m.
Nov. 15, 2014, 6 p.m.
Blaine has a sister that he never told Kurt about.
Hoped you liked it! The description of Blaines sister os basically a description of me! Except for the eyes, and Im straight not gay. Sorry guys! Bit i still and always will ship Klaine! Fearlessly and Forever!
Blaine called Kurt earlier that Saturday morning...
K: Hey Babe! What did you want to talk about?
B: I was wondering if maybe you could come over later on tonight?
K: Yeah! Sure! Be there at 4. Early time to cuddle!!!!!
B: Ok Ok Ill see you later!
K: Bye babe luv you
B: Luv u 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kurt, in his Honda Civic, pulled up to Blaines house at 3:55 p.m. but noticed that Blaines car wasnt there but a Black Audi A4 was parked in the driveway. Kurt got out of his car and walked up to the front door. Not expecting to see what was on the other side...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kurt rang the doorbell and waited about 20 seconds before he heard heels clicking to the door.
"Hey whats up?..." the girl on the other side asked.
"Uhm-Um Im here to see Blaine..is he home?"
"Oh hes not right now he ran out for items so I can make dinner for him and his friend....which must be you!!!!! OMG OMG OMG come in come in!"
"Thanks! Im Kurt E. Hummel"
"Andrea Amy Anderson"
They shook hands
"Are you like a cousin or something cause Blaine never mentioned you?"
"Oh..." she sounded disappointed "Im his sister. Im five years older than him but five years younger than Cooper."
"Wow!...He just never mentioned you..like..EVER."
"Well he sometimes forgets.. Do you want some coffee? Or something?"
"Yeah sure!"
Andrea yelled from the kitchen "Make yourself at home"
So Kurt did. He also tried to process that Blaine had a sister. Well, for starters, she had dark dark brown hair with dark blue highlights which was curled like Rachel used to curl hers, olive skin like Blaine, Hazel eyes like Blaine, she also wore a Black quarter length t shirt with a large ruffle at the bottom, dark blue leggings, and black boots that went just below her knees. She also wore white glasses, A very fashionable outfit indeed Kurt said for himself. And her personality was like Blaines. So she was basically like a girl version of Blaine but older.
"Here you are...one coffee for you sir" Andrea said to Kurt and placed his coffee across from him on the coffee table.
"Thanks" Kurt replied "so just tell me of Im stepping to far but...are you straight?.."
"Oh Hell-To-The-No! The only straight I am am is straight up bitch! But no Im not straight..Im gay."
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah her name is Meradith! Shes the love of my life! Im nothing without her."
"Thats great!" Kurt was happy for Andrea because Kurt felt the same way about Blaine.
"So how long have you and my brother been dating?"
"One full year now."
"EEEEEEEEE!!!!! Thats amazing!" Andrea squealed.
"How long have you and your girlfriend been together?"
"Three years, 5 months, and 2 weeks! I like to be exact... Its probably really weird..."
"No its not I think its great! You are who you are be proud!"
Andrea chuckled "Thanks"
"No prob"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After twenty minutes for talking about Broadway and fashion and New York their conversation was interrupted by Blaine walking in the house with all of the groceries that Andrea sent him out to get.
"Hey little bro! How ya been?"
"Good.." Blaine said in a suspicious reply.
"Hey babe!" Kurt said to Blaine
"Hey baby!" Blaine replied and stated to kiss Kurt passionately.
"Ok...guys..not to be mean, Im all for it, bit please no making out right here. This is kinda a public area and this is what bedroom are for." Andrea pointed out.
"Oh sorry sis.."Blaine said
"Thats ok....alright well Im gonna start dinner and you two can go upstairs and continue your make out session. See you in about 45-50 minutes!"
"See ya!" And they interlocked lips again.