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Coming Out

Klaine's daughter comes out to her parents.

T - Words: 495 - Last Updated: Nov 14, 2014
840 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: family, hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes:

(Sorry if theirs typos my phones being a bitch!)

This is for my friend, whos account on here, stickynotegirl. Shes my Blaine Im her Kurt  Lobe ya Blainers! Youre my everything.

"Hey honey! Im home." Kurt said as he walked in the door from work.

"Hey baby!" Blaine replied, walked over to Kurt, and gave him a very passionate, yet needy, kiss.

"Well...its nice to see you at last? Is Andrea home?" 

"Yeah, shes up in her room. She came home and went straight to her room. She didnt want to talk." Blaine said sadly.

"Well maybe Papa can talk to her. I mean in the fourteen years shes been alive she liked me more."

"Oh whatever." Blaine said "Im gonna finish dinner."

|Andrea was 14 years old. She had Black hair with dark blue highlights and olive skin. She was basically a girl version of Blaine in his teens.|

Kurt knocked on Andreas door hearing sobs from the other side "Andy, sweetheart can I come in?" 

"NO! JUST GO AWAY! I dont want to talk..." 

"Ok sweetheart...well dinner is almost come down soon, ok?"

"Y-yeah o-ok" Andrea replied

Kurt went back downstairs to Blaine wrapping his arms around his waist from behind "Well....I tried talking to her...she didnt want to" kirtbsaid with some worry in his voice.

"Aw babe...dont worry just give her some time. Now lets eat."

Kirt and Blaine set out some plates and silverware for dinner when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Andrea looked like she was hit by a train. She had tear stains down her face and her eyes were red and puffy.

"H-hey.." She said and sat down "S-sorry about s-screaming a-at y-ou..." She looked like she was about to break into tears "I just had a bad day...."

"Sweetie...its ok, do you want to talk about it?" 

"C-can we? Please?" She asked 

"Yeah...come here and sit with us"

Andrea slowly walked over to Kurt and Blaine on the couch

"I-I need to t-tell you something" she said breaking out into tears "And Ive b-been k-keeping this a secret for a long time no and... I think now is a good time to tell you.." She inhaled a sharp breath before breaking out onto sobs "I-Im gay.....I like girls.." She then wailed out in screams and cries. "I feel so ashamed!!" 

"Babe, dont be ashamed. This is who you are. Were proud of you for being yourself."


"Yes of course sweetie" Blaine chimed in. "We love you just the way you are!" 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said breaking out in tears again, but not tears of sadness, tears of joy. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~later that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I think we did good" Blaine said as he put the last set of dishes in the dishwasher.

"Yeah we did.." Kurt replied "Im happy she told us about being gay."

 O"Yeah..." Blaine replied pushing his body up against Kurts in a hug. 

"So I think maybe we should crack open a tub of ice cream and watch Disney movies." 

"Well...I think we should go upstairs, since shes asleep, and do something we havent done in forever...if you know what I mean...." Blaine said seducively.

"I like the way you think-"Kurt was cut off by being pinned up to the wall and kissed deeply and passionately, continuing to the bedroom.


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