March 11, 2016, 6 p.m.
puppy crime
Kurt and Blaine's new puppy causes what kurt thinks is a big mistake.
T - Words: 234 - Last Updated: Mar 11, 2016 648 0 0 0 Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
"I can't believe you let this happen. You asshole."
"I'm sorry Kurt. I didn't think this would happen." Said Blaine.
"Right I'm supposed to believe that you didn't expect our new untrained puppy to chew on all of my magazines. He's a puppy Blaine. They chew on everything."
"I know and I'm sorry, said Blaine picking up their puppy. And so is he. Aren't you little guy?"
They were both looking at kurt with sad eyes. Kurt couldn't decide who looked more adorable, Blaine or the puppy.
"O my god fine. I forgive you, both of you. Just make sure to take him to puppy training."
"Already taken care of. He starts training on Saturday at noon. I also replaced your magazines, and brought you lunch."
" I knew there was a reason I married you."
"What not because you love me." Blaine pouted.
" Nope it's because you buy me stuff."
Both men started laughing, Blaine leaning in to give kurt a soft kiss.
After lunch Blaine said "why don't we take this little monster for a walk?"
"Sounds good let's go."
"Hey Blaine?" Kurt said as Blaine was putting on the puppies leash.
"Yeah?" Asked Blaine.
"You know I live you more than anything in the world right?"
"Of course I do. I love you more than anything too." Blaine said reaching for Kurt's hand.
"Ready to go?" he asked
"With you I'd do anywhere." Said kurt.
They both walked out the door with their puppy. Hand in hand and leash.