The Problem With Blaine Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

The Problem With Blaine

Kurt only has one problem with Blaine. Jokefic I made a text post on Tumblr about this head canon and a couple people wanted to see the fic so, here I wrote it. Based off of this text post:

K - Words: 456 - Last Updated: Jan 01, 2014
975 0 0 0
Categories: AU, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

The one problem Kurt has with Blaine is not that he wears too much hair gel, or that he has a whole drawer filled with just  his bowties or even that he sings Katy Perry very loudly in the shower every morning. Kurt secretly loved all those things about him. No, Kurt Hummel hated the way Blaine Anderson slept. Of course they went to bed snuggled against each other, Blaine holding him close in the start but they always pulled away from each other over night. And it was the same thing night after night. Blaine always threw his arms out as he slept, hitting Kurt in the face. Of course Kurt had to move the arm but he kept on swinging it back up.

Tonight was no different.

They were in bed, untangled from one another and sleeping on their own side of the bed when Blaine swung his arm back. Kurt groaned and moved the dead-like arm off him. After a few minutes his arm hit Kurt in the face again. Kurt shoved it off him and again it hit him. Kurt had enough. He sat up, groggy and slammed the arm on the bed. He took his fiancé and with all the strength he had for being half asleep he flipped Blaine around so he was laying on his stomach, his arms tucked under him and he was now lying half way off the bed. 

Kurt too tired to move him and pleased that he wont be disrupted again laid back down and went back to sleep.

It was now 6:30 am and their alarm clock went off. Blaine rolled back to stretch when he woke, falling backwards and landing on the wooden floor.

"Owe!" He screamed as his head hit the floor. He was fully awake now. Kurt watched this happen as he hit the off button on the alarm and was now stifling a laugh. He continued to watch as his hand popped up and grasped the bedsheets to pull himself up, his other hand holding his throbbing head.

"Are you alright?" Kurt asked as a giggle escaped his mouth.

"Yeah - ah," Blaine said, putting more pressure on his head, "My head kind of hurts is all." Blaine paused for a moment, "How did I get way over there anyways?" He then asked. Kurt shrugged, a goofy grin on his face as he continued to hold back the laugh.

"I dont know." Kurt lied, "Are you sure youre okay?" He let another giggle escape.

"Yeah, just need some ice. That really hurt." Blaine said as he slowly walked out of their room and towards the kitchen, still holding his head. Kurt covered his mouth as he let out the laugh that was hurting him to hold in any longer.


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