On a Beach. In Manhattan Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

On a Beach. In Manhattan

Just a little drabble to see how my writing skills are. I've been thinking about doing one all this past week and decided, fuck yeah, I'm doing one.Please review telling me how you thought. This is one place where I will accept any type of criticism to help with my writing. Well, almost any.Example of review I will not take: Fuck you, fuck your stories, you can't write worth shit. My stories are much better, Imma much better author and I'm fucking dyslexic.Will not be excepted I under any circumstances.Examples of reviews I will take: Cute, but there were a few punctuation errors and I really don't like the way you cut off paragraphs. Other than that it was decent.OrLove, love, love it!!!! I really don't know why you need reassurance on your stories, they are wonderful!!!!! Don't stop the good work!Is excepted.Basically, Kurt and Blaine have been together for five years now. Blaine was ready to pop the question, on a beach. In Manhattan.

K - Words: 331 - Last Updated: Jun 23, 2013
749 0 0 2
Categories: AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Please give me your feedback! Again, leave me a review, any criticism I will take on here. Well, almost any, if it's too harsh, then no.Hope you enjoyed my first drabble, and, hopefully my last.And I know the proposal was too cliché, but, you know.....

Blaine and Kurt were walking down the Manhattan Beach, near the shoreline, where the tide comes in, wetting their bare feet as they walked.

Blaine was ready to propose. He and Kurt were celebrating their five year anniversary since they been together, living in New York after graduation.

Blaine was lost in thought when all of a sudden he was being dragged into the water by Kurt. Blaine didn't care, he let the other guy go knee deep in the water. He kept on thinking when he felt water splash against his face. He turned his head to find Kurt smiling wide at him. Kurt splashed again. Blaine covered his face with his hands, missing his palms completely and hitting him hard in the face. Blaine toppled over and Kurt began laughing at him.

Once Kurt calmed Blaine stretched out his hand, asking for help. Kurt grabbed hold of it and was pulled down into the water. This time Blaine began laughing at an upset Kurt. Blaine splashed his boyfriend who splashed right back. They continued doing that for what felt like hours until Blaine spoke up.

"This is not how I wanted things to go." He said, standing up. Kurt got up too.

"Aww, little Blainey is too sophisticated to be playing a water war." Kurt mocked, trying hard to hide how pissed he was. Blaine shook his head with a smile.

"I am too sophisticated to have a water war with my boyfriend, but not with my fiancé." Blaine began. Kurt's breath caught in his throat, was this really happening? "Kurt Hummel, will you marry me?" Blaine asked as he knelt down on one knee and pulled out a damp box from his now soaking wet khakis.

Kurt knelt down and kissed his boyfriend, "Is that answer enough?" He asked when they released. Blaine's smile widened as the two of them stood up and placed the ring on Kurt's left ring finger. They shared another kiss then sat and watch the sunset on the perfect day.


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