Aug. 10, 2012, 10:23 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2012, 10:23 a.m.
They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In the case of mamihlapinatapai, it's a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desires but which neither one wants to start. Kurt and Blaine are speaking with their eyes.
* * *
Blaine enters the classroom, feeling slightly uncomfortable. It’s always unnerving when you’re the new guy at school but he does feel confident at the same time. His eyes meet a brown haired guy at the back of the class, who shoots him a small smile. The stranger’s eyes are of a remarkable colour: green mixed with blue, it was like a whirlwind of colours, perfectly matched. Whatever the teacher said to introduce him to the class has completely slipped his mind and he blinks a few times, coming back to reality. He looks at the teacher once she addresses him “You can go join Kurt, there’s still a free spot next to him.” she points to the back of the class and as Blaine lets his eyes search across the room, he notices the handsome boy giving him a small wave. He smiles at the boy, apparently called Kurt, and makes his way to the back of the class. As he sits down, their eyes meet again and Blaine can’t help but feel mesmerized by the extraordinary eyes. “Hi, I’m Kurt.” the boy smiles.
“Blaine.” he informs and they shake hands while their eyes are still locked. All Blaine wants and all he can think of right now is, please let us become friends, please be my friend, please let’s be friends.
* * *
The ghost of a smile plays on the corners of Kurt's mouth as his eyes meet Blaine’s, he feels himself drown into those amber coloured eyes, once again. They have the colour of golden syrup on a sunny day, he had thought that after all this time of being good friends with Blaine he would have gotten used to it. He was wrong. Kurt could feel the blood rush through his veins as his heart picked up speed at the sight of Blaine, in front of him. He was only half listening to the conversation, his eyes darting from Blaine's eyes to Blaine's lips, just wishing he could kiss them. He didn't though, instead he just continued staring into Blaine's eyes, just like Blaine was looking straight into his. "You're staring?" Blaine mumbled softly. "So are you". They shared a smile in which silent words seemed to be exchanged but none of which Kurt actually wanted to say to him. please kiss me, please kiss me, please kiss me.
* * *
Blaine unlocks his eyes with Kurt’s and looks at their hands, they’re so close , close enough that if he outstretches his pinky, he’d easily enough be able to hook it with Kurt’s, but he didn’t. Even though all he wants is to feel Kurt, touch Kurt, be with Kurt. In the months they spend time together, they got close and Blaine’s feelings for Kurt are stronger than he’d ever dare to admit. He can feel Kurt’s gaze on him and with a small smile playing on his lips, he meets Kurt’s eyes. He feels butterflies in his stomach, seeing how Kurt’s eyes seem to be smiling, having a glint in them. “What?” he asks, feeling curious. “Nothing.” Kurt mumbles before taking a sip of his drink. And Kurt looks at him in such a way that Blaine can feel the breath hitch in the back of his throat, he decides to drop the subject and wonders if he’s the only one feeling the sexual tension around them. He bites his lip, looking away briefly and the moment his eyes meet Kurt’s again, he sees something in them that encourages him enough to bridge the small space between their hands. Skin touches and electricity spreads through Blaine’s veins. The feeling only increasing when he feels how Kurt, now responds to the action by lacing his fingers with Blaine’s. As they share a smile, the only thing going around in Blaine’s head is, Please kiss me, please kiss me, please kiss me.
* * *
Kurt plays with Blaine’s fingers while his looks at Blaine with pleading eyes. All he wants is a kiss, all he wants it to let Blaine know how much he means to him and how much he loves him. But it’s words he’s scared of to say, scared of it being too soon, scared of Blaine maybe not wanting and thinking the same. So he just lets his eyes speak for him instead. Kurt’s eyes dart over to Blaine’s lips for a split second and he wonders how they would feel, how Blaine would taste. When he looks up again, he notices a change in the colour of Blaine’s eyes, the gold in it was of a much richer colour, like liquid gold. They seem hungry, lustful even, and it only makes Kurt want Blaine even more. Blaine’s pupils pitch black and slightly bigger than usual, Kurt can see his reflection, only to find the same lust written in his own pair of eyes. His grip on Blaine’s fingers gets more dominant as they share a look that speaks for itself, a look in which they both seem to be wanting the same but Kurt feels unsure. “Blaine, I...” but he pauses and swallows. “Yes?” Blaine’s eyes are eager. “Nothing, just wondering if you want a refill?”. Blaine’s face drops “Oh. Sure.”
Kurt smiles at him and when he leans in to get up, Blaine mirrors his actions and meets him halfway. Their eyes meet at the exact moment their lips do and Kurt recognizes the same emotions in them as he’s feeling: want, lust, hunger, excitement and, above all, excitement and happiness. His hand finds the small of Blaine’s neck, resting it there and playing with the hair that tickled his fingers. When they break apart, their breaths both slightly uneven, they look at each other and smile. As Blaine nuzzles his nose with Kurt’s, Kurt just looks at him with pleading eyes, trying to tell Blaine the few words that kept repeating in his head: please kiss me again , I love you so much, please kiss me again, I love you so much, please kiss me again, I love you so much.
* * *
Blaine gasps as he tries to keep up with Kurt’s eager kissing. They’d been together long enough now to have gotten used to each other, to know what the other one likes and to know how to go left when the other one goes right. They are a perfect match, but tonight Kurt’s eager pace is something Kurt hadn’t done this in a while anymore. Their kisses are usually sweet and lovely and perfect, now Kurt’s kisses are hungry and demanding and way too much of a turn on for Blaine to be able to control himself. He slides his down Kurt’s chest, finding the rim of Kurt’s shirt and sliding his hands under it and touching the bare skin of Kurt’s chest. He feels Kurt groan in his next kiss as Blaine slides his hands up Kurt’s torso and let his fingers teasingly linger over Kurt’s nipples. Feeling himself getting worked up, he finds it hard to ignore the growing tension inside his trousers, he breaks apart with Kurt and looks at him with lustful eyes, begging Kurt to get the hint as he’s too scared to say the words: I want you, all of you. I want to feel you, I want to be with you forever.
But what if Kurt thinks it’s too soon? What if Kurt isn’t ready yet? What if...
“What?” Kurt frowns, panting heavily and looking up at him through heavy lidded eyes. “Nothing.” Blaine lies, biting his lip. “Your eyes have gone all sad.” Kurt says, trying to catch his breath but sounding genuinely concerned. Blaine smiles sadly, “I always thought it was funny how eyes could say so much even when the mouth is quiet.” Blaine mumbles.
“That’s because your soul and your heart are mirrored in your eyes.” Kurt smiles and nibbles Blaine’s lower lip, “What’s wrong?”
Blaine sighs, cups Kurt’s chin and nuzzles Kurt’s nose before saying “Nothing. Everything’s perfect, you are perfect, this is perfect.”
Kurt’s eyes smile at him and Blaine finds it easy to read what they’re saying: I love you. Blaine leans in kissing Kurt once more, his tongue trailing the outline of them before dipping it in and massaging Kurt’s, all the time keeping his eyes locked with Kurt’s as he hopes his reply in them is easy to read: I love you too.
* * *
Kurt couldn’t stop smiling as he looked at Blaine lying inside his arms. He plants some butterfly kisses on Blaine’s shoulder and pulls him in closer inside him. Blaine moans slightly, feeling content. “Morning. Slept well?” Kurt mumbles before nibbling Blaine’s earlobe. “It was short.” Blaine chuckles and turns to face Kurt, their lips locking in a passionate kiss. Kurt smiles, feeling lightheaded as they break apart “I never thought last night would happen but I’m glad it did.” “Same.” Blaine agrees and brushes Kurt’s fringe from his eyes, seeing how they sparkle. Kurt smiles and lets his hands trace over Blaine’s chest again. Blaine looks up noticing the flush in Kurt's cheeks. "What?" He smiles. Kurt shrugs and kisses his lips gently, it's just a small peck but the look in his eyes said it all, I know you love me. I love you back.