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Bella Notte

It's the first time Kurt's coming to Blaine's house and Blaine decided he's cooking. From Coopers point of view.

K - Words: 512 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2012
1,068 0 0 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Basically there was one line that kept playing through my mind and if I could draw I would've just made a drawing out of it but since I can't, I ended up writing a mini one shot about it. English is not my native language and this has not been beta-read by someone. If there's grammatical errors, I apologize but please bear with me.

Cooper is sitting in the living room chuckling away as he can hear his little brother cursing at pots and pans. The noise coming from the kitchen can only mean one thing: major cooking damage. He finds it funny right now but realizes he’ll regret it later, knowing well enough who’ll be responsible for cleaning up after him. They’ll need the house back in perfect condition by the time their parents come back from their weekend away. He puts both his feet on the side table and relaxes in the sofa while flicking through the channels. He looked at the clock. Another half an hour at least before Kurt would be here.

“Coop, when the water does this bubbly thing that means it’s boiling right?”

“What, are you twelve?” Cooper chuckles.

“I’m serious!” Blaine pops his head out of the kitchen, curls bouncing on his head. His face somehow covered with flour. Cooper frowns before bursting into laughter.

“B., I don’t get why you decided to cook when we both know you’re barely able to boil an egg.”

“I thought it would be a nice idea.” Blaine shrugs.

“Sure…” Cooper replies, not entirely believing him, “Why didn’t you pick something even easier than spaghetti?”

“Just…because…” Blaine replies, blushing.

“Oh Blaine, not the whole ‘lady and the tramp’ thing again, right?” Cooper laughs, making Blaine blush even more.

“… I just wanted to impress Kurt.” He pouts. Cooper rolls his eyes at the mess his little brother is.

“Go get changed,” he commands, “I’ll cook your dinner and I’ll even serve you.”

An instant smile spreads across Blaine’s face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” jumping his big brother and hugging him tightly.

“You’re suffocating me! Go and get ready, Kurt could be here any second!”

Cooper rolls his eyes as Blaine races off to his room. Seeing the mess the kitchen looks like, already, he’s glad  that he decided to do the cooking himself.


“Enjoy your meal.” Cooper says, putting down the plates.

“I cooked this myself.” Blaine smiles at Kurt who looks at him in awe.  Cooper coughs, clearing his throat loudly. “Uhm, Coop might have helped a bit.” Blaine admits.

“Figured that much.” Kurt laughs.

Cooper goes back to the kitchen and takes a look at the giant mess. He sighs but feels somewhat grateful that he doesn’t have to watch how Blaine and Kurt are eating from the same spaghetti string. He starts cleaning the walls, hoping to be able to finish everything before Blaine starts rolling a meatball to Kurt with his nose.

When the giggling from the dining room gets too loud, Cooper decides it might be best for him if he locks himself in his room.

He’s barely able to keep himself from laughing when he walks into the two of them, Blaine’s face covered in tomato sauce and also Kurt’s nose. “B., I’ve done most of the kitchen, would you mind doing the washing up?” a small snort escaping him.

Cooper nods and wishes the two lovers a good evening, still trying to keep himself from laughing. As he walks through the hall he starts singing Bella Notte knowing well enough they can hear him.

End Notes: please check out my main fiction: Painting Masks


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