I Would Travel With You If You'd Let Me Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Feb. 23, 2014, 6 p.m.

I Would Travel With You If You'd Let Me

If you listen closely to the expatriates, they will all tell you the same thing: "We meet more people we know in airports than we do in cities."

M - Words: 3,858 - Last Updated: Feb 23, 2014
491 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Tags: friendship,

Author's Notes:

I found this plot in one of my notebooks, it only took me a year to write it.

I hope you liked it and that you now want to travel!


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1998 - { Port Columbus International Airport (Columbus, United States) – Charles de Gaulle Airport (Paris, France) }

The first time they meet, Kurt and Blaine are both 5 and about to take a plane for the first time ever. The Andersons are very organized about everything, after all this isnt the first expatriation that Paul Anderson is facing. They arrive early at the airport, check in easily and pass security with three hours to spare. They have time to shop in the duty free shops, and Blaine tries on all the perfumes he can before snoring loudly in between Asian women cooing over his curls and his cute little bowtie. Once they all buy a magazine to read and something to snack they march to the gate, find a row of wooden empty chairs and settle comfortably in them. Blaine opens his Mickey Mouse magazine, trying to distract himself from the very large glass window right next to him, where he knows he can see the plane. Its a little bit scary, so he concentrates on his reading.

The Hummels are a little less organized, so to say. Burt has just been elected, and his new functions require him to travel. They almost forgot their passports, have too many bags when they check in, need to remove almost every single piece of clothing they have on while passing security when they finally stumble in the right gate. They all look half clothed, they are holding way too many things in their hands instead of having taken time to put them back in their bags, and none of the three look awake. Its been a terrible morning for the Hummels. Kurt spots an empty chair and runs to it, there are too many smelly people in this airport and he knows hell have to wait a very long time before getting on the plane. Hed rather sit next to someone who smells nice. Kurt climbs on the seat however he can, his little butt wiggling in the air while he reaches for the handles to help him. He finally settles comfortably in his seat, and yes, the boy sitting next to him does smell nice, this will do.

"Hi, Im Blaine." Blaine introduces himself, he likes how the boy next to him looks very sure and confident, maybe hes taken a plane before.

"Hi, Im Kurt. You smell nice." Blaine beams with pride at that, he knew that trying on perfume was a good idea.

"Thank you, I like your hair." Blaine states, and just like that Kurt knows that Blaine is going to be his best friend, because he smells nice and he likes his hair. Nothing will ever come between them.

"Do you want to see the planes, Blaine?" Kurt asks, not noticing his parents crashing on the row of chairs in front of him, looking disheveled and done with everything.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Kurt nods solemnly, secrets arent something to take lightly. He raises his pinky finger and waits for Blaine to do the same. "Ive never been on a plane before." Blaine whispers, half expecting Kurt to laugh at him.

"Its alright, its my first time too." Kurt takes Blaines hands in his and leads them to the glass window, where they glue their sticky hands and noses against it, to have a better look at the plane. There are lots of little windows on the plane, and very small wheels. Planes are weird.

2003 - { Galeão International Airport (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – JFK International Airport (New York, United States) }

The second time they meet, Kurt is coming back from Brazil, where his father had to work for two years. He liked Brazil, the colors, the smells, the fresh fruits and the way people were peaceful but lively. He wasnt all that fond of the sun, but he managed, it gave both himself and his father something to do after his mother died. Kurt is back in the US now though, because according to Burt it would be good for him to settle for a few years in his home country, to get a proper education while he travels even more than before for his job. Kurt doesnt mind the traveling but maybe hell learn to love his country while he stays there.

My country, my country, my country. Kurt keeps on repeating, because it feels weird to talk about a country like that, especially one he doesnt remember living in.

He is supposed to meet someone from his boarding school outside of the gate, after he gathers his luggage. He feels a little scared while walking through the corridor where several framed pictures represent the wonder that is the United States. It looks fake and the airport is trying top hard to welcome them and sell to them how great the US is.

Were already in the country, Kurt wants to say, no need to convince us, weve already paid to get here, were not gonna leave.

He can finally see the door, and hopes that someone will be here.

He finally crosses the threshold of the heavy doors and he spots his name written in curvy lettering on a signboard, and what looks like a teacher holding it. There is a boy Kurt remembers from somewhere next to the teacher, but he cant pinpoint where he saw him before. He has curly hair, a big smile and amazing hazel eyes, Kurt notices.

"Kurt Hummel?" The teacher asks while smiling warmly at him. She seems nice, and she is wearing a cardigan with the blazon of his new school on it.

"Yes, hi."

"Nice to meet you, Kurt. Im Ann and Ill be your attendant. This is Blaine." The woman, Ann, says, while turning to the boy next to her. "Hell be your sponsor. Hes been at St Judes for almost a year and hell help you settle in." Kurt turns to Blaine, trying as hard as he can to remember where he had seen him before, because he knows him, he just doesnt remember where from.

"Hi, Im Blaine. Were in the same room back at school. Ive been waiting for a new roommate for two months now. Its gonna be amazing!" Blaine says, taking Kurts luggage to make it roll behind him as they all leave the airport.

It takes Kurt three months to remember where he knows Blaine from. It takes him two more to tell him that theyve met before. Turns out, Blaine knew all along.

They dont have a lot of classes together, but they do meet for lunch and dinner, do their homework together sitting on Blaines bed, they meet with Nick and Jeff sometimes to talk and read. Blaine is there for the same reason as Kurt, his parents are traveling a lot and they wanted him to have a good education in his home country. Kurt can relate, he can relate about lots of thing with Blaine and it feels nice to have someone who listens to him, who makes him discover new things, who doesnt judge him, who laughs with him but never makes fun of him. Kurt is only 10 but kids are mean and he knows it all too well already. Kurt and Blaine are best friends and soon enough the whole school knows that they are a package deal, if you want to talk to Kurt youll get Blaine as well, if you want to invite Blaine to your room to play Kurt will tag along. They are best friends, their life is simple and nice. It lasts two years and a half, until Blaine has to move back with his parents. Kurt leaves the school six months later to join his father in Asia.

2011 - { Hong Kong International Airport (Hong Kong, Special Administration Region of China) – Heathrow Airport (London, United Kingdom) }

Its the 25th December and Kurt shouldnt be in an airport, freezing his ass off. But there he is, waiting next to a very sad looking Christmas tree, in front of his gate. Burt had been relocated to Hong Kong two years before, and Kurt loves the city. The culture there is amazing, he sees the influence of the British Empire everywhere and he likes how Hong Kong managed to mix together both cultures, creating harmonious spaces. What he doesnt like though, is the need to travel to London almost a week before he was supposed to, to register into his new school for his last semester of high school. He knows he wants to get into a fashion school in London, apparently being there will be favorable to him to get into fashion school.

Bullshit, right now all he can see is his disastrous Christmas dinner formed of a half-melted Mars bar and a can of Coke. He can hear his stomach rumble and grumble, he has nothing to do and he can barely feel his feet. Its Christmas but it doesnt really feel Christmas-y. Who knew an airport could actually look like a haunted place. Guess you need to have been in one on Christmas night to understand. The only thing that reminds him of Christmas is the cold, and the snow outside.

"I think this top all the gifts Ive been given today." Kurt hears from behind and he knows that voice all too well. He jumps out of his seat and is immediately engulfed in a tight hug, his nostrils filling up with Blaines scent.

"Blaine, what are you doing here?" Kurt asks, his face lighting up and a smile chasing away the frown he had on seconds ago.

"Im going to Bombay to spend the rest of the holidays with some friends. What are you doing here?" Blaine looks different. Well, luckily for him he does, because its been five years since they last saw each other. His shoulders are broader, his skin is a little darker and the curls arent poking wildly everywhere anymore, they are carefully gelled back in a very dapper way. Ann would be proud.

"Im traveling to London. Im going to finish high school there." And Kurt remembers a cute little boy, a friend who he knew he could count on no matter what, but he doesnt remember that Blaine had been that beautiful, stunning, gorgeous when he was younger and the evolution really strikes Kurt because, well, Blaine is just really really attractive.

"Wow, thats… I never thought Id meet you again. Oh Kurt, Im so happy to see you here." Blaine says, his hands instantly reaching out to Kurts. Blaine is beaming with joy, and Kurt does notice that his hand is still holding Kurts, lingering for a minute or two. "Is it weird if I tell you that you changed, like a lot?" Blaine breathes out, a dark blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Good change or bad change?" Kurt wonders, scrunching up his nose in apprehension.

"Oh, very good change. Who knew five years could change someone that much!" Blaine answers, his blush darkening and Kurt thinks that he knows perfectly what Blaine is talking about.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the flight numbers 38993654, 56884891 and 2251781 with destinations of London, Paris and Bombay have been delayed due to the current weather. Further information will be given in half an hour." Someone announces through a speaker and Kurt can feel irritation coursing through his body, he found something even more devilish than the Grinch: snowstorms on Christmas day. The situation is even worse than before Blaine appeared like a wild Pokémon.

"This is a nightmare." Kurt whines, rubbing his tired eyes.

"My flight has been delayed too, Im quite hungry, wanna grab something to eat?" Blaine asks. And yes, Kurt really wants a nice meal because hes been sitting in this horrible wooden chair for two hours now, hes seen at least three planes being boarded and taking off, hes seen the lights slowly turning on while the stormy sky darkened and he really cant stand the purple-y carpet of his gate.

"Yes, please. Lets walk all the way to another gate, I dont care. Lets just get out of here." Blaine chuckles at Kurts reaction and grabs his hands again, this time to lead him to the American Airlines private salon, where he knows theyll have much better seats and a perfectly healthy meal cooked just for them, perks of being the son of a very busy businessman. Kurt follows Blaine happily, sat in front of him as they share a meal in an almost empty airport, stuck because of a snowstorm on the evening of the 25th of December.

They talks about the past five years. Kurt lets out that even kids who travelled all their life can be closed minded jerks and bullied him because he is gay. Blaine doesnt say a word about how he got beaten in his last school because he asked another boy to the dance. Instead they share about the new countries they got to visit, the new restaurants theyve tried, the most ridiculous boy bands and girl bands of each country. They spend three hours talking and they exchanges Skype details right before Kurt finally boards.

Christmas night in the Hong Kong airport can be magical after all.

2013 - { Heathrow International Airport (London, United Kingdom) – Jorge Chavez International Airport (Lima, Peru) }

Heathrow is a horrible place to be, especially on the first day of the summer holidays. Kurt wants to kick himself, to thinly cut his last Marc Jacob shorts to punish himself. He is the son of a United States Ambassador, he should know better than to book a plane ticket on the first day on any holiday. But here he is, in the middle of crying children, overwhelmed parents, hats and ugly flip-flops, standing because some idiots cant put their bags on the floor.

Standing isnt for him though and he quickly finds a spot next to an electrical terminal, courtesy of Samsung, to charge his phone.

Perfect. Kurt thinks, its a little on the side of the gate, he can still hear the children but at least they arent yelling in his ears and he can admire the bag of a backpacker right next to him while the woman is writing her blog. The woman has been everywhere according to her bag and Kurt wants to know more, she has amazing dreadlocks with feathers and pearls, a nose ring and lots of rings on her fingers. She writes faster than anyone on earth could. If Kurt wasnt gay, hed been crushing hard. The woman seems amazingly interesting.

Kurt doesnt want to bother her, or to seem like a creep so he turns his eyes somewhere else and there he is. Blaine Anderson in the flesh. They have been talking for two years, using Skype, Facebook, Twitter. They exchanged a lot after their Christmas in Hong Kong and soon enough they were friends again, until Kurt developed a serious crush on him. It took him by surprise, one morning for Blaine and night for Kurt. They were talking about what Blaine was going to do and Kurt had thought that he would love to spend the day with Blaine, gently making out with him on the beach he was planning to go surfing. Things got worse and Kurts crush transformed into love. He didnt say a word about it, because he knew people would make fun of him for even thinking about being with someone he only talked to online and at odd hours because the man in question was on the other side of the planet. So Kurt kept everything to himself, nurturing fantasizes about the two of them being reunited somewhere.

Kurt doesnt know what Blaine is doing here, doesnt remember Blaine saying a thing about being in London and Kurt is taken by surprise. He starts to stand up to go and see him when a group of men beat Kurt to it. Blaine is all smiles and warm hugs, talking happily with them, laughing and hugging them again. Kurt thinks that one of them is Jeff, from the boarding school in New York, but he cant be sure. All Kurt can see is one of the mens lingering hand on Blaines back.

Kurt wants to talk to him, wants to hug him and to get a little of something real instead of virtual, just for once. But if Blaine didnt tell him he was passing by London there must be a reason, so Kurt tries to contain all the hope that had blossomed when he saw Blaine few minutes ago, tries not to think about how stupid he feels for having a crush on someone he will never stand a chance with and Kurt sit back quietly.

The woman with the dreadlocks and the nose ring eyes him sadly, pats his knee and goes back to her writing.

Yeah, Heathrow Airport is a bitch.

2013 - { Gare du Nord (Paris, France) – Amsterdam Centraal Railway Station (Amsterdam, Netherland) }

This time it doesnt happen in an airport, but it feels all the same. France is smelly, French public transport is smelly, but French people have a wicked sense of fashion that makes Kurts insides tingle. He is sitting in Gare du Nord, waiting for his train. Its his holidays, his father is busy with a woman he met at the Embassy Party, whose name is Carole. So Kurt decided to do something crazy and maybe a little bit stupid, but he felt adventurous. He packed a suitcase that morning and showed up at the London train station and bought a train ticket for the next train. He knew that by taking the train he wasnt going to travel anywhere exotic, but Amsterdam had been a good surprise. He had to travel through France for some obscure reason and here he was, waiting again.

Kurt is trying to read a French version of Vogue, but there are too many people around and he cant concentrate. He feels like he is going on the trip of his life. He has never done something this spontaneous, he doesnt even know where hell be sleeping tonight.

Kurt decides to walk around, to look at the shops. Its been a while since hes been in France. Even if its just the trainstation shop, its still France.

Kurt is in the middle of a nervous breakdown while trying to choose between two The Kooples scarves when he spots the back of someones head he knows. Kurt waits a little though, hes learnt his lesson, but when after two minutes Blaine is still alone, Kurt walks to him.

"Blaine?" Kurt greets, and Blaine spins around, obviously surprised to see Kurt there.

"Kurt? Oh my god, Kurt!" Blaine is bouncing like a puppy before reaching out for Kurt and hugging him tightly. "I cant believe youre here. I thought you were staying in London for these holidays? Isnt that what you wrote in yesterdays email?" Kurt doesnt bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from flailing a little because Blaine remembers his emails. He really doesnt. (He totally does.)

"Ah, yes. But this morning I had a spur of the moment kind of thing and jumped on the first train. Im just passing through, though. Im going to Amsterdam."

"Ive never been to Amsterdam." Blaine says in awe, like Kurt is going to the most mysterious and amazing place on earth. Kurt can feel Blaines eyes on him and its not uncomfortable but he isnt quite sure what it means. It feels good to have Blaine there, right in front of him, close enough to touch.

"Ive never been either and Im definitely scared to go alone, but well. I guess I cant wait all my life for someone to show up and travel with me." Kurt jokes a little, he has to turn this into a joke because this sounds seriously depressing.

"I would travel with you if youd let me." It looks like Blaine just blurted this out, but Kurt cant be sure because all he can focus on right now is the beat of his own heart at Blaines words.

"I would let you travel with me." And thats actually all it takes for Blaine to take Kurts hand, walk to his parents and cancel his plans with them. Kurt doesnt remember the Andersons at all, but apparently he left a lasting memory on them because they remember him and ask him to give his father a greeting. Kurt and Blaine travel together, they find a nice hotel to stay in, and on day two Kurt kisses Blaine, or Blaine kisses Kurt. They dont really know who kisses who first and it doesnt matter. They spend the rest of the trip walking hand in hand, stealing kisses, eating in fancy restaurants, taking pictures, laughing, they do laugh a lot, and relishing in the beauty that is Amsterdam.

2018 - { Madrid Barajas Airport (Madrid, Spain) – JFK International Airport (New York, United States) }

Kurt is going to kill Blaine slowly and painfully, because Blaine locked himself in the toilet of the airport. Again.

He did it last year when they were in Sydney in protestation because he didnt want to leave.

"Blaine, could you please come out?" Kurt asks with a sigh.

"No. Im staying here. Ill live off of tapas and cerveza. Im not going back to New York." Kurt tries not to look at the men coming and going from the room. He knows they must be staring and judging. Its not exactly his fault if his husband develops a strong relationship with the countries he visits.

"Blaine, please. If you come out of here Ill do anything you want." Kurt doesnt like the airport toilets; they are unsanitary. He was supposed to be sitting in an uncomfortable chair, in the American Airlines private lounge, waiting for his flight, with his husband sitting next to him while they read magazines or talk about what they had preferred to visit in Spain.

"Anything?" Kurt hears coming from inside the booth and he swears to anything that exists that he is gonna strangle the man he married, Chicago style. He had it coming.

"Anything." Kurt purrs and Blaine finally opens the door. Kurt grabs his hand and leads them out of the toilets, Blaine flying behind him. They sit in front of their gate and Kurt is fuming while Blaine is trying to catch his breath.

"Are you mad?" Blaine asks after a while. He knows very well that Kurt is mad, he can see his vein on his forehead, he just doesnt want Kurt to be mad on the last day of their honeymoon.


"Im sorry. I shouldnt have locked myself in and if you stop pouting Ill do anything you want."

"Locked yourself in again." Kurt corrects but Blaine can already tell that he is close to making Kurt smile.

"Locked in again, yes sorry. So? What do you want?" Blaine asks again, taking Kurts chin in his hand and gently turning his head to face him.

"Anything?" Kurt asks, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Anything." Blaine acquiesces, wondering what he just let himself in for. Kurt leans toward Blaine, puts a kiss on his cheek and then whispers in his ear.

"I want to go see the planes."

"Anything for you." Blaine says as he gently pecks Kurt on the lips.

Maybe airports are their somewhere only we know.


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