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Friends Don't Let Friend's Dial Drunk

Kurt and Blaine had a bad break up, but when Blaine keeps trying his best to get Kurt back at the wrong times, sometimes Kurt can't help but go crawling back.

K - Words: 1,285 - Last Updated: Oct 29, 2012
918 0 0 0
Categories: Drama,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Kurt flipped in his bed looking at his ringing phone. “Hello?” His croaky voice sounded trying to make sense of the time on his alarm clock. 2:45am.
“Kurt. Kurt.” His name was being dragged and slurred, it was loud and he could only hear his name being called faintly. Taking the phone from his ear he glanced at the screen to see who was calling, Blaine.
“What do you want?” Kurt sighed, knowing exactly why he would be calling.
“I nneeeed y-you.” He slurred down the phone again from his lonely street corner. Taking a moment to think about the words Blaine was saying for the millionth time, Kurt released a gasp of air that he didn’t know he’d been holding.
“You’re drunk Blaine. Go home and sober up.”
For months, Blaine had been calling him drunk with empty promises of a better relationship. Either that or only calling when he was bored with no-one else to go to the movies with. So the plan to take New York together didn’t work out, but Kurt was trying to get on with his life without Blaine.
“No, I’ll c-come too youuu.”
“Blaine you’re embarrassing yourself yet again. Go home.” Kurt pressed the end call button and settled down back in to his bed. The same bed which still felt a little empty without Blaine there. There was a coldness that seemed to take over the right side, something Kurt still wasn’t comfortable with. But the ability to sleep when he knew Blaine was out there, on his own, hammered in a city which frankly was dangerous. It made it harder for Kurt to leave Blaine alone.
He clambered out of bed and switched his light on with a twitch of his eyes adjusting. Pulling on some sweat pants and a jumper he tied his converse and headed for his car.
“Where the hell are you going?” Kurt whipped around to the sofa to see Finn and Rachel still sitting with only the tv light shining on their confused faces.
“Jeez you scared the hell out of me.” He leaned against the door. “I could say the same, it’s almost three.”
“Kurt it’s a weekend chill.” Finn ever defensive added. “Now, she’s right, where the hell are you going?”
Kurt sighed picking up his car keys and hitting his head back against the front door. “Going to find Blaine.”
Audio ably sighing from the couch and looking towards the TV, Kurt could tell Rachel was annoyed. “No, go on Rachel, I’m sure you have some creative little comment to add as usually.”
She looked at him a little shocked before deciding to actually stick up for herself, and to give Kurt some much needed advice. “I just don’t see the point in this anymore Kurt. Blaine’s been doing this for months. He tried living here, it didn’t work. He moved to a different apartment and it still didn’t work. So you broke up, and you need to move on and forget him because he’s making you miserable.” She looked at him, almost pleading. “Please, just go back to bed, he’s pathetic.”
Kurt moved closer, just a little, looking Rachel directly in the eyes. “You would do that to Finn would you?” He half heartedly pointed to his brother. Without another word from Rachel he turned on his heel and headed towards the door. “Didn’t think so.” Slamming the door he ran down the stairs and jumped in to his car.
Spending another 15 minutes looking around street corners and outside clubs for Blaine wasn’t the way that Kurt wanted his Saturday night to go. Seeing a lonely guy, sat on the floor under the light of a club sign, the curls resembling Blaine’s, Kurt’s heart sunk, way down.
“Get in.” Kurt said sternly keeping his front as he pulled up next to where Blaine was sat. “I said get up and in!” Kurt repeated as Blaine’s face rose to look at his.
Shaking his head violently, Blaine disagreed and continued to sit on the floor.
“Blaine if you don’t get in the back of this car and let me take you home I will personally throw you in.”
Begrudgingly, Blaine got up from his spot on the floor and teetered towards the car like a small child. Kurt rolled his eyes from the front seat; he was defiantly beyond drunk, again.
About half way to Blaine’s house he managed to stifle words. “Wh-where we g-going?”
Sighing, Kurt explained. “Home, your home. So I can put you to bed and you can sleep off the 20 beers you’ve had.”
Blaine went quiet again and remained like that the rest of his journey home.
Kurt flung open his door once his car was parked outside of Blaine’s apartment. “C’mon, out.” He ordered pulling the back door open. Blaine muttered something incomprehendable but Kurt ignored it.
Once they were safely in Blaine’s apartment after Kurt had to push him up a flight of stairs, Kurt began his usual bedtime orders for Blaine. “Bedroom!” Padding towards the familiar room, Kurt held the door open for a wobbly Blaine who collapsed on to his bed.
“Hel-p me.” He hiccupped.
Sighing once again and rolling his eyes he pulled off Blaine’s pants which were the easiest to start with.
“You really need to stop this Blaine.” He folded them and placed them on the chair in the corner. “I mean seriously. You always call me; I know you do it because I won’t be able to not come after you. I still love you and you know that.” It was so much easier to get all this out when Blaine was off his head Kurt had found.
“C-can’t we just-just try again?” Blaine tried to sit up, grabbing for Kurt’s arm to steady him, but he just pulled away quickly.
“No! No we can’t Blaine! Nothing’s working anymore. You slept with Eli, and Sebastian. I can’t just forget those. We’re better apart. You need to give me space. You cannot keep calling me like you are.” His voice was raised beyond the point he knew it was.
Blaine managed to take his own shit off and he shuffled up the bed under Kurt’s instruction. “I miss you.” He mumbled.
“I know you do. I miss you too.” Kurt touched the side of his face with his warm fingers, feeling the grazing of stubble that had been left to grow.
Blaine’s head shot up to Kurt’s pressing his lips dramatically against the older boys. The soft feeling that was comfortable and safe, but to Kurt it now had a sharp edge, and edge that was dangerous that meant he could get hurt again. He gave in, sliding down on the bed and cupping Blaine’s face on each side as Blaine sucked on his bottom lip slowly. Something felt so right, that this is where Kurt’s meant to be. But he’d been here before. When Blaine had called Kurt drunk the last six times, this exact thing had happened, why would this time be different? For all Kurt knew Blaine could still be dating Sebastian.
But for now, this minute, this was home. Kurt slipped under the sheet where Blaine was, feeling up Blaine’s familiar chest. They broke apart, the kiss ending and Kurt’s Blaine shaped hole in his heart was filled again. “I can’t keep doing this.”
“Yes you can.” Blaine breathed lightly, the kiss sobering him up a little. “I love you so much.” He looked right in to Kurt’s eyes. It was that kind of statement that meant something.
“Go to sleep Blaine.” Kurt sighed, sinking down wrapping his arms around Blaine’s waist. Blaine obeyed and his breathing got heavier just seconds later.
What the hell am I doing? Kurt thought resting his head on Blaine’s chest one last time.


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