May 9, 2013, 12:45 p.m.
May 9, 2013, 12:45 p.m.
Physio!Blaine (26) and Work Experience!Kurt (18). When Kurt ends up on a three week work experience with Dr. Blaine Anderson, neither one is prepared for how silly, flirty games can get so heated.
"Dr Anderson!"
Blaine's head swivelled round to see his assistant bounding towards him. She was a blonde head of hair that came to his shoulder. To call her small would be an understatement, and rather hypocritical, as Blaine himself was comparable with a hobbit.
"Ah, Annie, you have something for me?"
He gestured to the mail she was holding which she had probably picked up on her way up earlier that morning.
"Only letters," she smiled, handing over the small pile of envelopes. Blaine turned around, expecting her to walk off again. When she didn't, Blaine spun back again on his swivelly chair and shot her a quizzical look.
"Erm... was there something else, Annie?"
Annie went red as her mental-state landed back in the room.
"Oh yes, sorry-y... Mr Anderson."
Blaine smiled and waited patiently for her to speak again.
"I wanted to ask if you would take a work experience student for the next few weeks, starting today," she said, head ducked a little.
Blaine's brow furrowed; work experience students weren't usually his responsibility.
"Why aren't they with Dr. Smythe?" He asked.
"He's off with appendicitis!"
"Dr. Atkins?"
"Full schedule," she replied simply.
"Ms. Frost?" Blaine asked desperately. He didn't like the idea of being stuck with some kid for 3 weeks.
"She'll eat them alive!" Annie exclaimed before adding, "It's only three weeks, Blaine, it won't kill you. Plus I'll buy you coffee all week..."
"You already buy me coffee all week on the practice account! It's what you're paid for..."
Annie grinned sheepishly.
Blaine huffed out the breath he was holding. Maybe he could just assign the kid errands, make them bring him coffee and maybe give Annie a little bit of a break too.
"When does he start?" Blaine sighed.
Annie grinned. "You have a few minutes; he's just on his way. Thanks for this, Dr Anderson. You're my new favourite person."
"Don't mention it!" Blaine called out the door after her –and no doubt she wouldn't.
Blaine had a few minutes before this new kid waltzed in so he looked through the information file Annie had placed onto his desk.
Kurt Hummel
McKinley High School
Blaine paused. 18? That meant he was a senior and less 'kid'-like than he first assumed. Well, at least he may be a little more mature. Then again, if he was stuck with one of the insufferable jocks that usually ended up with Dr. Smythe he may have to re-think his and Annie's agreement.
He would let this boy know he was here to obey orders.
It was another minutes before Blaine heard the lightest knock upon his office/practice door.
"It's open, enter!" He called out, shoving the file into a desk draw along with his mail.
The sight that walked through the door was not what he expected. The boy was tall and skinny and not the usual muscular piece of meat that his expectations had held in its image. That said; the boy was clearly toned.
The first thing that caught his eye, however, was his eyes. They shone a blue that Blaine could not define into a single word.
The presumed t-shirt and slouchy jeans were nowhere to be seen upon this boy. Instead, he wore a tight, body-clinging outfit that made Blaine's eyes ogle. His skinny jeans looked as if they had been sprayed on and brought out the toning even more –also pushing Blaine's thoughts into a pleasurable place.
Mind out of the gutter, Anderson, he thought to himself.
"Erm... I'm Kurt? The work experience boy?"
Damn. Kurt knew full well he had been staring causing Blaine to snap out of it pretty sharpish.
"Dr. Blaine Anderson," he held out his hand and a warming smile found its way onto his features far too easily.
Kurt took the hand gingerly. Blaine tried not to hold this beautiful boy's hand for too long in an attempt to remind himself he still had 3 weeks.
Snap out of it, Blaine urged himself. He shouldn't be jittery like this. Kurt was a student.
He's 18... a little thought in the back of his head argued. It's only 8 years.
Yes, but it's frowned upon, he argued back.
You're gay, Blaine. When did you start going with the flow to not be frowned upon?
Blaine pushed his inner thoughts aside, however true they may be as Kurt was legal. Instead, he addressed the matter in front of him.
"So, Kurt," Blaine sat back down in his swivelly chair on his side of his desk, gesturing for Kurt to sit at the other. He complied instantly.
"Tell me a bit about yourself".
This obviously wasn't the question Kurt was expecting. He knew Blaine had to have seen his file, but he started on the basic information anyway.
"I'm Kurt Hummel, I'm 18, and I'm a senior," he smiled in a way that captured Blaine's attention wholly, also making him feel less like a pervert.
"I live with my Dad, step-mom and step-brother," he continued, "erm, I'm an A grade student, don't worry," he added quickly; incorrectly guessing Blaine's question requirements.
Blaine wasn't sure what he wanted Kurt to tell him, if he was honest. He knew Dr. Smythe didn't inquire into his W/E students this much; but Blaine couldn't seem to help himself.
"How about you tell me your reasons for choosing 'Physio-go' instead of anywhere else?" Blaine asked.
For an unknown reason, this made Kurt go a light shade of pink –making Blaine accidentally let slip a questioning look.
"A f-friend brought me here before, two months ago," Kurt managed to stutter out.
"Ah," Blaine smiled, "I was only in a few days a week then. Who was your doctor?"
"A taller man with hair of the same description," Kurt said.
Blaine's face fell. "Dr. Smythe?"
"That's the one," Kurt confirmed, a bitter look on his face.
Dr. Sebastian Smythe was another young, gay physio which Blaine had a small thing with a year previous for a few nights –making the practice seem like a typical TV sitcom –when Blaine had first joined the practice. A few months ago, he heard Sebastian bragging to another Doctor about his client that fitted Kurt's description perfectly.
Wait; did that mean Kurt had come here to find Sebastian Smythe? Blaine frowned bitterly.
"I think he mentioned you," Blaine stated, "He was –uh –a little infatuated by you."
He glanced at Kurt's reaction, wondering if he would be charmed. His face didn't change.
"He was an asshole that thought a little light groping was acceptable. I wanted my hip looking at, not my ass!" Kurt huffed.
Blaine suppressed a smile, trying hard not to feel guilty. In his mind, he'd been imagining him and Kurt in far more elaborate situations.
"Did you not say anything? Complain to the management?" Blaine questioned, frowning.
"It's groping, Dr Anderson, not the end of the world."
"Blaine," was all he could say, "Please, call me Blaine."
"Blaine it is," Kurt smiled.
Blaine returned the smile. He could get used to having Kurt here.
"So, Blaine," Kurt said his name deliberately whilst shooting him a nonchalant look, "What am I to be doing for the next three weeks?"
Blaine stopped in his actions. He thought to his plan; he didn't want to tell Kurt he would be running errands for his time here –so he didn't!
"You'll be helping me out in here," Blaine gestured around the room. When he looked back to Kurt he saw a quizzical look on his delicate features.
"Your information said you wanted to look into physiotherapy?" Kurt nodded, "Well, running errands for three weeks will not help that! How about you observe general work for the first week and from then on I'll assess you. We'll find a willing participant for you to practice on!" or just me... he added mentally.
"Okay" Kurt smiled and Blaine tried hard to stay on track, then it faltered slightly.
"Erm, but I really do not wish to run into Dr. Smythe. He's an insufferable twit!"
Blaine choked on his laugh and nodded in a silent agreement.
"You won't –he's off with appendicitis," Blaine smiled.
"Ah, perfect," Kurt said, relaxing into his seat, "I really do not need another round of him slipping his card into my jean pocket."
"He –what?"
Kurt smiled, "I disposed of it in the nearest trash can I could find; but burning it probably would have been more appropriate."
Blaine laughed, "I must ask why you came back if that assclown gave you such a bad time?"
Kurt raised his eyebrow, "I heard not all of the Doctors around here are pricks." He gave Blaine an unfathomable look and quite obviously checked him out; sending a warm feeling straight between Blaine's legs.
"In fact, I heard some of them are ineffably attractive as well as available."
Not all...
If Blaine didn't know better, he would think Kurt was flirting. He'd also flirt back.
Luckily, Blaine didn't know any better.
"Hmm, not all," he leaned across the desk and straightened the tie Kurt was wearing; his fingers lightly brushing along Kurt's shirt and making him shiver.
A knock disturbed the moment and Blaine tried hard not to groan out loud in annoyance.
"Enter!" he called out, sitting back in his chair.
Annie bounded through the door and smiled at the two boys.
"Your 10o'clock has just arrived, Dr. Anderson. Would you like me to take Kurt?"
Blaine briefly saw Kurt's expression drop.
"No, no!" he blurted out, receiving a look from both Kurt and Annie, "He'll be sitting in."
Annie raised an eyebrow knowingly, yet said nothing.
"Alright, I'll send them through," she grinned before flouncing off again.
"You ready to observe?" Blaine asked.
Kurt smiled and nodded in response.
The patient was a middle-aged woman with back problems. Blaine ran through the basics as Kurt watched. He checked with the woman that it would be okay for Kurt to sit in; she said it would be fine.
Whilst the woman set herself up on the practice table, Blaine moved to whisper in Kurt's ear.
"Kurt," he whispered, delighted at the shiver he received in response, "Watch my hands very carefully."
He let his mouth linger at Kurt's ear a moment longer than necessary before pulling away –leaving Kurt mentally wrecked!
Blaine began by placing his hands on the lady's back –who lay on her stomach –and Kurt couldn't take his eyes off of them. Some part of his brain had decided to take Blaine's words seriously. Kurt blamed teenage hormones.
Blaine rubbed his palms deep into her back and down. Kurt found himself crossing his legs over one another from where he was perched on the desk. It wasn't that Blaine's actions were sexual; it was the fact Kurt could clearly see what Blaine could do with his hands...
Blaine readjusted his hands so that he was massaging and stretching the back out. He slid two hands in the knots in her should and pushed down. The lady groaned in pain and Kurt tried his best not to imagine Blaine's hands on his skin; however, he would be crying out a different kind of groan.
Blaine lifted his hands to the lady's hips and worked his knuckles up her sides. The pressure left her with a look of discomfort that Kurt vaguely remembered from Dr. Smythe's session; but he was much more 'hands-on' in places he shouldn't have been. Not that Kurt wouldn't mind Dr. Anderson being more hands-on than most.
The session continued like this, with Blaine using his god damn talented hands to manoeuvre the lady into compromisingly difficult positions, before it finished up with Kurt trying not to moan out loud.
Without Kurt realising, the lady had climbed off the table and was bidding them goodbye.
"See you later, Mrs. Morris!" Blaine smiled charmingly, leaving Kurt in a state halfway between wanting to punch him and push him against the wall and shove his tongue abruptly into Blaine's mouth.
"So," Blaine said, standing closer than Kurt had realised, "what did you learn from this lesson?"
Kurt smirked bravely and took a step closer to Blaine. He pushed forward slowly, his body just pressing against Blaine's, lips inches apart before whispering out loud so Blaine had to strain to hear.
"That you, Dr. Anderson, are very good with your hands."
Blaine's eyes flickered to Kurt's lips and he was about to move in when...
Kurt stepped back; the corner of his mouth turned up and eyes dark and teasing.
"Ask Annie. Medium drip," he managed to get out.
Kurt smiled mock-innocently before sweeping out the door. Blaine collapsed against his desk the moment he was gone.
Three weeks.
Three weeks.
If they kept up this mutual teasing and flirting, there was no way Blaine was going to last.
Then let go, his sub-conscience told him.
Blaine smiled wickedly.
Fine then, Kurt Hummel, he thought, two can play that game.
Little did he know how heated a game it was going to be to play.
Haahaahaa this is awesome....sweet Klaine !! Thank you! Please keep up the great writing! I can picture this!