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What We Have

Kurt and Blaine have a heart-to-heart the day before Kurt leaves for New York. Blaine isn't about to let him go without a promise.

K - Words: 1,180 - Last Updated: Nov 05, 2011
887 0 2 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Basically cotton candy dipped in cheese. I wrote this on a whim after seeing some images of a silver ring edited onto Kurt's finger.
"Blaine, would you please stop looking at me like that?” Kurt sighed in frustration. He usually liked it when his boyfriend stared at him with such adoring eyes, but Blaine hadn’t stopped since they sat down. “You haven’t touched your coffee. It must be getting cold by now.”

It was a beautiful August morning, so hot drinks were hardly needed. Coffee dates, however, were sort of a tradition among the couple.

Blaine looked down at his medium drip.

“Sorry, I’m a little distracted,” he admitted. But Blaine wasn’t distracted at all. He was focused, in fact. Focused entirely on Kurt, and it was as if the Sunday crowd at the Lima Bean didn’t even exist. He took a sip, then his hazel eyes lifted again. “You look wonderful today.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Hardly,” he replied, glancing down at himself. He was looking far less extravagant than he often did, sporting the simple ensemble of jeans and a purple button-up. “But, thank you.”

“You want another one? My treat,” Blaine offered, realizing Kurt’s cup must have been empty since he had actually been drinking it.

“You’re sweet. Even sweeter than you usually are. But I’m fine,” Kurt assured him.

“You won’t be drinking it at Julliard, that’s all…” Blaine muttered.

Kurt hadn’t succeeded in getting into NYADA this time around, as Rachel had, but he thankfully made it into Julliard after auditioning with his rendition of “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.” He’d resolved to work on his solely on his vocals in school this year- along with some outside acting classes if he could come up with the money. He’d audition for NYADA with improved skills next the following year. “Caffeine constricts the vocal chords. You’d do well to cut back too after I’m gone.”

“I’m going to miss you so much,” Blaine said, but he wasn’t looking at Kurt anymore.

Kurt’s heart sank. “Please, Blaine. Can we not do this now?”

“When are we going to do it, then?” Blaine snapped. “You and Rachel leave tomorrow.”

He had a point. “I know…” Kurt said, biting his lip. “Why are you so sad, though? I’m sure you’ll be fine without your dramatic, clingy boyfriend.” He was trying his best to lighten the dismal mood.

“But Kurt, what if you fall in love with someone else? You know, some guy who's tall, dark and handsome...”

Kurt blinked. So that’s what this was about. “How could I fall for someone who is so unlike you?” he reached across the table and tightly claimed Blaine’s hand with his. “I'm completely and utterly smitten with your awkward hobbit self.”

A smile spread across Blaine’s face. Success. “I’m sorry, love,” Blaine said. “I’m happy for you. I really am.”

“There's nothing to be sorry about,” Kurt replied. Little did his boyfriend know his heart was breaking, too. “You wanna get out of here? Go for a walk?”

Blaine nodded.

As the two boys walked hand-in-hand through Lima Park, they both- unbeknownst to each other- fantasized about what it would be like to do the same thing in Central Park.

“Kurt, we need to talk,” Blaine said out of nowhere. He realized it was probably a bad choice of words, but he didn’t know how else to bring it up.

“Okay,” Kurt agreed, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

“I know what people say. Every day, I hear about how high school relationships never last,” Blaine said to his boyfriend, who was suddenly looking at him with sad eyes. Shit. That was definitely a bad choice of words, and Blaine scrambled to negate them. “But I- I think we’re an exception,” he explained, and relief flooded onto Kurt’s face. “Through all our disagreements, we’ve always been able to find common ground. We don’t give up when one hurts the other-“ like Rachel and Finn, Blaine chose not to say. “We forgive each other.”

“Because what we have is bigger than pride,” Kurt interjected. “Or jealousy.”

Blaine nodded. “Or… distance.”

The couple had stopped walking by this point, and the words which had just come out of Blaine’s mouth rendered them both silent. It brought what was said at the Lima Bean to life- Kurt was leaving. Tomorrow. And tomorrow was getting closer with each moment that passed.

Blaine reached into the right pocket of his jeans and fumbled with the box inside. Kurt looked at him expectantly, but said nothing. The younger boy knew this was his chance. He had to say this now or never.

Blaine got down on one knee without thinking how it might look. Kurt’s eyes widened. Fuck. He should have Googled what people traditionally do in this situation. He should have written down what he wanted to say. Oh well, Blaine sighed internally, I might as well commit to it now. His boyfriend looked even more bewildered when he pulled out the little black box.

“Over a year ago, I told you I’d been looking for you forever,” Blaine cringed at his own cheesiness, but Kurt’s dropped jaw turned into a grin. “My feelings for you have only grown since then. You are the most talented, beautiful person I know- but your dreams are so much bigger than me.”

Kurt looked as though he was about to interrupt, but Blaine shook his head. “Let me finish. I want you to go to New York as much as I want you to be with me. I wish we could have both, but this year it just isn’t possible.”

Kurt was still rather confused about what was going on, but was far too taken by his boyfriend’s words to be overly concerned about it now.

Blaine’s knee was starting to hurt. He was rambling. Why didn’t I write something down…?

“I’m still applying to NYU. And if I get in, and you still want me, I want to be with you. Maybe we’ll even live together. But until that happens..” Blaine opened the box and revealed a plain- but beautiful- silver band. He smirked at the squeak of surprise let out by Kurt upon seeing it. “I love you. I can’t imagine loving anyone else. If you feel the same, Kurt, I’d be honored if you’d wear this… as a reminder that I’m always here. As a symbol of us.”

Kurt opened his mouth, but all that came out was a choked sob.


Before Blaine knew what hit him, Kurt was on his level, threw his arms around him and crashed his lips so hard against Blaine’s he practically knocked him over. Blaine felt tears running down he cheeks as he kissed him back, unsure if they were Kurt’s or his own.

“Is it safe to assume that’s a ‘yes’?” Blaine asked, taking the ring from its box once their lips had parted.

“Yes! Of course it is, you hopeless romantic,” Kurt exclaimed, offering his left hand so Blaine could slip it on his finger. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They stood together, and Blaine took his lover’s delicate hand in his. He felt the cold silver of the ring and was filled with an impossible mix of heartbreak and ecstasy. They silently agreed to continue their walk.

“By the way,” Blaine said, “How much do you think it would cost to fly you home for Thanksgiving?”



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