looks like a solo tonight Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Sept. 27, 2011, 10:42 p.m.

looks like a solo tonight

His heart is aching and his muscles feel sore. There, in front of him was his best friend, his lover, his husband his life. / Warnings: Character Death. Old!Klaine.

T - Words: 581 - Last Updated: Sep 27, 2011
1,335 0 1 0
Categories: Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death, established relationship,

Author's Notes: Warnings: Characterdeath.The Lyrics (in italic) are from The Beatles' Song "Misery". I changed the lyrics from "her" to "him" and also are the lyrics here not in the same order as you see in the song itself. English is not my mothertongue. I'm doing my best, but it's often not good enough :/
Looks like a solo tonight

2071, Lima/OH

He feels like he's unable to cope with everything. His heart is aching and his muscles feel sore. There, in front of him was his best friend, his lover, his husband... his life.
In a fucking coffin... lifeless.

I've lost him now for sure
I won't see him no more
It's gonna be a drag...

Blaine Hummel-Anderson was scared. He wasn't used to be alone and now he is. Kurt and him were married for about fifty years and together for nearly sixty years.

There is no �Klaine" (as some friends once had named thema long time ago) anymore. Just .. Blaine.
And just Blaine just isn't enough anymore.

The voice behind him interrupted his thoughts. It's Finn Hudson, Kurt's step-brother. �Hey Finn.", he whispers. His voice breaks. Finn looked miserable. He presumably looks the same right now, but he couldn't bring himself to care anymore. What for?

�It is so weird without Kurt. It hurts.", Finn whispers back. His sounds broken, too.

Blaine hold back the tears he wants so badly to shed. He tries to be strong, for himself, for Finn, for the rest of their family and for their friends. Although he exactly knows that he just isn't. He is weak, alone and broken beyond repair.

�I-I .. want to die, Finn. He was my life. My goddamn life."

Finn seemed to understand and pulled him into a loose hug. �You were his life, too. He loved you, his dear husband, more than everything else. You and I .. we both know that."
Finn's words did it. Blaine starts to cry, to shed the tears he held back for far too long. He completely breaks down and his knees feel as if the give in every moment.

I'm the kind of guy
Who never used to cry
The world is treating me bad...

�I know it hurts. A lot, actually. But it was better for him. Otherwise he had suffered from the cancer that took him from us. I-I .. it will get better, Blaine."

Blaine simply nodded. Even though he just knew it was a lie. He knows better. He's 77 years old, but he's not dumb nor stupid.

His life was over since Kurts death not merely a week ago, if he is honest with himself. And today is the funeral of his man.


The funeral was in a small circle. Friends and family.
Some of the old New Directions and the Warblers came to say their goodbye's to Kurt Hummel-Anderson.

Now here he was, in a tiny chapel in Lima, Ohio on a sunny day. He haven't prepared a speech, because he couldn't come up with something not clich�.

�Today, my dear friends and family, I am burying my husband, my true love, my life. I can't imagine a life without Kurt anymore.
I am thankful that we had the chance to spend time together. Time to laugh, to be ourselves, to be simply together. But above all, I am thankful that we loved each other. I still love him. So, so much." His voice is cracking. �I miss him.", he added in a whisper.

Some of his friends also talks about Kurt and the moments they spend together.

Later, Blaine just watched them as they lowered the coffin to the ground. Finn hold back the tears, but Blaine couldn't anymore. "I wish it would be me in there.", Blaine said in a serious tone.

Send him back to me
Cos everyone can see
Without him I will be in misery (Oh oh oh)
In misery (Ooh ee ooh ooh)
My misery (La la la la la la)

- The End -
End Notes: Plotbunny wouldn't leave me. I hope you like it. (Even though it's sad or supposed to be sad.)


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It was sad but the thought that they were together so long was beautiful.