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My Prince

AU Prince Blaine is to marry Prince Kurt and he may be excited, but he's not exactly ready. (sucky summary, sorry) PLEASE NOTE: In Story notes an auther's note for my other stories.

K - Words: 3,568 - Last Updated: Jul 18, 2013
1,083 1 0 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes: Prince Blaine of Italy learns he's to marry Prince Kurt of England (referred to as the Italian for it, Inghiterra) but he's not a man after years of being adored and babied by his parents but finds his new family understanding of him.A/N: I had to have some fantasy after this week and some fluffy family stuff. My fics have always included Finn as the big brother voice of reason/heart/comic relief and the few fics I had in the works, esp Start Again were going to include him. After this week I have NO idea how to carry them on esp with the fact that he's gone now and SA is 7 years in the future -.-. I also just don't have the desire to write right now, so I'm going to take a break, maybe actually do something with my neglected Tumblr and maybe after we find out what's happening with Glee (and if it doesn't suck) but til then, I'm sorry but I can't. Hope you liked it.

It was something that had been known since birth, children of royals were married to others and sent off to rule by the side of their new husband or wife and it was the same in the Italian Royal family. A rule set down centuries ago that nobody questioned. For years Queen Caterina and King Domenico had been bringing up their children to marry and rule, just like the families of their sister countries, but there was something different with the Italian Royal family.

Through a prophecy many years ago all of the children of the king of Italy would be girls, the eldest ready to take the throne when her time came and all of them married off to princes of other countries, strengthening alliances and their status; then an anomaly happened. Their sixth child was a boy.

Prince Blaine was heralded, celebrated and treated with adoration. Queen Caterina was beside herself with joy. A perfect little boy all of her own. She adored her daughters but after so many she had hoped for a little boy to grow up to be a solid and capable man like his father, charming, strong, intelligent, clever and sweet. Her husband King Domenico was as excited. He'd had enough of dresses and wanted to teach his boy how to be a knight, to be able to serve his country and protect it while becoming a prince Italy could be proud of, and someday, the country he called his home rejoiced in.

For seventeen summers Prince Blaine was the adored child of Italy, taught to fight but be compassionate, to learn and become witty, astute and intelligent, to charm but never boastful. In all, the perfect prince.

Queen Caterina stood in the doorway and sighed. Before her lay a beautiful sight, the loveliest garden on the palace grounds, one she'd spent many years watching her children play in, and the jewel, her young curly-headed son sitting on the grass seemingly staring at his fingers. "Blaine?" She called out, dismissing the herald as he prepared to announce her entry to the garden. Blaine turned to look at her and a smile spread over his face.

"Salve mama." Blaine replied and went back to looking at his fingers. From her closeness she could now see he was staring at a ladybird that had settled on his finger and was crawling across his knuckles.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked up again, his hazel eyes catching the light and turning golden. "I would have words with you my son, come," She said and he sprang to his feet, dusting his clothes off. He offered her his arm and they started walking down the path. "Blaine, do know have knowledge of the words arranged marriage?"

She watched Blaine's Adam's apple bounce as the boy gulped but his composure never changed. "Si mama. When comes the time of a young royal's age, they will be married to another and begin the joyous journey of life and marriage."

She nodded and stopped them, facing her son and took his hands. "You are seventeen my child."

"Mama?" He asked, sounding uncertain.

Queen Caterina smiled sadly at her son and traced her fingers over his cheek. "You remember bambino that your sister Princess Nicia was married last summer, her age then as yours is now. She is now married to the Prince of Greece and they are in blissful union. A week from now you will be married and your journey will begin."

He stared at her, his eyes widening then he looked up at the palace he loved and back at her. "Who am I to be marrying?"

She sighed and brought out a letter from her gowns and handed it to the now shaking boy, for he was still a boy in her eyes. "You, my child were born the sixth child of the great kingdom of Italia and at your birth were betrothed to the fourth child of the great kingdom of Inghiterra. His name is Prince Kurt, a strong and passionate young man and a perfect match for you."

"A boy," Blaine gasps as he reads the letter about the engagements and listing the qualities of his soon to be husband. "How did you know?" He asks, his sexuality only having become known recently.

Queen Caterina smiled wryly. "We did not, mi piccolo, it is perhaps the fates that had their say in this match.

Blaine grinned at his mother then they walked back to the palace to talk to the king and for the prince to pack.

Blaine remembered his lessons on England, his new home and knew that the climate wasn't incredibly different than his beloved Italy, possibly cooler and a little wetter. His father told him after he and his mother had returned to the palace that Royal children's middle names reflected their betrothed's kingdom, which is why his was Devon, being the favourite county of the royal family, and Kurt's was Lucca, reflecting the beauty and creativity of Italy. He used the time spent travelling looking through his books, reading the letters he'd been sent to prepare and trying not to bounce around too much. He was excited. If he was lucky he and Kurt would fall in love and create a strong, healthy marriage that would reinforce the bonds between their countries and families. If they didn't and Kurt disliked him, he could be sent back to Italy to face a life of disgrace or executed. His mother had convinced him to let his hair be gelled and he felt he looked good. His skin was glowing and tanned, his eyes were bright and he was had his best vestments laid out for the last part of the journey, his marriage. It was customary for the intendeds to meet outside of the palace and then for the soon to husband to escort the princess' parents into the chapel while the prince's parents escorted the princess but as this was two princes the tradition was changed, on Prince Kurt's request, so that the two princes would escort each other and give them time to gain measure of each other.

"Blaine," His mother's voice broke into his thoughts. "Remember to always be an asset to Inghiterra and the royal family as well as Prince Kurt. You must be seen as the essence of sophistication but also as accessible. Never let yourself be caught unawares, always be regal and-"

"And respectful, mother I know. I will be loving without being bold and I will be affable without being too open. I must not fail." He sighed and looked out of the window, reading the things that had been drummed into him since birth and reiterated since he'd been told of his engagement.

Queen Caterina smiled at her son. "I understand your impatience my son."

"I just want to get there mother, I want to meet his expectations, fulfil them, over reach them." He replied.

"You are excited?" She asked, genuinely curious. She'd expected more resistance from her son than the full submittal he was showing.

"I am eager to meet the one meant for me mama. I dreamt of love, of holding another's hand and smiling, laughing, singing together and making you proud." Blaine responded, looking over at her.

"Oh mio cuore," She gasped, her eyes filling with tears and pulled him into her arms, cuddling him tight. "I'm going to miss you."

The carriage pulled to a stop outside of the biggest palace he's seen. It's almost twice as big as the palace he grew up in and it sends a thrill through him as he sees the huge gardens surrounding it and he imagines him and Kurt walking through them, talking and laughing, that is, his mind reminds him, if Kurt approves of him.

The door swung open and the footman called out. "King Domenico of Italy, Queen Caterina of Italy and Prince Blaine of Italy."

Blaine tried to hold in a giggle at the redundancy and caught his father's stern look as the older man stepped out of the carriage. He watched as his father approached an older man, supposedly King Burton 'Burt' and they bowed before clasping each other's forearms, laughing. "Greetings my friend, I hope we find you well." King Domenico said and they stepped apart for the kings to welcome each other's queens.

"A great day for our two families my friend. May the blessings of the Lord fall on us today." King Burt gushed and Blaine found himself liking his soon to be father in law already, if Kurt was anything like his father they'd be the perfect match his mother promised.

Blaine stepped forward and bowed as the King's eyes fell on him and Queen Eilish smiled widely at him. He held his breath as the couple parted and Prince Kurt came into view then his breath fled him. Prince Kurt was gorgeous. He was wearing a black wedding suit with blue shirt and sash, his hair was perfectly coiffed and his skin looked like the smoothest porcelain, Blaine's fingers itched to touch him. He looked into Kurt's eyes, trying to decide on a colour as they seemed to change and held himself as tall as his smaller stature allowed and straight as Kurt's eyes swept over him.

"Oh, is he not of form cousin?" A high voice whispered and he looked over at Princess Rachel, daughter of Kings Hiram and Leroy of Ireland and cousin to Kurt through his mother.

"Princesses do not comment on the form of their cousin's intended." King Burt whispered back and Princess Rachel stepped back, her head bowed.

Blaine looked back to Kurt and saw him no longer staring, instead looking at him neutrally. This was it, he was to be rejected. His heart plummeted but he didn't flinch and stayed in his place, looking back at Kurt. Finally the corner of Kurt's mouth twitched and he extended his hand and the whole party sighed in relief.

"Blaine," Kurt said and Blaine took his hand, smiling at his fiancé and they started walking to the chapel with their parents following and the other people there. Blaine noticed Kurt kept glancing at his hair and raised an eyebrow. Kurt smiled briefly and whispered. "I would see your hair naturally; you have beaten it into submission."

"Her Highness, my mother requested it be styled into a regal position." Blaine whispered back.

"Poor thing." Kurt quipped and Blaine almost burst out laughing but his fiancé's fingers gripped his hand, stopping him before he embarrassed them both.

The wedding passed in a blur of words, replies, looks and their hands clasped between them. Blaine sighed in relief when he saw a chair and tried making for it as they arrived at the reception but he was stopped by his father. "My son, do not flee your husband for the relief of a chair just yet. You first dance awaits," He said jovially then leant in to whisper as the guests turned away. "Do not forget yourself Blaine. You are no longer a child, nor a child of Italy. Prince Kurt will not suffer your rambunctiousness; you conduct yourself with grace from now on."

Blaine stared at him as he leant away and looked from him to Kurt who was standing, head cocked slightly as he watched, waiting for their first dance. He'd never heard his father speak to him this way. He'd never been outside of Italy aside from Royal appointments to other countries and he'd never been treated as an adult or looked at closely. He'd never been prepared for this and right now he wanted to run away and cry but instead he bowed and walked over to his husband and they started dancing.

"My Prince, your mind is not on our dance," Kurt whispered after a minute. Blaine looked at him, his dark eyes shimmering and Kurt carried on. "I would hear words shared."

Blaine sighed and rested his head on Kurt's shoulder, tucking his face into his new husband's neck to wipe away the tears. "Not here, please. Can we...We know nothing of each other. I would have us speak of each other before other subjects cloud minds." He leant away and looked into the other man's eyes and he nodded.

"Let us sit, then. Our dance is at an end." Kurt replies and they step off the floor to clapping from their guests.

They sat down and Blaine looked at his husband. Up close in the darker light of the ballroom Kurt looked even more beautiful and if he was to take the way Kurt was looking at him, his husband was thinking the same of him. "My mother told me that you are a passionate and strong man, I do not doubt her words but I wish to know of you." Blaine says, twining his fingers with Kurt's, who's staring at him with soft, happy eyes.

Kurt cleared his throat softly and looked around before looking back at Blaine. "Her Highness's words are kind and appreciated as both are qualities I hold in high esteem. As Prince fourth in line to the throne I have been allowed some measure of freedom not given to my brothers and I have spent my time enjoying the things in life I love. I enjoy music, fashion, I advise my father on any issues he asks of me and I am the one to go to other countries to advance the friendships between our nations."

Blaine's jaw sung open for a second then he recomposed himself. He's never felt more of a child than listening to Kurt's list. "I am...I am nothing compared to you. I have been a child of Italy and a child has been my main setting in life. I have been to other countries as you and enjoy fashion. My life has been a life of music, sports and learning. My opinion has never been asked and I am not sure of anything I-" He cut off, his eyes filling with tears.

Kurt's eyes widened and he called over to his father who was standing a little away, listening with curiosity. "Father, we are retiring. Send our new family their gifts and my wishes of thanks and love then send our guests away."

King Burt bowed to his son and turned on his heel. "Of course my son." He said and looked back at the couple over his shoulder feeling sorry for the boy thrust into a life he wasn't ready for and anger at his friend and fellow King and Queen for not preparing their son properly.

"Come, my husband." Kurt whispered and gripped Blaine's elbow, guiding him up and out of his seat then down the corridor and into their new wing.

The doors closed behind them and Blaine sat on the bed, sniffling. Kurt turned to him and looked him over before he sat down next to him. "Blaine?" He questioned.

"Mi dispiace, per favore non mandarmi via." He cried.

"Blaine, Blaine please in English, calm down." Kurt said softly and took Blaine's hands.

Blaine took some deep breaths, gulping down his tears and raised his eyes to his husband's. "My Prince-"

"Speak plainly, no royal or reserved speech." Kurt cut him off.

Blaine gaped at him and scrubbed his hands through his hair, loosening the gel's hold on it then spoke. "For many years Italy's children have been girls and then I came along and my parents, my family, all of Italy treated me like I was something incredibly special. I've led a Prince's life. I was taught to be royal and respectful, charming, intelligent and strong but I was a child. They didn't tell me I was betrothed to you, when I went to other countries it was with them and I sat to the side, watching them and I am not an adult, I have not been treated like an adult. My life was always sat in the gardens reading a book, in my rooms playing the piano, singing or something equally fun. I want to love you; I want you to love me. I've dreamed of love and having a real life with another person, you."

Kurt got up and paced. How could his parents not have prepared him for this? For life? They knew Kurt's life is filled with responsibility, with decisions and advice as much as with enjoyment, how could they just throw their son into a life he hadn't even lived? He knelt in front of the again sniffling Blaine and lifted his chin. "What did you say to me in Italian?"

"I asked you not to send me away." The black-haired prince replied.

"And the words your father spoke to you?" Kurt asked. He wanted to console his husband but he had to know what the Italian King's words had been that had so upset the sweet man he's been blessed to marry.

Blaine sniffed loudly and more tears rolled down his cheeks. "He told me I wasn't a child any more and to be graceful. I can...I can be a little-"

"Overexcitable?" Kurt cut him off and Blaine nodded. Kurt sat down and cupped his face, looking into Blaine's golden eyes. "Listen to me. The way your parents have treated you is, yes a loving way but they have done you wrong by not preparing you or helping you become a man. We will do that together. I have been told many things about you and I know your nature. You are inquisitive, very happy and lively. These things are what I want in a husband. Of course you need to conduct yourself with grace and dignity in public, as you already do but in private you can act however you like. Blaine I will never send you away. You are part of me now and part of my heart. I don't want you to change. I'm pretty lively myself."

"Really?" Blaine asked, his eyes widened and his voice filled with hope. His husband was falling for him and he was going to live with his love and learn everything Kurt knew.

Kurt nodded, smiling at his husband, his heart filling with his gorgeous man. "Let me show you." He whispered and leant in to kiss the other man.

Blaine responded eagerly and soon the kisses turned into passionate making out. They made love slowly, sharing giggles and pauses as they tried to figure out the mechanics of their lovemaking. They'd made love four times, twice with Kurt on top, twice with Blaine by the time they fell asleep intertwined, smiles on their faces.

Blaine wandered into the dining room the next morning and winced as he was announced. King Burt was standing, waiting for him with a smile. The two men bowed to each other then Blaine looked around. "Where are our Highnesses, my lord?"

Burt watched the attendants leave then clapped a hand to his new son in law's shoulder. "You don't need to stand to attention Blaine. We are very informal here. Your husband and mother in law are looking over plans for the progressment of your education in our country's ways and your new role within this family." He said, smiling.

"That is? I know Kurt advises you and is your envoy. Is that to be my role? You must have heard our conversation last night in the ballroom. I am sorry." Blaine replied, a little confused.

Burt nodded and they started walking out into one of the gardens. "I did, yes and do not be sorry. I understand how your parents viewed your birth, even though I do not agree with their way of raising you. Kurt is, I am unashamed to admit, the jewel in my crown. My sons are strong men, sturdy and regal like me. Kurt is his mother's child. He is solid and regal but, well you have met them. He is happier advising and going to our sister countries to represent our nation than fight wars or delve into politics. His main job for these seventeen years has been to find enjoyment, live his life and bring pride to our lands. Now it is yours. You will, for the first few months of your life here, follow Kurt and watch what he does. You will revel in your life together and show our sister countries and the countries that would doubt our power the true nature of the House of Hummel and our nation. After time has passed and you are ready, if you wish, you may undertake your own missions and passions. Your charities will be chosen by yourself and Kurt and it will be up to you to bring knowledge of your endorsements."

"Wow," Blaine breathed, excitement coursing through him. "I will not fail you, my King...father."

Burt laughed heartily and patted Blaine's shoulder. "As I told your husband years ago. That is not something I could envision happening."

Blaine grinned at the older man then grinned wider as he saw his husband walking towards him. They all bowed at each other then Kurt reached out his hand for Blaine. "Are you ready to start the rest of your life, my heart?"

Blaine took Kurt's hand and let his husband pull him along. "With you my heart, I am ready for anything."


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