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The Real Beginning

This was a short Drabble I did for Klaine Week AU baby Klaine! Enjoy

K - Words: 931 - Last Updated: Apr 19, 2012
1,048 0 0 1
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship, kidfic,

Author's Notes: AU Baby Klaine! Cute Drabble AU Baby Klaine!


It was a cool day in the springtime when Kurt met Blaine for the first time. They didn't know they would eventually spend the rest of their life together. When they met for the first time, neither of them knew they met before. Some would call it fate, others would call it true love. But for me, I call it the real beginning.

Elizabeth walked hand in hand with Kurt to daycare. It was his second day and he already seemed a little bummed out. He had spent the car ride over complaining that he hadn't made any friends yet. All Elizabeth could tell him was that he would eventually, maybe even today. Little did Kurt know that she was right, not only would he meet a friend but also a life partner. When they arrived at the doors to the daycare, Kurt squeezed her hand a little harder, internally begging for his mother to turn around and walked out of there with him. She sighed and turned to him.

"Honny, you'll be fine." She smiled sweetly and patted him on the head. "Sweetie you have to let go of my hand now, okay?" she said softly, prying her hand away from Kurt's strong grip. He nodded his head and smiled back before Elizabeth gave the 5 year old a quick kiss then she was gone.

The small boy looked around the room, trying desperately to find someone to play with. Two girls were playing dolls in the corner, three little boys were playing with race cars and the leaders were chatting with another boy's parents. Kurt's vision shot towards the little boy coming towards him. He had a mess of black curls on his head and a smile planted on his face.

"Hi." The smaller boy said, sitting down next to Kurt and reaching for the box of building blocks. "My name is Blaine." He smiled widely at the other boy and handed him some blocks.

"Kurt." He replied, taking the blocks graciously. He looked up at the Blaine's face, staring intently at the colour of his eyes. He couldn't figure out what colour they were. "Your eyes are pretty." Kurt beamed. Blaine giggled and looked up at Kurt. He smiled and muttered a quick thank you before returning to his blocks.

After a while Kurt looked up to see that Blaine wasn't there anymore, he started to get upset but than a whisper in his ear surprised him.

"I like you." Blaine's voice made him scream with delight. The other boy turned around and pushed the whisperer a bit. The smaller boy pushed Kurt back, until they were in a full-blown war, playfully pushing each other until Blaine made an inhuman like screech and dramatically fell over. They both laughed when he sat up again.

"You're funny." Kurt said, scooting closer to the other boy and hugging him tightly. "Do you want t'be my friend Blaine?" Kurt asked hopefully. Blaine nodded immediately than poked Kurt's nose. The taller boy squealed, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to where the teacher was reading a story.

Kurt and Blaine held hands the bigger part of the day, the other part laughing or playing together. When his Mother came to pick him up he gave Blaine a kiss on the cheek and yelled a very quick "bye!" and hurled himself into his mother's arms. She hugged him back and kissed hair. When Elizabeth was buckling Kurt in his booster seat she asked him about the boy he was with.

"Oh Momma! His Name is Blaine and he is my best friend!" he said kicking his legs.

Elizabeth smiled and got in the front seat, putting the key in the ignition and turning. Kurt was practically bouncing in the back seat. Elizabeth had never seen the small boy so excited.

"Momma, Is he gonna be there tomorrow too?" Kurt asked, his eyes wide with hope.

"Let's Hope so." Elizabeth answered, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road flashing another big smile when she turned to see Kurt still giddy as ever.

When they got home, Kurt told dad everything he knew about Blaine. How pretty his eyes were, his hair, how they held hands and played with each other all day.

"I love him so much, daddy!" little Kurt beamed and his dad pulled him into a big hug.

"I'm sure you do, kid." His father said back, shooting an approving look to Elizabeth.

Burt never expected Kurt to come home from high school one day and mention Blaine. He thought for sure it couldn't be the same Blaine, but he knew it was the minute he saw the mess of curls being tamed by the gel. He knew this was the Blaine Kurt had met many years ago. He smiled to himself when he saw them together, remembering what Kurt had said the first day he met Blaine.

"I love him so much daddy!"

Burt chuckled just thinking about it. Burt knew, even if Kurt didn't yet, that they would be together forever because they were made for each other. Even when they were little, they were perfect for one another.

Burt knew when his son's arm was laced in his own, walking down the aisle to be handed off with Blaine that they were meant for each other, Kurt knew it too. Everyone in that room knew it. He held back the tears as they both read their vows. Nobody would have imagined two little kids who seemed to share an instant bond get married years later.

The beginning was a bond Kurt and Blaine shared that they didn't even know about, something special and something real.




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