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Call Me Maybe

Cooper encourages Blaine to ask out the cute barista at the Starbucks he's been dragged cross-city to.

T - Words: 624 - Last Updated: Sep 17, 2012
1,023 0 2 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: A/N: Apparently B&N makes me productive or something. Or maybe it was the bomb threat... ah well, got stuff done.

Blaine sank down into a chair next to Cooper, a soft smile on his face.

"So, is that him?" Cooper asked knowingly, glancing over at the barista behind the counter that served them drinks. He knew it had to be, when he'd suggested they go out for coffee Blaine had taken him on a wild adventure through the city to the Starbucks near the college instead of the one a block over from his apartment.

Blaine looked up in surprise, his cheeks a faint shade of red, "I...I don't know what you're talking about, Coop."

"Yes you do. There's a guy, I knew it the minute I got in last night. You smile funny when you're crushing. So who is it? The barista? Because he's cute, I approve."

"Cooper!" Blaine admonished with wide eyes. The truth was he'd been flirting with Kurt for months now, mostly through silent glances, quick eye rolls at some of the other patrons. He hadn't actually said much to him aside from his order-medium drip- and a few words about a particularly nasty day in January.

"It is him. Like I said, good choice Blainey. So have you asked him out?"

Blaine shook his head, "No. I don't know what to say. Hi, I know you're just my barista and this is creepy but can I take you out? That would be totally sketch, Coop."

Cooper laughed, "Really? I thought the hottest song of the summer was Call Me Maybe? Isn't that exactly what the entire thing is about? Meeting someone and handing them your number..." he paused when noticed Blaine's eyes go wide, "No, oh no. Don't you fucking dare, Blaine. God, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. You are not singing to that boy in a Starbucks. Do you not remember the Gap? You got banned. In case you've forgotten. Banned. From a Gap in Westerville, Ohio. Talk about family embarrassment. I can't show my face in there anymore. They all remember baby Anderson singing about sex toys. Absolutely not."

Blaine blushed and rolled his eyes, "Yes, I remember it quite well, thank you. I wasn't going to sing to him. you have a pen? Never mind, I have one," he dug into his satchel and pulled out a pen, quickly scribbling something on his cup and getting up, walking over to the counter.

Cooper watched in amusement as Blaine called out to the other boy, gesturing for him to come closer. He laughed softly when Blaine slid the cup across the counter and the boy's eyes flew open in shock before Blaine slipped away and scrambled out the door, motioning for Cooper to follow.

Cooper rolled his eyes and grabbed Blaine's bag, following him out. "What did you do? What was on the cup? The kid looked terrified."

Blaine grinned, "I took your advice. I told him to call me, maybe."

Cooper groaned, "You didn't? You moron. That's not what I meant!"

Before Blaine could protest he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, a text coming in, "Hold up. Oh look, it's from Kurt."

Cooper looked over his brother's should with a grin, laughing at the message on the screen, 'Hi, this is Kurt. I couldn't call you right now, hope a text was okay? Text me back if it's okay to call when I get out of here.'

"Oh god, you two are already sickeningly adorable. That's just gross. I'm not your brother anymore. Go away."

Blaine laughed, his eyes shining in delight, "Whatever, it was totally your fault. Thanks, Coop," he mumbled, texting Kurt back quickly that it was definitely okay.

Cooper rolled his eyes but followed a giddy Blaine down the streets of New York back to his apartment; his baby brother was ridiculous but he was happy and that's all that mattered to him.

End Notes: I don't want to be the annoying person who begs for reviews but if you have anything you feel may be noteworthy or helpful I would really appreiate it. I don't typically post the things I write and a little feedback from fic readers would be nice. But again, please don't feel obligated.


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"Hi, I know you're just my barista and this is creepy but can I take you out?" That part, and this whole story reminded me of that ridiculous song "Starbucks girl" by Evan T. and now I can't get it out of my head. xD Thanks a lot! :P But anyways, this was super cute! :D

I've never even heard of the song so it wasn't my intention at all. I hope the song isn't too annoying. :) And thanks! I'm glad you like it. :D