Late Night Baby Talk
Kaitlyn Series
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Late Night Baby Talk


Kurt and Blaine discuss their future daughter!

K - Words: 363 - Last Updated: Apr 25, 2013
1,323 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor,
Characters: Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg, futurefic,

Author's Notes: Not much to say, really. This isn't my first story, I've writtern CrissColfer and Drarry, but this is my first Klaine. I guess you can review if you like it, but I won't pressure you or anything, though. Soo?? How'd you like it?!


Blaine shifted, but didn't wake up.

"It's Kaitlyn."

Blaine grunted and turned in the bed, still half asleep. "And who is this Kaitlyn?"

"The baby," Kurt said simply. "Our baby."

Blaine sighed and opened his eyes, finding Kurt sitting up against the headboard, a hand on his growing stomach. "Kurt, I told you, we still have months to decide on a name. Now, can I go back to sleep?"

"But we only have four months to figure all this stuff out!" Kurt said, voice wavering and eyes filling with tears. Damn pregnancy hormones.

Blaine sighed again and sat against the headboard alongside his husband. Come here," he said, opening his arms and waiting for Kurt to move into them. Kurt, who had started crying, shuffled a bit before finally resting against Blaine's chest. Blaine closed his arms, one hand rubbing up and down Kurt's side, the other rubbing his belly. "Shh, don't cry. I'm sorry, I'm just tired. Don't cry, baby."

"I'm s-sorry, I jus-just want her to-to be per-perfect," Kurt said, crying heavier now.

Blaine laughed, "Aw, sweetie, nobody's perfect,"

Kurt glared at him through the tears.

"Except our daughter. Our daughters going to be perfect. And you; you're perfect." Blaine told him softly.

Kurt laid his head on Blaine's chest and sighed. "I love you."

Blaine smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I love you, too."

They lay in comfortable silence for a while, Kurt thinking Blaine had fallen back asleep.

"So, what's this about 'Kaitlyn'?" Blaine asked.

Kurt lifted his head and smiled. "Well, it just thought it worked, you know? And it's really pretty and our daughter is going to really pretty. I mean, we're her parents!"

Blaine chuckled, "It is a very pretty name and out daughter is going to be very pretty,"

"And then, we can shorten it, and call her Kate!"

Blaine's eyes went wide. "Or Katy!" he said happily.

Kurt glared at him again. "Or Kate."

Blaine nodded quickly, "Yes, Kate is a very pretty name. I like that one." Damn pregnancy mood swings.

Kurt nodded and laid his head back down on Blaine's chest, "Yeah, really pretty. I'm goin' back to sleep now. Love you, Blainey."

Blaine smiled and pulled the blanket up over Kurt's shoulders. "Love you, too, babe, love you, too."


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