Nov. 21, 2012, 3:24 p.m.
Nov. 21, 2012, 3:24 p.m.
Aria's third birthday party.
Three years later, Aria’s third birthday comes around and Kurt and Blaine decide to invite a few children from her nursery to their usual get together of a few close friends. When Blaine drops Aria off at the nursery (just a few blocks from their apartment in Long island) he leaves a couple of their invitations with Clara (the director of the daycare) asking if she could hand them out to the parents of any of Aria’s little friends. Clara agrees and takes Aria from him, allowing him to make an escape without too much fuss.
Two weeks later (the Saturday after Aria’s actual birthday) Kurt and Blaine have decorated their apartment, in a princess themed party (despite how generic Kurt claimed it to be) because Aria was going through Tangled phase. They ordered a cake in the shape of Rapunzel’s tower, complete with a little doll, dangling by some fondant from the top of the tower. Most of the family guests have arrived. Rachel’s directing gifts (but not lifting them, being 7 and a half months pregnant with their first child, Layla Barbara), Blaine and Finn are on the back porch grilling steaks (and some vegan substitute for Rachel). Kurt’s showing Carole and his father around their new house, out on the very edges of Long Island. Carole and he are chatting about how, yes the commute to work is farther. But then again there’s so many more opportunities for familial growth, while Burt just trails behind, occasionally commenting on this color or that throw pillow (usually responded to with one of Kurt’s anecdotes about finding it.)
Everyone can hear Mike and Tina watching Aria and their daughter, Emma scramble around with the barbie dolls and teddy bears, setting up this tea party, destroying that one, all with their tiny little toddler fists. Everyone laughs as (Sam and Mercedes son) Liam and (Artie and Quinn’s son) Carter massacre the lego tower they were creating, looking so pleased with themselves.
The doorbell rings and she rushes to answer, Kurt following suit, having finished his home-showing. At the doorstep are a couple and their daughter (who looks to be about Aria’s age) toting a small package wrapped in Rapunzels. Rachel ushers them in, and Kurt shakes hands with both of them, introduces himself as Aria’s father, Kurt. He finds out that the man’s name is Eric Clemens, who identifies his wife as Charlotte, and his daughter as Addison. Kurt smiles and says to Addison, “Well Aria’s in the front room with the others if you want to go play,” he redirects his hospitality to the parents, “And I guess everyone else is kind of spread out, their are drinks in the kitchen---of both the adult kind and soda, juice, milk, and water---some of the guys are on the back porch Eric if you want to go join them, if not most of the parents are just supervising the destruction of the place.”
About ten minutes after the Clemens arrive, the food is done and all set up buffet style across the bar. Blaine gestures to the food as everyone fills the kitchen, “We’ve got a little bit of a barbeque going on here. Um, steaks, some substitute for those of us vegan-ers, steak sauce, ketchup, all your condiments over here. We’ve got mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli---and some cheese sauce for our less health-conscious friends--some rolls, and for dessert we’ll have cake and ice-cream. Everybody dig in!”
A couple hours later, after most of Kurt and Blaine’s friends have taken their children home, Eric and Charlotte stick around, because their daughters start screaming everytime they try to leave. Eventually, they quit trying, and so now Blaine and Eric are in the basement, soaking up ESPN, and Charlotte and Kurt are watching America’s Next Top Model reruns, while Addison and Aria figure out how to operate a couple of Aria’s new toys. Since it’s a rerun though, Charlotte and Kurt are paying more attention to their daughters than the TV, while making idle chit chat. Kurt frowns as he poses a question, “Can I ask you something?” Charlotte looks confused with Kurt’s tone, she says, “Yeah, sure.”
“Do you get there early to pick Addison up?”
“Um, yeah why?”
“Well I was just wondering if you’d ever seen them play with anyone else?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Because since Blaine and I both work all the way in Manhattan we don’t get there until after all of the other kids have gone home, so we usually chat with Carla a while, and she always acted like for the most part Aria got on with the others alright.”
“Yeah she does. From what I’ve seen anyway.”
“I was only wondering because you’re the only one who showed up today and I sent enough invites for at least seven or eight kids...”
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s nothing though, probably all too busy. But thank you for coming, it looks like you’ve completely made Aria’s day.”
Charlotte laughs, “Well Addison doesn’t look too disappointed either.”
They sit in comfortable silence for a while. The occasional hoot will echo from the basement. One of the girls will come to their parent’s lap, wielding some toy that needs fixing. At about seven, the ANTM reruns cease and The Bachelorette starts, Kurt and Charlotte each give delighted giggles. At the first commercial, Kurt rises, “Do you want some wine?” Charlotte rises too, stretches her limbs, and follows Kurt to the kitchen. As Kurt pours her a glass, they start talking about last week’s episode, how stupid she was to let so and so go home. Who they really want her to pick. They return to the couch and settle in for the episode. Sighing at all the romantic gestures, boo-ing as she nixes another one of their favorites. And at the end of the episode they’re both laughing so hard in a bit of a wine frenzy. We their guffaws finally die down so they can breath again, Charlotte gasps, “Kurt, can I tell you something?” Kurt nods and is clutching his stomach, “I’m really sorry about this Kurt, and I’m only telling you because I care about you and your daughter. So please don’t get offended.” Kurt smiles at hearing Aria called his daughter, but then it falters when Charlotte asks him not to get offended, but he keeps nodding, “Kurt....do you think....maybe that....the reason no one showed up is because....” Kurt rolls his eyes, “Is because Aria has two dads? Because I’m gay? Because Blaine and I are married? Yes Charlotte honey, I knew as soon as you said Aria plays with the other children just fine. And I’m not offended in the slightest, Blaine and I have gotten that time and again. We take her to one of the children’s museums with all the playgrounds and stuff, and when someone asks us who’s she is, when we say that she’s our daughter, they immediately back off and just smile as they walk away. I think the only place we’ve taken her when we didn’t get sideways looks are in the Taxis. And this is New York. Char, if you think this is bad, go back to my hometown. Lima, Ohio. Population: Simple, small-minded people. But thank you, so much, for coming, and for letting your daughter come. I know it means a lot to Aria but I think it means more to Blaine and I.”
Charlotte smiles and blushes as Eric and Blaine walks into the room, Eric stretches and yawns, “Hey babe, d’you reckon we best be taking Addy home?” Kurt stands up along with Charlotte as says, “Yeah, she’s got to have a bath before church tomorrow or Mom’s gonna kill us.” Blaine scoops us Aria and stands next to Kurt with her on his hip, as Charlotte does the same with Addison, “Well Addy say good-bye to Aria.” Addison smiles and reaches out towards Aria from where she is in her mother’s arms, “Bye-bye Ar! See you to-mo-are-oh!” Aria reaches out to Addison from where she sits in her dad’s arms and says in her baby voice, “Bye Addy! See you!”