Nov. 21, 2012, 3:18 p.m.
Nov. 21, 2012, 3:18 p.m.
A couple weeks after her birth, Kurt and Blaine take Aria to Ohio for Easter
Thirteen days later, Kurt is working Aria’s car seat out of the taxi, while Blaine gets their luggage from the trunk. Kurt stands on the curb while Blaine sets everything on the ground with the help of the cabby, and Kurt worries about whether Aria’s wrapped in the right amount of blankets. They barely make it through the door of JFK, with Blaine loaded down with all their bags, and Kurt unable to relieve his load since he’s carrying Aria and her carseat. Kurt furrows his beautiful brow, watching his husband struggle, “Blaine, honey, come on let’s go over to the bench.” Blaine agrees and drags their stuff over to a nearby bench where Kurt sets down Aria and begins pawing through her overnight bag. Blaine looks very confused, “What are you doing?” Kurt rolls his eyes, “I’m getting out the belly pack.” Now it’s Blaine’s turn to roll his eyes as Kurt produces the belly pack and begins strapping it to himself, “Now will you help me get her in there Blaine?” Blaine chuckles, “Yeah Dad, I’ll help.” Kurt shakes his head, “If you have a better idea I’m all ears. And besides, she always sleeps longer on our chests then anywhere else.” Blaine nods and gives Aria a little kiss on her head as she snuggles up against Kurt’s chest, “There you are baby, snuggle up against Papa.” Kurt laughs, “So we’ve come to a decision as to who we’re gonna be?” Blaine doesn’t reply at first, just hoists a duffel on his shoulder and grabs to suitcases by their handles, along with the vacated car seat, and hands the diaper-bag and the last suitcase to Kurt, “I just personally think you’re more of a Papa.”
And hour later Blaine and Kurt are seated at their gate, watching Aria snooze peacefully against Kurt’s cashmere sweater while Blaine keeps up a steady hum to the tune of ‘Somewhere Only We Know.’ When they begin announcing that the seating will begin Blaine covered her ears, hoping that the sound didn’t wake her. All too soon though their section is called and Aria wakes up when they move.
Two hours later they’re landing on the airstrip, and bustling through the airport at midnight. Aria fusses in her sleep, while Kurt and Blaine climb stairs and escalators, phone calls are made to family and bags are gathered. Thirty minutes later Finn’s there in Rachel’s dad’s car helping Blaine load their bags into the trunk as Kurt tries to climb in without jostling Aria too much. When everyone gets situated Finn starts the hour and a half drive to Burt and Carole’s house. And when they arrive Burt and Carole are waiting at the front door with the porch light on. Carole rushes out to meet Kurt and get her first glimpse of Aria in person, and Burt follows her to help Blaine and Finn carry the bags in.
“Oh isn’t she just precious! Oh she’s so beautiful! And she has your hair Kurt! Oh, I can’t wait till she wakes up,” Carole swoons over Aria. Kurt gives a low chuckle and asks, “Well what time is it?” Burt calls, “Almost two.” Kurt nods down at Aria as he enters his dad’s and Carole’s house, “Then you’ll be getting your wish anytime now mom, she wakes up at two every night like clockwork.” Burt laughs as he and Blaine bring in the last suitcases, “So did you kid. Now when do I get to meet that grandbaby of mine?” Kurt says, “Just as soon as Mom holds her.” Kurt turns to Finn, “Finn thanks for picking us up! See you tomorrow!” Finn hollers his goodbyes to everyone as he backs out of the driveway. And does so just a little too loudly.
Aria begins to cry and Kurt begins patting her back and humming to her, while letting Carole undo the straps of the belly pack. When she gets them undone, Carole reaches out to take Aria from Kurt and Aria begins to scream even louder, Carole croons in her most motherly voice, “Sh, sh, baby girl it’s alright. Nana’s got you. Nana’s got you. Daddy’s not going anywhere. Sh, sh, sh. It’s alright. Just let Daddy rest a bit. Sh, shhh.. it’s alright Ar, it’s alright.” Kurt snickers as Blaine says, “Papa. We decided Kurt gets Papa and I get daddy.” Carole nods as Burt comes to her side and starts patting Aria’s back, “Why don’t you boys go up stairs and get ready for bed. Let us spoil our granddaughter a little bit.” Kurt says, “She’s probably hungry though. Let us get her bottle fixed before we go upstairs.” Burt rolls his eyes, “Look I know you too have been doing this for almost three weeks now and you may know a lot about parenting, but we’ve both done this before. Her formula’s in the bag right?” Blaine hands the bag to Burt and says, “Yeah, but--” Burt waves him off, “But nothing. I’ve fixed more than a few bottles in my lifetime. I’ve got this. We made Kurt’s old bedroom into the nursery so you’ll be staying in Finn’s old room. We can put her down, you two just get some sleep.”
Blaine just nods and grabs their bags, bringing them upstairs while Kurt hangs behind, “Dad--,” Burt cuts him off, “Kurt honey, we’ve got this. Just go upstairs. When was the last time you got a full eight hours?” As if to prove his point Kurt gives an involuntarily yawn, “Dad--yawn--she, she likes it when you sing to her. She won’t sleep if you don’t.” Burt just nods and gives Kurt a shove towards the stairs.
Kurt stumbles up the stairs, on auto-pilot walking in to his old room. Where Blaine is standing in the middle, with the lights turned on, and turning in a slow circle. The crib is sleigh-bed style, dark black. The changing table to match. The bedding is Zebra, mint green and white. The walls are painted a soft shade of Tiffany-Blue. A tiny pillow in the rocking chair (Black with Tiffany-Blue cushions) reads Aria in purple script. The wall opposite the closet has dozens of pictures hung on it. a picture of Kurt and Blaine at Kurt’s junior prom. One of them at Kurt’s senior prom (and consequently Blaine’s junior). Another of Blaine’s senior prom. Their wedding photo. A copy of Aria’s ultrasound. Multiple candids of Kurt and Blaine, all lined up. “It’s perfect,” says Kurt in small whisper. Blaine nods, and Kurt comes up behind him, wraps his arms around his waist, and sits his chin on Blaine’s shoulder, “She’s perfect.” Blaine smiles in agreement, “She’s wonderful. And so are you,” Blaine twists in Kurt’s embrace so he can face him, “I’m so happy right now Kurt. I love you so much. I don’t know how it can get much better than this.” Kurt grins mischievously, “When we get back home, the first opportunity we get, Aria can spend the night with Rachel and Finn, and I will show you how it can get better than this.” Blaine laughs as Kurt presses a chaste kiss to his lips, “But until then, how about we take my parents up on their offer for a good night’s sleep?”
Blaine nods and they make their way to the guest bedroom. Where they collapse on top of the covers, fully dressed, without so much as a thought about moisturizer, or face washing. Blaine winds his arm around Kurt’s waist, presses a kiss to the back of his neck, and murmurs, “ ‘Night, love you.” Kurt responds with a delicate snore, and Blaine laughs as he drifts off to sleep.
The next morning Kurt’s the first to rise, or so he thinks. he wakes up with Blaine’s arm around his waist, and Blaine snuggled into his back. For a moment, Kurt lays there, content to just be. All too soon though, he realizes that he is still fully clothed and he struggles to remember what happened last night. He stumbled up the stairs...into his old room...Aria’s new room. Aria! Crap! What time is it?! Kurt fumbles around on the nightstand clawing at the alarm clock, turning it so he can read the time. Six? In the morning? Kurt lets out a low oath, knowing that any minute Aria will wake up wanting to eat again, he begins to rise slowly from the bed so as to not wake Blaine. He presses a kiss to Blaine’s forehead and moves slowly toward Aria’s nursery. He cracks open the door and is startled by the sight of Finn sitting in the rocking chair, cradling Aria. “Finn!” Kurt hisses in shock, “What are you doing here?” Finn presses a finger to his lips motioning Kurt to keep it down, “Well Rachel and her dad got up really early for a Passover service, and since I’m not really jewish I figured I’d come over here and just hang out. I used my key to get in and was sitting downstairs watching Mash reruns, and I heard Aria. I figured I’d go get her and let you two sleep a little bit longer. It took me a little while but I figured out the formula thing and we sat here, she ate her bottle, I sang her some Journey, and she’s just been sleeping for about thirty minutes. How late does she usually sleep?” Kurt grins at his brother, “Well if we ever get her to go back to sleep she’s usually good until seven-ish. How bout you stick her back in the crib, and I’ll whip up some chocolate pancakes.” Finn nods and rises very slowly, trying not disturb the baby in his arms. When he lays her out on the crib he kisses her forehead and whispers, “Sleep tight Ar.”
As they exit her room, and start down the steps, Kurt says to Finn, “What is it that you and mom keep calling my daughter?” Finn laughs and skips the bottom stair, following Kurt into the kitchen and sitting on a bar stool as Kurt gets out the necessary ingredients, “Well We were kicking around what we could nickname her, and there aren’t a lot of choices for Aria so we settled for Just Ar, you A-R. That’s okay isn’t it?” Kurt smiled as he beat eggs in to the batter and put the skillet on the stove, “Sure it is. Just don’t name her something stupid.” Burt walks in rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and says, “Don’t name who something stupid?” Kurt pours some batter on to the heated skillet, “Mom and Finn are conspiring to give my daughter a nickname she’ll never be able to live down.” Burt looks at Finn spitefully, “Is that so? Well Kurt what are you fixing now.” Kurt flips the pancake and says, “Well I was thinking chocolate chip pancakes. You think you could start the coffee?” Burt makes no move to rise from his spot at the bar next to Finn. Blaine comes in the kitchen though, doesn’t say much just starts the coffee and stands there staring at the pot as it fills.
Kurt spins on the spot, flipping two pancakes on to a plate and placing them in front of Finn and Burt objects, “Hey! What about me?” Kurt laughs, “Finn was down stairs first. Don’t worry you’re up next.” Then Blaine whimpers from his sport guarding the coffee, “Don’t worry hon, I’m making plenty for everyone,” and in his whirlwind about the kitchen, Kurt swoops down and places a fleeting kiss to Blaine’s cheek (studiously ignoring the faces that Finn and Burt make) before returning to the skillet and slopping some more batter on the skillet.