If You Were Here Beside Me Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

If You Were Here Beside Me

Kurt loves New York, but he loves Blaine just a little bit more.

K - Words: 320 - Last Updated: Nov 18, 2011
679 0 2 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: The song featured in this is ‘New York' by Snow Patrol.Seriously, go listen to it.
It had been six weeks, and it didn’t hurt any less.

Kurt curled in on himself, but the cold just wouldn’t go away. New York had always been his dream, his life. The bright lights of the city had always guided him, showing him that life would be better. Life could be amazing, in New York.

But that was before Blaine.

Blaine. Kurt’s lip started to quiver, and he couldn’t stop the tears. He stretched his arm across the bed, wishing that more than anything that he was here. The nights always hurt. Kurt’s days were filled with coffee, Broadway, and sun. New York gave his life, gave him soul.

But, Blaine wasn’t there.

As the clock flicked to 11pm, his phone started to ring, right on cue.


Blaine chuckled. “You sound surprised, who were you expecting?”

Kurt tried to laugh, but it came out as a strangled sob.

“Kurt, what’s wrong?”


“Don’t lie.”

“I just…I…”

“I miss you too.”

Kurt couldn’t hold it anymore. He started sobbing, and it broke Blaine’s heart. He didn’t know what to do. So, he started to sing.

If you were here beside me,
Instead of in New York
If the curve of you was curved on me

I’d tell you that I loved you

Before I even knew you

‘Cause I loved the simple thought of you

If our hearts had never broken
Well there’s no joy in the mending
So much this hurt can teach us both

There’s distance and there’s silence
Your words have never left me
They’re the prayer that I say every day

Kurt heard a noise outside. Still holding his phone to his ear, with Blaine’s soothing voice still singing to him, he edged towards the bedroom door.

He heard a voice.


No way.

Come on come out come here come here

Come on come out come here come here

Come on come out come here come here

Come on come out come here come here

He tore the door open.


“I love you.”
End Notes: My second fic :)Review,


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so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!

that takes a lot of courage to give up one dream in order to make another one come true. i'm glad that kurt got the chance to have both dreams come true.