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Warm Milk and the Bro Code

Finn takes the Furt Bro Code very seriously. Klaine through Finn's eyes.

T - Words: 4,502 - Last Updated: Aug 08, 2011
1,625 0 11 15
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, friendship,

He's kind of pissed at Kurt. By the time he's finally realized that they have the potential to be epic bros, Kurt's at Dalton. And ever since Kurt transferred, everything has gone downhill. And although that's not technically Kurt's fault, he still thinks that Kurt leaving for Dalton has brought on some kind of curse on him. It's silly, but he's always been a little superstitious.

Rachel finds out about his brief history with Santana, and she's furious with him. And he has no idea what's going on, but he's pretty sure they're on a break right now. But he's not moping. Curling up on his bed (trying not to look at the empty bed across the room) does not classify as moping. But his non-sulking is cut short by his phone vibrating.


"Well, hello Finn Hudson." There's no mistaking that smooth voice.


"We haven't really talked since the wedding, what with me trying to get settled in at Dalton and all..." Kurt sounds apologetic.

"I know."

"So, how are things?"

"Not so great," Finn admits. Before he knows it, he's telling Kurt about the whole Rachel fiasco.

"Oh, dear lord, Finn. What am I going to do with you?" He can practically see Kurt rolling his eyes.

"What?" he says defensively. "It's not my fault!"

"While I do agree that Rachel overreacted, since you weren't technically together at the time, I still think you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you were honest with her from the start- hold on for a sec, okay?" There's a muffled noise and he hears Kurt say something, but he can't quite figure out what it is.

"Ugh, I'm really sorry, but apparently there's an emergency Warbler's meeting." Again, he has the distinct feeling that Kurt's either rolling his eyes or making a face. He calls it his broternal instinct.

"It's totally cool, dude. Thanks for like, listening and stuff," he replies.

"Anything for you, Finn Hudson," Kurt laughs. "I'll see you this weekend, okay?"


Finn finds himself looking forward to this weekend more than usual. Maybe they still can have an epic� brotherhood.

The Furt Bro Code Rule #1: Phonecalls with your bro will make your brotherhood epic.


Okay, so he may have been looking forward to seeing Kurt again. But the week had only gotten worse since his phone call with Kurt, and he's not really in the best of moods when he hears the door swing open and Kurt call "I'm home!"

Neither Burt nor his mom call him out on his sulkiness, but after dinner, when he's in his room not-moping, there's a tentative knock at the door.

"Come in," he calls, trying to glare a hole into the wall.

"Finn?" Kurt asks as he steps into the room. "Are you okay?" He's holding two glasses of milk.

"Everything is fine," Finn says, avoiding the question.

"But you're not," Kurt counters, seating himself primly on the edge of the bed. "Look, Rachel called Mercedes, and Mercedes told me."

Finn sighs. "Word sure gets around pretty quickly in glee club."

"It's nice to know that I'm still considered to be part of glee club," Kurt says with a wry smile as he hands Finn a glass of milk.

"Hey, now," Finn says, sitting up and accepting the glass. "Of course you're still one of us! We really miss you, dude. Also, why is this warm?"

"Because warm milk is delicious," Kurt replies. "And anyways, my mom used to bring me some whenever I was feeling down. I thought maybe we could have some... lady-chat."

"But we're both guys," Finn says with a frown. "And the milk is warm," he adds, wrinkling his nose.

"And delicious," Kurt repeats, rolling his eyes. "Look, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you need someone to listen, I'm here."

"I'm kind of trying not to think about it, but thanks anyways," Finn responds, giving Kurt half a smile.

"Of course," Kurt smiles. "What are brothers for?"

The Furt Bro Code Rule #2: Trust your bro. Because warm milk? It really is delicious.


Finn gets to return the favor of being comforting by bringing your bro a glass of warm milk fairly soon. It's Friday and Kurt's home for the weekend again, but there's definitely something not-so-awesome going on. He doesn't try to stop Burt when he reaches for a second serving of cake, he pushes his own food around in his plate without eating much of it, and he's wearing an oversized hoodie and sweat pants. As soon as dinner is over, he shuts himself in his room.

Finn's kind of wary of disturbing Kurt, but he enters the room anyways, a glass of warm milk in his hand. Kurt's lying down on his bed, an arm thrown over his eyes.

"Hey, bro," Finn starts. "Wanna talk?"

Kurt gives him a bitter smile. "It's not something you'd want to talk about, Finn."

"You listened to me whine about Rachel, and I'm pretty sure you didn't wanna talk about that," Finn retorts.

"We both know you don't want to hear about my boy troubles, Finn."

"Actually, I do. I need to know who to beat up, don't I?" That gets a smile out of Kurt.

"You don't have to beat anyone up. It's my own fault, anyways. I thought the guy I like liked me, but he likes someone else."

"Oh." Finn doesn't really know what to say to that, but he's pretty sure asking Kurt if the guys he likes is actually gay this time is not a good idea.

As it turns out, he doesn't have to, because Kurt says, "and the worst part is, he's gay. At least with you, it was because our sexualities aren't compatible. But with Blaine, it's probably because there's something wrong with me."

"Bull," snorts Finn. Kurt glares at him. "There's nothing wrong with you," he adds hastily. "He's the one with problems if he can't see how awesome you are."

Kurt smiles at him, and it's not one of his half-smiles or his completely fake smiles. It's a genuine one. "Thanks, Finn."

The Furt Bro Code Rule #3: Comfort your bro when he's dealing with relationship problems.


A few weeks later on a Wednesday, Finn gets a text from Kurt, just before lunch ends.

From: Kurt H. BLAINE ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D!!!!!! (P.S. Don't tell Mercedes that I texted you before texting her :p)

He grins at his phone and texts Kurt back. From: Finn H. congratz bro. dont worry i wont ;)

Nowhere in Kurt's text does it say to not mention anything about his love life to Burt. So really, Finn can't be held accountable for the fact on Friday night, Burt practically flips his shit about Kurt dating and tells him to bring "that boy of yours over for dinner next Friday, no excuses" and gives him The Talk.

"Finn, you idiot," Kurt hisses, his face still red. "You weren't supposed to tell my dad!"

"You didn't tell me not to!" Finn protests.

Kurt just sighs and shakes his head.

The Furt Bro Code Rule #4: Don't ever tell parents about your bro's love life. Ever.


Up until this point, Finn hasn't realized that Blaine is the lead singer of the Warblers. But when he finds out, he's more than a little bit concerned. And can you really blame him for seeing the parallel between Blaine and Jesse? He even has curly hair! He doesn't tell Kurt this, of course, because his brother will probably kill him if he does. And Kurt clearly likes Blaine's hair, judging by the way he keeps petting it. Finn soon realizes that Blaine is nothing like Jesse. Except for the hair, of course.

He handles Burt's interrogation very well. If Finn were in his place, he'd probably have pissed himself. But Blaine just smiles at Burt and answers his questions honestly, occasionally glancing reassuringly at a very mortified Kurt. Burt finally gives up and says, "Okay, you'll do. But just so you know, I have a shotgun."

Kurt sighs in exasperation, but Blaine just grins at Burt and says, "I'll try to make sure you won't have to use it, sir."

If he can get Burt's approval, Finn thinks it's no surprise that his mom adores Blaine. This might have something to do with the fact that he compliments her cooking. Finn thinks Blaine is pretty cool, too, but he doesn't really think much about it during dinner, because he's busy digging into his plate of lasagna. Suddenly, he feels something sliding up his leg. He frowns and looks around the table, wondering if they had bought a cat without telling him. He sees Kurt smirking at Blaine. Oh.

"Dude," he hisses at Kurt, "that's my leg you're feeling up with your foot."

Kurt flushes and drops his foot. "Sorry."

The Furt Bro Code Rule #5: Never sit beside your bro's boyfriend during dinner, because that might lead to your bro accidentally feeling your leg up.


Finn realizes that it's not really necessary to threaten Blaine with bodily harm, since Burt's already done that. Also, Blaine is clearly smitten with Kurt. They're curled up on the couch together, watching a rerun of Friends. It's the episode where Joey speaks French, and Blaine says, "we should totally try that with Madame Valcartier."

Kurt giggles and nudges Blaine. "I am not going to do that to the only teacher who likes me."

"The others don't know what they're missing," Blaine says, smiling at Kurt.

Kurt's about to respond to that, but Burt calls him to the kitchen for a second. Kurt sighs and pulls away from Blaine. This is Finn's chance. He knows he doesn't really have to threaten Blaine, but it's something he's wanted to do since Kurt told him that Blaine supposedly liked someone else.

"Listen up, dude."

Blaine looks away from Kurt's retreating back.

"Don't hurt Kurt," Finn continues. He restrains himself from saying 'hey, that rhymed!' because that will probably ruin the moment and make him look less intimidating.

Blaine gives him half a smile. "Believe me, that's the last thing I want to do."

"Good, because you seem like a cool guy, and I really don't wanna have to punch you or something."

Blaine grins at him. "Like I said to Mr. Hummel, I'll try to make sure you won't have to."

"Finn, stop trying to scare Blaine away," Kurt reprimands, coming into the den and sliding back onto the couch beside Blaine.

"Kurt, if you haven't scared me away with your undying love for Lady Gaga, then I don't think anything will," Blaine says with a smirk.

"This coming from the person who loves Katy Perry." Kurt rolls his eyes. "You, Mr. Anderson, are not in the position to mock anyone else's taste in music. And Lady Gaga is a true performer with a killer fashion sense. She's legendary."

"She's insane," Blaine says.

"At least she can sing," Kurt retorts. "Have you heard Katy Perry live?"

The Furt Bro Code Rule #6: Don't threaten your bro's boyfriend with bodily harm because it might start a Gaga vs. Perry debate.


Burt Hummel and Finn Hudson get along very well. Although they're both happy that Kurt has found someone, and they both think Blaine is a cool guy, they still think that they need to see the whole "Kurt is dating" thing in action to be sure it's okay. Just to make sure his virtue isn't being compromised or anything.

If anything, it's Burt's idea. He brings it up during the commercial break when they're watching a football game. "So, what do you think of this Blaine kid?"

Finn shrugs. "He's cool, I guess. But I don't really know him that well, so he might actually end up being some evil robot-alien-hybrid type thing."

Burt nods. "It's settled then. We're gonna go spy on them on one of their dates. Gotta make sure he's not pressuring Kurt into anything."

Finn grins excitedly. "We'll call it Operation Blurt - for Blaine and Kurt."

Burt frowns. "Nah, that sounds too much like my name. How about Operation Klaine?"

"That would work," Finn concedes.

Needless to say, Operation Klaine is an epic failure. In spite of their disguises (trench coats, fake mustaches, and sunglasses), Blaine manages to spot them in the corner of the crowded restaurant. He waves at them happily, which catches Kurt's attention. Kurt's eyes narrow suspiciously and he starts to make his way towards their table. Oh shit, Finn thinks.

"Send Carole a text telling her to come here," Burt instructs. Finn does as he is told.

"How surprising to run into you here," Kurt drawls when he reaches their table. "And what lovely costumes. Though you know, Finn, a blond mustache doesn't match your hair."

Finn frowns. He hadn't thought of that. "Oh."

"So. May I inquire as to why you're here?" Kurt frowns at them.�

"Finn and I decided to surprise Carole. I left a note on the fridge for her," Burt says quickly.

"Really." Kurt arches an eyebrow. "And you conveniently chose this restaurant, even though you knew Blaine and I had a date here tonight?"

Burt frowns. "I thought we could double date."

"Nobody goes on double dates with their parents!" Kurt says exasperatedly.

"Rachel and I went out to dinner with her dads," Finn protests.


Finn shakes his head hurriedly. Kurt pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes.

"We have two options here. You can stay and continue to spy on me, and ruin my date. But you'll see first hand that Blaine is more harmless than a kitten."

It is with great difficulty that Finn refrains from pointing out that a cat once scratched his leg, and that he still has the scars.

"Or," Kurt continues. "You can leave now and we'll forget this ever happened."

"Okay," Finn says. "Lemme text Mom and tell her to forget it."

"Excellent." Kurt smiles sweetly and flounces back to his table. Blaine gives him an amused smile, and Kurt just shakes his head.

The Furt Bro Code Rule #7: Don't try to spy on your bro when he's on a date.

Finn has never seen Kurt and Blaine kiss. Ever. Sure, he sees them hug all the time, and once he even saw Blaine peck Kurt on the cheek, but he's never seen them kiss. Which is weird, because him and Rachel used to wherever and whenever they could. He distinctly remembers Kurt walking in on them and letting out a high-pitched squeal of "Oh my god, my eyes!" He was kind of looking forward to doing the same thing to Kurt (without the high-pitched voice, of course, because his voice doesn't go that high), but he's never had the chance.

He asks Kurt about this one day, and Kurt just shrugs. "Wouldn't that make you uncomfortable? To see two boys kissing?"

Finn frowns at him. "I dunno... but like, I've never walked in on you or anything. Oh my god, Kurt! Have you guys not kissed yet?!"

Kurt arches an eyebrow and gives him a tell-me-you're-not-serious look. "Of course we have. Just not in front of everyone. I'm not big on PDA."


"I will say, however," Kurt continues with a smug smile, "that Blaine is an exceptional kisser. But that's all I'm saying."

Finn's still confused. "Kurt. You're not, you know, cock-blocking yourselves because of me, right? Because I am totally cool with you being gay. Really. And like, I kinda owe you one for all those times you walked in on me and Rachel."

"I'll keep that in mind, Finn," Kurt tells him with a smile.

He does end up seeing - rather, hearing - Kurt and Blaine make out. But not in the way he expects to. He's skipped school because he was feeling sick in the morning, and he's a little surprised when he hears the door open and then slam shut. His mom usually doesn't get home till 6:30, Burt isn't home until 5, and Kurt usually arrives at 5:30. He checks the time. 2:45. Huh.

"We shouldn't have skipped." That's Blaine's voice.

"Don't be silly, Blaine. There was a sub for French today, and I'd probably have fallen asleep during history anyways." Kurt's almost definitely rolling his eyes.

"I know, but--"

"Really, Blaine? Wouldn't you rather--" Kurt lets out a surprised squeak, cutting short his sentence. Finn barely has time to panic before he hears Kurt's voice again, slightly breathless this time. "Mmm, see, that's so much better."

"Should we go to your room?"

"We have an hour until Finn gets home... I think the couch is good enough for now."

Finn groans and buries his face in his pillow. It figures that Kurt and Blaine will decide to make out right in front of his room, and he really doesn't feel like crawling out of bed to do anything about it. For the next fifteen minutes, all he hears are gasps and 'mmm's and 'ohhh's. And then he hears, "no, not there. My collar won't cover tha--ohhh." And he's had enough. He drags himself up from his bed and stumbles into the den.�

"Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep."

Kurt gasps and pulls away from Blaine. "Finn! You're home early!"

Finn tries not to notice Kurt's ruffled hair, or the marks on Blaine's neck, or the way Kurt's positioned himself over Blaine, or the fact that both of the boys on the couch have the first few buttons of their shirts undone. He fails.

"Yeah, I was sick today."


"I'm gonna go sleep now. Just... keep it down, okay?"

As he turns to go back to his room, he hears Blaine groan. "I told you we should have gone to your room."

"Please," Kurt giggles. "I've walked in on Finn and Rachel so many times I've lost count. This is payback."

The Furt Bro Code Rule #8: Don't scar your brother by making out all time, because he will get revenge and you'll be scarred for life.


Blaine's practically part of the Hudson-Hummel family now. It had started slowly, with him dropping by every few weekends or so. Now, he's unofficially invited to every Friday night dinner. To quote Burt "kid, you can stop by whenever you want. Dinner on Fridays start at 7:30." Blaine uses this to his advantage to spring surprise visits on Kurt in an effort to catch him wearing less-than-fabulous clothes. So really, when their dinner on Saturday night is interrupted by the doorbell ringing, none of them are all that surprised, even though Blaine usually shows up well before or after dinner.

Finn goes to answer the door because Kurt's in the bathroom, and unsurprisingly, it's Blaine.

"Hey," Blaine says, giving him a tired smile. "Is Kurt...?"

It's an unnecessary question, because Kurt's already in front of the door. "It's futile, Blaine. Even my sweatpants are fabulous," he smirks, pulling Blaine into a hug.

Blaine returns the hug half-heartedly and whispers something in his ear. Finn doesn't really understand what's going on, but judging by the way Kurt's smirk morphs into a frown, whatever Blaine's talking about can't be good.

"Come on," Kurt says firmly, dragging Blaine inside.

"No, really, I don't want to inconvenience you or anything..."

"Don't be silly, Blaine," Kurt says softly. "Dad and Carole worship you."


"Would you like something to eat?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Not even ice cream?"

"Really, Kurt, I'm not hungry."

"Okay," Kurt relents. "Go down to my room and pick out a movie. I'll make popcorn." He practically pushes Blaine down to the basement, despite Blaine's protest of "but I have to go say hi to your parents!"; then rushes to the dining room.


"What's up, kiddo? Where's Blaine?"

"Basement. Blaine... his dad... he - let's just say he's nothing like you."

Oh. Finn frowns, and his mom makes a sympathetic noise.

"Can he maybe spend the weekend here?" Kurt asks.

"Of course, sweetie," Carole says before Burt can open his mouth.

"Thank you." Kurt smiles.

While Kurt looks for the package of microwaveable popcorn, Finn pours a glass of milk for Blaine and heats it.

He sneaks out of the kitchen and into the basement when Kurt's not looking.

"Hey, dude," Finn says, tentatively entering Kurt's room. Blaine's sitting on Kurt's couch, a DVD in his hand.

"Hi, Finn. Are you gonna watch Mean Girls with us?" He holds the DVD up.

"No, bro. Just thought you might want some warm milk."

Blaine raises his eyebrows and looks at the glass in Finn's hand skeptically.

"It's delicious!" Finn says defensively. "And Kurt always brings me some when I'm upset about something. You look a little down tonight, so I thought..."

"Oh. Um, okay then," Blaine says accepting the glass and taking a sip. "Mm, it's not that bad."

"Warm milk! I told you it's delicious!" Kurt says when he enters the room and sees the glass in Blaine's hand.

"I concur," Blaine says, and Finn snorts, because seriously. Only Blaine would use words like concur.

"Of course you do," Kurt says with a grin. "I'm always right. Now let's watch Lindsay Lohan at the premature peak of her career." He sits on the couch beside Blaine and wraps his arms around him.

"I've gotta go do my Spanish project," Finn says, using it as a lame excuse to leave the two alone. Everyone knows Finn doesn't start an assignment until the day before it's due.

Kurt seems to understand this, and he shoots Finn a grateful smile.

The Furt Bro Code Rule #9: Give your bro alone-time with his boyfriend. Especially if said boyfriend is feeling depressed.


It's almost summer, and Finn is counting down days until the first day of summer vacation. Kurt, however, looks more restless as time progresses.

"Dude, what is wrong with you? School's almost over."

"I know," Kurt says. "That's partly the problem."

"Is it exams? Are you stressed because of those? Because dude, you're really smart. You'll be fine."

Kurt shakes his head. "It's not that," he says. "It's just... never mind."

"Okay, you're kind of creeping me out."

"I need to text Blaine. I'd rather not have to explain this more than once."

Finn just nods. Kurt's being really vague, and he thinks it might be on purpose. He's always been a dramatic type of guy. So when Blaine arrives, Finn just gives him a bemused shrug.

"Kurt? Is everything okay?" Blaine asks, sitting beside Finn on the couch.

"I... I think I'm going back to McKinley," Kurt blurts.

Finn just stares at him. "But, dude. Karofsky..."

"-is graduating this year," Kurt finishes. "And while I'm surprised that a Neanderthal like him managed to survive without dropping out, the fact is that he won't be at McKinley next year. He's the whole reason I left, so..."

"Kurt." Blaine's gotten up and is taking Kurt's hand. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I- yes. I think it is."

"Finn, can you give us a moment?"

Finn hesitates, but at Kurt's nod, he climbs up a few steps. He doesn't go any further, because he needs to make sure that Blaine isn't going try to force Kurt to stay at Dalton. The more rational part of his mind recognizes this as a poor excuse, since Blaine has never given him any reason to suspect him. In all honesty, Finn really wants to see what happens next.

"Kurt," Blaine says slowly. "Please tell me this isn't your way of telling me you want to break up."

Kurt gasps. "What? Of course not! We can make this work, even if we don't see each other every day... right?" he adds uncertainly.

"Yes, of course." Blaine says, pulling Kurt into a hug. "Thank god."

"It's just that - and you have to promise not to tell Finn - Dad's cholesterol and blood pressure levels are really high. I don't want to be two hours away from him, not knowing if he'll be okay. And the fact that Dalton's fees are so expensive only add to his stress. I can't do that to my parents, Blaine. They gave up their honeymoon for me."

Blaine pulls Kurt onto the bed so they're sitting side by side. "Hey, it's okay." There's silence for a moment. "Is it creepy if I say that I want to transfer with you?" Blaine asks suddenly

"Blaine, you don't have to do that. You love Dalton."

"I thought you did, too," Blaine points out.

"I don't love Dalton, Blaine, I love you," Kurt says with a wry smile. "The anti-bullying policy has it perks, but I can't be myself there. And to be honest, neither can you. The Blaine sitting with me here isn't the same as the Blaine in the Warblers. I can't change who I am the way you can."

"But see, that's the point. I shouldn't be doing that either. Look, I have an aunt who lives in Lima - you'd love her, she's very fashionable. I could stay with her, which would mean that I wouldn't have to drive two hours every time I wanted to visit you. I wouldn't have to see Dad at all, which is definitely a good thing. We tend to clash a lot," Blaine admits with a sheepish grin.

"You'll have to deal with slushies and dumpster-tosses, you know," Kurt warns. "I mean, I could join the Cheerios again, because no one would dare slushie me for fear of getting the uniform dirty, but I think I've had enough of uniforms."

"That's too bad, you'd make a hot cheerleader," Blaine grins.

"But really, Blaine," Kurt says seriously. "Being slushied - it's like getting bitch slapped by an iceberg. And you'll have to bring spare clothes. And your dry cleaning bill will skyrocket."

"But Kurt," Blaine begins. "I'd catch a grenade for you! Take a slushie to the face for you!"

"Shut up," Kurt giggles. "You know I hate that song! I mean seriously, why would you catch a grenade - and get yourself killed, which would just depress the person you love - when you can just push them out of the way?"

"It's supposed to be symbolic?"

"It makes no sense," Kurt says, rolling his eyes. "There are a billion good ways of saying 'I love you', but catching a grenade is not one of them."

"Would transferring to their school so you can see them every day be one of them?"

"It's very sweet of you, but I don't want you to feel like you have to."

"Trust me, I want to. I can't imagine going back to Dalton and not seeing you there. I'd go crazy. So, what about a kiss?"

"What about it?"

"Is a kiss a good way of saying 'I love you'?" Blaine clarifies.

"It's the best way," Kurt smiles, tilting Blaine's face towards his.

"I love you, Kurt," Blaine whispers, their lips barely an inch apart.

"I love you, too, Blaine."

Finn takes this as his cue to leave. And in September, when Blaine kisses Kurt in front of everybody in McKinley's parking lot, Finn glares menacingly at everyone who stares.�

The Furt Bro Code Rule #10: Support your bro (and his boyfriend) no matter what.


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Aw, this is so cute. I love Finn being a good "big brother," and there was the perfect amount of Klaine fluff. I love this!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

I really want to love Finn, I really do, but the writers are making that EXCEPTIONALLY hard to do. He does have his adorable moments, though, so I tend to emphasize those when I write. I'm glad you liked this, and thank you so much for reading and reviewing! :)

I wish we could see Finn act more like this in the series. Really sweet story; good job capturing Finn's more endearing character traits. I'm not a fan of him, but this made me like him :)

I love this story! I love reading all your stories because they are from Finns POV. The ones from his POV are my faves so defo write some more! Love all your stories because they all make me laugh and I'm happy the whole way through! This one is my fave though, really cute :) well done! Please write some more from Finns POV and keep him as this 'awesome bro' because I love how you've written him as that before! X

Oh my god, thank you! I'll certainly write more if and when I'm feeling inspired! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!! :)

This is adorable. I love it. Bro-love is the best (after Klaine love).