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The Art of Eloquence

Finn isn't happy when Kurt gives him a book with SAT vocabulary words for his birthday, but it ends up being a useful present, especially when he's trying to figure out where his step-brother's relationship is going.

T - Words: 974 - Last Updated: Aug 08, 2011
1,075 0 1 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, friendship,

the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness.

At first, he's furious. Because honestly, who would actually want a book containing SAT vocabulary words for their birthday? And Kurt calls him dense -- Finn's been talking about how much he loves God of War for weeks! When he tells Kurt this, his step-brother just shrugs and says "Believe me, you're going to need that if you're dating someone like Rachel Berry."

"I live with you," Finn says, rolling his eyes. "You're practically the male Rachel."

"If you intend to live to see your next birthday," Kurt says with a frown, "you might not want to compare me to your girlfriend."

Finn knows there's no point in arguing with Kurt -- he never wins. But there is someone who can (sometimes) convince Kurt to change his mind.

"Your boyfriend is insane," Finn complains into the phone.

"Well spotted," Blaine says. Finn beams; he's always prided himself on his observational skills.

"He got me a SAT vocab book for my birthday!"

"Oooh!" Blaine says excitedly. "That was my idea! Do you like it?"

Finn sighs -- really, these two are more oblivious than him. "Would you want a SAT vocab book for your birthday?"

"I'd be happy with anything Kurt gives me," Blaine says honestly. Finn doesn't doubt that -- Blaine's face lights up every time Kurt smiles at him. "And besides, my vocabulary is impeccable."

"I have no idea what that means," Finn says with a frown.

"Look it up in the book!" Finn can tell Blaine's smirking over the phone. Finn sighs and flips the book open.
faultless; flawless; irreproachable.

�"I see," Finn says.

"How about this," Blaine offers. "If you can improve your vocabulary by my birthday, I'll convince Kurt to buy you Call of Duty or whatever instead of getting me a gift."

"Like that will happen," Finn scoffs.

"Fine then," Blaine says. "I'll buy it for you."

Finn sighs. "I'm not going to get out of this, am I?"

"Nope," Blaine says cheerfully. "But really, if you saw the sweater he was going to get for you before I convinced him to get this book, you'd be thanking me right now."

So Finn resigns himself to using the SAT book. He supposes he should be thankful that it isn't in French. But when he looks through it, he realizes that more than half of the words have been used by Rachel during her long tirades in glee club.

a long, vehement speech.
�(see, he's learning!)

As for the other half, he can apply them to Kurt's relationship with Blaine. And being the well-meaning epically awesome brother that he is, this is totally useful during his "concealed observations" (not spying) on the two.


not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable.

Most of the evidence for Kurt and Blaine's relationship is intangible. Sure, Blaine really likes to buy Kurt little gifts -- the Armani scarf he's had his eyes on for weeks (despite Kurt's protests of "Blaine, you didn't have to buy that! I was saving up for it anyways!"), the fabulous lapel pins that Kurt wears all the time.

But really, it's the little things that make it what it is.

Like how when they're watching a movie, Blaine spends more time looking at Kurt than the screen. The way Kurt relaxes whenever he's with Blaine -- which is probably why Blaine won't believe that Kurt's as high-maintenance as Rachel. The way they brush their hands together whenever they can, or how they seem to have entire conversations without even saying anything.

Like right now, Kurt's flopped down beside Blaine on the couch as they're watching Inception, and he comments on how hot Joseph-something looks in a suit. Blaine just pulls him close and says that as hot as that Joseph guy is, Kurt looks so much better. Kurt blushes and rolls his eyes, obviously not believing him, and suddenly, it's like Finn doesn't even exist, because Blaine is tilting Kurt's face towards his and murmuring "I mean it, Kurt. You're beautiful" against his lips. And even though Kurt is generally against kissing Blaine in front of people, he smiles into the kiss and pulls himself closer to Blaine, whispering "I love you."

It's kind of scary, Finn thinks, because high school relationships aren't usually that intense. He doesn't kid himself into thinking that he and Rachel are going to make it past high school -- Rachel's got her sights set on Broadway, but Finn's perfectly happy in Lima. And he really doesn't think either of them can handle a long distance relationship.

But as he sees Blaine smiling warmly at Kurt's embarrassed grin when they pull away from each other, he thinks that these two? They're totally going to make it past high school.


capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial.

�Ever since Kurt had blackmailed Finn by threatening to reveal his browser's history, Finn's been looking for some hardcore incriminating evidence of Kurt's relationship with Blaine. Revenge is sweet, and all that shit.

And sure, he's found Kurt's favourite scarf thrown on the floor beside the door, and he's 99% sure that Blaine's the one that ripped it off. But he's also sure that if he brought it up with Burt, the man would choose to believe Kurt's defensive "I must have dropped it while coming in!" excuse rather than think about Blaine ravishing his son's neck.

So, being the snoopy (yet well-meaning) brother that he is, Finn sneaks into Kurt's room while he's making dinner and takes his phone, looking for incriminating texts about an "interesting night" or something along those lines.

Blaine A: I miss you already :(
Blaine A: And it's only been 5 min. since I last saw you.
Kurt H: dork.
Blaine A: You love me anyways ;)
Kurt H: you know it


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