Jan. 12, 2012, 11 a.m.
Jan. 12, 2012, 11 a.m.
The Anderson siblings, Blaine and Rachel have always been in constant competition; even with their best friend Kurt. Will Blaine risk ruining his friendship with Kurt to take it further?
Ever since they were little, everything had a been a competition. Rachel was born first, by two minutes, and never would let Blaine forget it. You'd never know that they were twins, unless they told you.Blaine inherited the curly hair gene and Rachel got the, er, Berry nose gene. When they were babies, Rachel spoke first, Blaine grew a tooth first. Within a month of their individual feats, they would be trying to outdo the other. Their mother dressed them up similarly and bought them the same toys. They went to the same voice coaches and dance classes. They joined the same clubs and sometimes played the same sports, but Rachel could not get into football and eventually gave up on all sports that involved balls. They went to the same schools for 10 years until Blaine found an all boys private academy that was particularly gifted in the arts. Rachel was absolutely livid, but their parents reasoned that since Rachel petitioned for extra acting lessons, that Blaine deserved something as well. She only wanted those lessons because Blaine was becoming better than her, she was sure of it! Finally, months later, the Anderson parents surrendered to Rachel's constant battering and bargained that Blaine got to stay at Dalton Academy for three years, then he would move to McKinley with Rachel.
It was the first day of Senior year.
Blaine wandered down the halls of McKinley high feeling utterly out of place. Bow ties and brightly coloured skinny jeans were apparently not the fashion. He was surprised he hadn't gotten slushied within 10 minutes of being there, after all the horror stories Rachel had told.
He turned a corner and saw the reassuring faces of Kurt and Rachel at a locker. Kurt waved him over.
"Made any friends?" Kurt asked while Rachel was touching up her foundation.
"Obviously. Look at the crowd of groupies around me, I'm pretty popular." Blaine waved his arms in the air.
Kurt took a can of hairspray out of what must have been a secret compartment in that locker and sprayed around his head with it.
"God, you do that at school, too?" Blaine coughed.
"You're one to talk," Kurt poked hesitantly at Blaine's hair and pretended to have his hand stuck in it.
"When are you guys going to get married and get it over with?" Rachel sighed.
Kurt and Blaine simply laughed, for Rachel had been saying that for roughly three years.
Kurt and Blaine first met towards the end of sophomore year when they were fifteen. Rachel had agreed that her and Kurt should practice for Regionals, seeing as they were the two best singers in Glee. They were still on "frenemy" terms, then.
Rachel walked in with Kurt and prepared to give him a tour of the house.
"Well, this is the piano room. It is obviously the room where one plays piano, and sometimes violin or flute. And-"
"Who's this?" a voice asked from behind them. Blaine hovered on the stairs.
"This is my, er, friend," Rachel glanced at Kurt, "Kurt Hummel."
"Wow, Rachel's got a friend! How's that work?" Blaine jeered, arms crossed.
Rachel shot him a look and turned back to Kurt. "Kurt, this is my brother, Blaine."
"Pleasure," Kurt smiled, "I didn't know you had a brother..."
"We tend to keep him locked away in the attic with the other unmentionables," Rachel whispered loud enough for Blaine to hear.
"Oh, no, the Unmentionable family moved out years ago. Nice family of dust bunnies, they were." Blaine was grinning.
Rachel rolled her eyes and shoved past him up the stairs. "Come on, Kurt. Let's practice."
"Nice meeting you?" Kurt said as he was tugged up the stairs.
"You too" was all Blaine said, but Kurt absolutely melted.
Over the years, they had kissed. A lot. Kurt and Blaine were basically...friends with benefits. They knew everything about each other already, so what was the point of dating? Not that it didn't hurt when Kurt helped dress Blaine, for a date with another guy. Not that Blaine took notice of the clenching in his stomach when Kurt cooed over the hottest guys of the month. It's not like either of them talked about the tearing sensation in their chests when they simply walked away awkwardly after one of their latest rendezvous.
Kurt had basically taught himself to stand�Blaine's unfairly handsome looks and obnoxious talent. He was Rachel in gay guy form, except less offensive and more puppy-like.
Kurt saw Blaine again that day in glee club.
"Hi, everyone! I'd like to formally welcome you all back this year!" Rachel addressed the class. Mr. Schuester raised an eyebrow but let her continue. "For some of us, this is our last year here, so let's make it the best! See, I've already got some songs planned out for Sectionals and-"
Blaine coughed from his seat in the back row.
"Oh! Everyone, this is my brother, Blaine." Rachel said. She began to go over the Sectionals list again, but a few of the members spoke up.
"You have a brother?" Puck questioned.
"You said he went to a boarding school..." Finn said.
"Oh god, not another Anderson." Santana rolled her eyes.
"Is he single?" Quinn added.
Blaine stepped down next to Rachel.
"I'll take this." he said, and Rachel took a seat. "So, hi. I'm Blaine and I am the better Anderson twin. Rachel has told you guys all about me, it seems. I just transferred from Dalton Academy, under my parents authority, and I'll be sure to make this club even better than it is now!"
He grinned at the blank group.
"And, uh, I am single," he looked at Quinn, "but gay."
Quinn muttered something about "all the good ones are" and Blaine took his seat.
Rachel went on with her Sectionals ideas whilst everyone moaned and rolled their eyes.
Mr. Schuester stepped in after about five minutes.
"So, Blaine! Most of our new members sing something as, kind of, their initiation. Do you have anything prepared?"
Blaine laughed quietly. "I'm an Anderson, of course I do. Rachel?"
"Do you even have to ask? A minor, please, Brad." Rachel stood next to Blaine.
"You put the boom boom into my heart," Rachel began.
"You send my soul sky high when your loving starts..." Blaine chorused.
"Oh, lord," Kurt covered his eyes. He cringed throughout the whole duet of the Wham song.
Then came the chorus, and by then the entire club was cracking up.
"Wake me up before you go-go!"
"Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo!"
They turned in circles, snapping their fingers with broad stage smiles spread across their face.
By the time they reached "Jitterbug," they had the whole group joining in.
"Take me dancing tonight," they sang in unison. Blaine definitely had a range.
"That was awesome, guys," Schuester clapped.
"A bit incestuous, but-" Puck added quietly. He shut up when he saw Rachel's glare.
"Thank you." Rachel and Blaine bowed out.
Though they were competitive, they could not be beat when they were together.
When they were five, they wrote, directed, and performed their own two-man Christmahanukkah musical for their family. If Youtube had existed in the 90's, they would have gone viral. Rachel was sure they would have a duet together for Sectionals.
The day continued on for a few more hours and finally Blaine and Rachel were home and sharing their complaints.
"They actually give out homework there! I don't want to sound vain, though I am related to you, but I'm Blaine Anderson! I get the solos and the pride, not Trig homework and morning detention slips. I always thought that tardy slips were a myth." Blaine said between bites of Slim Jims.
Rachel turned up her nose at the stick of processed meat byproduct. "Well, Mr. Schue turned down almost all of my Sectionals ideas. I mean, a Les Mis/Dreamgirls mash up is a fabulous idea, is it not?"
"Completely." Blaine replied. His phone jingled in his pocket.
3:26 You had a bad day, taking one down... --Kurt
He smiled at the text and replied:
3:26 Sing a sad song just to turn it around :) --Blaine
He realized Rachel was hovering over his iPhone screen.
"Why don't you two just go out? You're already practically dating." Rachel sighed.
Blaine put the phone away and leaned against the counter.
"You don't get it."
Rachel raised a brow. "Oh, explain it to me, then."
Blaine should've known that was next. "Well, we're friends. With benefits, sometimes. We're not exclusive. We don't feel the need to define the relationship."
"Excuses." Rachel said, talking between sips of orange juice. "Non-exclusive? I haven't seen you or Kurt going on any dates recently."
Blaine gave up and went upstairs to his room.
He flopped down on his bed and took out his phone.
3:38 Missing your blazer? --Kurt
3:39 Eh. It's nice having friends here, though. --Blaine�
3:40 Don't think we're friends. I'm just using you for your body.�--Kurt
Blaine noticed the huge grin on his face and tried to shake it off.
3:42 Good to know.�--Blaine�
Blaine waited a few minutes and thought over what Rachel had said.
3:45 Meet me at the Lima Bean?�--Blaine�
3:46 Sure :)�--Kurt
Blaine straightened his bow tie and went downstairs
"Oh, Blaine," His mom said before he opened the garage. "Don't be late for improv night later."
He nodded and was off to the Lima Bean in his dad's car.
Kurt was already there at their regular table.
Blaine walked up to him and kissed him, holding the sides of Kurt's face, before Kurt could even finish waving.
Kurt sat there, eyes wide and frozen for the moment. Blaine took a seat across from Kurt.
"Good to see you, too?" Kurt managed to say.
"Yeah, I just had to try that." Blaine slid his coffee closer to himself.
Kurt took a sip of coffee. "And, uh, what exactly was that?"
Blaine's palms gripped the sides of his coffee.�"What is this?"
"A medium drip..." Kurt puzzled.
"No, I mean, this. Our relationship, or whatever it is."
Kurt went quiet for a moment.�"Well, uh, it's just us."
"Us." Blaine tasted the word in his mouth. "Us."
"What's going on?" Kurt looked uneasy.
Blaine exhaled deeply.
"Want to go on a date?"
So I'm not usually super big on Anderberry, but I like this and want it to continue. :)
this was pretty good, did he say yes?
.... There is no way you can keep this a one-shot. That's just cruel lol. I demand more! :)
Ahh! I love this too much... :D more?