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You are my best friend

This is a silly little Drabble about baby penguin! Blaine and polar bear cub! Kurt and their blossoming friendship

K - Words: 1,074 - Last Updated: Nov 10, 2012
717 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,

Author's Notes: So I wrote this because duh it's adorable! Let me know if you want more and I'll consider continuing it. Much love x

Once upon a time in a land of icebergs and rainbows and magical things lived a little penguin named Blaine. Blaine was a happy little penguin who loved nothing more than singing and dancing. But little Blaine had no friends, so he spent every day and night perfecting his dance moves and jazz flippers hoping one day he could make someone proud of him." "Now, just so you know little Blaine penguin had no parents they were eaten by a radioactive killer whale the previous year. This particular day, the anniversary of his parents death, Blaine decided to perform a dance in his parents memory. He put all of his little heart into his dance. He raised his little black flippers to the sky and danced on all his furniture. When his danced finished, his little penguin heart was beating so very fast and tears were slowly running down his face."  "When a small nervous voice behind him spoke, 'that was beautiful'" "Little Blaine penguin has heard some beautiful sounds in his short life, the sound of a baby penguin hatching, the laughter of the neighbour sea bird but nothing, nothing was as beautiful as the voice he heard behind him. Little Blaine penguin twirled around so quickly to face the beautiful voice that he tripped over his little penguin feet and landed on his little penguin bum."

The stranger let out a small gasp as he watch little Blaine Penguin topple to the ground. He rushed over immediately. 'Oh dear, are you okay?!' The stranger asked in his beautiful voice. Blaine shook his little head and looked up to the stranger. He was greeted with the sight of a big black nose. 'Yeah I'm fine' he managed to say 'you just gave me quite the fright, that's all. The stranger looked very sorry. 'Dont worry about it said the little penguin you didn't mean it.'My names Blaine' said the little penguin when he got to his feet. 'Kurt' the little polar bear cub replied with a shy smile"'That is a very nice name' said the little Blaine penguin. Kurt the little polar bear grinned very big at the compliment. 'Really?' he asked 'Not many people say nice things to me' Little Blaine penguin did not believe this for one second. 'Well they should...Kurt. Because you are very nice, and have a very pretty voice' Kurt was overwhelmed at the new and welcomed compliments. 'Thanks Blaine, I like your Bow tie very much' This won Blaine over. 'Say...Kurt, would you like to be my friend?' Kurt smiled his big polar bear smile 'yes Blaine I would love to big your friend' little Blaine penguin was so happy that he jumped up very high, then he started to dance. A wonderful, exciting beautiful happy dance. Which made Kurt laugh his beautiful laugh and he started to dance as well right beside his new and only friend.

The next few weeks, Blaine the little penguin and Kurt the little polar bear were inseparable. Kurt started to teach Blaine how to sing and Blaine taught Kurt the art of dance. They were the happiest they had ever been in their little young lives. But little did they know that a bigger, tougher polar bear was hiding behind a nearby iceberg watching the two with a look that did not show approval.

Burt the polar bear cared about a lot of things but his son Kurt was his number one priority. He stood behind that iceberg for a long time watching Kurt play with that penguin. He could not understand why his son was playing with a penguin, they are polar bears for whales sake they eat penguin for lunch. He always told Kurt not to play with his food. outrage. With a final shake of his head, Burt stood a few steps backwards before running faster and faster towards his son and his new 'playmateOne second Blaine the little penguin was laughing and dancing with his new friend Kurt and the next he was forced to the ground by some great force. Once his eyes re focused he realised that the great force was actually a massive polar bear who had little Blaine pinned to the ground by his little black flippers. 'What do you think you are doing hanging around my son! You are lucky that I don't gobble you up right now! A deep voice growled into his earDad! Kurt cried out in fear. Dad leave Blaine alone! He is my best friend! Please don't hurt him Dad please. Burt was in disbelief. Kurt how can you say that! He is a penguin Kurt! We eat penguins like him for dinner. Literally! I don't want you anywhere near him anymore Kurt. Kurt's eyes started to shed their tears as Burt got off Blaine and started to push Kurt away with his nose. Kurt protested with anything he had. He shouted, struggled and screamed but nothing fazed Burt as he pushed him away. But Kurt managed to look back. He saw his best friend crying his own tears with his head in his flippers
Two weeks. That's how long it had been since Blaine had last seen Kurt. But this night was very special because this was the night that Kurt managed to sneak away from Burt and reunite with his best friend. When Blaine first saw Kurt walking around his iceberg his whole tiny being felt like it was melting. He ran as fast as his little legs would go until he collided with soft, warm, glorious fur. He was with his best friend. At last.Blainewanted to know how Kurt escaped his fathers grasp. Kurt just stared into his best friends eyes and smiled his beautiful smile and whispered "I love my dad, i do, but Blaine i love you too.

Blaine removed his face from where it was buried in Kurt's fur." Y-you do?" He asked. "Of course I do Blaine you are my best friend". Blaine smiled with tears in his eyes.



"I love you too"

And so Blaine the little penguin and Kurt the little polar bear stayed best friend forever. They faced difficult times and sad times, hard times and bad times. But there were also beautiful times, happy times, funny times and the best of times. They loved each other and that's all that matter. So that my dear child was the story of the penguin and the polar bear cub who became best friends.

End Notes: Man I love animal! Klaine :) What did you think? Let me know xx


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