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Ten months. It has been ten months since Blaine last seen Kurt in the flesh. It was ten months too long. Now he'd be surprising Kurt at his door. *** He gasps into Kurt's ear as Kurt grips Blaine roughly, "You get me closer to god."''the animal inside of you.' A guttural cry escapes Kurt's lips as Blaine pushes into him, his eyes flying open and looking to the sky.

E - Words: 1,492 - Last Updated: Jun 28, 2012
1,226 0 6 2
Categories: PWP,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Ten months. It has been ten months since Blaine last seen Kurt in the flesh. It was ten months too long. Now he’d be surprising Kurt at his door.

While waiting in the elevator, he leaned down to pat his luggage, smiling when he felt what he was looking for. Blaine hummed the song he had listened to almost the entire flight to New York.

It probably wasn’t the most appropriate song choice, but Tina had introduced him to music a little more edgy than Katy Perry. And she thought the song was perfect for the occasion.

“Help me get away from myself,” Blaine muttered lowly under his breath to the beat of the song.

With a small smirk, Blaine knocks at the door of Kurt’s apartment. He knows, thanks to Rachel, that Kurt is doing nothing. Sitting in sweats and mopping about because of his current lonely state


Kurt bit at his lip. Hard.

A moan emanated from the speakers on his laptop the same time one escapes Kurt's lips. He rubbed at the front of his pants, where his growing erection was tenting the cotton material.

Kurt watched on the screen as a blond hair man licked at the others hole. Another moan, this one broken, is ripped from his throat. God, he missed Blaine. New Years was a long time ago, and watching as the man's stiff tongue dip in and out, he really felt where Blaine was missing inside of him.

The noises from the video were becoming slightly uncomfortable in his small apartment. Missing Blaine, he pulled up a playlist dedicated to songs his boyfriend has sung. It wasn't on shuffle, so Animal began to play, muffling each groan and whimper.

Shoving a hand down his pants, Kurt chose to ignore his cock. Instead, with a dry fingertip, pushed into himself. He shifted on his knees so he could get better leverage.

A knock at the door stuttered his movements. Kurt chose to ignore it, adding another finger but not moving. He spreads himself then thrusted in. Another knock, this one more urgent, stopped him. Quickly he slipped his sweatpants back into place and walked to the door.

"You better be very important or dying," Kurt muttered loudly, pulling open the door.

"I'll take the former," a smirking Blaine says.


With a gasp, Kurt has Blaine pulled inside and the door locked in seconds. Even if he hadn't been getting himself off, Kurt knew he'd be on his way to hard. Blaine backed him up into the closet wall, he kissed him gently. Their first kiss in so long shouldn't be too rough.

"God, I've missed you, Blaine," Kurt whimpered out between kisses "Please fuck me. I need you."

Blaine didn't have to be told twice.


His voice is deep and wrecked. “I wanna fuck you like an animal,” Blaine growls out the words, pinning Kurt roughly to the closest wall, which happens to be by the bedroom door. His hips roll against Kurt’s, thrusting hard. Nipping at Kurt’s throat, he starts to suck at his pulse.

Kurt fists Blaine’s curls, enjoying the sensation of Blaine’s soft, dry hair passing through his fingers. He bites his lip, thanking the heavens that Blaine finally grew out of the unforgivable hair gel phase.

“Here we go again,” he says, keening into the thrusts, quivering at Blaine’s rough words as much as his raw touch. Dropping an octave, he croons into Blaine’s ear, “I want some more.” His hands skim Blaine’s firm torso, searching downward.

Blaine’s hands slide from Kurt’s hips, to under the waist of his afternoon sweatpants. They don’t stay on; they’re halfway down Kurt’s thighs in seconds, fingertips sliding between his cheeks. “I want to feel you from the inside,”

Kurt’s head lolls back, smacking satisfyingly against the wall, as he curves into Blaine, “What are you waiting for?” His thumbs tug at Blaine’s belt loops, drawing his pants down around his smooth, full ass, Kurt’s fingers dragging against the exposed skin. He pulls his chest against Blaine and moving to unzip the man’s jeans. He’s struck by Blaine’s man-ness. Blaine is no longer a boy, and neither is Kurt, and Kurt feels his gut droop and his dick pulse at the thought of him and Blaine being men together. “I feel the chemicals kicking in.” Eye’s darkening; Kurt takes Blaine’s bottom lip into his teeth and snarls, before thrusting a palm down Blaine’s front and grasping his length.

Blaine tosses his head back, moaning. He pulls Kurt's knees up to his hips, shoving him into the wall harder. "I wanna fuck you like an animal!" he rasps out into Kurt's ear. Blaine scratches up Kurt's chest before pushing two fingers into his mouth. "My whole existence is flawed," his eyes widen, watching Kurt work his fingers."

Kurt runs a hand gracefully up and down Blaine’s arm, trailing his fingers, as he envelops Blaine’s own fingers in his mouth, wrapping his tongue around the digits and grazing his teeth over Blaine’s knuckles. He hooks a leg around Blaine’s hip, pressing his foot into Blaine’s thigh, shifting him closer to Kurt. His hand moves faster between them, making short, rapid strokes in the confines of Blaine’s pants. “I won’t be denied by you…”

Blaine removes his fingers from Kurt's mouth, quickly dragging them against his entrance. Blaine shoves his face into Kurt's neck biting on his skin to keep from coming then and there. He slowly presses two fingers into Kurt, pushing him more into wall at every breath.

Kurt's hand on him slows down to almost a stop as Blaine works his fingers, pushing in deep and spreading him wide. He gasps into Kurt's ear as Kurt grips Blaine roughly, "You get me closer to god."

“…the animal inside of you.” A guttural cry escapes Kurt’s lips as Blaine pushes into him, his eyes flying open and looking to the sky. His hand stills on Blaine’s cock, as he juts his hips forward. “I want some more,” he speaks the words with earnestness, kissing along Blaine’s chin.

He pushed Blaine’s pants further down, exposing him to the world, before fumbling against his own; glad he chose to have a lazy afternoon. Kurt twirls on the spot and presses his ass against Blaine, pushing his forearms down on the wall, and resting his forehead in the crook of his elbow. “What are you waiting for?”

Blaine pushes his body against Kurt's, pinning him to wall. He reaches a hand around, grasping onto him. He pumps him with short, rough strokes. "You let me violate you," Blaine gets to his knees, moving his hands to spread Kurt's cheeks. He gives a single lick to the puckered hole before he spits on it, rubbing his saliva into it with his thumb, "You let me desecrate you." Blaine stands up, keeping Kurt open. With deep grunt in his ear, Blaine thrusts in completely, "You let me penetrate you."

Kurt’s groans illicit from the base of his stomach, chest pressing against the wall with Blaine’s thrusts. He turns his head searching for Blaine’s lips, reaching an arm around to capture the back of Blaine’s neck and pull him closer. Kurt hums into the kiss, a distant melody from their childhood. He breaks away and rolls his head back onto Blaine’s shoulder, welcoming each thrust as a beloved guest, a smile growing wide across his reddened lips. “Take a bite of my heart tonight” he whispers, enjoying the feel of Blaine’s cheek against his as Blaine moves in him.

Blaine begins to pump Kurt again, relishing in the noises he's making. He breathes out against Kurt's cheeks, their skin so hot next to each other. Blaine’s thrusts become faster and almost sloppy. "You get closer to god," his voice raspy, bottoming out.

Kurt comes screaming out what sounds like Blaine's name, but is so muddled and breathy as to be nearly unintelligible to anyone who hasn't had years of hearing it, of which Blaine is completely familiar with all of Kurt's noises.

Blaine is only a few thrusts behind, coming deep inside of Kurt. His own noises cut off as my bites into Kurt's neck. They fall against the wall, Blaine sliding out of Kurt slowly. "I love you, baby" he whispers, turning Kurt's head to kiss him sweetly.

The world is quiet. A sensation of fire and ice shoots through Kurt’s body, his nerve endings screaming with pleasure, while his heart erupts. With a cloudy mind and glazed eyes, he kisses Blaine back messily, turning and wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck.

“Say goodbye to my heart tonight,” he sings into the corner of Blaine’s mouth. He pulls back and looks Blaine in the eyes, caramel candies shine back at him, “because it’s going to explode from loving you.”

And Blaine knows then, if he never knew before, that Kurt is the only one he will ever want. Will ever need. And now, sitting naked on the floor, peacefully tired, he can feel the weight of the small velvet box in his luggage that barely made it through the door.
End Notes: Reviews = happygoodlove


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fist pumping eternally. kudos on a nice, well-thought out story then a freaking awesome ending!!! cookies for you

Ah! Well, thank you! I'm glad you liked it.(And thanks for the cookies)

WHOOP WHOOP KAYLI'S IN THE HOUSEBut now she's read your fic and wheew she needs to go back to her bunk for like forever okay.Just-Not fair, Brandi. Not fair.

Oh, Kayli. I think this is a good review..But I'm glad that you did seem to like it, hunny.

*Happy Dance* ... That is all.

*joins happy dance* Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.