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Lima Shore

Kurt and Blaine watch some reality TV, and it leads to a rather hilarious plan.

K - Words: 581 - Last Updated: May 14, 2012
940 0 1 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: Based off of the clip from "Nationals", and for my good friend Anna :D
A week before Halloween, Kurt dragged Blaine to the couch, grinning. "You're going to love it."

"Kurt. Kurt. No, I am not watching this show!" Blaine scowled as Kurt sat him down, putting the bowl of poporn in his lap and putting their drinks on the table. Kurt immediatly curled up beside him, draping one leg over Blaine's.

"I promise, it will be entertaining," he said with a giggle, turning the TV on just as the opening credits to Jersey Shore came on. Blaine looked over, giving him a dirty-ish look.

The show started, and Kurt pointed to the TV. "See, here. Pauly slept with Ronnie's squeeze, and J-WOW is trying to get in on Snooki's men."

All Blaine could manage was, "You did not just say 'squeeze'."

Kurt rolled his eyes, turning back to the screen and watching. Blaine watched, chuckling a little. "I don't even know what they're saying, Kurt. Wait, what is 'twinning'?"

"It's when you sleep with twins. It's "twin" mixed with "winning".

Blaine turned to fully look at his boyfriend, fully enraptured in this stupid show. He bit his lip, hiding his laugh. Kurt was so damned adorable with how much he liked these shows. He took in the relaxed way Kurt was dressed, hair barely styled and donning what looked like leggings and an oversized grey sweater, eating popcorn and drinking his Diet Coke. Blaine loved him so much every day, but especially like this, not worrying about looking amazing-which he did anyway-but just relaxed and watching reality TV with his boyfriend.

"...and then last week, they had to work in an Italian pizzeria and try to make pizzas. That was hilarious." Kurt looked over, snapping his fingers. "Blaine. Blaine, this is serious, I'm trying to catch you up."

Sighing, Blaine listens to Kurt explain the last three epiosdes, then curled up and watched the episode with him. He found himself commenting on little things, then by the end of the show, he was fully caught up in the meaningless drama.

"Wait, J-WOW, what are you doing," Blaine cried out, pulling Kurt closer, who had somehow ended up on his lap, the empty bowl discarded on the floor. "You can't wear that, Snooki wore it last Saturday!"

"I know, right!?" Kurt said, looking at him. Kurt paused, then giggled madly. Blaine took a break from staring at the screen, looking up at him, then back at the screen.


"You're addicted."

"No I'm not."

"Oh yes, you are."

"....Oh my god I am. What have you done to me?" Blaine asked, alarmed. Kurt just giggled, leaning down and kissing his cheek.

"It's adorable," he cooed, kissing his lips this time.

"Now, watching again next week?"

"You know it."

Kurt preened, curling up on his lap and watching. He giggled softly, looking back. "Wouldn't those make great Halloween costumes? I would make an amazing Snooki. You have no idea." He perked up, looking down at Blaine. "Oh my god, we need to dress up as Snooki and The Situation."
Blaine's eyes lit up, and he laughed. "Oh my god, yes. It's a done deal, Mister Hummel."

A week later, Burt Hummel and Carole had to do a double take as what looked like Kurt in a long black wig and silver heels and Blaine with his hair ungelled and spiked, donning a silver chain came tumbling up the stairs, giggling madly and carrying to buckets for candy.

" that...Snooki?" Carole asked, covering up her mouth and giggling.

"I have no freaking clue, but that's why it smells like a tanning salon in here."


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AHAA! That's awesome! I love Klaine and Jersey Shore-best combo! ♥♥♥ xx