I Think I Wanna Marry You (Box Scene Reaction!Fic) Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

I Think I Wanna Marry You (Box Scene Reaction!Fic)

Mini reaction!fic to the wondrous Box Scene. It takes place that evening, after Kurt's been given the ring and everything is wonderful and Klaine. Also it's really short like not quite 500 words seeing as I wrote it in about 10 minutes while sobbing through my feels oops.I posted it on my Tumblr ( here if anyone cares :)

K - Words: 487 - Last Updated: Aug 01, 2012
809 0 7 3
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: Because I can't handle all the cute and also because I have a theory that they're the kind of texters who use so many emoticons it's actually sickening.

Kurt sat cross-legged on his bed, eyes scanning over the book he had been assigned to read over winter break. Every few seconds, his concentration would waver as he eyed the little bowtie adorning his ring finger.


Kurt looked up as his phone buzzed. 1 New Message from: Blaine


Grinning to himself, Kurt set the book aside and opened the message.


Blaine: What’re you up to? :)


Kurt: Just getting a head start on my English assignment. :/ You? 


Blaine: Sitting in my room, thinking about you. <3


Kurt: <3


Blaine: By the way, I need to apologize.


Kurt: ???


Blaine: Earlier today. With the ring…


Kurt: It’s perfect. I love it. There’s nothing to apologize about. :)


Blaine: Well, you thought it was an engagement ring, and I laughed at you. I was just so nervous that you wouldn’t like it. I didn’t mean to make fun of you. If you want to get married…


Kurt: Are you proposing to me?


Blaine: Yes.


Blaine: No.


Blaine: Wait. I mean. I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be opposed to it, in the future. I just think we’re too young now. 


Kurt: Agreed. Also, it would make a horrible wedding story if you proposed over text.


Kurt: …


Kurt: …hello?


Kurt’s phone lit up in his hand. Incoming call from: Blaine.




“Hey, Kurt.”




“You’re right.”




“Proposing over text would be a horrible story.”


Kurt laughed nervously. Was this what he thought it was…?


“I don’t want to rush you, or make you feel pressured in any way. But you’re the love of my life, Kurt, and I never want to be without you.”


Kurt felt his face heat up. He never got tired of hearing Blaine say things like this. 


“…I’m not asking you to marry me,” Blaine continued, “But please promise me that, in a few years, when we’re both done with college and we’re ready to start a brand-new life, we’ll revisit this conversation. That’s what I want that ring to signify. Not just all those things I promised you today, but also that we’ll wait for each other, and when the time is right, we’ll revisit the idea of marriage. And that you’ll know, even when we’re apart, when you’re in college and I’m here, that I love you and I would marry you right now if I thought it was the best thing for you, for us.”


Kurt was speechless. Tears welled up in his eyes as he wondered what he had done to deserve this perfect person on the other end of the phone, this beautiful, wonderful human being who loved him unconditionally in every way. 


“Yes, Blaine. Yes. To everything,” he cried, an uncontrollable smile spreading across his face. “I love you. So much.”




Later that night, as Kurt turned out the lights and snuggled under the covers, his phone lit up with another text.


“Goodnight, my fiance-to-be. Courage. <3”


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Awwwwwwwww! That was absolutely precious

Thank you :)) Sorry it's so short... I was kinda drowning in feels at the time and I had to spit some out into print to breathe But it's quite flattering that this apparently merited tyPING LiKe tHiS cuz I know I only do that when I'm really excited :-)

Welp I usually try to respond to all my reviewers but I'm like speechless THANK YOU

awww!! that made me cry as much as i did when i saw the box scene! Bless you!!

Oh my... awww, that was too much cute for 1 a.m., so I'm crying right here, right now and... why, for I-do-not-know-who's sake is my dog always looking at me like that when I'm crying? It makes me cry more hard and I'm going to wake up whole household and... what are you doing to me? NOT FAIR.<img src="" alt="" width="400" height="263" />