In which Blaine Anderson attempts to propose to his long time boyfriend, Kurt Hummel. It takes a couple tries, but one day he gets it right.
Author's Notes: This is old, but I wanted to share. Written off a prompt ‘Blaine wants to propose to Kurt. The only problem is every time he tries he gets interrupted in some way.'
The ring stared back at him in some sort of mock horror. It taunted him from its hiding place deep, deep in Blaine’s drawer on his side of the bed. He’d gotten it over a week ago with the intention of actually proposing a few days after, but the restaurant that he had made reservations at three months ago had had an unexpected fire in the kitchen that night. Kurt had pouted the whole night although Blaine still took him out to another restaurant, and Blaine had known that that night wasn’t the right night. He assured himself that the time would come. He was convinced. That or he was going to have to come up with another grand gesture, because Blaine Anderson didn’t do subtle.
Because every time he looked at the ring, it whispered things to him. It told him that he should book a flight back to Westerville and lie to Kurt saying that his sister had had gotten some award for something and his parents wanted the twenty four year old to fly out with his boyfriend of six years. He would then proceed to cover his eyes, and lead him through the halls of Dalton until they stood exactly where they had first met, on those blessed steps where Blaine had first laid his hazel eyes on Kurt’s cerulean ones. He would take off the blind fold and get down on one knee, or maybe just reach out for Kurt’s hands, and tell him that ever since he had first seen him he had been in love. Even if it had taken him months to come to term with that feeling, he knew now, now that he recognized the fluttering in his chest every time he looked at him, that he had fallen in love with Kurt Hummel before he had even opened his mouth and said his name.
Or there was always Paris. He could wait till Kurt’s birthday, saying that he wanted it to be special because every year that Kurt was alive was the best gift in the world and he had to show him how much he loved him. (Leave it to Blaine to be cheesy all the time) He could spend two days following Kurt around while he shopped, until finally, a few days before they had to leave, Blaine would take him to the Eiffel Tower late at night. And once they were atop of Paris, he would get down on one knee and ask him for his hand in marriage in his terrible French, because he knew how much it made Kurt laugh.
Or there was always proposing through a new song at the club, telling Kurt to come bring him something he had “forgotten.” Or there was always going up to the top of the Empire State Building and proposing at the top. Or there was going to Kurt’s office at the magazine and bursting out into song before proposing, but Blaine had quickly scratched that idea. He had learned six years ago that “busting a grove” at someone’s work place could get them fired and would result in you being rejected.
But none of them seemed right. They were all perfect and romantic, he knew that, but they didn’t seem right. His original plan had been right, but now it was soiled because of the stupid fire. He cursed the chef every day. Because now he had a ring taunting him, yelling at him whenever he even dared looking at his bed side table.
“Why is this so hard?” Blaine sighed, rubbing at his temples before pressing his face into the pillow beneath his head.
He didn’t feel Kurt start moving next to him until he felt little kisses on his bare back, which caused him to smile despite the inner turmoil in his mind. The fluttery, light kisses felt wonderful and Blaine closed his eyes for a moment, before turning over and raising an eyebrow at his very sleepy eyed boyfriend.
Kurt looked back at him, his eyes half closed, but he mimicked Blaine’s raised eyebrow with his own. But just then an evil smirk spread across his perfect lips, and Blaine couldn’t help but think that he was in for it, unsure of what he had done, but knowing that distinctly mischievous glimmer in Kurt’s eyes. “Please tell me you were talking about something else when you mentioned ‘hard’, Blaine. I’m way too tired to tend to your needs.”
He laughed and shook his head as Kurt moved to rest his on his boyfriend’s chest, a leg coming over one of his own. Blaine said nothing for a moment as he felt fingers tracing little circles over his stomach, and had to breathe in deeply to concentrate. Even after six years, Kurt did these things to him. He was a teenager all over again with every little touch.
“No, Kurt, I meant something else. And to be fair, your mind was the first to go there,” he teased, smiling as his own arms wrapped around Kurt, pulling him closer against him.
Kurt’s face was nuzzled against Blaine’s chest, and he simply nodded and mumbled something about how he had corrupted him and he was no longer the innocent young boy he had once been in high school. All Blaine could do was laugh, and soon a pleasant silence fell over the room, their breathing in tune with each other, their hearts pressed against each other and matching in rhythm. Outside there were sounds of cars screeching, but inside the perfect bubble of their apartment and their bed, Blaine and Kurt were enveloped in a comfortable embrace. Blaine could tell Kurt wasn’t asleep although he had stopped talking, and suddenly it hit him.
Right now was the time. Right now and no other time was perfect and if he missed this opportunity he was screwed and an idiot. This moment, with Kurt in his arms, was perfect. It was just them, and he liked it better than all those grand gestures that he had been conceiving in his head for weeks. It was much more romantic.
Coughing, Blaine lifted Kurt’s head up slowly and kissed his head. “Baby, baby, sit up for a second, okay? I have something to tell you,” he whispered, trying to sit up himself and reach for the handle of the top drawer of the bed side table in the darkness, a hard task for someone who usually wore contacts and who’s glasses were lost somewhere in their apartment because Blaine had no idea how to keep track of things.
“What is it?” Kurt sighed, in his sleepy voice that was so sexy, but Blaine pushed that out of his head. Kurt sat up and waited, folding his arms over his chest as he watched Blaine hilariously grope around for something in his drawer. If he had been more awake, Kurt would have put two and two together and noticed what was going on, but instead he just yawned, patting his mouth with his hand as he waited for Blaine to look at him again so that he could get whatever he was about to say over with and Kurt could go back to cuddling and back to sleep.
His hand hit the box in the back of the drawer, and his breathing stopped. This was it. This was the moment of truth. Right now. There was no turning back. He took in a deep breath, before turning around and holding the small box behind his back before he took Kurt’s hand and smiled. Blaine just smiled at him for a moment, before he closed his eyes and opened them again to look into Kurt’s eyes in the darkness of their bedroom.
“Kurt,” he started, his voice soft, as though if he were to speak any louder the world would start spinning again and the moment would be lost. Blaine searched for the words in his head, knowing that he had them and knowing that they would somehow come out. Whether they were perfect or not, that was up to Kurt, but Blaine had some confidence that he wouldn’t stumble over them completely. Maybe they would be a little cheesy, but they had long since established that cheesy for the two of them was the right way to go.
But just as Blaine opened his mouth to say something, Kurt’s phone started blasting “Born this Way,” Lady Gaga’s hit song that he had never gotten over. And if that didn’t ruin the moment, he wasn’t sure what would.
It had been a week since that night, an Blaine still felt like hitting himself whenever he thought about it. Kurt had hopped off the bed in seconds, grumbling and apologizing to Blaine, but as he saw that it was Finn calling, instantly picked it up. Finn had called them at two in the morning, drunk and crying over a fight he had had with Rachel, in which Kurt had crawled back into bed and placed the phone in between Blaine and him as they both attempted to console him over speaker.
Now he was out getting lunch with Wes, who as now an architect in New York as well. He had become his go to man for all his troubles, knowing that he couldn’t trust Rachel because she would tell Finn and Finn would tell Kurt. Even if they were fighting.
The day was sunny and bright, nothing like Blaine’s mood. He was becoming desperate. He’d attempted once since that night at proposing. Once they’d been walking through the park and Kurt had started singing a Frank Sinatra song, looking at Blaine the entire time. Blaine, who had taken to keeping the ring box on him at all times just in case. He had stopped them and taken Kurt’s hands, once again staring at him.
“Blaine, is there something on my face?” he asked, giggling as he stared into Blaine’s eyes, though with less intensity than Blaine. For someone who was usually observant, Kurt still had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that his boyfriend was acting silly and he seriously needed to get over it soon.
Once again he said nothing, opening his mouth like an idiot and waiting for the words to come. And once again, he was interrupted.
That time it had been by an old woman looking for her dog, which Kurt, being the sweetheart he was, had instantly gone to help her look for. Blaine had had to breathe in and remind himself to be patient. Be patent; the time would come.
“Wes, I just don’t know what to do anymore!” He groaned, burying his head in his hands as the waitress placed his coffee in front of him, which instantly made his head shoot up. He started to prepare his cup as he waited for his old friend’s reply to his question; honestly needing him to answer before he burst at his seems and ended up insane.
Wes took his time though, taking a long sip from his own coffee, before grinning at Blaine and shrugging. “I don’t know either,” he said, clearing his throat, “This isn’t up to me, Blaine. This is your proposal to your boyfriend. I’m not the one that needs to think of something to do.”
Truth is, Wes was enjoying this way too much. He laughed at the fact that every time Blaine had attempted to propose to his boyfriend of six years he had been interrupted and stopped before he could even star saying anything. Call him a sadist, but ever since high school he had laughed at Blaine’s silly obsession with romance and how he tried to be romantic despite the fact that he failed at it in almost every single way. How Kurt had stayed with him was beyond him, but as his best friend he was just glad to see Blaine happy with the boy he loved. But he still laughed at him at every chance he got.
Blaine shook his head and sighed exaggeratingly, “No, no. I’ve been trying! That’s not the problem. The problem is I basically get…cock blocked every single time I attempt at proposing at all! I open my mouth and stare at him trying to find the right words, and then before I can even say anything past his name, someone comes in. Actually, I don’t even think I made it to his name the last time.”
It was Wes’s turn to sigh now, and he leaned forward to put his hand over Blaine’s for a second, before smiling encouragingly at his best friend. “Blaine, you’ll think of something, and when you do, you won’t be interrupted, I am sure of it.”
His best friend’s words were sincere, but Blaine was having trouble being convinced. He was sure that from birth he had been cursed with the inability to propose marriage to anyone. Or maybe his father was secretly a wizard who had cursed him, but Blaine shook away that idea because even his own father wasn’t that cruel. But he hoped, with every fiber of his rather short being, that he was right.
A month. An entire month had gone by since Blaine’s last attempt at proposing to Kurt. Not that there hadn’t been opportunities, but Blaine was now convinced that the universe was out to get him. He was convinced that someone out there was determined to keep them apart. Well, not apart, but someone was determined to keep them boyfriends for the rest of their lives. All Blaine wanted was for one day to be able to introduce Kurt as his husband. Or even better, he wanted Kurt to introduce him as his husband, because Blaine knew that the second he heard the word escape his lips he would explode and become a happy pile of confetti.
His mind was getting ahead of him though, as he continued to play ‘Fly me to the Moon’ in front of the many costumers at the club he played for on Friday and Saturday nights. Blaine was convinced now more than ever that things never went his way. Except for the fact that he had gotten the boy, which he was more than content with. But if he didn’t propose soon, Kurt would probably leave him. Or just take matters into his own hands, which was starting to sound like a good idea to Blaine. Kurt probably didn’t have his horrible luck at proposals.
Blaine’s fingers finished the last chord, before he looked up at saw a familiar head of hair walk through the door of the club with a shorter girl. Kurt was here with Rachel, and he hadn’t even told him he was going to be coming. Blaine smiled wide at the surprise, his eyes watching the pair walk until they were seated at a table near the center, with a clear view of the stage.
It was then that their eyes met. Kurt smiled wide, and waved at him enthusiastically, before blowing a quick kiss in his direction. Blaine was just glad to see he was in a good mood, and winked at him before turning around to get a drink of water and to check the set list. ‘Silly Love Songs’ was next, and Blaine chuckled at the coincidence, but turned around and faced the microphone as he started singing. Glancing at Kurt the entire time.
You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.
But I look around me and I see it isn’t so.
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs.
And what’s wrong with that?
Id like to know, cause here I go again
I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you,
I can’t explain the feelings plain to me, say can’t you see?
Ah, she gave me more, she gave it all to me
Now can’t you see,
What’s wrong with that
I need to know, cause here I go again
I love you, I love you
Blaine got through the first verse, before he blinked. Valentine’s six years ago played in his head, and he remembered singing the song with Kurt, before he had realized exactly how he felt about him. He remembered looking at him throughout most of the song, and suddenly he knew what he had to do. Because the boy he had been in love with for years and who he was destined to be with was right in front of him while he played a song that had helped him realize his feelings. His heart stopped, and so did his fingers.
And suddenly, the words that he had been searching for every time he had taken Kurt’s hands and tried to propose popped into his head. But first he needed to make an announcement.
“Everyone,” he said, interrupting himself and slinging the guitar so that it was against his back and not his chest, “Can everyone please just stop what you’re doing and sit down? Don’t answer your phones if they start ringing, just hang up. Hold in your coughs, your sneezes, put your forks down and just stay still. I’m not having any more interruptions and I’d really just appreciate it if you didn’t add to my already horrible list of attempts at doing this.”
As he spoke, he had picked up the microphone and walked off the rather small stage and made his way over to the table where Kurt and Rachel were seated. He smiled wide at Kurt as he made his way over, speaking into the microphone again, “Hi Kurt.”
“Hi Blaine,” he said to him, chuckling lightly and raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend who he was convinced was crazy now. “What exactly are you doing?”
Blaine shook his head as he reached Kurt, putting a finger against his lips and smiling, “Shh, I also need minimum interruptions from you too. And I need Rachel to not squeal too loudly when I do this.”
By this he meant getting down on one knee, and even still he heard her voice let out a small little squeal, but he thanked her for keeping it quiet. He also wanted to thank the rest of the people around them, but he had to stay focused. Screwing things up now would be even worse than before, because now Kurtknew what he was doing.
And boy did Kurt know. His face was frozen in an expression of shock, his eyes wide and his jaw practically on the floor with disbelief, but at the same time the corners of his face were pulled into a wide grin and Blaine was sure that despite his own nerves, the same grin was sprawled across his face. He waited a moment as he reached out for his hands and took them in his own, lifting them to his lips and kissing them. Finally, he took a deep, deep breath and opened his mouth to say the words he had been waiting over a month to say.
“Kurt, I love you. I’ve been trying to do this for a month and a bit longer, but every time I tried, someone interrupted. So, I’m sorry I had to do it like this, in front of so many people, but I want you to know that I love you and you’re the most important person in the world to me. I’ve been crazy about you since high school, and I wouldn’t change my feelings about you for the world. You’re the only person I can see myself with in the future, and I love that it’s going to beour future and that we’ve been calling it that since we were in high school.”
His voice suddenly got hoarse, as he realized he had started crying. But looking at Kurt’s beautiful eyes he realized that he too had started crying. They both laughed as they realized this, and Blaine shook his head and breathed in sharply, before continuing, “I know that it’s been an unspoken thing between us, marriage, but I’ve known it’s been you since at least a week after we first kissed. I’ve known it was you deep, deep down in my heart, even before I met you. Kurt Hummel, I love you and,” His voice was starting to give out on him, but he closed his eyes and said, slowly, opening them to look at the man he loved more than anything, “will you marry me?”
The world stopped and everyone leaned forward in their seat as they waited for Kurt’s answer, because honestly he was a little bit awe struck. It took him a minute to comprehend that Blaine had finally asked, because he was trying to drink in all of what he had just said. Blaine had always been such a cheesy idiot, but sometimes he was so glad that his boyfriend was cheesy and stupid. Mostly when they were alone, because then Kurt didn’t look like an idiot when they were with people; like now. But he smiled as he nodded.
“I thought you’d never ask!” Kurt said, jumping up and pulling Blaine up with him. He laughed and smiled, pulling him into a kiss. And all Kurt can think of while kissing him is that this is their first kiss as fianc�e’s, because from now on he could introduce Blaine as his fianc�, not his boyfriend. The kiss is tender and sweet and lasts just long enough for them to reel slightly, but not too long because suddenly they remembered they weren’t alone. They were in a room full of people, patiently waiting for the moment to end, or basking in the beauty that was the moment.
Blaine and Kurt didn’t care, because as they pulled away from the kiss, Kurt pulled Blaine into a hug. His arms were tight around the short man, and he kept him there firmly, never wanting to let go. Because this man was his. This man belonged to only him and no one else. He was all his and now it was going to be official.
Or at least in a few months.
However, Kurt pulled away and frowned slightly, raising an eyebrow. His voice was slow and very low as he spoke, glaring slightly at Blaine as he said, “But did you forget to get me a ring or something?”