March 17, 2012, 2:30 a.m.
March 17, 2012, 2:30 a.m.
This is a continuation of 'The First Time', and my take on how the sex actually went when the cameras cut away. A little hot, a little goofy, a lot of nerves, one hundred percent Klaine. The beginning of this was originally posted on tumblr a while ago, and I've only just now found the time/energy to finish it.
Blaine’s toes are cold. It’s funny because they say that when your feet are cold, it makes the rest of your body cold too. So when he shivers, he’s not quite sure if it’s because he’s cold or because Kurt’s fingertips brush against his neck.
“No regrets?” he whispers.
“No regrets,” Kurt agrees, giving a sweet, crooked smile.
Nodding, Blaine’s nose brushes against Kurt’s and it’s the silent, mutual agreement that spurs the movements of his hand. He traces Kurt’s wrist, trailing his fingers over Kurt’s arm and dipping into the crook of his elbow. It’s a sweet, tender bit of skin, one of those places that doesn’t get touched that often. Perhaps it’s strange to revel in such a fact, but Blaine does revel in it. He’s here, curled around another beautiful soul and he’s the one who gets to touch Kurt here, he’s the one who gets to explore every inch of Kurt’s body. He’s the one who gets to touch those ticklish little spots like the crook of the elbow and that dip in his collarbone.
Kurt’s skin smells sweet, almost like flowers. Or maybe everything just smells sweet right now, it’s hard to tell. Blaine’s hand continues its journey, slipping nervously from Kurt’s elbow to settle on his waist, thumb rubbing against his shirt. For some reason, he can’t seem to go any further. The muscles in his arm seize up and he can’t bring himself to touch any lower.
Eyes locked, Blaine emits an apprehensive little laugh. His eyes give way to his plight, though, because that’s what Blaine’s eyes do. If eyes were windows to the soul, then Blaine’s eyes are massive panes of glass, without curtains, and the light’s on so you can see every private moment inside. Sometimes he hates it, honestly, but right now he’s sort of thankful because he needs someone to tell him what to do. Kurt smiles and takes hold of Blaine’s wrist. He guides Blaine’s hand down, down, down until Blaine’s fingers collide with the thick leather of Kurt’s belt around his hips. Blaine slides his fingers under the leather, pulling ever so slightly because as clueless as he is, he’s still eager. Kurt’s hand leaves his wrist and grips at Blaine’s bicep, giving a squeeze as if to encourage him.
“I want everything with you,” Kurt breathes before shuffling just the slightest bit closer and arching his neck up, begging for a kiss.
Blaine gives in, dipping his head and pressing his lips against Kurt’s. There’s a sigh between them. Blaine can’t tell exactly who made it but it doesn’t really matter because Kurt wants this, he wants it just like Blaine wants it and they’re here together, they’re alone and everything is warm and perfect except for his toes which are still like little ice cubes. It’s okay, though, because Kurt’s hand is suddenly at the hem of Blaine’s grey tank top and fidgeting with the edge like he wants it gone. Emboldened by Kurt’s enthusiasm and the feel of his tongue on his lips, Blaine slides his fingers along the length of Kurt’s belt until they collide with the cool metal of the heavy buckle. Blaine is almost certain he can feel Kurt’s pulse quicken as he starts to undo it, slipping the strap from under the buckle and somehow prying it from its confines with shaking hands until it’s gone, free from the belt loops. He tugs gently and Kurt lifts his hips just enough so that Blaine can pull it out completely before tossing it onto the ground.
Kurt breaks the kiss. “Please,” he whines, fisting the hem of Blaine’s top.
The temperature in the room soars from warm to scorching in less than a second. Blaine gives a nervous nod and sits up, disentangling their limbs, and yanks his shirt over his head. It lands somewhere, maybe on the floor, maybe the end of the bed, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know because Kurt is pulling his own shirt off and out of nowhere it’s all just a sea of smooth, pale skin. Blaine can’t help but stare, eyes wandering unabashedly, roaming over the long lines and firm planes that make up Kurt’s chest. Kurt seems to be doing the same to Blaine, though Blaine knows there’s not much to see on that front, so he lies back down on the bed.
Maybe it’s stupid that they haven’t seen each other shirtless yet. They’ve been dating for a while now and they’ve had plenty of steamy make out sessions but they had always had a rule that clothing remain on their bodies. Things are different now, though. Hearts and minds change as you get older. Blaine knows this.
Blaine just never knew that Kurt would look so – so –
“You’re gorgeous,” he says because he can’t not say it.
“Sorry,” Blaine mumbles, tearing his eyes away from Kurt’s chest to gaze at his ceiling. He shifts uncomfortably on the bed, willing the awkward activity in his pants to just stop because now is so not the time to get an erection. Or maybe it is the time. Perhaps. Oh god and Kurt looks so perfect with his thin chest and long, denim covered legs and he’s shirtless, he’s freaking shirtless and he’s in Blaine’s bed.
“You think I’m gorgeous?” Kurt asks shyly, settling next to Blaine against the pillows once more, propping his head up on his hand.
Blaine gawks, staring into Kurt’s eyes. Kurt’s knee is pressing against his thigh, rubbing slowly and causing even more blood to rush between Blaine’s legs.
“Of course I think you’re gorgeous,” Blaine says before averting his eyes once more in favor of staring at the ceiling because it’s almost too much. There’s so much skin and so much heat and they’re not even really touching each other yet. Oh, this is going to be embarrassing, Blaine concludes. His pants and underwear are properly constricting his erection now and he can only pray that Kurt doesn’t glance down. He attempts to adjust himself discreetly as he says, “I didn’t mean to just – just blurt it out like that but-”
“Blaine,” Kurt says levelly and that’s when Blaine feels Kurt’s fingers around his wrist, halting Blaine’s hand in his attempt to make things more comfortable for himself. “That’s really distracting.”
“I’m sorry,” Blaine whines, stilling his hand and squeezing his eyes shut. “You’re just – and I’m really – I want-”
“I know,” Kurt says. “Trust me, I know.”
And with that, he tugs gently at Blaine’s hand, guiding it directly to the zip of his jeans. Blaine’s palm comes into contact with denim.
Stiff denim, stretched taut over a similar erection.
Blaine’s eyes go hazy, lust dilating his pupils as he stares up at Kurt who looks to be in absolute ecstasy from one, single touch alone. Experimentally, with a dry throat, he palms Kurt through his jeans and loses himself when Kurt moans softly. He looks so perfect. He looks like some kind of angel as he lies there, shirt gone, blush along his cheeks with his head on his hand as Blaine touches him.
Swallowing loudly, Blaine rubs harder because within the span of about five seconds, he has become completely addicted to the sounds Kurt makes. It’s strange because it’s almost like rubbing himself but then it’s completely different because the angle is strange and not quite right.
“I want – I want to touch you, too,” Kurt breathes, voice low and a bit more gravelly than usual.
“Okay,” Blaine says. That’s definitely okay. That’s more than okay.
“Yeah?” Kurt opens his eyes, looking kind of lost and hopeful at the same time.
Blaine nods. “Yeah. Yes.”
“Okay,” Kurt says and Blaine drops his hand while Kurt clambers as gracefully as possible on top of Blaine. He stares down, knees on either side of Blaine’s thighs, pressing in and oh wow, Kurt’s straddling him. He’s shirtless and Blaine’s shirtless and Kurt is straddling him. “Is – is this okay?”
“Yeah,” Blaine assures, settling his hands uncertainly on top of Kurt’s thighs. “Is this?”
“It’s perfect,” Kurt says with a lazy smile, covering Blaine’s hands with his own as Blaine’s fingers stroke slowly against the denim. “You’re perfect.”
Blaine shakes his head because he isn’t perfect. He’s so far from perfect. Hell, one of the only reasons they’re even in this position right now is because Blaine had been stupid and took to some bizarre fascination with Sebastian. He had made Kurt feel like – like he wasn’t interested anymore or something like that. To be honest, the details are still a little hazy and lost in a dim bar and the scent of beer and cherries, but he knows for sure that Kurt had been jealous.
But he doesn’t need to be.
Because Blaine isn’t going anywhere.
“I’m not,” he says simply. “I’m oblivious and stupid and – and I’m too small and you’re-”
“You’re beautiful, Blaine,” Kurt says softly, sliding his hands up to drift over Blaine’s naked torso. Blaine’s breath catches when he feels Kurt’s feather light touches on his bare skin, effectively giving him goose bumps as they continue their journey further north, only to reverse and trail south along his chest and stomach. “Oblivious, occasionally. Stupid, only when you’re drunk. But definitely beautiful.”
Kurt’s hands reach the edge of Blaine’s trousers, thumb nail picking at the cloth. Blaine fights down the instinct to thrust up. He wants those hands on him and not just in his pants. He wants those hands all over him just like he wants to put his hands all over Kurt. But he doesn’t thrust up because he doesn’t want to scare Kurt away.
He sighs blissfully, however, when Kurt finally undoes his pants, lessening the pressure on his erection.
“Better?” Kurt asks, teasing with a finger under the waistband of Blaine’s underwear.
“Much,” Blaine says and he’s ashamed at how wrecked his voice already sounds considering he hasn’t even been properly touched yet.
His self consciousness flies out the window in a flash as soon as Kurt reaches into his pants and strokes him through his underwear.
“Oh my – oh my god,” he breathes, chest tight and stomach churning with heat.
“It’s okay?” Kurt asks.
“Don’t ever stop touching me.”
Kurt chuckles above him and tightens his grip just slightly, dragging his thumb along the underside of Blaine’s erection. Blaine falls silent, save for the panting, the shallow little breaths he’s able to take. It’s absolutely incredible to feel someone else’s hand on him. He can’t really explain the difference between touching himself and someone else doing it, but there is a massive difference and even though he can’t describe it, it doesn’t matter because all he wants at this point is even more. Looking up at Kurt, he’s surprised by the saucy little grin on his face.
“Enjoying this?” he asks.
“More than you know.”
“Kiss me,” Blaine says pleadingly, reaching his hands up, urging Kurt down against him.
Needing no further convincing, Kurt flattens his palm along Blaine’s length and crouches down to kiss him, hand caught between their bodies. He kisses Blaine frantically, like maybe he needs something familiar to hold onto in the realm of unexplored territory. When his tongue dips into Blaine’s mouth, Blaine’s hands slide through Kurt’s hair, down over the nape of his neck and further down the expanse of his naked back.
Unable to control himself, Blaine places his hands on Kurt’s ass and gives a firm squeeze. He doesn’t expect the action to cause Kurt to snap his hips forward into Blaine’s and he doesn’t expect Kurt to moan into his mouth.
“O-okay?” Blaine asks tentatively. He’s not sure if he should have asked to do something like that, it just felt right.
“Again,” Kurt whispers harshly so Blaine complies and squeezes again. “God.”
Blaine bites back a smile and keeps squeezing, hips bucking up into Kurt’s and oh, so this is one way they can start a rhythm. That’s good to know. He’s been kind of worried that they’d have trouble on that front.
“We should just get naked,” Kurt says suddenly, stilling the motion of his hand.
“We – we should?”
“Definitely. You don’t agree?”
“No, no I totally agree.”
“Right, then,” Kurt says, sitting back up and taking his hands out of Blaine’s pants. “So. Naked. How’re we gonna do this?”
“I…didn’t know there was an instruction manual for this part.”
“There’s not,” Kurt cedes. “At least, there’s not one in any of the pamphlets I read.”
“I think it’s going to be awkward the first time, no matter what we do.”
“Because I don’t think I’m talented enough to like, take off your pants with my teeth. Not yet.”
Kurt snorts a bit and rolls off Blaine, seating himself on the bed. “So should we undress each other or what?”
“Well, it’s probably not very fair if one of us sees the other naked first. Like, it should be a simultaneous…mutual…thing.”
“Agreed. I think it would be even more awkward, though, if we’re stripping while staring at each other,” Kurt points out.
“Right,” Blaine nods. “So we – we undress but we face away from each other. And then…we turn around and look?”
“We don’t really have to – to look, look,” Kurt says, unconsciously wrapping his arms around himself. “We can just sort of, you know, acknowledge the nudity and go from there. We could even turn off the lights.”
“You don’t want me to look at you?” Blaine asks with a tilt of his head.
“You want to look at me?”
“You’re my boyfriend,” Blaine states simply. “Of course I want to look at you.”
“I just – what if I’m not-”
“Kurt,” Blaine speaks softly, stretching his hand out to rub gently at Kurt’s knee, “for one, it’s not like I’ve never seen a penis. Two, you’re gorgeous. And I’m almost absolutely certain that when I see all of you, that belief won’t change. In fact…it’ll probably just reinforce it.”
Kurt swallows so hard that Blaine can hear it and he nods. “Okay,” he finally says. “One thing.”
“No laughing at me.”
“…I hardly think that’s going to be a problem.”
“Yeah well…you have to promise.”
“I promise,” Blaine says easily. They’re about to get naked for the first time in front of each other. It’s hardly a laughing matter.
“Okay,” Kurt says, climbing off the bed.
Once Blaine climbs off as well, they’re standing across from each other on opposite sides and things just get even more awkward.
“So we – we turn around and undress and then when we’re both ready, we turn back around,” Kurt instructs.
“How’re we gonna know when the other’s ready?”
“…Blaine, we’re like, five feet away from each other. It’s not like we need a code word. We can say.”
“Right,” Blaine says, shaking his head dumbly. “Okay. Yeah. So – so turning around.”
“Turning around.”
They stare at each other, eyes wide and both give a decisive nod, as if this is the point of no return. They turn and Blaine takes a deep breath. He shucks out of his pants and underwear quickly because there’s really no point in prolonging anything and kicks them out of the way.
“Done,” he says.
“I’m not,” he hears Kurt say, along with the rustling of fabric.
“What – jeans and underwear,” Blaine says. “How long does that take?”
“I’m wearing socks,” Kurt reminds. “And I’m sure as hell not losing my virginity while wearing socks.”
“Oh. Right. Point taken,” Blaine says, waiting patiently with his back turned.
“It’s freezing in here,” Kurt mumbles. “Okay. I’m done.”
“So we turn around now, right?”
“And no – no hands in front of – of stuff. That’s silly. We’re about to have sex.”
“Silly,” Kurt says weakly, as if caught in his plan. “Right.”
“Okay so – so how do we-”
“Can we just do this so we can get under the covers?” Kurt asks.
“Right. Yeah. Okay. On the count of three?”
“Three,” they say together, just before they spin around.
Kurt is – Kurt is abso-freaking-lutely gorgeous. Blaine doesn’t know why he was even the tiniest bit insecure because he certainly has nothing to be insecure about. He’s all long, thin limbs with slender hips and even though his erection has wilted slightly due to their awkward, fumbling journey to nudity, he’s still gloriously thick and Blaine’s fingers itch to touch.
“You’re beautiful,” Kurt says. “Can we get under the covers now?”
“Wha – yeah, here,” Blaine says, snapping himself out of his leering and pulling the comforter and sheets down.
They crawl in, Kurt shivering as his skin comes into contact with the cool sheets. The cuddle up together and scoot closer until their naked knees collide and their heads sink down together in that annoying space where the two pillows meet. Blaine tugs the blankets up under their chins and reaches for Kurt’s hands beneath the sheet. Once they’re settled and warm, they stare into each other’s eyes.
And then they both burst into laughter, giggling into each other’s faces.
“That was absurd,” Kurt says as soon as he can breathe again.
“We counted down,” Blaine recalls. “Like it was liftoff or something.”
“Let’s make a pact to never do that again,” Kurt suggests.
“Definitely,” Blaine says before planting a little kiss on Kurt’s cheek.
“Mmm,” Kurt hums, shuffling closer underneath the blankets, nudging one of his knees between Blaine’s. “It’s nice here.”
“It’s perfect,” Blaine whispers, slipping his hand up to cup Kurt’s cheek. “Can I kiss you again?”
“Yes, please,” Kurt says, eyelashes looking ridiculously full around his darkening eyes.
Blaine does so, closing the barely-there gap between their faces and pressing his lips against Kurt’s. For all their trouble, Blaine can say that even if they never have sex, he’ll forever love the feeling of Kurt’s smooth lips on his. They move over Blaine’s lips in a practiced, familiar kind of way now and Blaine can feel himself starting to harden again when Kurt’s tongue tickles against his teeth. Kurt sighs happily when Blaine opens his mouth and allows his tongue entrance. Blaine slides his hand from Kurt’s cheek down to his shoulder, thumb stroking the edge of his collarbone.
“We – I don’t know-”
“I don’t either,” Blaine admits.
“Maybe we should just, you know, touch each other like we were doing before. But…at the same time,” Kurt suggests.
“Okay,” Blaine says because he doesn’t have a better idea at the moment.
It’s almost comedic, the way their hands keep bumping as they try to reach for each other blindly beneath the sheet, but eventually they do find one another. When Blaine grips Kurt, he can feel an equally strong hand wrap around his erection and his eyes fall shut of their own accord.
“Wow,” Kurt breathes. “This is – it’s-”
“Awesome,” Blaine finishes for him, scooting a little closer to Kurt. “It’s aweso – oh god.”
“Did I – was that-”
“No, that was good,” Blaine assures him, hips thrusting into the tight circle of Kurt’s fist.
He syncs up the movement of his own hand to the timing of Kurt’s, squeezing the way Kurt had done to him, and in doing so he wrings out a soft moan from Kurt’s throat. He opens his eyes, suddenly desperate to see Kurt’s reaction. Kurt’s eyes are open as well, but his lids are heavy and his lips are slightly parted. Like they’re asking to be kissed.
So Blaine does, of course. He leans over, capturing Kurt’s lips in a kiss that’s far fiercer than he intended, swallowing Kurt’s whimper. They kiss deeply, tongues swirling around one another as their fists tug at that unfamiliar, not-so practiced angle. It’s so new, though, and it feels so amazing, so perfectly wonderful that Blaine already feels heat coiling low in his belly. Their chests heave against each other, breath hot and their kisses messy, and when they’ve sunk closer together in the middle of the bed, their knuckles brush as they fist each other.
Blaine nearly loses it right then and there, the thought of them doing this just as erotic as the action itself.
“I’m – Kurt, if we don’t stop, I’m gonna-”
“Come,” Kurt orders, pressing his forehead to Blaine’s. “I wanna see your face.”
Kurt’s voice is so deep, so low and filled with something like danger that Blaine can’t even help himself. He’s on the edge of a precipice and suddenly it doesn’t matter that he’s about to come too early in their first foray into teenage sexual encounters. All he knows is that Kurt is staring at him with a heated gaze, determination in his fingers as he pumps Blaine quickly beneath the sheets.
“K-Kurt,” Blaine says in a strangled voice one last time before he’s unraveling, coming unglued and spilling himself on Kurt’s hand and his soft sheets.
He gasps against Kurt’s lips, eyes screwing shut. It feels like he’s been coming for ages until his limbs finally relax, his grip on Kurt loosening as he sinks into the mattress and into Kurt’s embrace. Time slows and the scent of sex mixes with the floral scent of Kurt’s skin, and to Blaine’s surprise, it isn’t weird or gross but rather…welcoming. He can hear a heartbeat, but he isn’t sure if it’s his or Kurt’s.
“I’m sorry,” he says, words muffled against the side of Kurt’s neck.
“What the hell for?”
“I – you didn’t get to-”
“Blaine, we have all night,” Kurt reminds him.
“I know, but-”
“Plus, I’ve kind of been dreaming about what you look like when you…yeah.”
At that admission, Blaine finally pulls away from Kurt to gaze at him with sleepy awe. “You have?”
“Don’t judge me,” Kurt says.
“No judging,” Blaine promises.
“Because you look really hot.”
Blaine shoves his face into his pillow in embarrassment. He doesn’t say that okay, yes, maybe he’s wondered the same thing about Kurt because he’s embarrassed enough as it is, there’s no need to add to it. Kurt’s unsoiled fingers thread through his sweaty hair and that’s when he realizes exactly how boiling it is beneath the heavy comforter. He kicks the bedclothes down with his feet, dragging the sheets down their naked torsos to settle around their hips. When he finally has the courage to sneak a peek at Kurt, his boyfriend is smiling down on him, happiness crinkled in the skin around his eyes.
“It amazes me how you can go straight from sex kitten to simply adorable so quickly,” Kurt quips.
Blushing once again, Blaine lets his gaze wander, taking in the expanse of Kurt’s thin, pale chest. They’re both mostly hairless, but they’re young and Blaine figures it’s expected. Kurt is just – he’s all taught skin stretched over slight, barely defined muscles and the image is just so undeniably masculine that Blaine already feels himself twitch between his legs, blood rushing down in an attempt to give him another erection.
It’s nice to be a teenager sometimes.
Kurt seems to realize that Blaine is drinking him in, so he brings a hand up to cover his chest. Blaine brushes it away immediately.
“Don’t,” he says softly.
“But I’m-”
“Kurt, your body is wonderful,” Blaine states, fingers dusting over Kurt’s chest in a silent attempt to give his words meaning. “I love it. Just like I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Kurt replies quietly, his eyes falling shut when Blaine’s thumb brushes over one of his nipples.
His head arches back, and the action gives Blaine an unimpeded view of Kurt’s long, slender neck. He knows Kurt’s skin is sensitive there, and perhaps it’s an offering, like Kurt’s placing his trust in Blaine and allowing him to explore. Taking advantage of that fact, Blaine props himself up and leans over his boyfriend, sprinkling his neck with soft, slow kisses. His hand, however, has other ideas and begins a steady journey down Kurt’s side, fingers ghosting over his skin, eliciting goose bumps and a sweet sigh from Kurt.
“Feel good?” Blaine asks, hoping his touch isn’t too ticklish.
Kurt hums in response, and the sound is like music to Blaine’s ears. It’s nice like this, here, in this moment, where everything is sort of languid and they can learn each other like they never have before. When Blaine’s hands finally reach Kurt’s hip bones, he gives a firm squeeze. He doesn’t know why he does it, but Kurt’s hips kind of really appeal to him and when Kurt gasps, he looks up to make sure it was a good gasp.
“P-please,” Kurt begs, “please, touch me.”
To hear Kurt Hummel begging for his hand, well, that’s an experience Blaine will have to file away in his memory because he sounds so wanton, so desperate for it. Blaine can’t deny Kurt anything. He certainly won’t deny him this.
So he shoves away the last of the covers and wraps his hand around Kurt’s erection, the head already dripping with pre-come. Unable to help himself, Blaine glances down to see his fist around Kurt. It’s an obscenely sexy image, one Blaine probably won’t ever be able to forget, even if they never have the chance to do this again. Kurt squirms beneath him, one of his hands flying out to grip Blaine’s shoulder, as if he’s attempting to steady himself or regain control.
Blaine can’t let that happen, though, not when he knows that Kurt’s been hard for so long that the sensation is probably bordering on painful. He knows Kurt likes to be in control, he knows Kurt likes to be the one with all the answers, but there’s nothing for that here.
“I’m right here,” Blaine whispers as he kisses just below Kurt’s ear. “You can let go.”
“B-Blaine,” Kurt whines, thrusting into Blaine’s fist as sweat and pre-come slick the path, allowing Blaine to quicken his movements.
“I’m here, baby, I’m right here,” Blaine assures.
“Kiss me,” Kurt demands and Blaine does. Kurt’s lips are trembling beneath his. Blaine realizes it’s an anchor for Kurt, something tried and true that he can trust while he falls apart under Blaine’s hand. It doesn’t take long, not when Kurt’s been so achingly hard and when they’re both so young and inexperienced. With a single twist of Blaine’s wrist, Kurt comes, Blaine swallowing his cries as he wrings the last bit of Kurt’s orgasm from his body. Blaine makes to pull away so they can take a few breaths, but Kurt seems to think oxygen isn’t necessary and pulls Blaine flush against him, arms winding around Blaine’s back and kissing him with just as much passion as before.
They kiss for what seems like eons, tongues tracing lips and teeth and slipping inside to trace one another, neither willing to part, neither willing to let go. They’re just two sated, messy teenage boys who are in love, two boys who are willing their heartbeats to sync despite what anyone else says because it doesn’t matter here. It doesn’t matter that there are people outside these walls that hate them or despise everything they stand for. It doesn’t matter that Kurt was bullied or that Blaine was beaten. In here, it’s just the two of them; just two young hearts on a full sized bed with the entire night to learn each other’s bodies.
Eventually, though, they have to pull away to breathe but Kurt doesn’t let Blaine get far. Their faces only an inch apart, Kurt traces Blaine’s jaw line with his knuckles.
“I have a question,” Blaine admits softly.
“When we – I mean, when we actually – do you, um, do you…want to top or bottom?”
“I don’t have a preference,” Kurt states calmly, eyes never leaving Blaine’s. “Do you?”
“I – I’d like to bottom first,” Blaine says. “We can always switch it up later but if you – if you don’t mind, I think I want to-”
Kurt cuts off his ramble with a tender kiss. “We can do whatever you want.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Kurt says. “Though I have to say, I feel slightly bad for your sheets. I don’t think they were expecting to see so much action tonight.”
“My sheets will live,” Blaine tells him with a quirk of his lips. “And I have a second set. I’ll change them before we go to sleep.”
“Oh?” Kurt remarks, lifting one eyebrow in curiosity. “Am I sleeping here tonight?”
Okay, maybe he shouldn’t have jumped to that conclusion. “I – I just thought – your dad and Carole are out of town and my mom and dad are somewhere in Europe, I think, and we might not get to stay the night together again and I just thought you might want to stay here after – but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to, of course.”
Eyes filled with something like amusement, Kurt plants a kiss on the tip of Blaine’s nose, immediately easing his nerves.
“Of course I’ll stay,” Kurt says. “The last time we slept in the same bed, you were passed out drunk and fully clothed. I fully intend to reap my rewards for having to deal with you that night.”
“Ugh,” Blaine huffs, hiding his face in the crook of Kurt’s neck. “You’re never going to let me live that night down, are you?”
“You’re evil.”
“Only a little bit,” Kurt teases, stroking his fingers down Blaine’s spine. It’s calming and Blaine sighs, listening to Kurt’s steady pulse thrumming beneath his skin.
They lie there, content to be naked and wrapped around each other for a while in the empty house without fear of being walked in on. They languish in their own little world, soaking up that comfortable feeling of togetherness that only cuddling can force to the surface. It’s just them, sweaty and sticky, and it’s now that Blaine fervently hopes that this can help Kurt realize that there is no one else for him, not some nasty boy in a blazer trying to come between them, not some guy that might sweep Kurt off his feet when he goes to New York.
Just them.
“Do we have – um, do we have the necessary…stuff?” Kurt suddenly asks.
“You know,” Kurt adds, “um, condoms and…lubricant.”
“Oh!” Blaine says excitedly, untangling their limbs as he rolls over and reaches inside the drawer of his nightstand. When he returns, he has an entire box of condoms and a bottle of lube in hand. “I hope they’re a good kind,” he says, dropping the condoms between them. “I didn’t really know which ones to get. But I didn’t know if you were allergic to latex, either, so I got some of those latex-free ones, too. And I got plain lube; I wasn’t sure about the uh, the ones that were all about warming sensations or tingling or flavors or anything like that.”
“Wow,” Kurt notes impressively, rifling through their spread. “You’re thorough.”
“I didn’t want to get anything you didn’t like,” Blaine shrugs, suddenly realizing how comfortable they are being naked together now. “And I didn’t want to ask you because I – I just picked it all up on a whim a few weeks ago, and I didn’t want to seem like I was pressuring you or anything. I just wanted to be…prepared. Just in case.”
“I think we’re set,” Kurt says, leaning over to give Blaine a quick kiss. “And thank you. For being so thoughtful.”
Blaine nods, a dopey smile settling on his lips when he hears Kurt’s words. He did something right. And not just with the necessary preparations, but just…choosing Kurt.
That’s right, too.
Kurt’s right for him.
And even if they don’t stay together forever like they’re hoping, because life isn’t predictable like that, he doesn’t want to look back on this moment with anything but happiness.
“No regrets?” Blaine asks once again, setting their supplies on top of his nightstand.
“Not a one,” Kurt replies, dipping back down to kiss Blaine gently, blanketing Blaine with his body.
Blaine can feel Kurt against his hip, still soft, but he knows time will help with that. They’re young and virile, after all. Kurt’s lips, though, those are eager and damp, trailing over his jaw and down his neck, stopping to suck a dark, purple bruise against his collar bone. Blaine threads his fingers into Kurt’s hair, rubbing his cheek against Kurt’s temple. He feels safe here, caught between Kurt’s warm body and his comfy mattress, surrounded by his pillows and the soft light of his lamp. He feels like he’s floating until Kurt drags his blunt fingernails up one of Blaine’s thighs, a hiss of pleasure slipping out from Blaine’s teeth at the new sensation.
“D-Do that again,” Blaine pleads, not disappointed in the slightest when Kurt acquiesces, his nails coming to a halt just before they reach Blaine’s erection. “God, Kurt,” he moans, burying his nose in Kurt’s hair.
“Spread your – spread your legs a bit,” Kurt says, voice low and nearly broken as he does.
One of Blaine’s legs is caught under Kurt’s weight, so he spreads the other, hitching it up until his knee touches the corner of his nightstand. He feels open, exposed, but a rush of heat zips through his limbs when Kurt drags his fingernails up Blaine’s inner thigh, stopping just short of his balls.
“I’m scared,” Kurt admits with a crack in his voice. “I – I don’t really know what I’m doing, I just know the basic concept.”
“Well, I don’t know either,” Blaine reminds. “So I doubt I’ll know if you mess it up.”
“I just don’t wanna hurt you.”
“It’s gonna hurt a bit either way,” Blaine says, “but if it really hurts, I’ll tell you.”
“You promise? Because I-”
“I promise,” Blaine swears, pressing a kiss to Kurt’s forehead. He reaches out, hands fumbling until he grasps the bottle of lube, holding it out to his boyfriend. “Here.”
Kurt gives a shaky nod, taking the proffered bottle. He sits up, pops the cap, and squeezes a few drops onto his fingers. With possibly too much concentration, he double checks the amount before squeezing out more and setting the bottle aside.
“I’d rather it be too much than not enough,” Kurt mumbles in explanation. “Just – seriously, if it doesn’t feel right, let me know. I’ll be completely mortified, but I’d rather be mortified than hurt you.”
“I will,” Blaine says, one of his hands coming up to stroke Kurt’s flushed cheek. “But I’m sure you’re going to do just fine.”
Kurt hums, though Blaine doesn’t know whether it’s in agreement or not. His confusion on the matter disappears when he feels Kurt’s slick fingers against his balls, dipping behind to brush against his hole. It’s a million new sensations at once because he’s never really touched himself there with any kind of intent, and he’s certainly never done so with lubed fingers.
“Ready?” Kurt asks, lip caught between his teeth in apprehension.
Blaine nods. That’s really all he can do, especially when one of Kurt’s fingers slips inside past the tight ring of muscle. Blaine’s instincts tell him to jump away, but that’s counterproductive, of course, so instead he bears down around the finger, biting back as hiss as he does so.
“What – what does it feel like?” Kurt asks, throat dry.
“It’s-” Blaine takes a moment to take stock of the sensations, “It doesn’t really hurt,” he decides. “It’s weird, but not in a bad way.” Kurt slips the finger out and presses back in. “It’s just…full, I guess. What’s it feel like for you?”
“Tight,” Kurt replies at once. “Tight and warm.”
“Try two,” Blaine says, suddenly needing to feel more.
“Are you sure?” Kurt asks, stilling the movement of his hand.
“Yeah,” Blaine says.
Kurt pulls his finger out, swirling it as he does to stretch the entrance a little more before he returns with two slick fingers. He presses them in slowly, caught between watching his own hand and watching the expression on Blaine’s face. Blaine’s hips go slightly rigid at the new intrusion.
“Are you-”
“It stings,” Blaine informs. “But that’s normal. From what I read, at least.”
“Should I…keep going?”
“Please,” Blaine whispers, preparing himself as Kurt’s fingers slip in further.
As Kurt continues to stretch him, Blaine takes it upon himself to drag a hand down his body, causing his skin to tingle. Kurt places his free hand on Blaine’s naked thigh, the one he’s currently straddling, and traces a small pattern against the skin.
“Feel okay?” Kurt asks.
“Mhmm,” Blaine murmurs in response, reaching his hand down to lace his fingers together with Kurt’s. The entire ordeal is strange, but not altogether unpleasant. It’s simply new. Blaine allows Kurt the time to explore and prepare him, relaxing his limbs and trying not to think about how sore he’s going to be later.
“They – the pamphlets said um, that your prostate – that it would feel good if I – can I?” Kurt stammers.
It’s kind of funny, Blaine thinks, because his boyfriend just basically asked if he could take the time to find his freaking prostate, but Blaine refuses to allow laughter to escape his lips.
“Go ahead,” Blaine says because he’s actually kind of curious, too.
Scrunching his eyebrows, Kurt presses his fingers inside and continues his exploration, stretching and swirling the digits. He straightens his fingers in a taught line before deciding to curl them instead, and after a few moments of blind fumbling and a couple inches inside, Kurt’s fingers bump a little nub inside Blaine.
“Oh, holy mother of – there, yes, again, please,” Blaine stutters, the words coming out in a breathless rush.
He hears the tiniest squeak of laughter from Kurt, but can’t be bothered to care when Kurt repeats the motion, brushing up against his prostate over and over until Blaine’s a puddle of aroused, babbling, teenage boy beneath him. Pleasure sings in his body and okay, yeah, this is obviously why people do this. But if Kurt doesn’t stop, he won’t last long at all.
“If you – okay, that’s going to make everything happen way too soon,” Blaine admits. “Try – try three fingers now.”
“I have a feeling this is going to hurt,” Kurt comments, squeezing more lubricant onto his fingers just to be sure.
“Probably,” Blaine agrees. “But if you can hit that spot again, nothing else is going to matter.”
“Okay,” Kurt replies, though he sounds a bit unsure when he replaces his fingers against Blaine’s hole.
He slips two fingers back inside first, Blaine immediately bearing down around them because he knows how it can feel now. Kurt slowly, very, very slowly presses a third in alongside the others. Blaine hisses out loud, eyes clenching shut until Kurt brushes against his prostate against. Blaine is suddenly caught between pain and an infinite amount of pleasure, his body trying to decide if he should back away or ask for more. It’s confusing, it’s driving him completely mad but god, it feels so good when Kurt hits that spot that he just can’t help but push back.
Reaching out wildly, he paws at Kurt’s arm, attempting to drag him down for a kiss. Kurt goes willingly, mashing their mouths together like maybe he’s getting just as much out of this as Blaine is.
“Now,” Blaine whispers. “I just – I need you to do it now.”
“O-Okay,” Kurt says, a nervous quiver in his voice. “Okay.”
He drags his fingers out, Blaine clenching his teeth as they go, and Kurt reaches for the box of condoms. His hands tremble as he rips open the box. Blaine reaches down to stroke himself as Kurt fishes a string of condoms from the box.
“Why do they have to come all attached to each other,” Kurt mumbles, tearing one off at the pre-torn line. He tosses the box aside, as if personally offended at the thing and rips open the little foil package. “It smells weird,” he says.
“I think it’s the spermicide stuff,” Blaine comments. “That, and the fact that it’s latex.”
Kurt plucks the condom from its wrapper, dropping the foil onto the ground. He furrows his brow in concentration, poising the little thing over his erection.
“You’re absolutely, one hundred percent sure that you’re ready?” Kurt asks, looking to Blaine.
“I am,” Blaine promises.
With a nod, Kurt pinches the tip of the condom and rolls it down, muttering to himself as he does so, like he’s trying to recall what he remembers from the sex education pamphlets. When it’s finally on, Blaine sees his chest heave with a deep breath.
“Okay,” Kurt says decisively. “How do you-”
“C’mere,” Blaine interrupts, holding his arms out wide.
Kurt shuffles over and straddles Blaine, leaning down to allow Blaine to hold him for a few moments. Blaine’s warm hands brush over the expanse of Kurt’s pale back.
“I love you,” Blaine whispers in his ear. “And it’s going to be perfect.”
“I love you, too,” Kurt says. “I’m extremely nervous.”
“I know. But it’s just me. It’s just us.”
“I don’t wanna screw this up,” Kurt admits and that’s when Blaine is taken back to a time when they both wore blazers and he uttered those same exact words to Kurt. The circumstances were entirely different, of course, but the memory still hits him hard in the chest.
“But we’re together in the end,” Blaine says softly, planting a kiss to Kurt’s temple. “It’s gonna be great.”
Exhaling against Blaine’s neck, Kurt kisses his shoulder and pulls away with renewed confidence.
“Move to the middle of the bed and spread your legs,” Kurt instructs.
They resituate themselves together and Blaine spreads his legs wide, feeling even more exposed than earlier.
“Hmm,” Kurt mumbles, mentally trying to decide exactly how they’re going to do this. “Give me one of your pillows.”
Blaine fishes out one of the pillows from beside his ear and hands it to Kurt while he moves the other beneath his head, settling himself down on the bed.
“Lift,” Kurt says with a gentle pat to Blaine’s hips.
Surprised at Kurt’s sudden command, and entirely turned on by it as well, Blaine does as he’s instructed, lifting his hips and allowing Kurt to settle the pillow beneath him.
“There,” Kurt says, pleased with his work as he reaches one last time for the bottle of lubricant. He works efficiently, popping the cap and slicking himself up as well as he can before tossing the thing aside and crouching over Blaine. He presses a soft kiss to Blaine’s lips. “You ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Blaine replies, fisting his hands in his sheets.
Kurt pulls back to his knees, looking down on Blaine with kind, loving eyes. “I’ll go slow,” he promises, lifting one of Blaine’s legs and settling it on his shoulders as he leans forward.
He grips onto Blaine’s raised thigh. Blaine releases his hold on the sheets and reaches up to clutch at Kurt’s hand on his leg. It’s about to happen, they’re really doing this and even though Blaine’s a nervous, shivering wreck…
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
The tip of Kurt’s erection bumps against his entrance. Slipping a hand between their bodies, Kurt uses his free hand to guide himself inside. Blaine gasps at the initial stretch and the flare of pain, clinging to Kurt’s hand.
“Good god,” Kurt moans, pausing to allow Blaine time to adjust. “You’re so tight.”
“I’m definitely in agreement with you,” Blaine croaks out, attempting to relax his limbs. He pushes back experimentally, wringing out a groan from Kurt, clenching his teeth all the while. “Just – just push in slowly until you can’t anymore.”
Kurt gives a shaky nod in reply, spreading his bent knees even wider and pressing in as gentle as possible. His mouth hangs open and his eyes glaze over with lust. Blaine thinks he looks completely wrecked even though they’re just starting and he has to wonder what it feels like for Kurt. It probably feels fantastic, if his expression is anything to go by.
“It – It’s hard,” Kurt says, “to not just – just bury myself inside you.”
Inside you.
Inside you.
Blaine doesn’t know why it hits him now, at this precise moment, because that’s what this has all been leading up to. But Kurt is inside him. They are as close as two people can really be. It’s almost remarkable. No, no it is remarkable because this is Kurt and Kurt alone is one remarkable human being and Blaine can’t believe he’s lucky enough to share this with someone so wonderful. He looks perfect like this, all unkempt with his hair draped over his sweaty forehead, his chest flushed pink with exertion in an attempt to hold himself back for Blaine’s sake, his pupils blown and dark.
And he’s the only one that gets to see Kurt like this.
When Kurt is finally deep inside him, completely sheathed and trembling all the while, he releases his hold on Blaine’s leg and allows it to fall down and open. He leans down on his elbows, keeping himself buried as he presses a quick, messy kiss to Blaine’s lips. There’s still a bit of lingering pain from the initial stretch, but Blaine honestly expected it to be way worse.
“You – you feel fantastic,” Kurt breathes just before kissing him again. “So tight and – and hot. God, I wanna stay here forever.”
Blaine wants to hear Kurt talk like that forever, he decides, so he promptly wraps his legs around Kurt’s waist and pulls him even closer.
“Now,” Blaine whispers. “Move.”
Kurt does so and when he starts to move his hips, Blaine tosses his head back because it’s unlike anything he’s ever felt. There’s a flare of stinging pain, but it’s accompanied by the slick, steady drag of Kurt, pulling out and pushing in. It’s all unhurried and experimental, learning and feeling, new angles and careful, exact movements because Kurt is obviously doing his best to make this good for Blaine as well.
“Can you try and – that spot,” Blaine says.
Kurt nods and concentrates, rolling his hips in various ways every time he pushes back in and yes, there, that’s it. Blaine’s mouth falls open when he finally hits it. Kurt lifts himself off of Blaine, wrapping his arms around Blaine’s knees that are crooked around his waist and tries again. He quickens his pace, unable to stop himself from speeding up and Blaine can only imagine; if Kurt’s hand around him felt amazing, what would it be like to be inside Kurt?
Attempting to meet Kurt at every thrust, the task becomes much more difficult when Kurt hits his prostate again. It’s hard to focus, hard to make himself do one simple thing when he’s drowning in everything new, everything sweaty and extraordinary, drowning in Kurt.
Their rhythm is messy, if it’s even there at all, and Kurt doesn’t hit his prostate with every thrust but that’s okay because they have plenty of time to practice. Blaine will make sure they do. They’re both panting out loud, bodies slick with sweat and the scent of sex is heavy in the air, drowning out the last lingering scent of flowers on Kurt’s skin but that’s okay too because Kurt hit that perfect spot inside of him again. The whole experience in itself is almost overwhelming. When Kurt begins to lose complete control of his own hips, he reaches down to take hold of Blaine’s erection. He attempts to pump him at the same pace as his hips, but that proves almost impossible, only it doesn’t matter because Kurt’s hand is on him and Kurt is inside him and the slapping sound of skin on skin is loud and obscene and holy hell, if this is what the first time is like, Blaine can’t even begin to imagine what it’ll be like when they’ve have more practice and Kurt’s hand tugs and tugs and tugs and he hits that spot and it’s Blaine that comes first.
He’s pretty sure he says Kurt’s name, followed by a string of swears, babbling as he rides it out and Kurt pounds into him just a few more times before his hips begin to stutter, jerky and rigid. Blaine watches Kurt’s head tip back in ecstasy, his fingernails digging into Blaine’s hips.
It’s probably one of the most beautiful things Blaine has ever seen in his life.
Kurt’s movement eventually slow, only coming to a halt when he slumps down over Blaine. They’re both heavy, sated, and completely filthy. Blaine feels like he might never be able to get a steady breath. He cringes as his muscles fight him, unwinding his legs from around Kurt and letting them fall to the bed.
Kurt turns his head on Blaine’s chest.
“That was only seven minutes,” he says.
“Wha – you were timing us?”
“I just wanted to know,” Kurt replies. “I’m gonna pull out now, okay?”
He slides out, Blaine hissing at his abused muscles, and Kurt rolls over onto the bed.
“Are you very sore?” Kurt asks.
“Bit,” Blaine answers. “It’s probably gonna be ten times worse tomorrow.”
“Probably,” Kurt agrees, lifting his exhausted body in order to press a thoughtful kiss to Blaine’s cheek. “Was it good? Or um, at least, was it okay?”
Blaine turns his head, peering up at Kurt with what he hopes is adoration.
“It was better than good,” he says honestly, reaching out a hand to caress the back of Kurt’s neck. “It was wonderful.”
“Are you sure?”
“It may have only been seven minutes,” Blaine says with a glint in his eyes, “but it was seven minutes in heaven.”
Kurt snorts loudly, flopping back down on the bed. “You are, without a doubt, one of the most ridiculous people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
“Pleasure, though, that’s the key word.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know,” Blaine says, his tone more serious now as he curls up into Kurt’s side, resting his head on Kurt’s chest. “I’m very lucky.”
A cool hand settles on his arm. Blaine relaxes in Kurt’s embrace. It’s just after one in the morning and soon, they’ll want to get up and shower and Blaine will have to change the sheets. For now, though, he’s content to be here and listen to the sound of Kurt’s heart beating, hopefully beating for him. He’s content to drift and float, skin shivering against the cold air of his bedroom until Kurt drags the sheet up over their bodies.
As far as first times go, Blaine thinks that his first time was absolutely perfect. He might not be with Kurt forever. Kurt might move to New York and find someone better or Blaine might get lost in his loneliness when Kurt leaves and he might seek a new, desperate love in someone else. They might have a major fight a few years down the road. They may simply grow apart. But he will always be glad for this moment and he will always, always be glad that Kurt was his first.
The situation could alter drastically within the next week, the next month, the next year. Everything could change and they might not be with each other forever like their young, eager minds have dreamt of.
But there’s always the possibility that young, eager minds aren’t so foolish after all. And maybe you have to follow your young, eager heart just to prove it.
Huuum good first time fic!
Yeah, so I'm just gonna say that I loved this with the love of 1000 suns. Okay, okay.
This is cute, awkward and fumbly, but just perfect. Sigh.
Really like this!
Another fab from Beautifulwhatsyourhurry
This. Was. Perfect. This awkwardness was absolutely adorable! Thank you! :)
Perfect :)
This was wonderful perfect
This was just GAH I love your works. I adore this,and this just reminds me how your work is one of the reasons I began shipping Klaine.
Thank you. Just thank you.
Words cannot describe how beautifuully that was written. :)
This was amazing and wonderful and yes. I loved this.
urgh this was perfect and hilarious and sweet and everything. Jamie you are perf.
That was perfection. Like everything else you write. Seriously, just...UGH. Everything I've ever wanted from a Klaine fic.
Wonderful take on their first time. Well written like all your work.
I love this so much! It is the perfect amount of awkward and sweet and just so perfectly Klaine.
Now everytime I see The First Time, I will remember this story. Everytime, I see THAT picture of Klaine, I will remember this story. This is so canon and so lovely and yes, definitely enjoyed it. Even long after the episode's aired, you've made me fall in love with Klaine all over again ;)
all the talking - so very Kurt. so much wonderful awkward talking. ...the counting down. everything was wonderful.
Simply adorable, lovely, funny, and fluffy. Loved it!
Lovely, perfect, and so honest. *waves an all-encompassing hand* I loved all of it.
Omfg. That was the best canon first time fic I have ever read. Wow. Perfection. Exactly how my mind pictured it. Thanks!
Omfg. That was the best canon first time fic I have ever read. Wow. Perfection. Exactly how my mind pictured it. Thanks!
Oh wow, this was just *perfect*!! Fumbling and sweet and messy and HOT... just they way I would hope it to be for them. And your characterizations were wonderful. *sigh* Yeah, perfect :)
I don't know how you manage to do it - perfection every time! Perhaps it's just because the topic is so beautiful - but this was lovely. It had everything a reader could ask for and the line about counting down to a "liftoff" had me chuckling out loud! I just hope the end wasn't a bit of foreshadowing - I can't bear the thought of them being apart, let alone splitting up. Once again, thank you for a great read.
that was really beautiful and cute. <3
Your writing is always perfect. This was super awkward to read (in a good way) as it was the sex for Kurt and Blaine. Than you. (:
That last part killed me. But so true. Excellent.
Aw, It`s so cute omg wehital;ujei . i loved it!
Flails!!! This was just so them in every way. Omg!!! I never thought Blaine would bottom first, but who the hell cares about that, when they are so adorably awkward and loving and careful and committed to each other's safety and well being. You're writing is flawless!!! This was perfect!
omg. just omg. Like the best first time fic EVER written. It was perfect - sweet, sex but not really smutty, just romantic, and awkwardness and dorkiness and just asdfkasdf b29;
That's was very hot awkward talking through was good idea .. And then there was times I cudnt help but laugh with them and after all they are perfect
So, I'm positive that's how it had to have happened. That was literally perfect! This line: "You're lucky I love you." "I know," Blaine says, his tone more serious now as he curls up into Kurt's side, resting his head on Kurt's chest. "I'm very lucky." I started crying!!! What even?! =( Haha, awesome though. I'm glad you finished!
Wow, okay, this was flawless. It felt so true to life, the perfect mix of romantic and awkward and hot. Bravo, seriously.
Fuck, this was first time perfection. So beautiful, so hot..this was outstanding. These boys..I just can't, you know? Thankyou, so very much.
Oh, this was so sweet and so romantic. It made me think of my first time almost four decades ago, two clumsy virgins pretending to be so practiced, but really just so silly and serious at the same time. With Blaine and Kurt, the inexperience didn't matter because it was cancelled out by the caring and excitement of two people so much in love. As always you deliver a scene that takes us into the minds and souls of the two characters that we love the most, and you make them exist in our hearts as real people we could hold and love. Thank you.
One of the best fanfics I have read period. I loved it.
this story was absolutely amazing!!!! flawless, beautiful and amazing!!!!! i hate the f word in the klaine sexyfics that i read, so this was perfect! but not just because of that, but that made it better!!!!!! this fic was sweet, sexy, romantic, and true to characters!!!!!! amazingness! i cant say enough how much i loved this story!!!!! iliveforglee11
I don't even...this was awesome Klaine. This could be canon. The countdown I have to say was awkward hilarious haha. Love.
I just love this so much. The way you wrote it was perfect and completely in character -- I loved the way you portrayed Kurt and Blaine's relationship here. This was amazing.
I dont think it was a good idea to read this at 2 am on the day of your midterm. I am drenched in sweat and its the middle of January. HALP.
awww that was actually really sweet and very realistic (with the fumbling and the nervousness) a very good portrayal of the first time :)
That was like... hot but also like... beautiful and touching.