Welcome to the Supernatural
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Welcome to the Supernatural: Chapter 10

T - Words: 2,116 - Last Updated: Aug 09, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Apr 03, 2012 - Updated: Aug 09, 2012
967 0 2 0 0

“I’m almost there.  I gotta go.”

Kurt hung up his cell phone as he approached the exit to Route 81.

Just a few minutes ago he was sure of his actions, but as he got closer and closer to his destination he came to a realization.

“I have no idea what I’m doing,” Kurt murmured to himself.

All he could think about was Rachel.  Annoying, egotistic, text-obsessed Rachel.  His determined, supportive, caring, best friend Rachel.  He had to get to her before Tiffany did.  Quinn survived her accident, but the other six victims weren’t so lucky. 

He switched on his high beams as he turned onto the exit, keeping his eyes open for Rachel’s Honda.  Despite the detour onto it, Route 81 was still relatively empty, which Kurt was grateful for.  The less people on this road, the better.

Kurt quickly maneuvered his way past the only other two cars on the road, speeding ahead desperately to catch up with Rachel.

Ahead of him, the road appeared to be completely empty.  Kurt began to worry that perhaps he was too late.  However he soon noticed a car resembling Rachel’s in the distance.  As Kurt sped up to get closer he realized that this was definitely Rachel’s car. 

And not only was it without a doubt Rachel’s car, Kurt’s fears turned out to be true as well.  He could see the car fishtailing dangerously between the two lanes.  It was obvious that she was using her phone.

“Dammit, Rachel,” Kurt breathed.




“Got it!” Cooper shouted while scribbling an address down on the pad of paper next to the laptop.  “The Hawthornes were buried in Lima, not too far from here.  C’mon!”

Blaine, still shell shocked and wrecked with worry, blindly gathered supplies with Cooper and followed him to the Impala.

Cooper quickly put the car into gear and backed out of the apartment complex lot and onto the main road.  He glanced over at Blaine, whose faced was pale white and was staring blankly ahead.  Cooper reached over to give Blaine’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“Listen,” he said, “Everything’s going to be fine.  I promise.”

“You don’t know that,” Blaine argued.

Yes, I do,” Cooper insisted, “This whole thing will probably be over in less than an hour.  Kurt and his friend will be safe and sound and then you guys will go to school on Monday and everything will be back to normal.”

Blaine sighed.  He wished his brother’s words could offer him some comfort, but if anything he was only reminded how unnormal things would be from now on.  Kurt knew about everything now.  And not only did Kurt know, he was now in a life threatening situation all because of Blaine.  Everything was different now.

“Let’s just get to the cemetery,” Blaine replied.




Kurt floored the gas pedal as he sped up to try and reach Rachel.  When he was close enough, Kurt laid on the horn and opened his window to try and call out to her.

“Rachel!” he yelled as he sounded the horn at her.

Rachel’s car screeched to a halt in front of him.  Kurt swerved, narrowly missing Rachel’s bumper, and stopped his car next to hers.  Rachel rolled down her window.  She turned to face Kurt, clutching her heart and taking deep breaths.

Kurt!” Rachel gasped, “What are you doing?

“Saving your life!” Kurt screamed back at her, “Do you know how dangerously you were driving just now?  What were you thinking?  After everything that happened with Quinn –“

“Oh, come on, Kurt,” Rachel scowled, “The road’s completely empty!  Did you seriously follow me home just to yell at me for –“

Before either of them had time to react, a pair of blinding headlights came into view behind them. 

No!” Kurt whispered.

The blue mini-van sped forward and slammed into the back of Rachel’s car with a sickening crunch. The sound of grinding metal screeched all around them as both cars skidded forward about ten yards before the mini-van vanished.

“Rachel!” Kurt called, “Rachel can you hear me?”

Kurt jumped out of his car and raced to the driver’s side door of Rachel’s Honda.  The back end of it was crumpled and smashed, but the front didn’t seem too damaged.  He only hoped….

Rachel’s tiny form was slumped over the now slowly deflating airbag.  There were bits of glass strewn about in her hair and a nasty gash along her left cheekbone.  

“Rachel?” Kurt whimpered.

He tentatively reached out to grasp her shoulder.  He gently shook her a few times, but there was no response.  At this point, the tears welled up in his eyes began to fall in earnest.

He dropped down onto the pavement and shoved his head in his hands.  How could he have let this happen?  He should have made a plan.  Should have done something, anything….

Suddenly he heard a tiny cough from above him and quickly scrambled to his feet to see that Rachel was beginning to wake up –slowly blinking and trying to catch her breath.

“Oh my god –you’re alive!” Kurt breathed.

He tried to open the door, but it was stuck shut from the way the body of the car had been contorted in the crash.

“Kurt….?  What happened?” Rachel asked him, still sounding a bit out of it.

“It’s all going to be okay,” Kurt assured her, “I’m going to get you out of here, just hang on.”

As Kurt searched for something to pry open the door with, the scene was suddenly washed in light coming from behind them.  Kurt spun around to see that the blue mini-van was once again staring them down, revving the engine, ready to attack again.

Tiffany was back for more.




“C’mon, Coop,” Blaine urged, “You gotta dig faster than that!”

Cooper glared at his younger brother, who currently had the job of keeping watch for anyone who might have noticed that they broke into the cemetery.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he heaved, sweating profusely. “Am I not going fast enough for you?  Why don’t you get down here and do it if you’re so impatient.  This shit ain’t as easy as it look –“

“Alright, alright, sorry!” Blaine apologized, “I’m just worried.”

“I know,” Cooper said as he continued digging, “I’m going as fast as I can.  I don’t want to see them get hurt either.”

Cooper pressed the shovel into the dirt once more, resulting in the hollow sound of metal striking wood. 

Blaine jumped down into the hole to help his brother scoop away the remaining dirt covering Tiffany Hawthorne’s coffin.  He shuffled through the pack of supplies Cooper brought until he found a crow bar.  It took a couple tries, but soon enough he was able to pry open the coffin, unleashing the uniquely putrid smell of a decomposing human body.

Blaine retched as Cooper covered his nose with his t-shirt and unpacked the remaining supplies that they needed.  He tossed Blaine a container of salt, which he poured an ample amount of onto the body.

Then the brothers hopped out of the grave.  Cooper doused the entire coffin with lighter fluid before taking out his lighter.

“Ready?” he asked Blaine.

Blaine nodded.

Cooper dropped the lighter onto the body, which immediately erupted in flames and slowly turned to ash.

Blaine let out a sigh of relief as he took out his phone to let Kurt know that they were safe now.




Kurt’s eyes widened as the mini-van’s engine revved once more.

However, as abruptly as it had appeared, it suddenly vanished once more.

Kurt reached into his pocket where his phone was buzzing.  It was Blaine.

“Did you kill it?” Kurt gasped.

“Yeah.  We just salted and burned the bones.  Are you okay?  Did anything happen?  What about Rachel?” Blaine asked frantically.

“Thank god.  I’m fine, but Rachel’s hurt.”

“Oh no, what happened?  Is she going to be okay?”

One of the cars that Kurt had sped passed trying to catch up to Rachel came down the road and drove toward where Rachel and Kurt’s cars were now stopped.  As soon as the car was pulled over a man stepped out and waved over to Kurt.

“Don’t worry!” yelled the man, “I saw the whole thing!  I’ve already called the police.”

“Blaine, hold on.  I’ll call you back,” Kurt murmured into his phone.

He turned to the man and asked, “What exactly did you see?”

“It was that blue mini-van, right?” he asked, “I could see it up ahead of me going wicked fast.  I saw it smash into your friend’s car.  Must’ve driven away pretty fast though.  I blinked and it was already gone!”

Kurt blinked surprisedly at the stranger, but thanked him before he went to tend to Rachel, who was still trapped inside her car.

It suddenly dawned on him that perhaps supernatural things weren’t as secretive as he once thought.  Maybe he and other people around him simply justified what they were seeing with some rational explanation. 

“Hey, Rach,” Kurt smiled as he approached Rachel’s car again, “Don’t worry, the police and paramedics are on their way.  How’s your cheek?”

“Oh, Kurt, this is just awful,” Rachel sobbed, “What if it doesn’t heal by Nationals?  What if it scars?  No leading lady has ever had a giant gash across her face.  I’m going to kill the person that hit me…..”

Kurt chuckled, relieved that Rachel was well enough to be acting like herself again.

“There’s no need for that.  And I’m sure your face will be fine,” he said, “Really, it’s not even that big of a cut.  It’s just bleeding a lot.  It’ll be gone in a few weeks.”

Rachel continued to fuss over herself as Kurt heard sirens and saw the police cars and ambulance come into view.



To: Blaine

From: Kurt

Everyone is ok. See

u soon <3




By the time Blaine and Cooper pulled up to the scene in the Impala, Rachel was already being tended to by the paramedics, who assured her that a trip to the hospital wasn’t necessary, just some bandages and rest.

Blaine’s eyes were rapidly searching for Kurt amongst the chaos.  He quickly spotted him, finishing up a conversation with a police officer that was taking notes on the accident.  When they were finished, Kurt turned and smiled when he made eye contact with Blaine.

Blaine was already sprinting ahead, leaving Cooper in the dust, and thrusting himself into Kurt’s arms once he was close enough.

“You’re okay,” Blaine whispered as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Kurt assured him, gently rubbing Blaine’s back.

Blaine loosened his grip enough to lean back and really look at Kurt’s face.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, “You’re not hurt?”

“I’m fine, Blaine,” Kurt insisted, “Thanks to you.”

“Yeah, right….” Blaine mumbled as he looked at his shoes.

“Hey,” Kurt admonished, tipping Blaine’s chin up so that he was looking him in the eye, “I’m the one that decided to come after Rachel.  I put myself in this situation.  And then you saved me when you took care of Tiffany Hawthorne’s body.”

Blaine still wasn’t convinced, but managed a small smile for his boyfriend in spite of it all.

“So I guess I should thank you,” Kurt smirked, “You know, for saving my life twice this weekend.”

“You think so?” Blaine teased back.

Despite the fact that they were in public and about a dozen police officers and paramedics were wandering around them, Kurt wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine’s waist and pulled him in for a kiss.  Blaine and hummed in contentment and smiled against Kurt’s lips.

“Um, guys….? Guys!  Blainey!”

Blaine groaned and pulled away from Kurt to face his incredibly untimely older brother.


“I hate to break this show up,” Cooper explained, “But the feds and I aren’t exactly on good terms at the moment so it would probably be good if we got going…. like, now.”

Blaine looked to his left and saw that one of the officers at the scene was squinting at Cooper, eyeing him suspiciously.

“Alright,” Blaine reluctantly agreed, “Call me when you get home?”

“Definitely,” Kurt replied, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Blaine beamed.

He gave Kurt one more quick peck before heading back to the Impala.  Cooper threw an arm around Blaine’s shoulders as they were walking.

“Look at you, squirt,” he whistled, “Saves the day and gets the guy!”

Cooper cracked up as Blaine shoved his arm away and unsuccessfully tried to cover up his grin.



End Notes: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I suck at updating. If it makes you guys feel better, I have a Harry Potter WIP that I haven't updated in 4 years...... so when you compare it to the month or so I left you guys hanging for this one it really isn't that bad! Probably one more chapter after this :)Thanks for reading & reviewing!


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So, do you want a fall wedding or...?Because I could totally marry you for writing this.Just amazing in general. In love.And don't worry about the updating (at least for me, anyway) because I hardly ever do. Sucky writer's block. :/Anyway, well done on the entire thing! (:Love, Kayli <3

Hahaha! Thank you so much! I've started chapter 11 already, so I'll hopefully be updating sometime this week! :D