Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
The next few days were pure torture for Blaine. Kurt wasn't answering his phone calls or texts, he couldn't go back to school until next week so he couldn't just walk up to Kurt and make him talk, and when he tried to go see Kurt at home, Burt had told him Kurt didn't want to see anyone. So to say Blaine was stressed, was an understatement.
By the time he was finally allowed to return to school, he was a completely wreck. He had to talk to Kurt, he had to fix things, and he had to keep from killing Karofsky, which was something he wasn't sure if wanted to keep himself from doing. Karofsky is the reason everything with Kurt went to hell, so he's pretty high on Blaine's shit list.
Pulling into the McKinley parking lot Monday morning, Blaine had pretty much set himself up for failure. He was going to snap on someone today, and he hopes like hell it's not Kurt. He wants to fix things with Kurt, not fuck them up even more.
"Hey, Anderson!" Blaine heard someone call his name but he kept walking towards his locker, he couldn't afford to have someone set him off this early.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." Finn stepped in front of Blaine just as he reached his locker.
"What do you want Hudson? I'm really not in the mood for your shit, especially not this early in the morning." Blaine tried to step past him, but Finn put his hand out to stop him.
"I heard that you and Kurt got into a fight, you wanna tell me what the hell is going in between you two?"
"It's none of your damn business Hudson, now get out of my way before I make you." Blaine threatened darkly.
"Kurt's my step-brother so that kind of makes this my business. I don't want you messing with him Anderson, he had a lot going on right now and doesn't need to be worrying about you."
Blaine laughed, actually laughed because that was hilarious. "You have no idea what's going on with him right now."
"And you do?"
"As a matter of fact, yes I do. Now, I'm finished talking with you, so move." Blaine shoved past Finn focusing on unlocking his locker and getting to his first class without anyone else confronting him. This definitely wasn't how he wanted his first day back to be like.
By lunchtime, Blaine hadn't seen Kurt yet, not even a glimpse of a white Doc Marten boot going around the corner and it worried him.
"Hey, can I sit?"
Blaine looked up, surprised that someone was even speaking to him, let alone asking if they could sit with him at lunch. No one asked to sit with Blaine Anderson, it just didn't happen. "What?"
"I said, can I sit? I think you and I need to have a little chat, don't you?" Mercedes asked again, giving him a serious look.
"Uh, sure. Yeah, let's talk."
"Thank you." Mercedes took a seat before turning to face Blaine directly. "Kurt's not here, he hasn't been back since the whole Karofsky locker room kiss thing."
"Oh. I-uh-"
"I know you've been looking for him. That isn't want I want to talk about though, I want to talk about you." Mercedes softened her gaze, Kurt had given her pointers on how to get Blaine to open up.
"Why? I'm nothing special."
"You are to Kurt. He told me about you two, he also said this whole bad boy thing is just an act."
"What else did he say about me?" Blaine felt himself closing off, he didn't know this chick, why was Kurt telling her everything he'd promised not to tell anyone?
"That you're actually a really nice guy who has been given a crappy life. He really likes you Blaine, I've never seen him like this with anyone, not even back when he was crushing on Finn."
"I really like him too. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, I can't- I can't lose him, not like this."
"You won't lose him if you get your act together. He hasn't given up yet, and neither should you." Mercedes smiled, patting his shoulder. "Why don't you come by his house after Glee rehearsals with me, he can be stubborn but he'll get over it."
"I don't-"
"Do you want to fix things with him or not?"
"Yes, but-"
"No buts, you're coming with me to see him, end of discussion."
"O-okay." Blaine had never met anyone like this girl, Mercedes, her name is Mercedes. She was sort of growing on him.
"Alright then, see you in Glee rehearsals." Mercedes got up and walked off towards her friends, leaving Blaine to think over just what he was going to say to Kurt this evening.
But first, he had to get through the rest of the school day plus Glee.
"You ready?" Mercedes asked after Mr. Schue had dismissed them.
"Uh, yeah, I'm ready." Blaine grabbed his bag, slightly nervous for this conversation. What if Kurt told him to leave again?
"Okay, let's go, you can follow me."
"Yeah, okay." Blaine tried to remember the speech he had planned, but his mind was completely blank. This was going to go so well.
The drive to Kurt's house felt like a march to his death. He had convinced himself that there was no way Kurt was going to let him talk, he wasn't going to even let him in the house.
"Hey, relax, everything is going to be fine." Mercedes gave him an encouraging smile as she opened up the Hummel-Hudson front door, letting Blaine in first.
"This is a bad idea, he's not going to want to see me. Maybe I should just-"
"Blaine? What are you doing here?" Kurt had heard the front door opened and went to meet Mercedes, but instead, he was greeted with Blaine standing in his doorway.
"Uh, well I, uh-"
"I brought him with me." Mercedes spoke up. "You two need to talk."
"I- we-"
"She's right Kurt."
Kurt glared at them before sighing in defeat. "Fine, lets go upstairs."
"I'll be back, I'm going to go pick up pizza for our movie musical marathon." Mercedes smiled at them before walking out of the house, not giving either of them time to protest.
"Come on." Kurt motioned for Blaine to follow him into his room. "We need to talk?"
"Yes. Kurt, the way I acted the other day was completely unacceptable and I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I was just worried about you and I let my anger get to me and lashed out on the last person I ever wanted to lash out at."
"You don't own me Blaine, boyfriend or not, you can't tell me what to do. If I want to return to McKinley, I will, it's not your decision, it's mine. With that being said, I appreciate how protective you can be, it's nice to know someone cares that much." Kurt gave him a small smile. "I really care about you Blaine and not talking to you is hurting more than I ever thought possible, but I'm not your property, I am free to make my own choices."
"I understand all of that. I was just so caught up in my anger towards Karofsky and my worry for you that I didn't think clearly. Saying you can't go back to McKinley was stupid and unreasonable of me, I just- I want you to be safe Kurt, I need you to be safe." Blaine hoped Kurt understood why he said what he did.
"I am going back to school, I plan on coming back tomorrow, I just- I needed time."
"Whenever you're ready to come back is your choice, but can you do me one thing?" Blaine asked, finally moving from the doorway to sit beside Kurt on the bed.
"Don't go back if you don't feel ready. I'm not saying don't go back at all, I'm just saying don't rush into going back. What Karofsky did, that's sexual harassment, it's okay to not want to go back." Blaine reached out to take Kurt's hands in his, a small smile forming when Kurt didn't pull away.
"You know, for someone who pretends not to care about anything, you sure do have a big heart Blaine Anderson." Kurt smiled his usual, lopsided smile, the one that lit up his entire face.
"I care about you."
"I care about you too Blaine, more than I probably should."
Blaine just smiled and rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt didn't hate him, he still wanted Blaine to be a part of his life, but- "Are we still, you know, dating?"
"Yes? I don't know, did we break up? Because I don't remember breaking up." Kurt was pretty sure they hadn't broken up. "Do you not want to be together?"
"No! I mean, yes. Ugh. Yes, I want to be with you, I want to be your boyfriend. Kurt I love you, and- oh god. I didn't- I meant-" Blaine felt like the world was closing in on him. Why did he say that? What was he thinking?
"Blaine? Blaine! Hey, snap out of it." Kurt grabbed his face, forcing Blaine to look at him.
"I'm sorry Kurt, I didn't mean- I just-"
"I love you too."
"You probably hate- wait, you do?"
"Yes silly, of course I do, now will you calm down?" Kurt laughed, wrapping his arm around Blaine.
"I don't- I'll try. Can you say it again?" Blaine would listen to Kurt say those words over and over for the rest of his life if that was possible.
"I love you Blaine Anderson."
Blaine smiled bigger than he'd smiled in years. "I love you too Kurt Hummel."
"Good. Now shut up and kiss me, I've missed you." Kurt leaned in bumping his nose against Blaine's.
"I've missed you too." Blaine whispered before pressing his lips to Kurt's. He had went to Kurt's house that evening, prepared for Kurt to kick him out and say he never wanted to speak to him again, but instead he finally said the one thing he swore he'd never say to anyone and Kurt said it back. Knowing Kurt loves him is all he needs, nothing else really matters, everything else will work out eventually.