Heaven and Hell.
Don't Dream it's Over. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: Don't Dream it's Over.

E - Words: 2,572 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
165 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: *sweating even more nervously* you hate me right now, don't you? I am so sorry I done this, but I was stuck, I needed some sadness, some drama. I promise I will fix things later, this story will have a happy ending.now, I have two options, I can get the next update up next week, or I can wait until after Thanksgiving. I will leave that up to you, if you want me to update it next week instead of waiting, I will. I will warn you though there is going to be a HUGE time jump between these two chapters... the next chapter is going to start AFTER graduation. I know it sounds crazy but it's really going to help in the long run.I'm sorry... please don't hate me too much. :(-Krystal :) x

It has been three weeks since the Andersons shipped Blaine off. Blaine had e-mailed Kurt on the second day after he'd left to let him know he had made it and to tell him that the "reform" school wasn't exactly a reform school, it was just an overly strict boarding school. He said he thought he'd like it because of how well he'd enjoyed his time at Dalton and promised Kurt he would e-mail him that weekend since his parents had taken his phone so he couldn't text. At first Kurt thought Blaine hadn't e-mailed him that weekend because of school policy or something, but after calling the school and leaving message after message for Blaine to contact him and receiving nothing, Kurt started thinking maybe Blaine just didn't want to talk to him.

"Any word from Blaine?" Finn asked Thursday morning as they worked around each other in the kitchen, trying to find something for breakfast before they had to leave for school.

"No, not yet. I think the school is getting tired of taking messages for me." Kurt sighed, deciding on a bowl of cereal because he just wasn't in the mood to cook anything.

"I'm sure he has a good reason, he's probably just been busy with his school work."

"I hope so. Still, why hasn't he at least let me know? He has to know I'm freaking out over all of this."

"You boys better hurry up or you'll be late for school." Burt said, coming into the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

Kurt and Finn hurriedly finished their cereal before grabbing their bags and heading to the car.

"Hey, I'll be right back, I think I forgot my history book." Finn tossed his bag into the car and ran back inside before Kurt could say anything. "Burt?"

"I thought you boys had left, you're going to be late."

"I know. Look, we have to do something about this Blaine situation, Kurt is barely holding it together. He's pretty good at hiding just how much this is effecting him, but even Kurt has a breaking point and I think he's almost there."

"I don't know what you want me to do kid, I can't get him back."

"I know that, but maybe you could set up a visit for Kurt? Blaine hasn't contacted him in three weeks, he needs something."

"I'll see what I can do, but I'm not going to promise anything."

"Thank you." Finn smiled, heading back towards the front door. "Oh, and can you not mention this to Kurt? I want to surprise him."

"Sure kid, now get outta here before you really are late for school."

"Thanks Burt."

"No, thank you for being such a good brother to him."

Finn just smiled, waving goodbye before he headed back to the car.

"Where's your history book?" Kurt asked, giving Finn as suspicious look.

"Uh I must have overlooked it in my bag or something."

"That's why you need to learn some organizational skills Finn." Kurt rolled his eyes and put the car into reverse, dropping the subject which Finn was thankful for. The last thing he wanted was Kurt finding out about his plan.


Blaine had to admit, he really was starting to like being at Grand River Academy. The academics were hard, but nothing he couldn't handle. It reminded him a lot of Dalton, just a little more strict with it's policies. All in all, he was starting to feel like he belonged.

Thursday morning started off like every other weekday, he woke up at 7am, went to breakfast at 7:30, went to his first four classes, government, physics, calculus, and British Lit., then went to study hall before lunch. Lunch is when his day went from just a normal school day to very not normal. He was called in to see his counselor as soon as he finished eating. The counselor had been mandatory, set up by his parents, but he only saw her during his weekly scheduled visits.

"Hello Blaine, I'm sorry to pull you away from lunch but there is something I would like to speak with you about." Anna said with a smile as soon as Blaine walked into her office.

"Am I in trouble for something?" Blaine tried to remember anything he'd done that could warrant something like this, but he came up empty.

"No you're not in trouble. It's been brought to my attention that you've been receiving messages from a friend off campus but you haven't been replying to them. Would you like to talk about why?"

"Not really." Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knows he shouldn't ignore Kurt like this, but he has his reasons and he'd rather not share them.

"Okay. Well then, can you tell me who this friend is?" Anna gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure you already know so why are you asking?" Blaine doesn't want to talk about Kurt, just thinking about him hurts enough to remind him of why he's avoiding him in the first place.

"How about I tell you what I know then maybe you can fill in the details for me, okay?" When Blaine didn't answer, Anna just went on. "What is know is his name is Kurt Hummel, you went to school with him before you came here, you lived with him and his family after your parents kicked you out. I also know that he has been trying very hard to contact you but you haven't made any effort to get in touch with him."

"Maybe I just don't want to talk to him." It wasn't true, but it was better than telling Anna what was really going on in his mind. Somethings not even your counselor can help with.

"That's fine, but don't you think you should let him know, maybe even tell him why?"

"I thought it would be clear when I didn't return any of his phone calls."

"You still haven't told me the details about who this boy is Blaine. Why don't you want to talk to someone who obviously was a very important person to you before you got here?"

"I just don't, okay?" Blaine asked, his voice getting louder with anger. "And I don't want to talk about it."

"His father called today." Anna said simply, watching Blaine's reaction.

"What, why? Is Kurt okay? He's not hurt is he?" Blaine didn't even flinch when the name fell past his lips. He had been avoiding it like the plague because it hurt so damn much.

"Physically yes, he's fine, but his father and step brother seem to think you giving him the silent treatment is causing some emotional damage. They're worried about him, and you, and want to set up a visit with the two of you."

"Can they even do that?" Blaine tried to keep the hope out of his voice, it doesn't matter if they can or not, it doesn't change anything.

"Yes they can, it would have to be supervised by me, but you're allowed visitors Blaine."

"But my parents-"

"This has nothing to do with what your parents' rules, this has to do with school policy on visitors and my professional advice as your counselor. I believe it would help you to have visitors and the school policy states that students are allowed visitors so that's all that matters." Anna said matter-of-factly.

Blaine wasn't sure what to say, of course he wants to see Kurt, but seeing him under these circumstances would only make things worse.

"I know you said you don't want to talk to him, but I think you do and you're just saying you don't. This could help you sort through whatever is giving you reservations about contacting him."

"Do I even have a choice in this?"

"Of course Blaine, you always have a choice."

"Can I have some time to think about this?"

"Absolutely. Come see me tomorrow at lunch and let me know what you decide, how does that sound?"

"That's fine."

"Okay then, you're free to return to lunch unless there's anything else you would like to discuss while you're here."

"No, I think I'm good."

"Alrighty then, have a good day Blaine."

"You too." Blaine exited the office and headed back to the cafeteria, his brain working overtime on trying to figure out if it's worth it to go through with this visit. He has a feeling he won't be getting much sleep tonight, he just hopes he can focus on his classes for the rest of the day.


Kurt woke up Saturday morning with plans of going to the mall with some of the glee kids. Originally it had been just him and Mercedes, but once everyone else heard about their plans, they all wanted to tag along. That should've been Kurt's first clue that something was going on that he wasn't aware of.

His second clue should've been Finn's insistence on driving. Finn hated shopping, there's no way he is that eager to get to the mall.

His third clue should've been when they drove straight past the Lima Mall and Finn giving him some half-assed excuse about a better male in another city.

He finally figured it out when almost four hours later, they pulled into a parking lot that definitely does not belong to a mall. Finn had driven him to Grand River Academy, Blaine's new school.

"W-what are we doing here? Kurt asked, hating the way his voice shook.

"What do you think? We're here to see Blaine."

"Why? He hasn't bothered to answer my calls, I'm sure he doesn't want to see me."

"We're here because you need this Kurt, and according to his counselor, so does Blaine. Come on, let's go."

Kurt took a steadying breath before getting out of the car to follow Finn inside. "Did you plan this?"

"Yep. I had help from Burt and the glee club, but it was my idea." Finn beamed.

"Thank you Finn."

"No problem little brother."

As soon as they got inside and registered, they met Anna who told them that she would be supervising the visit. Finn decided to wait out in the lobby to give Kurt and Blaine some time to talk.

"Alright Kurt, Blaine is on his way from activities right now, he'll be here in a few minutes." Anna said as she led him into her office.

"Okay, thank you." Kurt replied nervously. Why was he so nervous to see Blaine, he was never nervous around Blaine.

"You're welcome. Thank you for coming, I think this visit will help him a lot."

"I know you probably can't tell me because I'm not family, but is he doing okay?"

Anna smiled, starting to piece together who this boy was to Blaine. "He's doing fine, all of his teachers have nothing but praise for him and he's very active in various school activities. He's fitting in quite well if you ask me."

"Good." Kurt sighed, at least Blaine was okay.

"Anna, Blaine's here, do you want me to let him in now?" The secretary asked, poking her head into the room.

"Of course." Anna motioned Blaine into the room. "Hello Blaine, how are you today?"

"G-good, thank you." Blaine answered, his eyes never leaving Kurt's as he sat down beside him.

"Blaine, can you look at me please?" Anna asked, waiting for Blaine to look up before continuing. "If at any point during this visit you feel like you need to leave, just say so and I'll send you back to activities okay?"

Blaine nodded that he understood, too afraid of his voice failing him to answer verbally. Kurt was actually here. Kurt is sitting right beside him.

The silence seemed to stretch on forever before Kurt gave in and spoke first. "Blaine?"

Hearing Kurt say his name like that, sounding so sad and broken, caused Blaine to snap. A gut-wrenching sob broke out of his chest, his head falling forward into his hands.

"Blaine. what's wrong? Please talk to me, I want to help you but you've got to let me in." Kurt felt his own tears stinging his eyes, but he willed them away so he could focus on Blaine.

"I-I'm so sorry K-Kurt."

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for honey." The term of endearment slipped out before Kurt could stop himself.

"Yes I do. This is all my fault! If I hadn't went after Karofsky, I wouldn't be here."

"Blaine please, you have to stop blaming yourself, what's done is done. I'm not worried about that anymore, I'm worried about why you've been ignoring me."

"I'm here Kurt, and I'm not leaving anytime soon, at least not until graduation. I was afraid you would decide I wasn't worth waiting for." Blaine admitted.

"Blaine I-"

"You can do better than me Kurt. You need someone better than me."

"What happened to our future Blaine? The one you told me about, do you even remember that?" Kurt asked, feeling hurt and a little angry at Blaine for seeming so willing to toss all of that out.

"Of course I remember Kurt, but you don't need me, I'm just a screw up with a bad attitude."

"I don't need you? Don't you get it, I'm all alone without you. I can't even think straight, it's like nothing matters anymore because you're not there for me to share it with. You are the love of my life Blaine, why are you acting like this? You're acting like you don't care about us or our relationship anymore. I really can't picture my future without you in it, but I refuse to keep this up, I refuse to be the only one trying to make this work, I refuse to be the only one to give a damn about us." Kurt took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to say would change everything. "So I'm ending it, we're done, at least for right now. Maybe -hopefully- one day you'll see that I do need you and you'll find me so we can get our happy ever after. I'll never give up hope, Blaine, I love you too much to give up completely."

"K-Kurt, I-"

Kurt pulled Blaine into a hug, trying to memorize what it feels like to have Blaine in his arms, knowing it could be a long time before he gets to actually hold Blaine again. "I'm sorry Blaine. I have to go."

"Please d-don't. Kurt please."

"I'm sorry." Kurt let go of Blaine and stood up. "Thank you for your time Anna."

"Have a good day Mr. Hummel."

"You too." Kurt walked out of the room, wiping his eyes before walking over to Finn. "Let's go."

"Kurt are you-"

"I need to go."

"Yeah, okay." Finn could tell something was wrong with his step-brother, so he followed him outside to the car and started the ignition. "Kurt, I don't know what happened in there, and I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here for you if you do decide you want to talk."

"Thanks Finn, can we leave now? I need to be home right now." Kurt didn't bother to hide his tears now, he knows Finn won't say anything more. He just leaned his head against the window and cried, Blaine was the first and only guy Kurt could really picture spending the rest of his life with. Maybe he was wrong to break up with him, maybe he should tell Finn to turn around so he can go tell Blaine he didn't mean any of it, but he couldn't do that. It may not seem like it was the right thing to do, but he knows it was. He'll never stop loving Blaine, he'll never give up hope on Blaine coming back to him, ready to start that future he had told Kurt about, but for now, this was the best thing for both of them. Kurt just hopes he can survive the heartbreak.


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