Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
Living in the Hummel house definitely took some getting use to. Blaine was so use to being him by himself that suddenly living in a house where someone is home just about all the time is strange.
"Hey, how was glee club today?" Finn asked as he walked through the door after football practice.
"Dunno, didn't go." Blaine was sitting at the kitchen table with papers scattered all around him.
"What's all this?"
"Job applications. When my parents kicked me out they froze my bank account."
"You know Burt and my mom would buy you anything you need, you don't have to get a job." Finn sat down, picking up one of the applications. "Pizza delivery, really?"
"Burt and Carole have already done enough, I can't ask anymore of them, and yes, pizza delivery." Blaine rolled his eyes and snatched the application back from Finn.
"Does Kurt know you're filling these out?"
"No, and he's not going to until I find a job."
"I get it, but a word of advice, don't try to hide anything from him, it won't work."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
"Where is Kurt anyway?"
"With Mercedes and Tina, I think they were going to the mall." Blaine shrugged, finishing another application.
"Why don't you take a break man, I'm sure we can find a game on."
"That actually sounds good. I've been looking at these things so long that the words are running together." Blaine pushed the papers aside and stood up, following Finn to the living room. He'd put the applications away later, before Kurt got home.
When Kurt got home, he heard Blaine and Finn in the living room. He couldn't help but smile at their friendship considering how much they disliked each other when they first met.
"Blaine, Finn, I'm home!" Kurt called out, but stopped as he walked into the kitchen and saw the pile of job applications on the table.
"Hey, how was shopping? Did you-" Blaine stopped, seeing Kurt holding one of his applications. "What are you doing?"
"They were here when I came in. Why didn't you mention this to me?" Kurt asked, looking through the pile. "Pizza delivery?"
"I wanted to wait until I actually got one before I mentioned it. And why is everyone so surprised that I'm applying to deliver pizza? Do you not think I could deliver pizza?"
"Why do you want a job?" Kurt sat down at the table, looking over the applications.
"My parents froze my bank account, I need some sort of income."
"You don't need a job Blaine, my dad-"
"Your dad has done enough by letting me stay here, I want to get a job. I want to show my parents that I can manage without them." Blaine said, gathering up his applications. "I want to do this Kurt, please don't make me feel like crap about it." He sighed before heading up to his room, leaving Kurt standing in the kitchen by himself.
"I take it you found his job applications?" Finn asked, walking into the kitchen and heading for the refrigerator.
"Yeah. Did you know about them?"
"He was working on them when I got home, I don't think anyone was suppose to know about it."
"Maybe I should go talk to him, I don't want him to think he has to get a job to live here, Dad would never make him get a job." Kurt started to head up the stairs.
"Kurt, wait." Finn stopped him. "I don't think he's doing it because he thinks he has too, I think he's doing it because he wants to prove that he can make it without the help of his parents."
"He could do that without getting a job." Kurt countered.
"Kurt, Blaine's the kind of person that does what he wants and there's nothing that can stop him. If you try to stop him or try to tell him not to do it, he'll just want to do it that much more. Blaine knows what's best for him, let him do this if he wants, he might surprise you."
"When did you get so wise?"
"I've had time to talk with Blaine, I think I understand where he's coming from. Just trust him and let him be his own person, that's something his parents never let him do."
"I- you're right. I'm going to go talk to him and apologize. Thanks Finn." Kurt smiled at his step brother before heading up to talk to Blaine.
Blaine was sitting on his bed, reading through his applications when he heard Kurt at the door. "Come in."
"Hey. Can we talk?" Kurt asked, standing in the doorway.
"Sure. Unless you came to tell me that I shouldn't do this, then no." Blaine laid the papers aside and motioned for Kurt to sit down beside him.
"I'm actually here to apologize for the way I acted downstairs. If you want to get a job, that should be your choice, I shouldn't try to force you one way or the other. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize Kurt, I know you're just trying to-"
"No Blaine, please, let me apologize. I shouldn't have treated you like that."
Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hand. "Okay, I accept your apology. Thank you."
"So, where are you applying?" Kurt reached for the pile of papers beside Blaine.
"The Lima Bean, the Pizzeria-"
"You as a barista? Hot." Kurt smiled, imagining bad boy Blaine in the Lima Bean uniform.
"Shut up, it's a job that pays money, I'll deal with the outfit."
"But you can't wear your leather, how will you ever survive?" Kurt laughed, glad to see Blaine smiling and laughing.
"I'll manage." Blaine leaned into Kurt, wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist.
"I know you will, you always do." Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head, taking in the smell of raspberry hair gel and Blaine's cologne.
For dinner that night, Carole made homemade pizza and Blaine insisted on helping her.
"Any idea why your boyfriend is so eager to help Carole with the pizza?" Burt asked eyeing Kurt suspiciously.
"He just wants to help out Dad." Kurt sighed.
"He knows he doesn't have to help out to live here right?"
"Yes Dad, he knows. He wants to, that's just how Blaine is."
"Alright, alright. I'm going to go get washed up before dinner." Burt held his hands up, turning around and heading upstairs.
"What do you think he's going to say when he finds out that Blaine is looking for a job?" Finn asked.
"I don't know, but he's not going to make Blaine feel bad about it. I won't let him do that."
"You really love Blaine, don't you?"
"Yeah, I really do Finn. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me. I know that sounds really cheesy but-"
"No man, I get it. He's really lucky to have someone like you in his corner."
Kurt smiled, thinking about how lucky he and Blaine were to have each other.
"Dinner's ready!" Carole called from the kitchen.
"Let's go see if Blaine can make pizza." Finn stood up and headed to the kitchen.
"I'm sure he did a fine job, he's got many hidden talents."
"Dude, I didn't need to know that." Finn looked slightly mortified.
"Really Finn? Really? That's not what I meant, get your head out of the gutter." Kurt rolled his eyes and shoved Finn into the kitchen hoping that would end the conversation.
"You mean you guys haven't-"
"Finn, stop." Kurt interrupted, a blush creeping up his face.
"Oh wow. Okay, sorry." Finn took the hint and sat down focusing on the pizza.
"Do I even want to know what that was?" Blaine whispered as he and Kurt took their seats.
"No, but I'll tell you after dinner. It's not something I want my parents overhearing."
"Ahh, okay."
"This tastes great! It's a lot better than Dominos." Finn said around a mouth full of pizza.
"Don't talk with your mouth full Finn." Burt warned as he walked into the kitchen. "It smells amazing."
"Blaine was a big help, he really knows what he's doing." Carole smiled, taking a bite of her pizza.
"When I was little, I'd go to my grandma and grandpa's house and they would always let me help them make pizzas. They owned a little pizza place up in Westerville." Blaine explained.
"So you've had a bit of experience with pizza making then?" Kurt asked, thinking of the job Blaine is applying for at the Pizzeria.
"Yep, it was a lot of fun. We stopped going when I was thirteen because my grandpa died and my grandma was put into a nursing home. My Dad sold the shop and that was the end of Anderson's Pizzeria."
"Wasn't there someone in your family who wanted to keep the restaurant opened?" Burt was glad to see Blaine opening up.
"Yeah, me. I was only thirteen though so it didn't matter what I thought, I was just a kid who didn't know anything about business."
"Have you ever thought about starting it up again?" Finn asked. "I'm only asking because this is delicious."
Blaine laughed, glad to see someone was enjoying his grandparents' recipe. "Honestly, no, I haven't. There's a lot involved in starting a business and keeping it going."
"You've looked into it?" Carole questioned.
"Yeah, last year."
Kurt was about to change the subject when Blaine's phone started ringing.
"I'm sorry, I thought I turned it off, I'll just-" Blaine stopped mid sentence.
"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, noticing the way Blaine's face fell.
"It's my mom. I uh- I need to take this." Blaine said before standing up and walking into the living room.
"Is this the first time he's heard from them since they kicked him out?" Burt looked to Kurt.
"Uh yeah, I think so." Kurt stood up. "I'll be right back." He headed towards the living room, wanting to make sure Blaine was okay.
"No Mom, absolutely not. It's not going to happen so just- will you listen to me!" Blaine yelled into the phone.
Kurt stood in the doorway, not sure if he should let Blaine know he's listening or not.
"I'm not breaking up with my boyfriend, I don't care if you ever let me back into that house, I'm not breaking up with Kurt so forget it." Blaine hung up and let out an angry sigh.
"Blaine?" Kurt spoke up, walking into the living room.
"Kurt I- you heard that, didn't you?"
"Yeah, it was hard not to. What did your mom say?" Kurt asked, sitting on the couch beside Blaine.
"She told me that her and my father had discussed things, and I could move back if I broke things off with you. I told her no, I'm not breaking up with you Kurt, I can't." Blaine ran his hands through his hair.
"But they're your parents Blaine, aren't they-"
"I don't care who they are, they aren't going to tell me who I love. I love you, and if they can't accept that, then I don't want to be around them." Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand.
"I love you too Blaine."
"Let's go finish dinner, then you can tell me how awesome glee club was today." Blaine smiled, standing up and leading the way back to the kitchen.
When they finished dinner, Carole and Burt sent the boys upstairs, saying they'd clean everything up.
"I'm heading over to Puck's, you guys want to come?" Finn asked, grabbing his jacket and keys.
"Nah, I think we're just going to stay in tonight, but have fun."
"Alright, whatever you want." Finn shrugged and headed back downstairs, leaving Blaine and Kurt alone up stairs.
"So, what were you and Finn talking about before dinner that made you so nervous?" Blaine asked, holding open the door to Kurt's room.
"Uh he just- I said you had many hidden talents and he assumed I meant sexual talents and-yeah." Kurt felt the blush creeping back up.
"Maybe I do have many hidden sexual talents." Blaine teased, giving Kurt a wink and a smile.
"Blaine." Kurt whined, trying to hide his face.
"Oh no you don't, no hiding just because you're embarrassed." Blaine grabbed Kurt's face in his hands.
"Blaine, please." Kurt tried to get out of Blaine's grip, but Blaine had a strong hold.
"Please what?" Blaine asked, leaning in to place a quick kiss on Kurt's lips.
"I-I-" Kurt didn't know what he was saying please for, Blaine always had that effect on him.
"You wanna know one of my many hidden talents?" Blaine asked, finally letting go of Kurt's face, only to move his hands to Kurt's thighs.
"I don't have a gag reflex." Blaine whispered, squeezing Kurt's thighs.
"Blaine!" Kurt couldn't help the way his hips bucked up. He tried to hide his face in the crook of Blaine's neck, but Blaine pulled back before he could.
"That wasn't exactly the reaction I was expecting, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't the reaction I was hoping for." Blaine laughed, moving his hands farther up Kurt's thighs.
"Please don't tease me." Kurt breathed out. He was struggling enough trying to stay quiet, knowing his parents were right down stairs.
"Do you want me to stop?" Blaine asked as he reached the button of Kurt's jeans.
"N-no, but my d-dad and-"
"I can be quiet if you can." Blaine whispered, popping open the button and slowly pulling the zipper down as well.
Kurt reached up to grab at Blaine's shoulders. "I thought I said no teasing."
"But teasing is the fun part." Blaine said as he grabbed Kurt's jeans and pulled them down to his knees. "Do you want to take your shirt off or-"
"No, j-just in case- parents." Kurt could barely focus with the way Blaine was staring at him. He'd never seen Blaine look so, dark.
Blaine just nodded and reached for Kurt's briefs. "Okay?"
"Yes, please. Kurt closed his eyes as Blaine pulled his briefs down to his knees as we'll, leaving his lower half exposed.
"You're beautiful Kurt." Blaine said, kissing Kurt to try to take away some of the nerves they were both feeling.
"Blaine we don't have much time. My dad-"
"Right, okay." Blaine nodded, moving down so he was eye level with Kurt's cock. "Do you want-"
"Mouth. Please." Kurt said through gritted teeth, grabbing at Blaine's shoulders.
Blaine took a deep breath to calm his rapidly beating heart before sinking his mouth over Kurt, covering him completely.
"Oh my- Blaine!" Kurt moaned, his hips bucking up out if his control.
Blaine pulled off, his breathing already labored. "You have to be quiet or your dad-"
"I-I know, I just- please, don't stop."
Blaine smiled, taking in Kurt's flush face and messy hair. He was doing this to Kurt, he's the one who can tear Kurt down to nothing but a mumbling mess. Him, and no one else.
"Blaine, please." Kurt tried pulling Blaine's head back down, grabbing Blaine's hair.
"S-sorry. I got, distracted." Blaine winked before sinking his mouth back over Kurt's cock, swallowing before he started bobbing his head up and down slowly, letting Kurt guide him.
"Oh god that's- I'm not-" Kurt couldn't get the words out, he couldn't focus on anything other than Blaine's soft, beautiful mouth around his cock.
"You're not what?" Blaine asked as he pulled off with a pop.
"I'm not- I'm close." Kurt said, his voice shaking.
"Oh, okay." Blaine started moving his mouth faster, earning a moan from Kurt every time his cock hit the back of Blaine's throat.
"Blaine, I-I- oh my-" Kurt felt himself coming, pulling Blaine's hair so hard it probably was really hurting, but neither one of them seemed to notice or care.
Blaine continued to work his mouth over Kurt until it became too much and Kurt pushed at his shoulders. He carefully helped Kurt back into his briefs and jeans before crawling up the bed to lay beside him. "Was that okay?"
"Okay? That was amazing. I can't even- wow." Kurt laughed breathlessly, reaching for Blaine's hand.
"I'm glad it was good, I wanted it to be good for you."
"Was it good for you? I don't know exactly how much enjoyment someone can get out of-"
"It was perfect Kurt." Blaine smiled, leaning over to kiss Kurt.
"Wait, what about you? Should I-"
"Uh no, you don't- I kind of-"
"Oh. OH. You- oh." Kurt started laughing when it hit him what Blaine meant.
"What? I just- you- stop laughing at me." Blaine pretended to pout but broke out into a huge smile. "I love you so much Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine." Kurt sighed, letting his head rest on Blaine's chest. They would have to move soon, Blaine would need to change, but for now, they're perfect just the way they are.