Heaven and Hell.
I Will Try to Fix You. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: I Will Try to Fix You.

E - Words: 2,007 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
153 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I wanted to keep it happy, but I just couldn't. Next chapter will be a little better, I promise.-Krystal :) x

That night, Blaine got ready for the dinner just as he was suppose to even though he had no intentions of actually going.

"You're ready. Good." Mrs. Anderson was in the kitchen adding the final touches to her chicken and rice when Blaine came down the stairs. "You'll be taking Anna, you remember here don't you? Her mom works in the Columbus office but Anna is in for the week to visit her grandparents and she agreed to go with you."

"Great." Blaine wasn't really paying attention to his mother, he was thinking about his plan to skip the dinner. It wasn't his most badass plan, but it was by far the easiest thing he could think of.

"Are you even listening to me Blaine? You need to know-"

"Can I drive myself to the dinner? I'm not feeling well and I want to have a way home just in case I get sick."

"Yes, yes fine, whatever. Just make sure you're there on time, this is a very important thing for your father and you need to be there to support him."

"Yeah, like he supports me." Blaine mumbled under his breath as he turned around and headed back upstairs. Now all he has to do is wait for his mther to leave and he'll be able to head to Kurt's house.


Kurt had just settled down with his Wicked playlist and the newest copy of Vogue when he heard the doorbell. Knowing his dad wouldn't get up to get it because of the game, he got up and ran downstairs, rolling his eyes as he passed the living room where his dad and Finn were yelling at the t.v. When he opened the door, he definitely wasn't expecting to see Blaine standing there dressed in a suit, smiling at him like he was the only person in the world. "What- how- why-"

"Hello to you too." Blaine laughed, happy to see he successfully surprised Kurt. "You said if I could get out of dinner I could come over, so here I am."

"Yes! Sorry, I- come in." Kurt moved aside to let Blaine in, still in shock that Blaine was here and wearing a suit. "You look amazing, I've never seen you in a suit before, it looks really good on you."

"It's what I was supposeto wear to the dinner, but I'm here instead." Blaine hadn't thought to bring a change of clothes, he was just worried about getting here without his parents suspecting anything.

"You really skipped dinner to come here." Kurt said like he was in awe that Blaine was really standing in front of him. "Won't you get in trouble though?" He didn't want to get Blaine in trouble, his parents were serious about stuff like this.

"Probably, but it's totally worth it." Blaine smiled and leaned in slowly to kiss Kurt.

"Who's at the door Kurt?" Burt yelled from the living room, causing Kurt and Blaine to pull apart quickly.

"Uh, it's uh- Blaine." Kurt said, leading Blaine to the living room. "Is that okay?"

"You didn't tell me he was coming over."

"I really- it was-"

"He didn't know. I wanted to surprise him, I'm sorry, I should've asked first." Blaine jumped in, seeing Kurt struggling with what to say to his dad.

"Is that why you're wearing a suit?" Blaine asked, looking from Kurt to Blaine, trying to figure out what was really going on.

"No, I was suppose to go to a company dinner with my parents." Blaine figured it was better to tell the truth because Burt was not a man he wanted to cross.

"Do your parents know you're here?" Burt was pretty sure he already knew the answer to that before he asked.

"No sir."

"Thank you for being honest with me Blaine."

"You're welcome."

Burt turned to Kurt. "He can stay, but the door-"

"I know, I know, the door stays open." Kurt rolled his eyes nad grabbed Blaine's hand to lead him upstairs to his room.

"Your dad is the best. You're lucky to have a dad like him."

"I know, he really is." Kurt pushed open his door and let Blaine in first.

"You're surprised I'm actually here." It wasn't a question, Blaine could tell Kurt was shocked to see him.

"A little it, yeah. I didn't think you'd actually skip dinner." Kurt didn't know what to do now that Blaine was actually in his room, so he just stood there awkwardly looking around at anything except Blaine.

"You seem nervous, what's that about?" Blaine removed his jacked, neatly placing it over the chair at Kurt's desk before walking over to stand directly in front of Kurt.

"I just- I don't know really." Kurt sighed, leaning into Blaine for a hug. "You smell good."

Blaine laughed and pulled Kurt closer to him. "" Thank you, you smell good too."

"That was weird wasn't it? I'm sorry, I-"

"Kurt no, calm down. It wasn't weird, I didn't think it was weird." Blaine assured him.

"So uh, what do you want to do?" Kurt asked, pulling back just far enough to see Blaine's face.

"I can think of a few things." Blaine whispered, pressing his lips to Kurt's gently, as if asking if this was okay.

Kurt responded by returning the kiss, enjoying the feel of Blaine's body agaisnt his. He always thought kissing would be weird, but with Blaine, it was perfect.

Blaine pulled away first, resting his forehead against Kurt's "Kurt, I love you so much."

"I love you too." Kurt whispered, pulling back completely. "I'll put a mpvie in, I have a good size collection of Disney movies."

"Okay, that sounds great." Blaine smiled, he really loved this boy.


Blaine woke up the next morning feeling amazing. It wasn't untile he opened his eyes and saw Kurt laying beside him that he realized they'd fallen asleep the night before and he was still at the Hummel house. "Shit!"

"Wha- Blaine?" Kurt looked up sleepily at Blaine, trying to figure out why he was still here.

"We fell asleep last night, I didn't go home. My parents are going to kill me!"

"Why didn't my dad wake us up? He had to know you were still here." Kurt sat up knowing he wouldn't be abl to go back to sleep now.

"I don't knw but- shit!" Blaine checked his phone and saw he had 15 missed calls. "I am so dead."

"What's going on in here?" Burt poked his head in the door, seeing Blaine scrambling around trying to gather his things and Kurt just sitting there watching him, still half asleep.

"Blaine didn't go home last night so now he's going to be in trouble for that and for missing the dinner." Kurt answered, seeing that Blaine wasn't even paying attention to what was going on. "Why didn't you wake us up last night?"

"You guys looked comfortable, I didn't want to disturb you." Burt shrugged. Truth is, he'd never seen Blaine with his guard down like he was when he was sleeping. Burt wanted him to have a few more hours of not worrying about anything, so he let him sleep.

"I have to go, I'm sorry Kurt." Blaine grabbed his jacket and kissed Kurt quickly before running downstairs to get to his car. What were his parents going to do? He was terrified to tell them the truth about where he had been, he knew they would be furious to find out he'd not only skipped dinner, but skipped dinner to be with a boy. This wasn't going to be pretty.


Kurt, Burt, Finn, and Carole were in the middle of lunch when the doorbell rang. They all looked at each other, no one was expecting any visitors.

"I'll get it, I'm finished anyway." Finn said, moving his empty plate to the sink before heading to the door. "Blaine?" What are you doing here?"

"Is Kurt here? I need to see Kurt." Blaine was doing his best to hold in his tears, he wasn't going to cry in front of Finn.

Finn could tell there was something wrong. "Yeah, come in, I'll go get him."

"Thank you." Blaine mumbled, wiping away a tear that had spilled over.

Finn left Blaine standing in the doorway and rushed back into the dining room. "Uh Kurt, can I talk to you for just a second?" He wasn't sure what to say since he didn't know what Blaine was doing here.

"What's wrong?" Kurt noticed how serious Finn was and there was only ne person he could think of that would be at the door if Finn was asking for him."

"Can you just come here please."

"Yeah, alright." Kurt pushed his plate away and stood up to follow Finn out of the dining room. "Blaine?"

"Kurt." Blaine let out a sigh of relief and fell into Kurt's arms, letting everything out now that Kurt was here.

Finn quietly walked back to the dining room, letting Kurt know that he'd be there if he needed anything.

"What's wrong Blaine? What happened?" Kurt hugged Blaine closer to him while he cried. Kurt had never seen Blaine like this before, so broken. "Sweetheart, you've got to tell me what's wrong, I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"M-my parents- they k-kicked me o-out. I-I can't g-go back."

"They did what? Are you kidding me?" Kurt didn't think Blaine's parents would be that harsh about him missing a stupid dinner.

"I-I'm not kidding. K-Kurt I don't k-knw what to d-do."

"Shh, it's alright. Everything is going to be fine, I've got you." Kurt felt tears of his own sting his eyes. How could Blaine's parents kick their son out for missing a stupid company dinner? Did work really mean more to them than family? Or maybe it wasn't about missing the dinner at all, maybe it was about him being at Kurt's house. But that had been Kurt's idea, so does that mean it's his fault? Had he gotten his boyfriend kicked out of his house?

"Kurt, what's going on?" Burt had heard Blaine crying and came to invesigate.

"His parents kicked him out dad, and I think it's because he was here. They're not very accepting of his sexuality and I think that's why they did it, because he was at another boy's house." Kurt was still trying to comfort Blaine, but he was feeling more and more guilty by the second.

"Why don't you get him upstairs to your room so he can rest then you and I can talk?" Burt knew his son well, he knew Kurt was blaming himself.

"Yeah, okay." Kurt took Blaine upstairs and got him settled into his bed before he came back downstairs to talk to Burt.

"It's not your fault kiddo."

"I'm the one that suggested he skip the dinner and come here, so how is it not my fault?"

"You didn't force him to come and you didn't kick him out of his house. Blaine made the decision to come over and his parents are the idiots who kicked him out. None of that is your fault."

"If I hadn't suggested it, he wouldn't have had to make the decision to come here, he would have went to the stupid dinner."

"Kurt, it's not your fault. Now, that boy is going to need you, he's hurting and from what I can tell just from what I've seen of him, he's hurting from for than just getting kicked out of his house. You need to be there for him because right now, you're the only person he has."

"I know, I just can't help but feel guilty." Kurt said, wiping the tears from his face. His dad was right, Blaine needs him.

"I know kiddo, but you can't let him know that. You have to put that aside and just be there for him."

"I need to go check on him." Kurt got up, wanting nothing more than to be with Blaine right now.

"Kurt, he can stay here as long as he needs to, make sure he knows that."

"I will dad, and thank you."

"You're welcome kiddo, now go take care of that boy."

Kurt smiled at his dad before heading upstairs to his room, finding Blaine sound asleep in his bed. He crawled in beside him and pulled him close, letting sleep take over him knowing that when he wke up, he and Blaine would have to talk about all of this.


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