May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
Once they were on the same page, planning the wedding became a lot easier. After taking their week off and just relaxing, they jumped back in, head first, ready to plan.
Blaine went to The Woodlands the week after their 'vacation' to meet with the caterers. The only thing he and Kurt requested was a vegan menu for Rachel. Other than that, he told them to make it a surprise.
While out, he also went to set up the transportation to the wedding. Lucy had told him about a place in Farmingdale called Camelot Limos, so that's where he headed first. He and Kurt had decided to have everyone picked up and driven to the wedding instead of having them take the subway, so they called James and Andrea who agreed to put everyone up in the Hilton Garden Inn. It was close enough so the dive wouldn't be too long.
Once satisfied with the transportation arrangements, Blaine went to grab lunch then head home. He was exhausted, but happy.
While Blaine had been out getting the caterers and transportation, Kurt went to reserve the hotel rooms and book the florist. James and Andrea had insisted on them ordering extra rooms just to be safe, so he reserved fifteen rooms for the week of the wedding. Sometimes he really wondered just how rich the Anderson family was because that was a lot of money to be putting out and they didn't seem to even notice.
Next came the florist. At first Kurt wanted him and Blaine to make the flower arrangements, but Blaine had talked him out of it, saying that was just too much and they couldn't handle it. That is how he found himself walking into a little place called Jake and Rose to set everything up.
Kurt walked out happy and confident in their choice of florist.
Later that evening they were laying in bed together after each taking extra long showers from being on the subway all day.
Blaine broke the silence after a few minutes. "I missed you today. Making decisions, scheduling things, and not having you there, that felt odd."
"I miss you too sweetie, but it was the easiest way to do it. Look at it this way, we have four more things finalized that we didn't have finalized this morning when we woke up." Kurt pulled Blaine closer, letting Blaine's head rest on his chest.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Blaine said with a yawn.
"Tired?" Kurt asked, running his hand through Blaine's still damp curls, making a mental note to talk to Blaine about getting a trim.
"A little bit." Blaine yawned again. He was exhausted, it had been a long and busy day.
"Me too, let's get some sleep, we both have early classes tomorrow." Kurt leaned over Blaine to turn the table lamp off, then settled himself and Blaine under the covers. "Goodnight Blaine. I love you."
"G'night Kurt. Love you too."
Time wasn't beeing any too kind to them, but they were managing as well as possible. A month had passed after getting the hotel, florist, caterers, and transportation, and they hadn't gotten much else accomplished. It's final exam time for both of them and they've been working hard to make sure they pass those, so the wedding has kind of taken a back seat, until today.
Blaine woke up early, something he'd been doing for a little over two weeks now, so it was kind of part of his morning routine now. He went to the kitchen and set out two bowls of cereal with two glasses of orange juice before going to wake Kurt up.
"Kurt, wake up." Blaine shook Kurt gently.
"W-why?" Kurt groaned sleepily.
"Because we have a lot of things we need to do today." Blaine smiled at Kurt's sleepy smile and bed head. He loved Kurt like this, before he really woke up.
"Breakfast and coffee." Was all Kurt said as he stoop up and headed to the bathroom, shutting he door behind himself.
"Coming right up your highness!" Blaine yelled through the closed door before going back to the kitchen to start the coffee.
So what are the plans for today?" Kurt asked, taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Well, uh, we're definitely in need of finding a photographer, unless you know someone who can do it.
"What about Lucy? She carries her camera everywhere she goes, and I've seenn some of her pictures, they're amazing."
"I'll call her after we finish eating. We need to go see about a cake."
"No. I have an idea for the cake. What else?"
"Uh, we need to see about tuxes for the groomsmen and dresses for the girls." Blaine took his and Kurt's empty bowls to the sink as he talked. "What do we call the girls? Groomsmen or groomswomen?"
"Groomsmen. I think we should wait on the girls' dresses and see what the rest of the girls want, but as far as the guys, any black tux will do. I'll call Adam, he might even own a tux."
"Sounds good. I'm going to go call Lucy while I'm thinking about it, then you can me are going out." Blaine smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Kurt's lips.
"Out? I guess I'll go ahead and call Adam then. Where are we going?"
"Not telling, it's a surprise!" Blaine called as he walked down the hall to their room to get his phone.
"Lucy, hey. I have a question, and feel free to say no." Blaine sat down at the small desk they had in their room.
"That's not cryptic at all. What is it?"
"You love photography and your pictures are fantastic, so Kurt and I wanted to ask you if you'll be our wedding photographer."
"Really? You want me to take your wedding pictures? Blaine that's- of course I will!" Lucy gushed.
"You will? How much-"
"Don't worry about it, you're my best friend Blaine, just consider it a wedding gift."
"O-okay. Wow Lucy, thank you, thank you so much."
"Don't mention it."
"I gotta go, I'm taking Kurt out, so I'll talk to you later, and thanks again."
"You're welcome. Go have fun with your man."
"I always have fun with my man." Blaine laughed.
"Good to know. Bye Blaine."
"Bye Lucy."
Kurt pulled his phone out of his pocket once Blaine had went into their room and called Adam.
"What's shakin' bacon?"
"Uh, hey- wow really? What's shakin' bacon?" Kurt laughed.
"Hey now, what's wrong with my greeting?"
"Nothing, just- nothing."
"That's right, it's perfect. So what's up?"
"Wedding talk. You are a groomsman, so I have to ask, do you own a tux or no?"
"Believe it or not, yes I own a tux. It's a simple black one, nothing crazy."
"Good, that's what you are wearing for the wedding then."
"Yes sir." Adam laughed. "So you two are doing better, no fighting?"
"Much better, we haven't had a fight in over a month, we sat down and talked it out and got on the same page."
"That's good. I'm glad that you two worked everything out. Fighting while planning your wedding isn't fun."
"No it's not- wait, how would you know?"
"That was just an assumption, I'm not married, nor have I ever planned a wedding."
"Riiiight. Sure, I bet- oh hey, I gotta go, Blaine is taking me out for a surprise. Have I ever said how much I hate surprises? I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Okay, and for the record, surprises are fun, as long as they're good surprises, so enjoy."
"You're wrong, they're awful no matter what." Kurt pouted.
"If you say so. Bye Kurt, have fun."
"Bye Adam. I'll try." Kurt hung up then turned to Blaine. "Where are you-"
"Don't ask, it's a surprise so I won't answer."
"Fine." Kurt crossed his arms as he followed Blaine out the door.
"You'll enjoy it, so stop pouting." Blaine took Kurt's hand and let him off towards the heart of New York City.
Kurt was pretty sure he loved surprises after that. Blaine had taken him to see an off-Brodway, daytime performance of West Side Story, then to lunch at a little café that they both love.
When Kurt asked Blaine what all of this was for, he simply said, "I wanted to take my fiancé out for the day. Is that so wrong?" Kurt laughed and replied with, "No, not at all. Actually it's encouraged."
They spent the rest of the day walking around, window shopping and just enjoying the lovely city they've come to call home.