May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
Once the New Year high wears off, everything starts getting back to normal. School starts back up for both NYADA and NYU on Monday and the boys have a meeting on Tuesday about the venue for the wedding.
"Kurt, if you don't hurry up, you're going to be late for class!" Blaine yelled down the hall where Kurt was sill in their bedroom working on his outfit.
"You can't rush perfection Blaine." Kurt said, appearing in the kitchen doorway.
"You always look perfect."
"Thank you sweetie." Kurt walked over to where Blaine was sitting at the table and bent down to kiss his forehead. "Have you already had breakfast?"
"Yep. Cereal, fruit and coffee." Blaine answered, getting up and grabbing his dance bag. "I've gotta run, I'll be home around 3:00."
"Hey, wait a second and I'll walk out with you. Just let me grab a poptart." Kurt said, grabbing the last poptart out of the pantry and slinging his bag over his shoulder.
"Do you have Apple's practice today?" Blaine asked in the elevator.
"Uh, not that I know of. Adam hasn't said anything."
"Okay, just wondering. Oh, and don't forget we have the meeting about the venue for the wedding tomorrow so don't let him schedule you into practice."
"I won't. He's one of my groomsmen, he'll understand." Kurt laughed as they stepped out into the lobby. "Okay, I'll be home around 2:30. Actually, I might swing by NYU on my way so we can walk home together for a change."
"Okay babe, sounds great. I love you." Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt goodbye.
"Love you too, have a good day sweetie."
"You too." Blaine waved Kurt off, watching him run out the door.
Blaine turned around, wondering who would be calling his name. "Oh, Lucy, hey. You scared me."
"Sorry, I came into get some work done this morning before class. How've you been?"
"Good, great actually. What about you?" Blaine asked, walking with her towards the door.
"I've been good, my dad had surgery so I flew in to help him out, he lives in Texas." Lucy smiled as she linked arms with Blaine and headed out into the cool New York weather.
"That's what everyone was saying in class right before break. How is he?"
"Much better, thanks for asking. So I heard that something big happened for you and Kurt while I was away."
Blaine laughed. "Yeah, you heard right. We got engaged."
"Congrats Blaine! Do you have a ring?"
"Yep. We actually proposed to each other. I proposed first, then he went out and bought a ring to propose to me so it would be equal and fair." Blaine explained as he held up his left hand to show off his ring.
"Blaine it's beautiful!" Lucy squealed.
"Kurt's is just like it only it's gold, not silver."
"I'm so happy for you guys. I better be invited to the wedding."
"You will be, don't worry." Blaine smiled.
They spent the rest of the walk to school talking weddings and plans for the future. Blaine was glad to be back in New York, he'd missed it.
Kurt found Adam waiting outside his classroom when he arrived to school. "Hey Adam, how was your holidays?"
"Pretty good. I flew home and spent Christmas with my family." Adam smiled, opening the door for Kurt before following him in.
"That's really nice, I'm glad you got to go home. Wait, you don't have this class do you? I'm sure as a senior you've taken Acting 101."
"Nope, I don't have this class, but I am the T.A., so you'd better get use to looking at me."
"I don't think that'll be a problem, believe it or not, you're actually pretty easy on the eyes so I'll manage." Kurt laughed.
Well thank you Kurt, you're not too bad yourself. You do have better hair than me though."
"If you wouldn't wear that beanie all the time, maybe you would have decent hair."
"Ouch, that stung." Adam joked. He enjoyed Kurt's company, he could joke around with him and just have fun.
Other students started piling in and the teacher sent Adam to run errands, so Kurt turned his attention to the assignment. He was glad to have Adam in his life, a gay guy friend who he could goof off with and just have fun.
Kurt's day went by seemingly fast, he spent lunch time with Adam and Rachel discussing the wedding and Rachel's audition. After his last class, he walked with Adam to the subway station before heading to the NYU campus to meet up with Blaine.
He texted Blaine as soon as he got to the campus, letting him know he was there. He recieved a reply saying Blaine would be there in a few minutes so he sat down on one of the benches and waited.
Blaine came out of the building about five minutes later with Lucy attached to his arm. "Kurt, you remember Lucy."
"Yeah. How are you? It's nive to see you again."
"I've been good, thank you. Congratulations on your engagement, Blaine told me all about it."
"Thank you, we're pretty excited." Kurt smiled, Lucy reminded him a lot of Rachel. He was glad Blaine had someone like that in his life.
"I'm sure you are. I've gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow Blaine. Bye Kurt, it was great seeing you again." Lucy hugged Blaine before running off towards the subway station.
"She reminds me of Rachel." Kurt said once she was gone and they'd started the walk to the condo.
"I guess she kind of is like Rachel, I never thought of that. She's my best friend and we have a lot of the same classes so we've gotten close." Blaine linked his arm with Kurt's as they walked.
"That's good. I'm glad you have someone like that. I have Rachel and Adam, I'd hate to see you not have anyone. "
Blaine just smiled, letting them fall into a comfortable silence as they walked, both tired from the long day of school.
Once they got home, Kurt went straight to the bathroom to draw Blaine a bath. He was sore after dance rehearsal.
"Blaine! It's ready!" Kurt called into their bedroom. He heard Blaine groan as he got up.
"You are perfect. Thank you. I feel like I've been ran over by a truck." Blaine said as he started stripping out of his clothes.
"You'll feel better after your bath, just relax. I'll go start working on dinner, I'm thinking soup." Kurt picked up Blaine's dirty laundry, throwing them into the hamper before getting him a towel out of the cabinet.
"That sounds wonderful honey. Oh wow, this feels great, just what I needed." Blaine sighed as he sunk down into the water.
"Don't fall asleep and drown yourself." Kurt leaned down to press a chaste kiss to Blaine's lips before heading to the kitchen to start the soup. He was going to make Carole's homemade chicken soup recipe, it was one of Blaine's favorites.
After dinner, they went to their room. Blaine was spread out on the bed working on a paper for class and Kurt was looking through their music collection, looking for the perfect song to sing in his free sing class.
They both fell asleep quickly that night, exhausted from the long day and getting readjusted to their busy schedules.